 * Put "design box" HTML code
 *  $title        - title text
 *  $width        - width in pixels
 *  $height       - height in pixels
 *  $align        - align or other <td> formatter
 *			  	    for example: "align=center"
 * $db_num        - number of design box template (for "act" skin only)
function DesignBoxContent($title, $content, $db_num = 0, $caption_item = '')
    global $site;
    global $templ_designbox0;
    global $templ_designbox1;
    global $templ_designbox2;
    global $dbh_letters;
    global $tmpl;
    switch ($dbh_letters) {
        case "upper":
            $f = "strtoupper";
        case "lower":
            $f = "strtolower";
        case "fupper":
            $f = "ucfirst";
        case "aupper":
            $f = "ucwords";
            $f = "sprintf";
    if (strlen($height)) {
        $height = " height=\"{$height}\" ";
    if ($db_num == 2) {
        $templ = $templ_designbox2;
    } elseif ($db_num == 1) {
        $templ = $templ_designbox1;
    } else {
        $templ = $templ_designbox0;
    // replace path to the images
    $s = $site['images'];
    $s = str_replace($site['url'], "", $site['images']);
    $templ = str_replace($s, $site['images'], $templ);
    // replace template variables
    $templ = str_replace("__title__", $f($title), $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__caption_item__", $caption_item, $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__designbox_content__", $content, $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__images__", $site['images'], $templ);
    if (function_exists('colors_select')) {
        $templ = str_replace("__designBoxColor__", colors_select(), $templ);
    if ($tmpl == 'act') {
        if ($index_db_color_randomize == 1) {
            $templ = str_replace("__db_color__", get_active_color(), $templ);
        } else {
            $templ = str_replace("__db_color__", $index_db_color, $templ);
    return $templ;
 * returns HTML code for one search row
function PrintSearhResult($p_arr, $templ_search, $iNumber = 1, $bCouple = false, $aCoupleInfo = '')
    global $site;
    global $pa_icon_preload;
    global $aPreValues;
    global $logged;
    global $tmpl;
    global $dir;
    global $max_thumb_width;
    global $max_thumb_height;
    global $anon_mode;
    global $enable_zodiac;
    global $enable_friendlist;
    global $pic_num;
    global $oTemplConfig;
    global $NickName;
    $member['ID'] = (int) $_COOKIE['memberID'];
    $free_mode = getParam("free_mode") == "on" ? 1 : 0;
    $bEnableRay = getParam('enable_ray') == 'on';
    $gl_thumb_width = $max_thumb_width;
    $gl_thumb_height = $max_thumb_height;
    // get user online status
    $user_is_online = get_user_online_status($p_arr[ID]);
    $templ = $templ_search;
    // ------------ template variables --------------
    $thumbnail = get_member_thumbnail($p_arr['ID'], 'none', true);
    // online/offline status
    $launch_ray_im = "";
    //--- Ray IM integration ---//
    if ($user_is_online) {
        $check_res = checkAction($member['ID'], ACTION_ID_USE_RAY_IM);
        if ($bEnableRay && $check_res[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] == CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED && $member['ID'] != $p_arr['ID'] && !empty($member['ID'])) {
            $iSndId = (int) $member['ID'];
            $sSndPassword = getPassword($member['ID']);
            $iRspId = (int) $p_arr['ID'];
            $launch_ray_im = "<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onClick=\"javascript: openRayWidget( 'im', 'user', '" . $iSndId . "', '" . $sSndPassword . "', '" . $iRspId . "' ); return false;\">" . _t("_IM now", $p_arr['NickName']) . "</a>";
    //--- Ray IM integration ---//
    // Template customizations
    // profile Nick/Age/Sex etc.
    $nick = '<a href="' . getProfileLink($p_arr['ID']) . '">' . $p_arr['NickName'] . '</a>';
    $age_str = $p_arr['DateOfBirth'] != "0000-00-00" ? _t("_y/o", age($p_arr['DateOfBirth'])) . ' ' : "";
    $age_only = $p_arr['DateOfBirth'] != "0000-00-00" ? age($p_arr['DateOfBirth']) : "";
    $y_o_sex = $age_str . _t("_" . $p_arr['Sex']);
    $city = _t("_City") . ": " . process_line_output($p_arr['City']);
    $country = _t("_Country") . ": " . _t($aPreValues['Country'][$p_arr['Country']]['LKey']) . '&nbsp;<img src="' . ($site['flags'] . strtolower($p_arr['Country'])) . '.gif" alt="flag" />';
    $sFlag = $p_arr['Country'] != '' ? '&nbsp;<img src="' . ($site['flags'] . strtolower($p_arr['Country'])) . '.gif" alt="flag" />' : '';
    $city_con = process_line_output($p_arr['City']) . ", " . _t($aPreValues['Country'][$p_arr['Country']]['LKey']) . $sFlag;
    $occupation = process_line_output($p_arr['Occupation']);
    $children = $p_arr['Children'] ? $p_arr['Children'] . " " . _t("_children") : "";
    $id = _t("_ID") . ": " . $p_arr['ID'];
    // description
    $i_am = _t("_I am");
    $i_am_desc = process_smiles(strip_tags(process_text_output($p_arr['DescriptionMe']), '<img>')) . "...";
    $you_are = _t("_You are");
    $you_are_desc = process_smiles(process_text_output($p_arr['DescriptionYou'])) . "... <a href=\"" . getProfileLink($p_arr['ID']) . "\">" . _t("_more") . "</a>";
    echo '<hr>';
    print_r( $p_arr );
    echo '<hr>';
    $sCity = $p_arr['City'];
    //echo $sCity . '<hr>';
    //--- Ray IM integration start ---//
    $ai_im = '';
    $al_im = '';
    $chechActionRes = checkAction($member['ID'], ACTION_ID_USE_RAY_IM);
    if ($bEnableRay && $chechActionRes[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] == CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED && $member['ID'] != $p_arr['ID'] && !empty($member['ID'])) {
        $iSndId = (int) $member['ID'];
        $sSndPassword = getPassword($member['ID']);
        $iRspId = (int) $p_arr['ID'];
        if ($user_is_online) {
            $file_icon = $dir['root'] . "templates/tmpl_" . $tmpl . "/images/icons/action_im_small.gif";
            if (file_exists($file_icon)) {
                $ai_im .= "<img alt=\"" . _t("_IM now") . "\" class=\"links_image\" name=i06{$p_arr['ID']} src=\"{$site['url']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/images/icons/action_im_small.gif\" />";
            $al_im .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="javascript: openRayWidget( \'im\', \'user\', \'' . $iSndId . '\', \'' . $sSndPassword . '\', \'' . $iRspId . '\' ); return false;">';
            $al_im = '<span class="links_span">' . $ai_im . $al_im . ucwords(_t("_IM now", $p_arr['NickName'])) . '</a></span>';
    //--- Ray IM integration end ---//
    /* Standard IM commented out
    	else if ( $enable_im )
    		if ( $user_is_online )
    			$al_im = "<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" OnClick=\"javascript: launchAddToIM({$p_arr['ID']}); return false;\"";
    			$al_im = "<a href='javascript: void(0);' OnClick=\"javascript: alert('". _t("_Sorry, user is OFFLINE") ."'); return false;\"";
    		if ( $pa_icon_preload )
    			$al_im .= "onMouseOut =\"javascript: i06$p_arr[ID].src='$site[images]pa_im.gif';\"";
    		$al_im .= ">";
    		$file_icon = $dir['root'] ."templates/tmpl_".$tmpl."/images/pa_im.gif";
    		if ( file_exists( $file_icon ) )
    			$ai_im .= $al_im ."<img name=i06$p_arr[ID] src=\"". $site['images']. "pa_im.gif\" border=0></a>";
    		$al_im .= _t("_chat now") ."</a>";
     Standard IM commented out */
    /* View Profile commented out
    	    $ai_viewprof = "<img alt=\""._t("_View Profile")."\" name=i00$p_arr[ID] src=\"$site[images]pa_profile.gif\" border=0>";
    	    $al_viewprof = "<a href=\"$p_arr[NickName]\"";
            if ( $pa_icon_preload )
             $al_viewprof.="onMouseOut =\"javascript:i00$p_arr[ID].src='$site[images]pa_profile.gif';\"";
    		$al_viewprof .= ">";
    		$ai_viewprof = $al_viewprof.$ai_viewprof."</a>";
            $al_viewprof .= _t("_View Profile")."</a>";
     View Profile commented out */
    //--- Greeting start ---//
    $chechActionRes = checkAction($member['ID'], ACTION_ID_SEND_VKISS);
    if ($chechActionRes[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] == CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED && $member['ID'] != $p_arr['ID']) {
        $ai_kiss = "<img alt=\"" . _t("_Greet") . "\" class=\"links_image\" name=i01{$p_arr['ID']} src=\"" . $site['url'] . "templates/tmpl_" . $tmpl . "/images/icons/action_greet_small.gif\" />";
        $al_kiss = '<a target=_blank href="greet.php?sendto=' . $p_arr[ID] . '"';
        if ($pa_icon_preload) {
            $al_kiss .= "onMouseOver=\"javascript: i01{$p_arr['ID']}.src='{$site['images']}pa_kiss2.gif';\"";
            $al_kiss .= "onMouseOut =\"javascript: i01{$p_arr['ID']}.src='{$site['images']}pa_kiss.gif';\"";
        $al_kiss .= ">";
        $al_kiss = "<span class=\"links_span\">" . $ai_kiss . $al_kiss . _t("_Greet") . "</a></span>";
    } else {
        $al_kiss = '';
    //--- Greeting end ---//
    //--- Contact start ---//
    $chechActionRes = checkAction($member['ID'], ACTION_ID_SEND_MESSAGE);
    if ($chechActionRes[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] == CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED && $member['ID'] != $p_arr['ID']) {
        $ai_sendmsg = "<img alt=\"" . _t("_SEND_MESSAGE") . "\" name=i02{$p_arr['ID']} src=\"{$site['url']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/images/icons/action_send_small.gif\" class=\"links_image\" />";
        $al_sendmsg = "<a href=\"compose.php?ID={$p_arr['ID']}\"";
        if ($pa_icon_preload) {
            $al_sendmsg .= "onMouseOver=\"javascript: i02{$p_arr['ID']}.src='{$site['images']}pa_send2.gif';\"";
            $al_sendmsg .= "onMouseOut =\"javascript: i02{$p_arr['ID']}.src='{$site['images']}pa_send.gif';\"";
        $al_sendmsg .= ">";
        $al_sendmsg = "<span class=\"links_span\">" . $ai_sendmsg . $al_sendmsg . _t("_Contact") . "</a></span>";
    } else {
        $al_sendmsg = '';
    //--- Contact end ---//
    if ($logged['member']) {
        $ai_hot = "<img alt=\"" . _t("_hot member") . "\" name=i03{$p_arr['ID']} src=\"{$site['images']}pa_hot.gif\" border=0>";
        $al_hot = "<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onClick=\"javascript:window.open( 'list_pop.php?action=hot&ID=" . $p_arr['ID'] . "', '', 'width=280,height=200,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no, location=no' );\"";
        if ($pa_icon_preload) {
            $al_hot .= "onMouseOver=\"javascript: i03{$p_arr['ID']}.src='{$site['images']}pa_hot2.gif';\"";
            $al_hot .= "onMouseOut =\"javascript: i03{$p_arr['ID']}.src='{$site['images']}pa_hot.gif';\"";
        $al_hot .= ">";
        $ai_hot = $al_hot . $ai_hot . "</a>";
        $al_hot .= _t("_hot member") . "</a>";
        $ai_friend = "<img alt=\"" . _t("_friend member") . "\" name=i03{$p_arr['ID']} src=\"{$site['images']}pa_friend.gif\" border=0>";
        $al_friend = "<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onClick=\"javascript:window.open( 'list_pop.php?action=friend&ID=" . $p_arr['ID'] . "', '', 'width=280,height=200,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no, location=no' );\"";
        if ($pa_icon_preload) {
            $al_friend .= "onMouseOver=\"javascript: i03{$p_arr['ID']}.src='{$site['images']}pa_friend2.gif';\"";
            $al_friend .= "onMouseOut =\"javascript: i03{$p_arr['ID']}.src='{$site['images']}pa_friend.gif';\"";
        $al_friend .= ">";
        $ai_friend = $al_friend . $ai_friend . "</a>";
        $al_friend .= _t("_friend member") . "</a>";
        $ai_block = "<img alt=\"" . _t("_block member") . "\" name=i04{$p_arr['ID']} src=\"{$site['images']}pa_block.gif\" border=0>";
        $al_block = "<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onClick=\"javascript:window.open( 'list_pop.php?action=block&ID=" . $p_arr['ID'] . "', '', 'width=280,height=200,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no, location=no' );\"";
        if ($pa_icon_preload) {
            $al_block .= "onMouseOver=\"javascript: i04{$p_arr['ID']}.src='{$site['images']}pa_block2.gif';\"";
            $al_block .= "onMouseOut =\"javascript: i04{$p_arr['ID']}.src='{$site['images']}pa_block.gif';\"";
        $al_block .= ">";
        $ai_block = $al_block . $ai_block . "</a>";
        $al_block .= _t("_block member") . "</a>";
    //--- Fave Start ---//
    if ($logged['member'] && $member['ID'] != $p_arr['ID']) {
        $ai_fave = "<img alt=\"" . _t("_Fave") . "\" class=\"links_image\" name=i03{$p_arr['ID']} src=\"{$site['url']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/images/icons/action_fave_small.gif\" />";
        $al_fave = "<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"window.open( 'list_pop.php?action=hot&amp;ID={$profileID}',    '', 'width={$oTemplConfig->popUpWindowWidth},height={$oTemplConfig->popUpWindowHeight},menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,location=no' );\">";
        $al_fave = '<span class="links_span">' . $ai_fave . $al_fave . _t("_Fave") . "</a></span>";
    } else {
        $al_fave = '';
    //--- Fave End ---//
    $more = '<a href="' . getProfileLink($p_arr['ID']) . '" target="_blank">';
    $more .= '<img src="' . $site['icons'] . 'desc_more.gif" alt="' . _t('_more') . '" />';
    $more .= '</a>';
    $enable_more_photos = 'on' == getParam("more_photos_on_searchrow") ? 1 : 0;
    if ($enable_more_photos) {
        $more_photos = '';
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $pic_num; ++$i) {
            if ($p_arr['Pic_' . $i . '_addon'] > 0) {
        if (0 < $photo_counter && ($logged['admin'] || $check_res[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] == CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED)) {
            $more_photos = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="javascript: get_gallery(' . $p_arr['ID'] . ');" class="search_more_photo">';
            $more_photos .= $photo_counter . '&nbsp;' . _t("_More Photos");
            $more_photos .= '</a>';
        } else {
            $more_photos = '';
    // ------------ [end] template variables --------------
    if ($aCoupleInfo) {
        // profile Nick/Age/Sex etc.
        $nick2 = '<a href="' . getProfileLink($aCoupleInfo['ID']) . '">' . $aCoupleInfo['NickName'] . '</a>';
        $age_str2 = $aCoupleInfo['DateOfBirth'] != "0000-00-00" ? _t("_y/o", age($aCoupleInfo['DateOfBirth'])) . ' ' : "";
        $age_only2 = $aCoupleInfo['DateOfBirth'] != "0000-00-00" ? age($aCoupleInfo['DateOfBirth']) : "";
        $y_o_sex2 = $age_str2 . _t("_" . $aCoupleInfo['Sex']);
        $city2 = _t("_City") . ": " . process_line_output($aCoupleInfo['City']);
        $country2 = _t("_Country") . ": " . _t($aPreValues['Country'][$aCoupleInfo['Country']]['LKey']) . '&nbsp;<img src="' . ($site['flags'] . strtolower($aCoupleInfo['Country'])) . '.gif" alt="flag" />';
        $city_con2 = process_line_output($aCoupleInfo['City']) . ", " . _t($aPreValues['Country'][$aCoupleInfo['Country']]['LKey']) . '&nbsp;<img src="' . ($site['flags'] . strtolower($aCoupleInfo['Country'])) . '.gif" alt="flag" />';
        $occupation2 = process_line_output($aCoupleInfo['Occupation']);
        $children2 = $aCoupleInfo['Children'] ? $aCoupleInfo['Children'] . " " . _t("_children") : "";
        $id2 = _t("_ID") . ": " . $aCoupleInfo['ID'];
        // description
        $i_am2 = _t("_I am");
        $i_am_desc2 = process_smiles(strip_tags(process_text_output($aCoupleInfo['DescriptionMe']), '<img>')) . "...";
        $you_are2 = _t("_You are");
        $you_are_desc2 = process_smiles(process_text_output($aCoupleInfo['DescriptionYou'])) . "... <a href=\"" . getProfileLink($aCoupleInfo['ID']) . "\">" . _t("_more") . "</a>";
        $sCity2 = $aCoupleInfo['City'];
        $templ = str_replace("__add_style_c1__", 'float:left;width:31%;margin-right:10px;', $templ);
        $templ = str_replace("__add_style_c2__", 'float:left;width:31%;display:block;', $templ);
        $templ = str_replace("__nick2__", $nick2, $templ);
        $templ = str_replace("__age_sex2__", $y_o_sex2, $templ);
        $templ = str_replace("__city_con2__", $city_con2, $templ);
        $templ = str_replace("__i_am_desc2__", $i_am_desc2, $templ);
        if ($logged['member'] && $member['ID'] != $aCoupleInfo['ID'] && getParam('enable_match')) {
            $templ = str_replace("__match2__", getProfileMatch($member['ID'], $aCoupleInfo['ID']), $templ);
        } else {
            $templ = str_replace("__match2__", '', $templ);
    } else {
        $templ = str_replace("__add_style_c1__", '', $templ);
        $templ = str_replace("__add_style_c2__", 'display:none;', $templ);
        $templ = str_replace("__match2__", '', $templ);
    // replace template variables
    $templ = str_replace("__row_title__", process_line_output($p_arr[Headline]), $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__n__", $iNumber, $templ);
    if (isset($p_arr['Couple']) && $p_arr['Couple'] > 0) {
        $iMaxThumbWidth = getParam('max_thumb_width');
        $iNewWidth = 2 * ($iMaxThumbWidth + 10 + 2);
        $templ = str_replace("__ext_st__", 'style="width:' . $iNewWidth . 'px;"', $templ);
    } else {
        $iMaxThumbWidth = getParam('max_thumb_width');
        $iNewWidth = 1 * ($iMaxThumbWidth + 12);
        $templ = str_replace("__ext_st__", 'style="width:' . $iNewWidth . 'px;"', $templ);
    //$templ = str_replace ( "__ext_st__", '', $templ );
    $templ = str_replace("__thumbnail__", $thumbnail, $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__launch_ray_im__", $launch_ray_im, $templ);
    // match progress bar
    if ($logged['member'] && $member['ID'] != $p_arr['ID'] && getParam('enable_match')) {
        $templ = str_replace("__match__", getProfileMatch($member['ID'], $p_arr['ID']), $templ);
    } else {
        $templ = str_replace("__match__", '', $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__nick__", $nick, $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__age_sex__", $y_o_sex, $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__city__", $city, $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__just_city__", $sCity, $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__just_age__", $age_only, $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__city_con__", $city_con, $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__country__", $country, $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__occupation__", $occupation, $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__children__", $children, $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__id__", $id, $templ);
    if ($enable_zodiac) {
        $templ = str_replace("__zodiac_sign__", getProfileZodiac($p_arr['DateOfBirth']), $templ);
    } else {
        $templ = str_replace("__zodiac_sign__", "", $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__i_am__", $i_am, $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__i_am_desc__", $i_am_desc, $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__you_are__", $you_are, $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__you_are_desc__", $you_are_desc, $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__ai_im__", $ai_im, $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__al_im__", $al_im, $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__ai_viewprof__", $ai_viewprof, $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__al_viewprof__", $al_viewprof, $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__ai_kiss__", $ai_kiss, $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__al_kiss__", $al_kiss, $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__ai_sendmsg__", $ai_sendmsg, $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__al_sendmsg__", $al_sendmsg, $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__ai_fave__", $ai_fave, $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__al_fave__", $al_fave, $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__ai_hot__", $ai_hot, $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__al_hot__", $al_hot, $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__ai_block__", $ai_block, $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__al_block__", $al_block, $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__from__", _t("_from"), $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__more__", $more, $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__more_photos__", $more_photos, $templ);
    $templ = str_replace("__images__", $site['images'], $templ);
    if (function_exists('colors_select')) {
        $templ = str_replace("__designBoxColor__", colors_select(), $templ);
    return $templ;