public function createCbr() { $chapterImageDir = $this->_mangaInfo->getOutputDir() . 'images/' . $this->_chapterInfo->getNumber() . '/'; if (!is_dir($chapterImageDir)) { consoleLineError("Chapter image dir {$chapterImageDir} not found!"); exit; } $cbrDirPath = $this->_mangaInfo->getCbrDirPath(); if (!is_dir($cbrDirPath)) { consoleLineError("Cbr dir {$cbrDirPath} not found!"); exit; } $cNum = $this->_chapterInfo->getNumber(); $cTitle = $this->_chapterInfo->getTitle(); $mSlug = $this->_mangaInfo->getSlug(); $cbrFileName = '[' . $mSlug . '-' . str_pad($cNum, 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '] - ' . Sanitization::stripNonwordCharachters($cTitle, '-', 'lower') . '.cbr'; $shellCommand = "rar a \"{$cbrDirPath}{$cbrFileName}\" {$chapterImageDir}*.jpg"; $this->_chapterInfo->setCbrFileName($cbrFileName); if ($this->shouldPrintRarOutput()) { consoleLineInfo(shell_exec($shellCommand)); } else { shell_exec($shellCommand); } consoleLinePurple("Created CBR file: " . $cbrFileName); if (file_exists($cbrDirPath . $cbrFileName)) { //shell_exec("notify-send --hint int:transient:1 -u low -t 2000 \".cbr created\" \"CBR file {$cbrFileName} created!\""); } }
foreach ($newChapters as &$chapter) { consoleLineInfo('~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'); consoleLineInfo('Fetching chapter: ' . $chapter->getTitle()); if (!$chapter instanceof ChapterInfo) { consoleLineError('Chapter info is not valid!'); exit; } $objChapterImages = NULL; $classChapterImages = $classPrefix . 'ChapterImages'; if (class_exists($classChapterImages)) { /** * @var ChapterImages $objChapterImages */ $objChapterImages = new $classChapterImages(['mangaInfo' => $mangaInfo, 'chapterInfo' => $chapter]); $imageUrlList = $objChapterImages->getImagePageUrls(); consoleLinePurple("Found images: " . count($imageUrlList)); $classImageScrapper = $classPrefix . 'ImageScrapper'; if (class_exists($classImageScrapper)) { /** * @var ImageScrapper $objImageScrapper */ $objImageScrapper = new $classImageScrapper(['mangaInfo' => $mangaInfo, 'chapterInfo' => $chapter, 'images' => $imageUrlList]); $objImageScrapper->fetchImages(); } else { consoleLineError("Class not found: " . $classImageScrapper, 2); consoleLineInfo(''); exit; } } else { consoleLineError("Class not found: " . $classChapterImages, 2); consoleLineInfo('');
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: anjan * Date: 11/17/15 * Time: 6:37 PM */ consoleLinePurple('Recreating .cbr files ...'); consoleLineBlue("CBR Dir: " . $mangaInfo->getCbrDirPath()); if ($objArgumentsList->shouldKeepCbrBackup()) { $cbrBackupDir = $mangaInfo->getOutputDir() . 'cbr-backup/' . date('Y-m-d-H-i') . '/'; consoleLineInfo('Backing up old .cbr files to ' . $cbrBackupDir); if (!is_dir($cbrBackupDir)) { if (!mkdir($cbrBackupDir, 0777, true)) { consoleLineError("Unable to create cbr backup dir [{$cbrBackupDir}] "); exit; } } exec("cp " . $mangaInfo->getCbrDirPath() . "/*.cbr {$cbrBackupDir}/"); } else { consoleLineInfo('Removing .existing cbr files ...'); } exec("rm " . $mangaInfo->getCbrDirPath() . "/*.cbr"); consoleLineInfo('Done'); $chapters = $mangaStatus->getAllChaptersList(); $objChaptersTitles = ChapterTitles::getInstance(); /** * @var ChapterInfo $c */ foreach ($chapters as &$c) {
/** * Parses argument data * * @param array $data */ private function parseData($data = array()) { // show help if requested and exit! if (isset($data['help'])) { require_once MANGA_ROOT_DIR . 'includes/templates/help/index.php'; exit; } $data = is_array($data) ? $data : array(); // image delay $this->setImageDelay(Input::array_value($data, 'image-delay', '', 'trim')); // chapter delay $this->setChapterDelay(Input::array_value($data, 'chapter-delay', '', 'trim')); // url if (isset($data['url'])) { $url = trim($data['url']); if ($url == '') { consoleLineError("Url parameter cannot be empty!"); exit; } $parsedData = UrlParser::parseUrl($url); if (!$parsedData) { consoleLineError("Provided url is not is not valid!"); exit; } else { $data['source'] = $parsedData['source']; $data['slug'] = $parsedData['slug']; $chapter = trim($parsedData['chapter']); if ($chapter != '') { $data['chapter-ids'] = $chapter; $data['action'] = self::ACTION_SPECIFIC_CHAPTERS; } } } // check for valid params $dataKeys = array_keys($data); $diff = array_diff($dataKeys, $this->_allowed_param_names); if (count($diff) > 0) { consoleLineError("Invalid params: " . join(',', $diff), 2); exit; } $this->_argumentsList = $data; // action $action = Input::array_value($data, 'action', '', 'trim'); if ($action == '') { $action = self::ACTION_NEW_CHAPTERS; } if (!$this->isValidAction($action)) { $this->displayInvalidActionMessage(TRUE); } else { $this->_action = $action; if ($this->_action == self::ACTION_SPECIFIC_CHAPTERS) { $chapterIds = Input::array_value($data, 'chapter-ids', '', 'trim'); if ($chapterIds == '') { consoleLineError('One or more chapter ids are required when action is "' . self::ACTION_SPECIFIC_CHAPTERS . '"'); Console::emptyLines(); exit; } } } // source $source = Input::array_value($data, 'source', MangaSourceList::SOUCE_MANGAPANDA, 'trim'); if (MangaSourceList::getInstance()->isValidSource($source)) { $this->_source = $source; } else { MangaSourceList::getInstance()->displayInvalidMangaSourceMessage(TRUE); } // slug $slug = Input::array_value($data, 'slug', '', 'trim'); if ($slug == '') { consoleLineError('Manga slug is required!', 2); consoleLinePurple('Example: --slug=nisekoi', 2); Console::writeMultiline('Slug usualy means the SEO friendly name of the manga. But it can be different for different manga sources.The slug is part of the manga chapters list url.'); consoleLineInfo(''); exit; } $this->_mangaSlug = $slug; // name $name = Input::array_value($data, 'name', '', 'trim'); if ($name == '') { $name = $this->_mangaSlug; } $this->_mangaName = $name; // Output dir $output_dir = Input::array_value($data, 'output-dir', '', 'trim'); if ($output_dir == '') { $output_dir = './manga/' . $this->_source . '/' . $this->_mangaSlug . '/'; } if (!is_dir($output_dir)) { if (!mkdir($output_dir, 0777, TRUE)) { consoleLineError("Unable to create output dir: " . $output_dir, 2); consoleLineInfo(''); exit; } } else { $tmpFile = tempnam($output_dir, 'mst-'); if (!fopen($tmpFile, 'w')) { consoleLineError("Output dir is not writeable!" . $output_dir, 2); consoleLineInfo(''); exit; } else { @unlink($tmpFile); } } $this->_output_dir = $output_dir; # chapters count $chaptersCount = Input::array_value_as_int($data, 'chapters-count', 0); if ($chaptersCount < 0) { $chaptersCount = 0; } $this->_chapters_count = $chaptersCount; # chapter ids $chapterIds = Input::array_value($data, 'chapter-ids', '', 'trim'); if ($chapterIds == '') { $this->_chapter_ids = array(); } else { // is it a file? if (is_readable($chapterIds)) { $chapterIds = trim(file_get_contents($chapterIds)); } $chapterIds = explode(',', $chapterIds); $chapterIds = array_map('trim', $chapterIds); // check for ranges $chapterRangesIds = array(); foreach ($chapterIds as $k => $v) { $cid = $chapterIds[$k]; if (preg_match('/([0-9.]+)\\s*-\\s*([0-9.]+)/im', $cid, $regs)) { $chapterRangesIds[$k] = array('start' => $regs[1], 'end' => $regs[2]); } } if (count($chapterRangesIds) > 0) { // unset the range format entries first, as we are gonna get real // chapter ids from that range next foreach ($chapterRangesIds as $k => $rangeData) { unset($chapterIds[$k]); } // get available chapters from ranges foreach ($chapterRangesIds as $k => $rangeData) { $start = $rangeData['start']; $end = $rangeData['end']; for ($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i += 1) { $chapterIds[] = $i; } } } asort($chapterIds); $chapterIds = array_unique($chapterIds); $this->_chapter_ids = $chapterIds; } # create cbr $createCbr = isset($data['create-cbr']) ? $data['create-cbr'] : TRUE; $result = strtolower(exec('type -p rar')); if (strpos($result, 'not found')) { consoleLineError('rar doesnt seem to be installed in the system!'); $createCbr = FALSE; } $this->_create_cbr = $createCbr; if (!$this->_create_cbr) { consoleLineError('.cbr files will not be created!'); } # no cbr backup if ($this->_action == self::ACTION_RECREATE_CBR) { $this->_no_cbr_backup = isset($data['no-cbr-backup']) && $data['no-cbr-backup']; } }
/** * Fetch images */ public function fetchImages() { if (!is_array($this->_images) || count($this->_images) == 0) { consoleLineError('No image to fetch!'); } $chapterImageDir = $this->_mangaInfo->getOutputDir() . 'images/' . $this->_chapterInfo->getNumber() . '/'; if (!is_dir($chapterImageDir)) { if (!mkdir($chapterImageDir, 0777, true)) { consoleLineError("Unable to create chapter image dir!"); exit; } } $totalImages = count($this->_images); $totalFetched = 0; /** * @var ImageInfo $imgInfo */ foreach ($this->_images as $imgInfo) { if (!$imgInfo instanceof ImageInfo) { consoleLineError("Incorrect image info!"); exit; } $imgFileName = $this->_mangaInfo->getSlug() . '-' . str_pad($this->_chapterInfo->getNumber(), 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '-' . str_pad($imgInfo->getNumber(), 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.jpg'; $destImagePath = $chapterImageDir . $imgFileName; /* Kinda for backward compatibility */ $imgFileName1 = $imgInfo->getNumber() . '.jpg'; $destImagePath1 = $chapterImageDir . $imgFileName1; if (file_exists($destImagePath1)) { copy($destImagePath1, $destImagePath); unlink($destImagePath1); } if (file_exists($destImagePath)) { $totalFetched += 1; consoleLineBlue("[{$totalFetched}/{$totalImages}] " . $destImagePath); continue; } $imageUrl = $this->getImageUrl($imgInfo->getPageUrl()); if ($imageUrl == '') { consoleLineError($destImagePath); continue; } $imageData = Url::curlFetch($imageUrl); if (!$imageData) { consoleLineError($destImagePath); continue; } else { $totalFetched += 1; consoleLineSuccess("[{$totalFetched}/{$totalImages}] " . $destImagePath); file_put_contents($destImagePath, $imageData); } } if ($totalFetched == $totalImages) { consoleLinePurple("Images fetched: {$totalFetched}/{$totalImages}"); } else { consoleLineError("Images fetched: {$totalFetched}/{$totalImages}"); } if ($totalImages == $totalFetched) { consoleLinePurple('Chapter completely fetched!'); $mangaStatus = MangaStatus::getInstance(); consoleLinePurple("Chapter [" . $this->_chapterInfo->getTitle() . "] is now set as completed!"); if (ArgumentsList::getInstance()->shouldCreateCbr()) { /* Create CBR */ $cbrCreator = new CbrCreator(array('mangaInfo' => $this->_mangaInfo, 'chapterInfo' => $this->_chapterInfo)); $cbrCreator->setPrintRarOutput(false); $cbrCreator->createCbr(); } $completedChapters = $mangaStatus->getCompletedChaptersList(); $completedChapters[$this->_chapterInfo->getNumber()] = $this->_chapterInfo; $mangaStatus->updateCompletedChaptersList($completedChapters); } else { $mangaStatus = MangaStatus::getInstance(); $partialChapters = $mangaStatus->getPartialChaptersList(); $partialChapters[$this->_chapterInfo->getNumber()] = $this->_chapterInfo; $mangaStatus->updatePartialChaptersList($partialChapters); consoleLineBlue('Chapter completed partially!'); consoleLineBlue("Chapter " . $this->_chapterInfo->getTitle() . " is set as partially completed!"); } }
consoleLineInfo('Manga Url: ' . $mangaInfo->getUrl()); Console::seperatorLine(); # ======================================================== # Do we have chapter titles list already? # ======================================================== $objChapterTitles = ChapterTitles::getInstance(array('mangaInfo' => $mangaInfo)); # ======================================================== # Prepare manga status object. we be gonna need it! # ======================================================== $mangaStatus = MangaStatus::getInstance(array('mangaInfo' => $mangaInfo)); # ======================================================== # get chapters list! # ======================================================== $actionRequiringChapterFetch = array(ArgumentsList::ACTION_NEW_CHAPTERS, ArgumentsList::ACTION_SPECIFIC_CHAPTERS); if (in_array($objArgumentsList->getAction(), $actionRequiringChapterFetch)) { consoleLinePurple("Updating chapters list from {$mangaInfo->getSource()} ..."); /** * @var ChaptersList $objChaptersList */ $objChaptersList = NULL; $classPrefix = MangaSourceList::getInstance()->getSourceClassPrefix($mangaInfo->getSource()); $classChaptersList = "{$classPrefix}ChaptersList"; if (class_exists($classChaptersList)) { $objChaptersList = $classChaptersList::getInstance(array('mangaInfo' => $mangaInfo)); } if ($objChaptersList) { $chapterrsList = $objChaptersList->getChapters(); if (!is_array($chapterrsList) || empty($chapterrsList)) { consoleLineError('Unable to fetch chapters list!'); exit; }
$temp = []; foreach (MangaSourceList::getInstance()->getAllowedSourceList() as $src_key => $src_data) { $temp[] = Console::text($src_key, 0, ConsoleColors::COLOR_CYAN, true); } $blockText .= join(', ', $temp); Console::writeMultiline($blockText, MANGA_SCRAPPER_TAB_STR . $emptyPaddedStr, '', true); # ==================================================================== # By: anjan @ Nov 06, 2015 12:15 PM # ==================================================================== # --url # ==================================================================== Console::text(__pad_space_right("--url", $paramPadLength), 1); $blockText = 'Accepts an url to manga chapters list or a specific chapter. If a valid manga chapter list url is specified, then the source, and slug param is ignored. Also, if the url is for a chapter, in addition to source and slug, action and chapter-ids params are ignored as well.'; Console::writeMultiline($blockText, MANGA_SCRAPPER_TAB_STR . $emptyPaddedStr, '', true); /********************************************************************* * By: Anjan @ Nov 06, 2015 5:13 PM ********************************************************************* * Available actions *********************************************************************/ Console::emptyLines(1); consoleLinePurple('List of supported actions -', 2); $actionKeyLengths = array(); foreach (ArgumentsList::getActionList() as $key => $data) { $actionKeyLengths[] = strlen($key); } $maxkeyLen = max($actionKeyLengths) + 2 * strlen(MANGA_SCRAPPER_TAB_STR); foreach (ArgumentsList::getActionList() as $key => $data) { Console::text(__pad_space_right(MANGA_SCRAPPER_TAB_STR . $key . MANGA_SCRAPPER_TAB_STR, $maxkeyLen), 0, ConsoleColors::COLOR_CYAN); Console::writeMultiline($data['desc'] . ($data['default'] ? Console::text(' [default]', 0, ConsoleColors::COLOR_RED, true) : ''), __pad_space_right('', $maxkeyLen), '', true); } Console::emptyLines(1);
public function dumpChapterTitles() { $allChapters = MangaStatus::getInstance()->getAllChaptersList(); $csvPath = $this->_mangaInfo->getOutputDir() . 'chapter-titles.' . $this->_mangaInfo->getSource() . '.' . date('Y-m-d_H-i') . '.csv'; $f = fopen($csvPath, 'w'); if ($f) { /** * @var ChapterInfo $c */ foreach ($allChapters as $c) { fputcsv($f, array($c->getNumber(), $c->getTitle())); } fclose($f); consoleLinePurple("Titles exported to " . $csvPath); } else { consoleLineError("Unable to create file " . $csvPath); exit; } }
<?php # ======================================================== # Check for new chapters # ======================================================== $completedChaptersList = $mangaStatus->getCompletedChaptersList(); consoleLineInfo("Completed chapters count: " . count($completedChaptersList), 1); $newChapters = array_diff_key($chapterrsList, $completedChaptersList); if (!empty($newChapters)) { consoleLinePurple("New chapters to fetch: " . count($newChapters)); } else { consoleLineError("No new chapters to fetch!"); } if (!empty($newChapters)) { $chaptersCountToFetch = $objArgumentsList->getChaptersCount(); if ($chaptersCountToFetch > 0) { if ($chaptersCountToFetch > 1) { consoleLinePurple("Fetching only first {$chaptersCountToFetch} chapters!"); } else { consoleLinePurple("Fetching only first chapter!"); } } // Fetch chapters ... require_once MANGA_ROOT_DIR . 'includes/templates/actions/__common/chapters/fetch.php'; } # ======================================================== # Update status data # ======================================================== $mangaStatus->updateChaptersTotalCount(count($chapterrsList)); $mangaStatus->updateAllChaptersList($chapterrsList);