Example #1
* $outfile will be overwritten with a Scheme script for loading in Coot.
* $clash    is the data structure from loadClashlist()
* $rama     is the data structure from loadRamachandran()
* $rota     is the data structure from loadRotamer()
* $cbdev    is the data structure from loadCbetaDev()
* $pperp    is the data structure from loadBasePhosPerp()
* Any of them can be set to null if the data is unavailable.
function makeCootClusteredChart($infile, $outfile, $outfile_py, $clash, $rama, $rota, $cbdev, $pperp)
    //$startTime1 = time();
    //{{{ 0. A lovely Scheme script written for us by Paul Emsley
    $schemeScript = <<<HEREDOC
; -*-scheme-*-

;;   dialog-name
;;   sorting-options
;;   list-of-clusters)
;; where a cluster is:
;;    (list
;;     cluster-name-string
;;     cluster-center-go-button-label-string
;;     ccgb-x ccgb-y ccgb-z
;;     ; a list of specific items:
;;     (list
;;         (list specific-button-label-string button-red button-green button-blue
;;               specific-x specific-y specific-z))))
;; gui-name-string
;; (list
;;   (list "Active Site" (list 0 1 2 3 4))
;;   (list "Worst First" (list 3 4 2 1 0)))
;; ; now a list of clusters:
;; (list
;;    (list cluster-name-string
;;       cluster-center-go-button-label-string
;;       ccgb-x ccgb-y ccgb-z
;;       ; now a list of specific items
;;       (list
;;         (list specific-button-label-string button-red button-green button-blue
;;               specific-x specific-y specific-z)
;;         (list specific-button-label-string button-red button-green button-blue
;;               specific-x specific-y specific-z)))

;;    (list cluster-name-string
;;       cluster-center-go-button-label-string
;;       ccgb-x ccgb-y ccgb-z
;;       ; now a list of specific items
;;       (list
;;         (list specific-button-label-string button-red button-green button-blue
;;               specific-x specific-y specific-z)
;;         (list specific-button-label-string button-red button-green button-blue
;;               specific-x specific-y specific-z)))))
(define (molprobity-fascinating-clusters-things-gui window-name sorting-options cluster-list)

  (define ncluster-max 75)

  ;; utility function
  (define (add-feature-buttons feature-list cluster-vbox)
    (let ((frame (gtk-frame-new "Cluster Features"))
\t  (vbox (gtk-vbox-new #f 0)))
      (gtk-box-pack-start cluster-vbox frame #f #f 2)
      (gtk-container-add frame vbox)

      ;; add buttons to vbox for each feature
      (map (lambda (feature)
\t    ; (format #t "feature: ~s~%" feature)
\t     (let ((button (gtk-button-new-with-label (car feature))))
\t       (gtk-signal-connect button "clicked"
\t\t\t\t   (lambda ()
\t\t\t\t     (set-rotation-centre
\t\t\t\t      (list-ref feature 4)
\t\t\t\t      (list-ref feature 5)
\t\t\t\t      (list-ref feature 6))))
\t       (gtk-box-pack-start vbox button #f #f 1)))
\t     feature-list)))

  ;; main body
  (let* ((window (gtk-window-new 'toplevel))
\t (scrolled-win (gtk-scrolled-window-new))
\t (outside-vbox (gtk-vbox-new #f 2))
\t (inside-vbox (gtk-vbox-new #f 0)))

    (format #t "Maxiumum number of clusters displayed: ~s~%" ncluster-max)

    (gtk-window-set-default-size window  300 200)
    (gtk-window-set-title window window-name)
    (gtk-container-border-width inside-vbox 2)
    (gtk-container-add window outside-vbox)
    (gtk-box-pack-start outside-vbox scrolled-win #t #t 0) ; expand fill padding
    (gtk-scrolled-window-add-with-viewport scrolled-win inside-vbox)
    (gtk-scrolled-window-set-policy scrolled-win 'automatic 'always)

    (let loop ((cluster-list cluster-list)
\t       (count 0))

       ((null? cluster-list) 'done)
       ((= ncluster-max count) 'done)

\t(let ((cluster-info (car cluster-list)))

\t   (let* ((frame (gtk-frame-new #f))
\t\t  (vbox (gtk-vbox-new #f 2)))

\t     (gtk-container-border-width frame 6)
\t     (gtk-container-add frame vbox)
\t     (gtk-box-pack-start inside-vbox frame #f #f 10)
\t     (let ((go-to-cluster-button (gtk-button-new-with-label
\t\t\t\t\t  (car cluster-info))))
\t       (gtk-signal-connect go-to-cluster-button "clicked"
\t\t\t\t   (lambda ()
\t\t\t\t     (set-rotation-centre
\t\t\t\t      (list-ref cluster-info 1)
\t\t\t\t      (list-ref cluster-info 2)
\t\t\t\t      (list-ref cluster-info 3))))
\t       (gtk-box-pack-start vbox go-to-cluster-button #f #f 2)

\t       ;; now we have a list of individual features:
\t       (let ((features (list-ref cluster-info 4)))
\t\t (if (> (length features) 0)
\t\t     (add-feature-buttons features vbox)))
\t       (loop (cdr cluster-list) (+ count 1))))))))

    (gtk-container-border-width outside-vbox 2)
    (let ((ok-button (gtk-button-new-with-label "  Close  ")))
      (gtk-box-pack-end outside-vbox ok-button #f #f 0)
      (gtk-signal-connect ok-button "clicked"
\t\t\t  (lambda args
\t\t\t    (gtk-widget-destroy window))))
    (gtk-widget-show-all window)))

;; "Testing the GUI"
;; (list
;;  (list "Active Site" (list 0 1 2 3 4))
;;  (list "Worst First" (list 3 4 1 2 0)))
;; (list
;;  (list "The first cluster"
;;\t11 12 15
;;\t (list "A bad thing" 0.4 0.6 0.7 10 13 16)
;;\t (list "Another bad thing" 0.4 0.6 0.7 12 15 16)))
;;  (list "Another cluster of baddies"
;;\t-11 12 15
;;\t (list "A quite bad thing" 0.4 0.6 0.7 -10 -13 16)
;;\t (list "A not so bad thing" 0.4 0.6 0.7 -12 -15 16)))
;;  (list "A third cluster of baddies"
;;\t11 12 -15
;;\t (list "A quite bad rotamer" 0.4 0.6 0.7 10 13 -16)
;;\t (list "A hydrogen clash" 0.4 0.6 0.7 12 15 -16)
;;\t (list "A not so bad H-H clash" 0.4 0.6 0.7 12 15 -16)))))

    $schemeScript_py = <<<HEREDOC
def molprobity_fascinating_clusters_things_gui(window_name, sorting_option, cluster_list):

    ncluster_max = 75

    # a callback function
    def callback_recentre(widget, x, y, z):
        set_rotation_centre(x, y, z)

    # utility function
    def add_feature_buttons(feature_list, cluster_vbox):
        frame = gtk.Frame("Cluster Features")
        vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 0)
        cluster_vbox.pack_start(frame, False, False, 2)

        # add buttons to vbox for each feature
        for feature in feature_list:
            # print "feature: ", feature
            button = gtk.Button(feature[0])
            vbox.pack_start(button, False, False, 1)

    # main body
    window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
    scrolled_win = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
    outside_vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 2)
    inside_vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 0)

    print "Maximum number of clusters displayed:  ", ncluster_max

    window.set_default_size(300, 200)
    outside_vbox.pack_start(scrolled_win, True, True, 0) # expand fill padding
    scrolled_win.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_ALWAYS)

    count = 0

    for cluster_info in cluster_list:

        if (count == ncluster_max):
            frame = gtk.Frame()
            vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 2)

            inside_vbox.pack_start(frame, False, False, 10)
            go_to_cluster_button = gtk.Button(cluster_info[0])
            vbox.pack_start(go_to_cluster_button, False, False, 2)

            # now we have a list of individual features:
            features = cluster_info[4]
            if (len(features) > 0):
                add_feature_buttons(features, vbox)

    ok_button = gtk.Button("  Close  ")
    outside_vbox.pack_end(ok_button, False, False, 0)
    ok_button.connect("clicked", lambda x: window.destroy())
    //}}} 0. A lovely Scheme script written for us by Paul Emsley
    //{{{ 1. For each outlier, create an array(cnit, description, r, g, b, x, y, z)
    //$res_xyz = computeResCenters($infile, true);
    $res_xyz = computeResCenters($infile);
    $self_bads = array();
    if (is_array($clash)) {
        foreach ($clash['clashes'] as $cnit => $worst) {
            $ctr = $res_xyz[$cnit];
            $self_bads[] = array($cnit, "Clash at {$cnit} ({$worst} A)", 1, 0, 0.5, $ctr['x'], $ctr['y'], $ctr['z']);
    if (is_array($rama)) {
        foreach ($rama as $item) {
            if ($item['eval'] == "OUTLIER") {
                $cnit = $item['resName'];
                $ctr = $res_xyz[$cnit];
                $self_bads[] = array($cnit, "Ramachandran outlier {$cnit} ({$item['type']} {$item['scorePct']}%)", 0, 1, 0, $ctr['x'], $ctr['y'], $ctr['z']);
    if (is_array($rota)) {
        foreach ($rota as $item) {
            if ($item['scorePct'] <= 1.0) {
                $cnit = $item['resName'];
                $ctr = $res_xyz[$cnit];
                $self_bads[] = array($cnit, "Bad rotamer {$cnit} ({$item['scorePct']}%)", 1, 0.7, 0, $ctr['x'], $ctr['y'], $ctr['z']);
    if (is_array($cbdev)) {
        foreach ($cbdev as $item) {
            if ($item['dev'] >= 0.25) {
                $cnit = $item['resName'];
                $ctr = $res_xyz[$cnit];
                $self_bads[] = array($cnit, "C-beta deviation {$cnit} ({$item['dev']} A)", 0.5, 0, 1, $ctr['x'], $ctr['y'], $ctr['z']);
    if (is_array($pperp)) {
        foreach ($pperp as $item) {
            if ($item['outlier']) {
                $cnit = $item['resName'];
                $ctr = $res_xyz[$cnit];
                $reasons = array();
                if ($item['deltaOut']) {
                    $reasons[] = "base-phosphate distance";
                if ($item['epsilonOut']) {
                    $reasons[] = "bad epsilon angle";
                $self_bads[] = array($cnit, "Wrong sugar pucker {$cnit} (" . implode(', ', $reasons) . ")", 0.5, 0, 1, $ctr['x'], $ctr['y'], $ctr['z']);
    //}}} 1. For each outlier, create an array(cnit, description, r, g, b, x, y, z)
    //{{{ 2. Cluster the outliers, somehow
    //echo "self_bads has ".count($self_bads)." elements\n";
    $range = 12;
    // a fairly arbitrary value, in Angstroms.
    $range2 = $range * $range;
    $worst_res = array();
    // cnit => array( bad1, bad2, ... )
    $local_bads = array();
    $startTime = time();
    echo "starting cootclusteredchart\n";
    foreach ($res_xyz as $cnit => $xyz) {
        #$local_bads[$cnit] = array();
        foreach ($self_bads as $idx => $a_bad) {
            if (preg_match('/' . $a_bad[0] . '/', $cnit)) {
        foreach ($self_bads as $idx => $a_bad) {
            $cnit2 = $a_bad[0];
            $dx = $xyz['x'] - $a_bad[5];
            $dy = $xyz['y'] - $a_bad[6];
            $dz = $xyz['z'] - $a_bad[7];
            if ($dx * $dx + $dy * $dy + $dz * $dz <= $range2 && $res_bads[$cnit] != 0) {
                if (preg_match('/(HOH|DOD|H20|D20|WAT|SOL|TIP|TP3|MTO|HOD|DOH)/', $cnit)) {
                    if (preg_match('/(HOH|DOD|H20|D20|WAT|SOL|TIP|TP3|MTO|HOD|DOH)/', $a_bad[0])) {
                        $local_bads[$cnit][$idx] = $a_bad;
                } else {
                    $local_bads[$cnit][$idx] = $a_bad;
    echo "first foreach loop took " . (time() - $startTime) . " seconds\nstarting whiletrue loop\ncycles:";
    while (true) {
        // Get worst residue from list and its count of bads
        //$startTime = time();
        uasort($local_bads, 'makeCootClusteredChart_cmp');
        // put worst residue last
        //echo "Iteration number ".$cycles."\n";
        //foreach($self_bads as $key => $value)
        //        echo $self_bads[$key][0]."\n";
        #foreach($local_bads as $key => $value)
        #        echo $key." ".count($local_bads[$key])."\n";
        //echo "size of self_bads = ".count($self_bads)."\n";
        #var_export($local_bads); echo "\n==========\n";
        // go to last element
        list($worst_cnit, $worst_bads) = each($local_bads);
        // get last element
        $bad_count = count($worst_bads);
        // Only singletons left (for efficiency)
        // Also ensures that singletons are listed under their "owner"
        //if($bad_count <= 1)
        //    foreach($self_bads as $idx => $a_bad)
        //        $worst_res[$a_bad[0]][$idx] = $a_bad;
        //    break;
        // else ...
        #echo "\nRemoving $worst_cnit with $bad_count bads...\n==========\n";
        $worst_res[$worst_cnit] = $worst_bads;
        // record it as the worst one this pass
        // Discard all bads that went to making the worst, the worst;
        // then re-run the algorithm to find the next worst, until no bads left.
        foreach ($res_xyz as $cnit2 => $xyz) {
            foreach ($worst_bads as $idx => $a_bad) {
                //assure that once used, a residue can't be a new center
                foreach ($self_bads as $idx2 => $a_bad2) {
        if (count($self_bads) == 0) {
        echo $cycles . " ";
        //echo "end of while loop took ".(time() - $startTime)." seconds\n";
        #if($cycles > 100) break;
    //echo "number of cycles: ".$cycles."\n";
    #var_export($worst_res); echo "\n==========\n";
    $out = fopen($outfile, 'wb');
    $out_py = fopen($outfile_py, 'wb');
    //scheme file
    fwrite($out, ";\n; Multicriterion chart for " . basename($infile) . ", generated by MolProbity.\n");
    fwrite($out, "; Open this in Coot using Calculate | Run Script...\n;\n");
    fwrite($out, "\n\n" . $schemeScript . "\n\n");
    fwrite($out, "(molprobity-fascinating-clusters-things-gui\n \"MolProbity Multi-Chart\"\n (list\n");
    // this is where we write possible sort orders
    //fwrite($out, "  (list \"Worst First\" (list 0 1 2 3 4 5))\n");
    fwrite($out, " )\n (list\n");
    //python file
    fwrite($out_py, "#\n# Multicriterion chart for " . basename($infile) . ", generated by MolProbity.\n");
    fwrite($out_py, "# Open this in Coot using Calculate | Run Script...\n#\n");
    fwrite($out_py, "\n\n" . $schemeScript_py . "\n\n");
    fwrite($out_py, "molprobity_fascinating_clusters_things_gui(\n    \"MolProbity Multi-Chart\",\n    [],\n    [");
    // This is where we write clusters of outliers
    $outlier_ctr = 0;
    $loop_ctr = 0;
    foreach ($worst_res as $cnit => $bads) {
        $max = 0;
        foreach ($bads as $b) {
            //identify which residue has the most outliers in this group, make header name
            if ($res_bads[$b[0]] > $max && !preg_match('/(HOH|DOD|H20|D20|WAT|SOL|TIP|TP3|MTO|HOD|DOH)/', $b[0])) {
                $max = $res_bads[$b[0]];
                $max_header = $b[0];
        $xyz = $res_xyz[$cnit];
        if (count($bads) > 1) {
            fwrite($out, "  (list\n   \"problems near {$max_header}\"\n   {$xyz['x']} {$xyz['y']} {$xyz['z']}\n   (list\n");
            fwrite($out_py, "[\"problems near {$max_header}\",\n      {$xyz['x']}, {$xyz['y']}, {$xyz['z']},\n      [\n");
            foreach ($bads as $b) {
                fwrite($out, "    (list \"{$b['1']}\" {$b['2']} {$b['3']} {$b['4']} {$b['5']} {$b['6']} {$b['7']})\n");
                fwrite($out_py, "       [\"{$b['1']}\", {$b['2']}, {$b['3']}, {$b['4']}, {$b['5']}, {$b['6']}, {$b['7']}]");
                #if($loop_ctr < count($worst_res)-1){
                fwrite($out_py, ",\n");
                #    fwrite($out_py, "\n");
            fwrite($out, "   )\n  )\n");
            fwrite($out_py, "      ]\n     ],\n     ");
        } else {
            $b = reset($bads);
            fwrite($out, "  (list\n   \"{$b['1']}\"\n   {$xyz['x']} {$xyz['y']} {$xyz['z']}\n   (list\n");
            fwrite($out, "   )\n  )\n");
            fwrite($out_py, "[\"{$b['1']}\", {$xyz['x']}, {$xyz['y']}, {$xyz['z']}, []]");
            if ($loop_ctr < count($worst_res) - 1) {
                fwrite($out_py, ",\n     ");
            } else {
                fwrite($out_py, "\n    ");
    fwrite($out, " )\n)\n");
    fwrite($out_py, "])");
    //echo "Making coot clustered chart took ".(time() - $startTime1)." seconds\n";
    //echo "printed out ".$outlier_ctr." elements\n";
Example #2
* $outfile will be overwritten.
* $cnit is an array of CNIT codes for the residues that were processed.
function makeSswingKin($pdb1, $pdb2, $outfile, $cnit)
    if (file_exists($outfile)) {
    $stats = describePdbStats(pdbstat($pdb1), false);
    $h = fopen($outfile, 'a');
    fwrite($h, "@text\n");
    fwrite($h, "Sidechains have been refit by SSWING. Details of the input file:\n\n");
    foreach ($stats as $stat) {
        fwrite($h, "[+]   {$stat}\n");
    fwrite($h, "@kinemage 1\n");
    // Calculate views for each residue in CNIT
    $ctr = computeResCenters($pdb1);
    foreach ($cnit as $res) {
        $c = $ctr[$res];
        fwrite($h, "@{$i}viewid {{$res}}\n@{$i}span 12\n@{$i}zslab 100\n@{$i}center {$c['x']} {$c['y']} {$c['z']}\n");
    exec("prekin -quiet -append -animate -onegroup -show 'mc,sc(peach),ca,hy,ht,wa' {$pdb1} >> {$outfile}");
    exec("phenix.probe -quiet -noticks -nogroup -self 'alta' {$pdb1} >> {$outfile}");
    //exec("probe -quiet -noticks -nogroup -self 'alta' $pdb1 >> $outfile");
    exec("prekin -quiet -append -animate -onegroup -show 'mc,sc(sky),ca,hy,ht,wa' {$pdb2} >> {$outfile}");
    exec("phenix.probe -quiet -noticks -nogroup -self 'alta' {$pdb2} >> {$outfile}");
    //exec("probe -quiet -noticks -nogroup -self 'alta' $pdb2 >> $outfile");
Example #3
* Count the number of outliers that occur for this residue and other
* residues whose centroid is within some number of Anstroms of this one.
* $range    is the max distance between two residue centroids
* $clash    is the data structure from loadClashlist()
* $rama     is the data structure from loadRamachandran()
* $rota     is the data structure from loadRotamer()
* $cbdev    is the data structure from loadCbetaDev()
* $pperp    is the data structure from loadBasePhosPerp()
* Any of them can be set to null if the data is unavailable.
function calcLocalBadness($infile, $range, $clash, $rama, $rota, $cbdev, $pperp)
    $res_xyz = computeResCenters($infile);
    $self_bads = findAllOutliers($clash, $rama, $rota, $cbdev, $pperp);
    #var_export($self_bads); echo "\n==========\n";
    $range2 = $range * $range;
    $worst_res = array();
    //calculate all distances and build association matrix
    foreach ($res_xyz as $cnit => $xyz) {
        foreach ($self_bads as $cnit2 => $bads2) {
            $xyz2 = $res_xyz[$cnit2];
            $dx = $xyz['x'] - $xyz2['x'];
            $dy = $xyz['y'] - $xyz2['y'];
            $dz = $xyz['z'] - $xyz2['z'];
            if ($dx * $dx + $dy * $dy + $dz * $dz <= $range2 && $self_bads[$cnit] != 0) {
                $local_mat[$cnit][$cnit2] = 1;
    while (true) {
        //at each iteration count of how bad each case is
        $local_bads = array();
        foreach ($res_xyz as $cnit => $xyz) {
            foreach ($self_bads as $cnit2 => $bads2) {
                if ($local_mat[$cnit][$cnit2] == 1 && !preg_match('/(HOH|DOD|H20|D20|WAT|SOL|TIP|TP3|MTO|HOD|DOH)/', $cnit)) {
                    $local_bads[$cnit] += $bads2;
        // Get worst residue from list and its count of bads
        // put worst residue last
        #var_export($local_bads); echo "\n==========\n";
        // go to last element
        list($worst_cnit, $bad_count) = each($local_bads);
        // get last element
        // Only singletons left (for efficiency)
        // Also ensures that singletons are listed under their "owner"
        if ($bad_count <= 1) {
            foreach ($self_bads as $cnit => $bads) {
                if ($bads > 0) {
                    $worst_res[$cnit] = $bads;
        // else ...
        #echo "\nRemoving $worst_cnit with $bad_count bads...\n==========\n";
        $worst_res[$worst_cnit] = $bad_count;
        // record it as the worst one this pass
        // Discard all bads that went to making the worst, the worst;
        // then re-run the algorithm to find the next worst, until no bads left.
        $cnit = $worst_cnit;
        #$xyz = $res_xyz[$cnit];
        $leftover_bads = 0;
        foreach ($self_bads as $cnit2 => $bads) {
            if ($local_mat[$cnit][$cnit2] == 1) {
                // faster than 0 -- won't traverse again
        if (count($self_bads) == 0) {
        //limit the number of cycles to 25
        if ($cycles > 25) {
    #var_export($worst_res); echo "\n==========\n";
    return $worst_res;