$message .= "</p>"; } else { $message .= " Flight Number " . $_GET["departFlightNumber"] . "</p>"; } $message .= "<p>Return Flight: " . $_GET["returnAirline"]; if (empty($_GET["returnFlightNumber"])) { $message .= "</p>"; } else { $message .= " Flight Number " . $_GET["returnFlightNumber"] . "</p>"; } } $hotelUrl = SITE_DOMAIN . "/" . getHotelUrl($_GET["selTo"], $_GET["hotelCode"]); $hotelName = getHotelName($_GET["selTo"], $_GET["hotelCode"]); //Image format for hotel thumbnail http://www.travimp.com/images/hotel/axa/axa_see.jpg $message .= "<p>Hotel: <a href='" . $hotelUrl . "'>" . $hotelName . "</a> Room Type: " . $_GET["roomInfo"] . "</p>"; $message .= "<p><a href='" . $hotelUrl . "'><nobr><img src = 'http://www.travimp.com/images/hotel/" . strtolower(convertLongCountryCodes($_GET["selTo"])) . "/" . strtolower(convertLongCountryCodes($_GET["selTo"]) . "_" . $_GET["hotelCode"]) . ".jpg' alt='" . $hotelName . "' width='260' height='180' border='0'></nobr></a></p>"; $message .= "</div>"; $message .= "<h3>Quote to Beat</h3>"; $message .= "<div style='margin-left:20px'>"; //If otherCompanyName is empty then show the quoteProvider else show the otherCompanyName $message .= "<p>Provider: " . (empty($_GET["otherCompanyName"]) ? ucwords($_GET["quoteProvider"]) : $_GET["otherCompanyName"]) . "</p>"; $message .= "<p>Quoted Price: " . $_GET["quotedPrice"] . "</p>"; // Calculated Price $message .= "<p>Price Calculation: " . (strcmp($_GET["priceCalculation"], "perPerson") == 0 ? "Per Person" : "Total Price") . "</p>"; // Tax $message .= "<p>Taxes" . (strcmp($_GET["taxIncluded"], "yes") == 0 ? "" : " Not") . " Included</p>"; $message .= "</div>"; $message .= ' </body> </html> ';
$hotelListXML .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<HotelCode>{$hotelCode}</HotelCode>\n"; if (LOG_SEARCHES) { $logSearchString .= $hotelCode . "|"; } } } else { $hotelListXML .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<HotelCode>{$hotelList}</HotelCode>\n"; if (LOG_SEARCHES) { $logSearchString .= $hotelList; } } $hotelListXML .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t</HotelList>"; } if (strlen($destinationCode) > 3) { $areaCodeXml = getAreaCodeXML($destinationCode); $destinationCode = convertLongCountryCodes($destinationCode); $logSearchString .= " Area Codes:" . $areaCodeXml; } $requestedRatings = ""; if (!empty($hotelRatings) && strcasecmp($hotelRatings, "A") != 0) { //For some reason the options are 3 or 4&5 and it only passes 3 or 4... if (strcmp($hotelRatings, "4") == 0) { $requestedRatings = "<ReturnFractionalRatings>N</ReturnFractionalRatings><RequestedRatings><Rating>4</Rating><Rating>5</Rating></RequestedRatings>"; } else { $requestedRatings = "<ReturnFractionalRatings>N</ReturnFractionalRatings><RequestedRatings><Rating>{$hotelRatings}</Rating></RequestedRatings>"; } } $query = "XMLfile=<HotelAvailability>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<SessionID>726</SessionID>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<TourOperatorCode>TIM</TourOperatorCode>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<AgencyCode>21754246</AgencyCode>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<GatewayCode>{$gatewayCode}</GatewayCode>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<DestinationCode>{$destinationCode}</DestinationCode>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$hotelListXML}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$areaCodeXml}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<NumberOfRooms>{$numRooms}</NumberOfRooms>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<CheckInDate>{$txtLeave}</CheckInDate>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<CheckOutDate>{$txtReturn}</CheckOutDate>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$requestedRatings}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<RoomPaxLists>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<TotalPassengerCount>{$totalPassengers}</TotalPassengerCount>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$passengerListObjectRoom1->passengerXml}"; if ($numRooms > 1) { $query .= $passengerListObjectRoom2->passengerXml; }
function ListPageObjectConstructor2($currentRow, $navAppend) { $this->url = create_listing_url($currentRow, $navAppend); $listingName_ = $currentRow[CSV_COUNTRY_INDEX] . (!empty($currentRow[CSV_CITY_OR_STATE_INDEX]) ? " - " . $currentRow[CSV_CITY_OR_STATE_INDEX] : " "); if (!empty($navAppend)) { if ($navAppend == "a") { $listingName_ .= " Adults Only"; } else { if ($navAppend == "c") { $listingName_ .= " Couples Only"; } else { if ($navAppend == "h") { $listingName_ .= " Honeymoon"; } else { if ($navAppend == "f") { $listingName_ .= " Families"; } } } } } $this->listingName = ucwords(strtolower($listingName_)); $this->countryCode = $currentRow[CSV_COUNTRY_CODE_INDEX]; $this->countryCode = convertLongCountryCodes($this->countryCode); }