function api_poller_cache_item_add($host_id, $host_field_override, $local_data_id, $poller_action_id, $data_source_item_name, $num_rrd_items, $arg1 = "", $arg2 = "", $arg3 = "") { $host = db_fetch_row("select\n\t\,\n\t\thost.hostname,\n\t\thost.snmp_community,\n\t\thost.snmp_version,\n\t\thost.snmp_username,\n\t\thost.snmp_password,\n\t\thost.snmp_port,\n\t\thost.snmp_timeout,\n\t\thost.disabled\n\t\tfrom host\n\t\twhere{$host_id}"); /* the $host_field_override array can be used to override certain host fields in the poller cache */ if (isset($host)) { $host = array_merge($host, $host_field_override); } if (isset($host["id"]) || isset($host_id)) { if (isset($host)) { if ($host["disabled"] == "on") { return true; } } else { if ($poller_action_id == 0) { return true; } $host["id"] = 0; $host["snmp_community"] = ""; $host["snmp_timeout"] = ""; $host["snmp_username"] = ""; $host["snmp_password"] = ""; $host["snmp_version"] = ""; $host["snmp_port"] = ""; $host["hostname"] = "None"; } if ($poller_action_id == 0) { if ($host["snmp_version"] < 1 || $host["snmp_version"] > 3 || $host["snmp_community"] == "" && $host["snmp_version"] != 3) { return true; } } return db_execute("insert into poller_item (local_data_id,host_id,action,hostname,\n\t\t\tsnmp_community,snmp_version,snmp_timeout,snmp_username,snmp_password,snmp_port,rrd_name,rrd_path,\n\t\t\trrd_num,arg1,arg2,arg3) values ({$local_data_id}," . $host["id"] . ",{$poller_action_id},'" . $host["hostname"] . "',\n\t\t\t'" . $host["snmp_community"] . "','" . $host["snmp_version"] . "','" . $host["snmp_timeout"] . "',\n\t\t\t'" . $host["snmp_username"] . "','" . $host["snmp_password"] . "','" . $host["snmp_port"] . "',\n\t\t\t'{$data_source_item_name}','" . addslashes(clean_up_path(get_data_source_path($local_data_id, true))) . "',\n\t\t\t'{$num_rrd_items}','{$arg1}','{$arg2}','{$arg3}')"); } }
function api_poller_cache_item_add($host_id, $host_field_override, $local_data_id, $rrd_step, $poller_action_id, $data_source_item_name, $num_rrd_items, $arg1 = '', $arg2 = '', $arg3 = '') { static $hosts = array(); if (!isset($hosts[$host_id])) { $host = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT, host.hostname, host.snmp_community, host.snmp_version, host.snmp_username, host.snmp_password, host.snmp_auth_protocol, host.snmp_priv_passphrase, host.snmp_priv_protocol, host.snmp_context, host.snmp_port, host.snmp_timeout, host.disabled FROM host WHERE = ?', array($host_id)); $hosts[$host_id] = $host; } else { $host = $hosts[$host_id]; } /* the $host_field_override array can be used to override certain host fields in the poller cache */ if (isset($host)) { $host = array_merge($host, $host_field_override); } if (isset($host['id']) || isset($host_id)) { if (isset($host)) { if ($host['disabled'] == 'on') { return; } } else { if ($poller_action_id == 0) { return; } $host['id'] = 0; $host['snmp_community'] = ''; $host['snmp_timeout'] = ''; $host['snmp_username'] = ''; $host['snmp_password'] = ''; $host['snmp_auth_protocol'] = ''; $host['snmp_priv_passphrase'] = ''; $host['snmp_priv_protocol'] = ''; $host['snmp_context'] = ''; $host['snmp_version'] = ''; $host['snmp_port'] = ''; $host['hostname'] = 'None'; } if ($poller_action_id == 0) { if ($host['snmp_version'] < 1 || $host['snmp_version'] > 3 || $host['snmp_community'] == '' && $host['snmp_version'] != 3) { return; } } $rrd_next_step = api_poller_get_rrd_next_step($rrd_step, $num_rrd_items); return "({$local_data_id}, " . '0, ' . $host['id'] . ", {$poller_action_id}," . db_qstr($host['hostname']) . ",\n\t\t\t" . db_qstr($host['snmp_community']) . ', ' . db_qstr($host['snmp_version']) . ', ' . db_qstr($host['snmp_timeout']) . ",\n\t\t\t" . db_qstr($host['snmp_username']) . ', ' . db_qstr($host['snmp_password']) . ', ' . db_qstr($host['snmp_auth_protocol']) . ",\n\t\t\t" . db_qstr($host['snmp_priv_passphrase']) . ', ' . db_qstr($host['snmp_priv_protocol']) . ', ' . db_qstr($host['snmp_context']) . ",\n\t\t\t" . db_qstr($host['snmp_port']) . ', ' . db_qstr($data_source_item_name) . ', ' . db_qstr(clean_up_path(get_data_source_path($local_data_id, true))) . ",\n\t\t\t" . db_qstr($num_rrd_items) . ', ' . db_qstr($rrd_step) . ', ' . db_qstr($rrd_next_step) . ', ' . db_qstr($arg1) . ', ' . db_qstr($arg2) . ', ' . db_qstr($arg3) . ", '1')"; } }
function substitute_path_variables($path) { require_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/lib/sys/string.php"); /* script query */ $path = clean_up_path(str_replace("|path_cacti|", CACTI_BASE_PATH, $path)); $path = clean_up_path(str_replace("|path_php_binary|", read_config_option("path_php_binary"), $path)); /* data source */ $path = clean_up_path(str_replace("<path_rra>", CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/rra", $path)); /* script */ $path = clean_up_path(str_replace("<path_cacti>", CACTI_BASE_PATH, $path)); $path = clean_up_path(str_replace("<path_snmpget>", read_config_option("path_snmpget"), $path)); $path = clean_up_path(str_replace("<path_php_binary>", read_config_option("path_php_binary"), $path)); return $path; }
function api_poller_cache_item_add($host_id, $host_field_override, $local_data_id, $rrd_step, $poller_action_id, $data_source_item_name, $num_rrd_items, $arg1 = "", $arg2 = "", $arg3 = "") { global $cnn_id; static $hosts = array(); if (!isset($hosts[$host_id])) { $host = db_fetch_row("select\n\t\,\n\t\thost.hostname,\n\t\thost.snmp_community,\n\t\thost.snmp_version,\n\t\thost.snmp_username,\n\t\thost.snmp_password,\n\t\thost.snmp_auth_protocol,\n\t\thost.snmp_priv_passphrase,\n\t\thost.snmp_priv_protocol,\n\t\thost.snmp_context,\n\t\thost.snmp_port,\n\t\thost.snmp_timeout,\n\t\thost.disabled\n\t\tfrom host\n\t\twhere{$host_id}"); $hosts[$host_id] = $host; } else { $host = $hosts[$host_id]; } /* the $host_field_override array can be used to override certain host fields in the poller cache */ if (isset($host)) { $host = array_merge($host, $host_field_override); } if (isset($host["id"]) || isset($host_id)) { if (isset($host)) { if ($host["disabled"] == "on") { return; } } else { if ($poller_action_id == 0) { return; } $host["id"] = 0; $host["snmp_community"] = ""; $host["snmp_timeout"] = ""; $host["snmp_username"] = ""; $host["snmp_password"] = ""; $host["snmp_auth_protocol"] = ""; $host["snmp_priv_passphrase"] = ""; $host["snmp_priv_protocol"] = ""; $host["snmp_context"] = ""; $host["snmp_version"] = ""; $host["snmp_port"] = ""; $host["hostname"] = "None"; } if ($poller_action_id == 0) { if ($host["snmp_version"] < 1 || $host["snmp_version"] > 3 || $host["snmp_community"] == "" && $host["snmp_version"] != 3) { return; } } $rrd_next_step = api_poller_get_rrd_next_step($rrd_step, $num_rrd_items); return "({$local_data_id}, " . "0, " . $host["id"] . ", {$poller_action_id}," . $cnn_id->qstr($host["hostname"]) . ",\n\t\t\t" . $cnn_id->qstr($host["snmp_community"]) . ", " . $cnn_id->qstr($host["snmp_version"]) . ", " . $cnn_id->qstr($host["snmp_timeout"]) . ",\n\t\t\t" . $cnn_id->qstr($host["snmp_username"]) . ", " . $cnn_id->qstr($host["snmp_password"]) . ", " . $cnn_id->qstr($host["snmp_auth_protocol"]) . ",\n\t\t\t" . $cnn_id->qstr($host["snmp_priv_passphrase"]) . ", " . $cnn_id->qstr($host["snmp_priv_protocol"]) . ", " . $cnn_id->qstr($host["snmp_context"]) . ",\n\t\t\t" . $cnn_id->qstr($host["snmp_port"]) . ", " . $cnn_id->qstr($data_source_item_name) . ", " . $cnn_id->qstr(clean_up_path(get_data_source_path($local_data_id, true))) . ",\n\t\t\t" . $cnn_id->qstr($num_rrd_items) . ", " . $cnn_id->qstr($rrd_step) . ", " . $cnn_id->qstr($rrd_next_step) . ", " . $cnn_id->qstr($arg1) . ", " . $cnn_id->qstr($arg2) . ", " . $cnn_id->qstr($arg3) . ", '1')"; } }
function api_poller_cache_item_add($host_id, $host_field_override, $local_data_id, $poller_action_id, $data_source_item_name, $num_rrd_items, $arg1 = "", $arg2 = "", $arg3 = "") { $host = db_fetch_row("select, host.hostname, host.snmp_community, host.snmp_version, host.snmp_username, host.snmp_password, host.snmp_port, host.snmp_timeout, host.disabled from host where$host_id"); /* the $host_field_override array can be used to override certain host fields in the poller cache */ if (isset($host)) { $host = array_merge($host, $host_field_override); } if (isset($host["id"]) || (isset($host_id))) { if (isset($host)) { if ($host["disabled"] == "on") { return true; } } else { $host["id"] = 0; $host["snmp_community"] = ""; $host["snmp_timeout"] = ""; $host["snmp_username"] = ""; $host["snmp_password"] = ""; $host["snmp_version"] = ""; $host["snmp_port"] = ""; $host["hostname"] = "None"; } return db_execute("insert into poller_item (local_data_id,host_id,action,hostname, snmp_community,snmp_version,snmp_timeout,snmp_username,snmp_password,snmp_port,rrd_name,rrd_path, rrd_num,arg1,arg2,arg3) values ($local_data_id," . $host["id"] . ",$poller_action_id,'" . $host["hostname"] . "', '" . $host["snmp_community"] . "','" . $host["snmp_version"] . "','" . $host["snmp_timeout"] . "', '" . $host["snmp_username"] . "','" . $host["snmp_password"] . "','" . $host["snmp_port"] . "', '$data_source_item_name','" . addslashes(clean_up_path(get_data_source_path($local_data_id, true))) . "', '$num_rrd_items','$arg1','$arg2','$arg3')"); } }
function substitute_script_query_path($path) { global $config; $path = clean_up_path(str_replace("|path_cacti|", $config["base_path"], $path)); $path = clean_up_path(str_replace("|path_php_binary|", read_config_option("path_php_binary"), $path)); return $path; }
function substitute_script_query_path($path) { global $config; $path = clean_up_path(str_replace('|path_cacti|', $config['base_path'], $path)); $path = clean_up_path(str_replace('|path_php_binary|', read_config_option('path_php_binary'), $path)); return $path; }
function api_poller_cache_item_add($host_id, $host_field_override, $local_data_id, $rrd_step, $poller_action_id, $data_source_item_name, $num_rrd_items, $arg1 = "", $arg2 = "", $arg3 = "") { $host = db_fetch_row("select, host.hostname, host.snmp_community, host.snmp_version, host.snmp_username, host.snmp_password, host.snmp_auth_protocol, host.snmp_priv_passphrase, host.snmp_priv_protocol, host.snmp_context, host.snmp_port, host.snmp_timeout, host.disabled from host where$host_id"); /* the $host_field_override array can be used to override certain host fields in the poller cache */ if (isset($host)) { $host = array_merge($host, $host_field_override); } if (isset($host["id"]) || (isset($host_id))) { if (isset($host)) { if ($host["disabled"] == "on") { return true; } } else { if ($poller_action_id == 0) { return true; } $host["id"] = 0; $host["snmp_community"] = ""; $host["snmp_timeout"] = 0; $host["snmp_username"] = ""; $host["snmp_password"] = ""; $host["snmp_auth_protocol"] = ""; $host["snmp_priv_passphrase"] = ""; $host["snmp_priv_protocol"] = ""; $host["snmp_context"] = ""; $host["snmp_version"] = 0; $host["snmp_port"] = 161; $host["hostname"] = "None"; } if ($poller_action_id == 0) { if (($host["snmp_version"] < 1) || ($host["snmp_version"] > 3) || ($host["snmp_community"] == "" && $host["snmp_version"] != 3)) { return true; } } $rrd_next_step = api_poller_get_rrd_next_step($rrd_step, $num_rrd_items); return db_execute("INSERT INTO poller_item (local_data_id, host_id, action,hostname, snmp_community, snmp_version, snmp_timeout, snmp_username, snmp_password, snmp_auth_protocol, snmp_priv_passphrase, snmp_priv_protocol, snmp_context, snmp_port, rrd_name, rrd_path, rrd_num, rrd_step, rrd_next_step, arg1, arg2, arg3) VALUES ($local_data_id, " . $host["id"] . ", $poller_action_id,'" . $host["hostname"] . "', '" . $host["snmp_community"] . "', '" . $host["snmp_version"] . "', '" . $host["snmp_timeout"] . "', '" . $host["snmp_username"] . "', '" . $host["snmp_password"] . "', '" . $host["snmp_auth_protocol"] . "', '" . $host["snmp_priv_passphrase"] . "', '" . $host["snmp_priv_protocol"] . "', '" . $host["snmp_context"] . "', '" . $host["snmp_port"] . "', '$data_source_item_name', '" . addslashes(clean_up_path(get_data_source_path($local_data_id, true))) . "', '$num_rrd_items', '$rrd_step', '$rrd_next_step', '$arg1', '$arg2', '$arg3')"); } }
function api_poller_cache_item_add($host_id, $data_source_id, $polling_interval, $poller_action_id, $data_source_item_name, $num_rrd_items, $arg1 = "", $arg2 = "", $arg3 = "") { global $cnn_id; require_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/lib/sys/string.php"); require_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/lib/data_source/data_source_info.php"); if (empty($data_source_id)) { return; } if (!empty($host_id)) { $host = db_fetch_row("select, host.poller_id, host.hostname, host.snmp_community, host.snmp_version, host.snmpv3_auth_username, host.snmpv3_auth_password, host.snmpv3_auth_protocol, host.snmpv3_priv_passphrase, host.snmpv3_priv_protocol, host.snmp_port, host.snmp_timeout, host.availability_method, host.ping_method, host.disabled from host where = $host_id"); } /* return if the device is marked as disabled */ if ((isset($host)) && ($host["disabled"] == "on")) { return; } $save["local_data_id"] = $data_source_id; $save["host_id"] = $host_id; $save["action"] = $poller_action_id; $save["poller_id"] = (isset($host) ? $host["poller_id"] : ""); $save["hostname"] = (isset($host) ? $host["hostname"] : ""); $save["snmp_community"] = (isset($host) ? $host["snmp_community"] : ""); $save["snmp_version"] = (isset($host) ? $host["snmp_version"] : ""); $save["snmpv3_auth_username"] = (isset($host) ? $host["snmpv3_auth_username"] : ""); $save["snmpv3_auth_password"] = (isset($host) ? $host["snmpv3_auth_password"] : ""); $save["snmpv3_auth_protocol"] = (isset($host) ? $host["snmpv3_auth_protocol"] : ""); $save["snmpv3_priv_passphrase"] = (isset($host) ? $host["snmpv3_priv_passphrase"] : ""); $save["snmpv3_priv_protocol"] = (isset($host) ? $host["snmpv3_priv_protocol"] : ""); $save["snmp_timeout"] = (isset($host) ? $host["snmp_timeout"] : ""); $save["snmp_port"] = (isset($host) ? $host["snmp_port"] : ""); $save["availability_method"] = (isset($host) ? $host["availability_method"] : ""); $save["ping_method"] = (isset($host) ? $host["ping_method"] : ""); $save["rrd_name"] = $data_source_item_name; $save["rrd_path"] = addslashes(clean_up_path(api_data_source_path_get($data_source_id, true))); $save["rrd_num"] = $num_rrd_items; $save["rrd_step"] = $polling_interval; $save["rrd_next_step"] = api_poller_get_rrd_next_step($polling_interval, $num_rrd_items); // FIX ME $save["arg1"] = $arg1; $save["arg2"] = $arg2; $save["arg3"] = $arg3; /* for pass by reference */ $table_name = "poller_item"; db_execute($cnn_id->GetInsertSQL($table_name, $save)); }
/** * This function is a callback function that is used while extracting a zipfile * * * @param $p_event * @param $p_header * @return 1 (If the function returns 1, then the extraction is resumed) */ function clean_up_files_in_zip($p_event, &$p_header) { $res = clean_up_path($p_header['filename']); return $res; }
/** api_poller_cache_item_add - add an item to the poller cache * * @param int $device_id * @param string $device_field_override * @param int $local_data_id * @param int $rrd_step * @param int $poller_action_id * @param string $data_source_item_name * @param int $num_rrd_items * @param string $arg1 * @param string $arg2 * @param string $arg3 * @return unknown_type */ function api_poller_cache_item_add($device_id, $device_field_override, $local_data_id, $rrd_step, $poller_action_id, $data_source_item_name, $num_rrd_items, $arg1 = "", $arg2 = "", $arg3 = "") { static $devices = array(); if (!isset($devices[$device_id])) { $device = db_fetch_row("select, device.poller_id, device.hostname, device.snmp_community, device.snmp_version, device.snmp_username, device.snmp_password, device.snmp_auth_protocol, device.snmp_priv_passphrase, device.snmp_priv_protocol, device.snmp_context, device.snmp_port, device.snmp_timeout, device.disabled from device where$device_id"); $devices[$device_id] = $device; } else { $device = $devices[$device_id]; } /* the $device_field_override array can be used to override certain device fields in the poller cache */ if (isset($device)) { $device = array_merge($device, $device_field_override); } if (isset($device["id"]) || (isset($device_id))) { if (isset($device)) { if ($device["disabled"] == CHECKED) { return; } } else { if ($poller_action_id == 0) { return; } $device["id"] = 0; $device["poller_id"] = 0; $device["snmp_community"] = ""; $device["snmp_timeout"] = ""; $device["snmp_username"] = ""; $device["snmp_password"] = ""; $device["snmp_auth_protocol"] = ""; $device["snmp_priv_passphrase"] = ""; $device["snmp_priv_protocol"] = ""; $device["snmp_context"] = ""; $device["snmp_version"] = ""; $device["snmp_port"] = ""; $device["hostname"] = "None"; } if ($poller_action_id == 0) { if (($device["snmp_version"] < 1) || ($device["snmp_version"] > 3) || ($device["snmp_community"] == "" && $device["snmp_version"] != 3)) { return; } } $rrd_next_step = api_poller_get_rrd_next_step($rrd_step, $num_rrd_items); return "($local_data_id, " . $device["poller_id"] . ", " . $device["id"] . ", $poller_action_id,'" . $device["hostname"] . "', '" . $device["snmp_community"] . "', '" . $device["snmp_version"] . "', '" . $device["snmp_timeout"] . "', '" . $device["snmp_username"] . "', '" . $device["snmp_password"] . "', '" . $device["snmp_auth_protocol"] . "', '" . $device["snmp_priv_passphrase"] . "', '" . $device["snmp_priv_protocol"] . "', '" . $device["snmp_context"] . "', '" . $device["snmp_port"] . "', '$data_source_item_name', '" . addslashes(clean_up_path(get_data_source_path($local_data_id, true))) . "', '$num_rrd_items', '$rrd_step', '$rrd_next_step', '$arg1', '$arg2', '$arg3', '1')"; } }