function _get_command_start_date($cmd_id) { $command_details = command_detail($cmd_id); list($year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second) = $command_details['start_date']; return sprintf("%s-%s-%s %s:%s:%s", $year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second); }
function CommandHistory($coh_id) { // TODO : ch is a list, we have to chose the good one (ie : the most recent date) $this->db_ch = get_command_history($coh_id); $this->db_coh = get_commands_on_host($coh_id); if ($this->db_coh['fk_use_as_proxy']) { $this->db_lproxy = get_commands_on_host($this->db_coh['fk_use_as_proxy']); } else { $this->db_lproxy = NULL; } $this->db_cmd = command_detail($this->db_coh['fk_commands']); }
#array('tab'=>$tab, 'uuid'=>$uuid, 'hostname'=>$hostname))); exit; } } } } else { /* Form displaying */ $from = $_GET['from']; $hostname = $_GET["hostname"]; $groupname = $_GET["groupname"]; $uuid = $_GET["uuid"]; $cmd_id = $_GET["cmd_id"]; $coh_id = $_GET["coh_id"]; $gid = $_GET["gid"]; $bundle_id = $_GET['bundle_id']; $cmd = command_detail($cmd_id); $name = $cmd['title']; if (!$name && $_GET['title']) { $name = $_GET['title']; } $action_type = _T('action', 'msc'); if (strlen($bundle_id)) { $action_type = _T('bundle', 'msc'); } if (strlen($gid) && !strlen($coh_id)) { $title = sprintf(_T("Stop %s %s on this group", 'msc'), $action_type, $name); } else { $title = sprintf(_T("Stop %s %s on host %s", 'msc'), $action_type, $name, $hostname); } $f = new PopupForm($title); $f->add(new HiddenTpl("name"), array("value" => $hostname, "hide" => True));
} $params["papi"] = $papi; $params["name"] = $hostname; $params["hostname"] = $hostname; $params["uuid"] = $uuid; $params["gid"] = $gid; $params["from"] = $from; $params["pid"] = $pid; $params["create_directory"] = 'on'; $params["next_connection_delay"] = web_def_delay(); $params["max_connection_attempt"] = web_def_attempts(); if ($_GET['editConvergence']) { $ServerAPI = new ServerAPI(); $ServerAPI->fromURI($papi); $cmd_id = xmlrpc_get_convergence_command_id($gid, $ServerAPI, $pid); $command_details = command_detail($cmd_id); $command_phases = xmlrpc_get_convergence_phases($gid, $ServerAPI, $pid); $params["ltitle"] = $command_details['title']; $params["maxbw"] = $command_details['maxbw'] / 1024; $params["copy_mode"] = $command_details['copy_mode']; $params["deployment_intervals"] = $command_details['deployment_intervals']; $params["parameters"] = $command_details['parameters']; $params["editConvergence"] = True; $params["active"] = xmlrpc_is_convergence_active($gid, $ServerAPI, $pid) ? 'on' : ''; // phases foreach (array('start_script', 'clean_on_success', 'do_reboot', 'do_wol', 'do_inventory', 'do_halt') as $key) { if ($command_phases) { // $command_phases is False with old convergence implementation (without phases stored in Convergence DB) if ($key == 'do_halt') { $params['issue_halt_to_done'] = in_array('done', $command_phases['issue_halt_to']) ? 'on' : ''; } else {