function UpdateStep3() { global $clang, $scriptname, $homedir, $buildnumber, $updatebuild, $debug, $rootdir, $publicdir, $tempdir, $database_exists, $databasetype, $action, $demoModeOnly; echo '<div class="header ui-widget-header">'.sprintf($clang->gT('ComfortUpdate step %s'),'3').'</div><div class="updater-background">'; echo '<h3>'.$clang->gT('Creating DB & file backup').'</h3>'; if (!isset( $_SESSION['updateinfo'])) { echo $clang->gT('On requesting the update information from there has been an error:').'<br />'; if ($updateinfo['error']==1) { setGlobalSetting('updatekey',''); echo $clang->gT('Your update key is invalid and was removed. ').'<br />'; } else echo $clang->gT('On requesting the update information from there has been an error:').'<br />'; } else { $updateinfo=$_SESSION['updateinfo']; } // okay, updateinfo now contains all necessary updateinformation // Create DB and file backups now $basefilename = date("YmdHis-").md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); //Now create a backup of the files to be delete or modified Foreach ($updateinfo['files'] as $file) { if (is_file($publicdir.$file['file'])===true) // Sort out directories { $filestozip[]=$publicdir.$file['file']; } } require_once("classes/pclzip/pclzip.lib.php"); // require_once('classes/pclzip/pcltrace.lib.php'); // require_once('classes/pclzip/pclzip-trace.lib.php'); //PclTraceOn(1); $archive = new PclZip($tempdir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'files-'.$basefilename.'.zip'); $v_list = $archive->add($filestozip, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, $publicdir); echo $clang->gT('Creating file backup... ').'<br />'; if ($v_list == 0) { die("Error : ".$archive->errorInfo(true)); } else { echo "<span class='successtitle'>".$clang->gT('File backup created:').' '.htmlspecialchars($tempdir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'files-'.$basefilename.'.zip').'</span><br /><br />'; } require_once("dumpdb.php"); if ($databasetype=='mysql' || $databasetype=='mysqli') { echo $clang->gT('Creating database backup... ').'<br />'; $byteswritten=file_put_contents($tempdir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'db-'.$basefilename.'.sql',completedump()); if ($byteswritten>5000) { echo "<span class='successtitle'>".$clang->gT('DB backup created:')." ".htmlspecialchars($tempdir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'db-'.$basefilename.'.sql').'</span><br /><br />'; } } else { echo "<span class='warningtitle'>".$clang->gT('No DB backup created:').'<br />'.$clang->gT('Database backup functionality is currently not available for your database type. Before proceeding please backup your database using a backup tool!').'</span><br /><br />'; } echo $clang->gT('Please check any problems above and then proceed to the final step.'); echo "<p><button onclick=\"'$scriptname?action=update&subaction=step4', '_top')\" "; echo ">".sprintf($clang->gT('Proceed to step %s'),'4')."</button></p>"; echo '</div>'; }
* LimeSurvey * Copyright (C) 2007 The LimeSurvey Project Team / Carsten Schmitz * All rights reserved. * License: GNU/GPL License v2 or later, see LICENSE.php * LimeSurvey is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or * other free or open source software licenses. * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details. * * $Id: dumpdb.php 10475 2011-07-11 16:14:32Z c_schmitz $ */ include_once "login_check.php"; //Login Check dies also if the script is started directly if ($database_exists && ($databasetype == 'mysql' || $databasetype == 'mysqli') && $demoModeOnly != true && $action == 'dumpdb') { $export = completedump(); $file_name = "LimeSurvey_{$databasename}_dump_" . date_shift(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "Y-m-d", $timeadjust) . ".sql"; Header("Content-type: application/octet-stream"); Header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$file_name}"); Header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); Header("Pragma: Public"); echo $export; exit; // needs to be inside the condition so the updater still can include this file } /** * Creates a full dump of the current LimeSurvey database * * @returns string Contains the dumped data */ function completedump()