Example #1
  * If returnto not set, return to the public stream.
  * @return string URL
 function defaultReturnTo()
     $returnto = common_get_returnto();
     if (empty($returnto)) {
         return common_local_url('public');
     } else {
         return $returnto;
Example #2
 function getInstructions()
     if (common_logged_in() && !common_is_real_login() && common_get_returnto()) {
         // rememberme logins have to reauthenticate before
         // changing any profile settings (cookie-stealing protection)
         return _('For security reasons, please re-login with your ' . '[OpenID](%%doc.openid%%) ' . 'before changing your settings.');
     } else {
         return _('Login with an [OpenID](%%doc.openid%%) account.');
Example #3
 protected function doPost()
     if ($this->arg('yes')) {
         if (Event::handle('StartDeleteOwnNotice', array($this->scoped->getUser(), $this->notice))) {
             Event::handle('EndDeleteOwnNotice', array($this->scoped->getUser(), $this->notice));
     } else {
         common_redirect(common_get_returnto(), 303);
     common_redirect(common_local_url('top'), 303);
Example #4
 function getInstructions()
     if (common_logged_in() && !common_is_real_login() && common_get_returnto()) {
         // rememberme logins have to reauthenticate before
         // changing any profile settings (cookie-stealing protection)
         // TRANS: OpenID plugin message. Rememberme logins have to reauthenticate before changing any profile settings.
         // TRANS: "OpenID" is the display text for a link with URL "(%%doc.openid%%)".
         return _m('For security reasons, please re-login with your ' . '[OpenID](%%doc.openid%%) ' . 'before changing your settings.');
     } else {
         // TRANS: OpenID plugin message.
         // TRANS: "OpenID" is the display text for a link with URL "(%%doc.openid%%)".
         return _m('Login with an [OpenID](%%doc.openid%%) account.');
Example #5
 function handle($args)
     if (common_is_real_login()) {
         // TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to log in while already logged on.
         $this->clientError(_m('Already logged in.'));
     } else {
         global $casSettings;
         phpCAS::client(CAS_VERSION_2_0, $casSettings['server'], $casSettings['port'], $casSettings['path'], false);
         global $casTempPassword;
         $casTempPassword = common_good_rand(16);
         $user = common_check_user(phpCAS::getUser(), $casTempPassword);
         if (!$user) {
             // TRANS: Server error displayed when trying to log in with incorrect username or password.
             $this->serverError(_m('Incorrect username or password.'));
         // success!
         if (!common_set_user($user)) {
             // TRANS: Server error displayed when login fails in CAS authentication plugin.
             $this->serverError(_m('Error setting user. You are probably not authorized.'));
         $url = common_get_returnto();
         if ($url) {
             // We don't have to return to it again
         } else {
             if (common_config('site', 'private') && $casSettings['takeOverLogin']) {
                 //SSO users expect to just go to the URL they entered
                 //if we don't have a returnto set, the user entered the
                 //main StatusNet url, so send them there.
                 $url = common_local_url('public');
             } else {
                 //With normal logins (regular form-based username/password),
                 //the user would expect to go to their home after logging in.
                 $url = common_local_url('public', array('nickname' => $user->nickname));
         common_redirect($url, 303);
Example #6
  * Instructions for using the form
  * For "remembered" logins, we make the user re-login when they
  * try to change settings. Different instructions for this case.
  * @return void
 function getInstructions()
     if (common_logged_in() && !common_is_real_login() && common_get_returnto()) {
         // rememberme logins have to reauthenticate before
         // changing any profile settings (cookie-stealing protection)
         // TRANS: Form instructions on login page before being able to change user settings.
         return _('For security reasons, please re-enter your ' . 'user name and password ' . 'before changing your settings.');
     } else {
         // TRANS: Form instructions on login page.
         $prompt = _('Login with your username and password.');
         if (!common_config('site', 'closed') && !common_config('site', 'inviteonly')) {
             $prompt .= ' ';
             // TRANS: Form instructions on login page. This message contains Markdown links in the form [Link text](Link).
             // TRANS: %%action.register%% is a link to the registration page.
             $prompt .= _('Don\'t have a username yet? ' . '[Register](%%action.register%%) a new account.');
         return $prompt;
Example #7
 function goHome($nickname)
     $url = common_get_returnto();
     if ($url) {
         // We don't have to return to it again
     } else {
         $url = common_local_url('all', array('nickname' => $nickname));
     common_redirect($url, 303);
Example #8
 function deleteNotice()
     // CSRF protection
     $token = $this->trimmed('token');
     if (!$token || $token != common_session_token()) {
         // TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is not given.
         $this->showForm(_('There was a problem with your session token. ' . 'Try again, please.'));
     if ($this->arg('yes')) {
         if (Event::handle('StartDeleteOwnNotice', array($this->user, $this->notice))) {
             Event::handle('EndDeleteOwnNotice', array($this->user, $this->notice));
     $url = common_get_returnto();
     if ($url) {
     } else {
         $url = common_local_url('public');
     common_redirect($url, 303);
Example #9
 function deleteNotice()
     // CSRF protection
     $token = $this->trimmed('token');
     if (!$token || $token != common_session_token()) {
         $this->showForm(_('There was a problem with your session token. ' . 'Try again, please.'));
     if ($this->arg('yes')) {
     $url = common_get_returnto();
     if ($url) {
     } else {
         $url = common_local_url('public');
     common_redirect($url, 303);
Example #10
  * Handle the request
  * On POST, add the current user to the group
  * @param array $args unused
  * @return void
 function handle($args)
     $cur = common_current_user();
     Profile_tag_subscription::remove($this->peopletag, $cur);
     if ($this->boolean('ajax')) {
         // TRANS: Page title for form that allows unsubscribing from a list.
         // TRANS: %1$s is a nickname, %2$s is a list, %3$s is a tagger nickname.
         $this->element('title', null, sprintf(_('%1$s unsubscribed from list %2$s by %3$s'), $cur->nickname, $this->peopletag->tag, $this->tagger->nickname));
         $lf = new SubscribePeopletagForm($this, $this->peopletag);
     } else {
         if (common_get_returnto()) {
             common_redirect(common_get_returnto(), 303);
             return true;
         common_redirect(common_local_url('peopletagsbyuser', array('nickname' => $this->tagger->nickname)), 303);
  * Instructions for using the form
  * For "remembered" logins, we make the user re-login when they
  * try to change settings. Different instructions for this case.
  * @return void
 function getInstructions()
     if (common_logged_in() && !common_is_real_login() && common_get_returnto()) {
         // rememberme logins have to reauthenticate before
         // changing any profile settings (cookie-stealing protection)
         return _('For security reasons, please re-enter your ' . 'user name and password ' . 'before changing your settings.');
     } else {
         $prompt = _('Login with your username and password.');
         if (!common_config('site', 'closed') && !common_config('site', 'inviteonly')) {
             $prompt .= ' ';
             $prompt .= _('Don\'t have a username yet? ' . '[Register](%%action.register%%) a new account.');
         return $prompt;
Example #12
  * Instructions for using the form
  * For "remembered" logins, we make the user re-login when they
  * try to change settings. Different instructions for this case.
  * @return void
 function getInstructions()
     if (common_logged_in() && !common_is_real_login() && common_get_returnto()) {
         // rememberme logins have to reauthenticate before
         // changing any profile settings (cookie-stealing protection)
         return _('For security reasons, please re-enter your ' . 'user name and password ' . 'before changing your settings.');
     } else {
         return _('Login with your username and password. ' . 'Don\'t have a username yet? ' . '[Register](%%action.register%%) a new account, or ' . 'try [OpenID](%%action.openidlogin%%). ');
  * Check the login data
  * Determines if the login data is valid. If so, logs the user
  * in, and redirects to the 'with friends' page, or to the stored
  * return-to URL.
  * @return void
 protected function handlePost()
     // XXX: login throttle
     $nickname = $this->trimmed('nickname');
     $password = $this->arg('password');
     $user = common_check_user($nickname, $password);
     if (!$user instanceof User) {
         // TRANS: Form validation error displayed when trying to log in with incorrect credentials.
         throw new ServerException(_('Incorrect username or password.'));
     // success!
     if (!common_set_user($user)) {
         // TRANS: Server error displayed when during login a server error occurs.
         throw new ServerException(_('Error setting user. You are probably not authorized.'));
     if ($this->boolean('rememberme')) {
     $url = common_get_returnto();
     if ($url) {
         // We don't have to return to it again
         $url = common_inject_session($url);
     } else {
         $url = common_local_url('all', array('nickname' => $this->scoped->nickname));
     common_redirect($url, 303);