Example #1
function createApplicationPDF($user_id, $application_id, $targetDirectory)
    $user_id = escape($user_id);
    $application_id = escape($application_id);
    //first verify that application belongs to user and has not been submitted yet
    $checkArray = checkApplication($user_id, $application_id, true);
    if ($checkArray[0] == -2 || $checkArray[0] == -1) {
        return array(FALSE, "verification failure");
    $club_id = $checkArray[1];
    //get application fields
    if ($club_id == 0) {
        $result = mysql_query("SELECT baseapp.varname, baseapp.vardesc, baseapp.vartype, profiles.val, 0 AS sort_col, baseapp.orderId AS sort2_col FROM profiles, baseapp WHERE profiles.user_id = '{$user_id}' AND profiles.var_id = baseapp.id UNION ALL SELECT baseapp.varname, baseapp.vardesc, baseapp.vartype, answers.val, basecat.orderId AS sort_col, baseapp.orderId AS sort2_col FROM answers, baseapp, basecat WHERE answers.application_id = '{$application_id}' AND baseapp.id = answers.var_id AND basecat.id = baseapp.category ORDER BY sort_col, sort2_col");
        $sectionheader = "General Application";
    } else {
        $result = mysql_query("SELECT supplements.varname, supplements.vardesc, supplements.vartype, answers.val FROM answers, supplements WHERE answers.application_id = '{$application_id}' AND supplements.id = answers.var_id ORDER BY supplements.orderId");
        $clubInfo = clubInfo($club_id);
        //array (club name, club description, open_time, close_time, num_recommendations)
        $sectionheader = "Supplement: " . $clubInfo[0];
    $userInfo = getUserInformation($user_id);
    //array(username, email, name)
    return generatePDFByResult($result, $targetDirectory, latexSpecialChars($sectionheader), "User ID: " . latexSpecialChars($user_id) . "\\\\" . latexSpecialChars($userInfo[2]));
Example #2

include "../include/common.php";
include "../config.php";
include "../include/db_connect.php";
include "../include/session.php";
include "../include/apply_gen.php";
if (isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['app_id']) && isset($_REQUEST['club_id'])) {
        $club_id = $_REQUEST['club_id'];
        $app_id = $_REQUEST['app_id'];
        $clubInfo = clubInfo($club_id);
        //passed to page, and also used to validate ownership of application
        $checkStatus = checkApplication($_SESSION['user_id'], $app_id);
        if ($checkStatus != -2) {
            get_page_advanced("club_detail", "apply", array("club_id" => $club_id, "app_id" => $app_id, "clubInfo" => $clubInfo, 'checkStatus' => $checkStatus));
        } else {
            get_page_advanced("message", "apply", array("title" => "Internal error", "message" => "Internal error: application does not appear to belong to the requesting user."));
    } else {
        get_page_advanced("message", "apply", array("title" => "Internal error", "message" => "Internal error: app_id or club_id unspecified."));
} else {
    get_page_advanced("message", "apply", array("title" => "Not Logged In", "message" => "You cannot access the application because you are not logged in. Please <a href=\"../login.php\">login first</a>."));
Example #3
                                        $inform["error"] = "{$club_name} is not open yet! Try again after the open date!";
    $clubsSubscribed = listSubscriptions($_SESSION['user_id']);
    $clubsApplied = getUserClubsApplied($_SESSION['user_id']);
    //matrix maps from club id to array(subscribed?, applystate, applyinfo, clubinfo)
    $clubsArray = array();
    foreach ($clubsSubscribed as $club_id) {
        $clubsArray[$club_id] = array(true, false, false, false);
    foreach ($clubsApplied as $club) {
        if (!isset($clubsArray[$club[0]])) {
            $clubsArray[$club[0]] = array(false, false, false, false);
        $clubsArray[$club[0]][1] = checkApplication($_SESSION['user_id'], $club[3]);
        $clubsArray[$club[0]][2] = $club;
    foreach (array_keys($clubsArray) as $club_id) {
        $clubsArray[$club_id][3] = clubInfo($club_id);
    get_page_advanced("clubs", "apply", array("clubs" => $clubsArray, "inform" => $inform));
} else {
    get_page_advanced("message", "apply", array("title" => "Not Logged In", "message" => "You cannot access the application because you are not logged in. Please <a href=\"../login.php\">login first</a>.", "redirect" => "../login.php"));
Example #4
                    $inform["detail"] = $result;
            } else {
                echo $_REQUEST['action'] . "<br />";
        if ($applicationId !== FALSE) {
            $inform["info"] = "Be sure to save often!";
            if ($_REQUEST['club_id'] == 0) {
                if (isset($_REQUEST['cat_id'])) {
                    $cat_name = getCategory($_REQUEST['cat_id']);
                    $title = "General Application > {$cat_name}";
                    get_page_advanced("app", "apply", array("user_id" => $_SESSION['user_id'], "app_id" => $applicationId, "club_id" => $_REQUEST['club_id'], "cat_id" => $_REQUEST['cat_id'], "action" => "view", "title" => $title, "inform" => $inform));
                } else {
                    get_page_advanced("message", "apply", array("title" => "Internal error", "message" => "Internal error: application not found."));
            } else {
                $club_data = clubInfo($_REQUEST['club_id']);
                $club_name = $club_data[0];
                $title = "Supplement > {$club_name}";
                get_page_advanced("app", "apply", array("user_id" => $_SESSION['user_id'], "app_id" => $applicationId, "club_id" => $_REQUEST['club_id'], "title" => $title, "inform" => $inform));
        } else {
            get_page_advanced("message", "apply", array("title" => "Internal error", "message" => "Internal error: application not found."));
    } else {
        get_page_advanced("message", "apply", array("title" => "Internal error", "message" => "Internal error: club ID or action not specified."));
} else {
    get_page_advanced("message", "apply", array("title" => "Not Logged In", "message" => "You cannot access the application because you are not logged in. Please <a href=\"../login.php\">login first</a>."));
Example #5

	<th>Club Name</th>
	<th>Submit Time</th>
	<th>Finalized Time</th>

<? while($row = mysql_fetch_array($completed)) { ?>
		<td><? $club_detail = clubInfo($row['club_id']); echo $club_detail[0]; ?></td>
echo date('m/d/y H:i', $row['submit_time']);
		<td><? if($row['status'] <= -1) echo date('m/d/y H:i:s', $row['status_time']); ?></td>
echo getPurchaseStatusString($row['status']);
echo $row['amount'];
<? } ?>
Example #6

include "include/common.php";
include "config.php";
include "include/db_connect.php";
include "include/session.php";
include "include/apply_submit.php";
if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) {
    $clubInfo = clubInfo($_REQUEST['id']);
    get_page('affclubs_info', array('clubInfo' => $clubInfo));
} else {
    $clubList = listClubs(true);
    get_page('affclubs', array('clubList' => $clubList));