Example #1
 * This file is under the GPL liscence, which must be included with the file under distrobution (license.txt)
 * this file was made by Xnova, edited to support Toms combat engine by Anthony (MadnessReD) [http://madnessred.co.cc/]
 * Do not edit this comment block
function flt_mission_attack($mission_data)
    global $lang, $sn_data, $time_now;
    $fleet_row = $mission_data['fleet'];
    $destination_user = $mission_data['dst_user'];
    $destination_planet = $mission_data['dst_planet'];
    if (!$fleet_row) {
    if (!$destination_user || !$destination_planet || !is_array($destination_user) || !is_array($destination_planet)) {
        doquery("UPDATE {{fleets}} SET `fleet_mess` = 1 WHERE `fleet_id` = {$fleet_row['fleet_id']} LIMIT 1;");
    $TargetUserID = $destination_planet['id_owner'];
    $attackFleets = array();
    // ACS function: put all fleet into an array
    if ($fleet_row['fleet_group'] != 0) {
        $fleets = doquery('SELECT * FROM {{fleets}} WHERE fleet_group=' . $fleet_row['fleet_group']);
        while ($fleet = mysql_fetch_assoc($fleets)) {
            BE_attackFleetFill(&$attackFleets, $fleet);
    } else {
        BE_attackFleetFill(&$attackFleets, $fleet_row);
    $db_admiral_name = $sn_data[MRC_ADMIRAL]['name'];
    $defenseFleets = array(0 => array('def' => array(), 'user' => array('id' => $destination_user['id'], 'username' => $destination_user['username'], $db_admiral_name => $destination_user[$db_admiral_name], 'defence_tech' => $destination_user['defence_tech'], 'shield_tech' => $destination_user['shield_tech'], 'military_tech' => $destination_user['military_tech'])));
    foreach ($sn_data['groups']['combat'] as $combatUnitID) {
        if ($destination_planet[$sn_data[$combatUnitID]['name']] > 0) {
            $defenseFleets[0]['def'][$combatUnitID] = $destination_planet[$sn_data[$combatUnitID]['name']];
    $fleets = doquery('SELECT * FROM {{fleets}} WHERE `fleet_end_galaxy` = ' . $fleet_row['fleet_end_galaxy'] . ' AND `fleet_end_system` = ' . $fleet_row['fleet_end_system'] . ' AND `fleet_end_planet` = ' . $fleet_row['fleet_end_planet'] . ' AND `fleet_end_type` = ' . $fleet_row['fleet_end_type'] . ' AND fleet_start_time<' . $time_now . ' AND fleet_end_stay>=' . $time_now);
    while ($fleet = mysql_fetch_assoc($fleets)) {
        BE_attackFleetFill(&$defenseFleets, $fleet, 'def');
    $start = microtime(true);
    $result = coe_attack_calculate($attackFleets, $defenseFleets);
    $totaltime = microtime(true) - $start;
    // Update galaxy (debree)
    if ($destination_user['authlevel'] == 0) {
        doquery('UPDATE {{planets}} SET `debris_metal` = `debris_metal` + ' . ($result['debree']['att'][0] + $result['debree']['def'][0]) . ' , debris_crystal = debris_crystal+' . ($result['debree']['att'][1] + $result['debree']['def'][1]) . ' WHERE `galaxy` = ' . $fleet_row['fleet_end_galaxy'] . ' AND `system` = ' . $fleet_row['fleet_end_system'] . ' AND `planet` = ' . $fleet_row['fleet_end_planet'] . ' AND `planet_type` = 1 LIMIT 1;');
    // !G+ post-calculation for Attackers: fleet left and possible loot
    $loot = BE_calculatePostAttacker($destination_planet, $attackFleets, $result, false);
    if ($result['won'] == 2 && count($result['rw']) == 2) {
        $one_round_loss = true;
    } else {
        $one_round_loss = false;
    // Update fleets & planets
    foreach ($attackFleets as $fleetID => $attacker) {
        if ($attacker['totalCount'] > 0) {
            $sqlQuery = 'UPDATE {{fleets}} SET ';
            if ($result['won'] == 1) {
                $sqlQuery .= '`fleet_resource_metal` = `fleet_resource_metal` + ' . ($attacker['loot']['metal'] + 0) . ', ';
                $sqlQuery .= '`fleet_resource_crystal` = `fleet_resource_crystal` + ' . ($attacker['loot']['crystal'] + 0) . ', ';
                $sqlQuery .= '`fleet_resource_deuterium` = `fleet_resource_deuterium` + ' . ($attacker['loot']['deuterium'] + 0) . ', ';
            $sqlQuery .= '`fleet_array` = "' . substr($attacker['fleetArray'], 0, -1) . '", ';
            $sqlQuery .= '`fleet_amount` = ' . $attacker['totalCount'] . ', `fleet_mess` = 1 WHERE `fleet_id` = ' . $fleetID;
    if ($fleet_row['fleet_mission'] == MT_AKS && $fleet_row['fleet_group']) {
        doquery("DELETE FROM {{aks}} WHERE id={$fleet_row['fleet_group']} LIMIT 1;");
        doquery("UPDATE {{fleets}} SET fleet_group = 0 WHERE fleet_group = {$fleet_row['fleet_group']} AND fleet_mission = " . MT_AKS . ";");
    foreach ($defenseFleets as $fleetID => $defender) {
        $fleetArray = '';
        $totalCount = 0;
        if ($fleetID == 0) {
            foreach ($defender['def'] as $element => $amount) {
                $fleetArray .= "`{$sn_data[$element]['name']}` = '{$amount}', ";
            doquery('UPDATE {{planets}} SET ' . $fleetArray . ' metal = metal - ' . $loot['looted']['metal'] . ', crystal = crystal - ' . $loot['looted']['crystal'] . ', deuterium=deuterium-' . $loot['looted']['deuterium'] . ' WHERE id=' . $destination_planet['id']);
        } else {
            foreach ($defender['def'] as $element => $amount) {
                if ($amount) {
                    $fleetArray .= $element . ',' . $amount . ';';
                $totalCount += $amount;
            if ($totalCount <= 0) {
                doquery("DELETE FROM `{{fleets}}` WHERE `fleet_id` = '{$fleetID}'");
            } else {
                doquery("UPDATE {{fleets}} SET fleet_array = '{$fleetArray}', fleet_amount = {$totalCount}" . ($one_round_loss ? '' : ', fleet_mess = 1') . " WHERE fleet_id = {$fleetID} LIMIT 1;");
    // TvdW (c) 2008
    $planet_coordinates = uni_render_coordinates($fleet_row, 'fleet_end_');
    // FROM HERE THE SCRIPT WAS IMPORTED (not TvdW code anymore)
    $MoonChance = BE_calculateMoonChance($result);
    if (mt_rand(1, 100) <= $MoonChance && ($TargetPlanetName = uni_create_moon($fleet_row['fleet_end_galaxy'], $fleet_row['fleet_end_system'], $fleet_row['fleet_end_planet'], $TargetUserID, $MoonChance))) {
        $GottenMoon = sprintf($lang['sys_moonbuilt'], $TargetPlanetName, $planet_coordinates);
    // Adjust number of raids made/win/loose and xpraid
    $str_loose_or_win = $result['won'] == 1 ? 'raidswin' : 'raidsloose';
    doquery("UPDATE {{users}} SET `xpraid` = `xpraid` + 1, `raids` = `raids` + 1, `{$str_loose_or_win}` = `{$str_loose_or_win}` + 1 WHERE id = '{$fleet_row['fleet_owner']}' LIMIT 1;");
    $bashing_list = array();
    foreach ($defenseFleets as $fleetID => $defender) {
        $users2[$defender['user']['id']] = $users_defender[$defender['user']['id']] = $defender['user']['id'];
    foreach ($attackFleets as $fleetID => $attacker) {
        $users2[$attacker['user']['id']] = $users_attacker[$attacker['user']['id']] = $attacker['user']['id'];
        // Generating attackers list for bashing table
        $bashing_list[$attacker['user']['id']] = "({$attacker['user']['id']}, {$destination_planet['id']}, {$fleet_row['fleet_end_time']})";
    $bashing_list = implode(',', $bashing_list);
    doquery("INSERT INTO {{bashing}} (bashing_user_id, bashing_planet_id, bashing_time) VALUES {$bashing_list};");
    //MadnessRed CR Creation.
    $raport = formatCR($result, $loot['looted'], $MoonChance, $GottenMoon, $totaltime);
    $raport = $raport['html'];
    $rid = md5($raport);
    $QryInsertRapport = 'INSERT INTO `{{rw}}` SET ';
    $QryInsertRapport .= '`time` = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), ';
    $QryInsertRapport .= '`owners` = "' . implode(',', $users2) . '", ';
    $QryInsertRapport .= '`id_owner1` = "' . $attacker['user']['id'] . '", ';
    $QryInsertRapport .= '`id_owner2` = "' . $defender['user']['id'] . '", ';
    $QryInsertRapport .= '`rid` = "' . $rid . '", ';
    $QryInsertRapport .= '`raport` = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($raport) . '"';
    doquery($QryInsertRapport) or die("Error inserting CR to database" . mysql_error() . "<br /><br />Trying to execute:" . mysql_query());
    switch ($result['won']) {
        case 0:
            $color_attackers = $color_defenders = 'orange';
        case 1:
            $color_attackers = 'green';
            $color_defenders = 'red';
        case 2:
            $color_attackers = 'red';
            $color_defenders = 'green';
    $raport_part1 = '<span OnClick=\'f("rw.php?raport=' . $rid . '", "");\' ><center><font color=';
    $raport_part2 = ">{$lang['sys_mess_attack_report']} {$planet_coordinates}</font></span><br /><br />" . "<font color=\"red\">{$lang['sys_perte_attaquant']}: " . pretty_number($result['lost']['att'], true) . "</font>&nbsp;<font color=\"green\">{$lang['sys_perte_defenseur']}: " . pretty_number($result['lost']['def'], true) . "</font><br />" . "{$lang['sys_debris']} {$lang['Metal']} <font color=\"#adaead\">" . pretty_number($result['debree']['att'][0] + $result['debree']['def'][0], true) . "</font> {$lang['Crystal']} <font color=\"#ef51ef\">" . pretty_number($result['debree']['att'][1] + $result['debree']['def'][1], true) . '</font><br />' . ($result['won'] == 1 ? "{$lang['sys_gain']} " . "{$lang['Metal']} <font color=\"#adaead\">" . pretty_number($loot['looted']['metal'], true) . '</font> ' . "{$lang['Crystal']} <font color=\"#ef51ef\">" . pretty_number($loot['looted']['crystal'], true) . '</font> ' . "{$lang['Deuterium']} <font color=\"#f77542\">" . pretty_number($loot['looted']['deuterium'], true) . '</font><br />' : '') . "{$st_1}{$st_2}</center>";
    $raport_acs = $one_round_loss ? "<center><span class=\"negative\">{$lang['sys_mess_attack_report']} {$planet_coordinates}\r\n{$lang['sys_coe_lost_contact']}</span></center>" : "{$raport_part1}{$color_attackers}{$raport_part2}";
    foreach ($users_attacker as $id) {
        //    if ($id != $fleet_row['fleet_owner'] && $id != 0)
        if ($id) {
            msg_send_simple_message($id, '', $fleet_row['fleet_start_time'], MSG_TYPE_COMBAT, $lang['sys_mess_tower'], $lang['sys_mess_attack_report'], $raport_acs);
    $raport_hold = "{$raport_part1}{$color_defenders}{$raport_part2}";
    foreach ($users_defender as $id) {
        if ($id && $id != $fleet_row['fleet_owner']) {
            msg_send_simple_message($id, '', $fleet_row['fleet_start_time'], MSG_TYPE_COMBAT, $lang['sys_mess_tower'], $lang['sys_mess_attack_report'], $raport_hold);
    return $result;
Example #2
    $sym_attacker = $unpacked['A'];
} else {
    $sym_defender = array(0 => $sym_defender);
    $sym_attacker = array(1 => $sym_attacker);
if ($_POST['submit'] || $execute) {
    $replay = eco_sym_encode_replay($sym_defender, 'D');
    $replay .= eco_sym_encode_replay($sym_attacker, 'A');
    $arr_combat_defender = eco_sym_to_combat($sym_defender, 'def');
    $arr_combat_attacker = eco_sym_to_combat($sym_attacker, 'detail');
    // Lets calcualte attack...
    //pdump($arr_combat_attacker, '$arr_combat_attacker');
    //pdump($arr_combat_defender, '$arr_combat_defender');
    $start = microtime(true);
    $result = coe_attack_calculate($arr_combat_attacker, $arr_combat_defender, true);
    $totaltime = microtime(true) - $start;
    // calculating loot per attacking fleet
    $loot = BE_calculatePostAttacker($arr_combat_defender[0]['resources'], $arr_combat_attacker, $result, true);
    // Calculating Moon Chance
    $MoonChance = BE_calculateMoonChance($result);
    $formatted_cr = formatCR($result, $loot['looted'], $MoonChance, '', $totaltime);
    // Well lets just copy rw.php code. If I am showing a cr why re-inent the wheel???
    $Page = '<html>';
    $Page .= '<head>';
    $Page .= "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"{$dpath}/formate.css\">";
    $Page .= '<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251" />';
    $Page .= '</head>';
    $Page .= '<body>';
    $Page .= '<center>';