Example #1
  * Get the Slack representation of the notification.
  * @param $notifiable
  * @return $this
 public function toSlack($notifiable)
     return (new SlackMessage())->content('New EVEMail Received!')->attachment(function ($attachment) {
         $attachment->title('Read on SeAT', route('character.view.mail.timeline.read', ['message_id' => $this->message->messageID]))->fields(['From' => $this->message->senderName, 'Subject' => $this->message->title, 'Sent Date' => $this->message->sentDate, 'Message' => str_limit(str_replace('<br>', ' ', clean_ccp_html($this->message->body->body, '<br>')), 250)]);
Example #2
  * Attempt to 'thread' evemails based on the seperator
  * that is automatically added using the eve client.
  * @param $message
  * @return array
 function evemail_threads($message)
     // Explode the messages based on the delimiter added
     // by the EVE Online Client.
     $delimiter = '--------------------------------<br>';
     return collect(explode($delimiter, $message))->map(function ($thread) {
         // Message headers array.
         $headers = ['subject' => null, 'from' => null, 'sent' => null, 'to' => null, 'message' => null, 'headers_ok' => false];
         // Start by setting the full message first.
         $headers['message'] = $thread;
         // Next, parse the headers.
         // Example header:
         // Re: Assistance
         // From: Some Character
         // Sent: 2016.11.22 20:38
         // To: qu1ckkkk
         // Example raw header:
         // Re: Assistance<br>From: Some Character<br>Sent: 2016.11.22 20:38<br>To: qu1ckkkk,  <br>
         // Cleanup the message first:
         $thread = clean_ccp_html($thread, '<br>');
         // Explode on the <br> characters to get an array.
         $thread = explode('<br>', $thread, 5);
         // Ensure the message got 4 parts
         if (count($thread) < 4) {
             return $headers;
         // Check and extract the headers.
         // First the subject.
         $headers['subject'] = $thread[0];
         // And then the From characterName
         $headers['from'] = strpos($thread[1], 'From') !== false ? ltrim($thread[1], 'From: ') : null;
         // Next the sent date.
         // We make this a carbon object too while we at it.
         try {
             $time = carbon()->createFromFormat('Y.m.d H:i', ltrim($thread[2], 'Sent: '));
             $headers['sent'] = strpos($thread[2], 'Sent') !== false ? $time : null;
         } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
         // Lasty the To characterName. We need to trim a trailing
         // comma (,) here too.
         $to = ltrim($thread[3], 'To: ');
         $to = rtrim($to, ',  ');
         $headers['to'] = strpos($thread[3], 'To') !== false ? $to : null;
         // Ensure that all of the headers resolved.
         if (!is_null($headers['from']) && !is_null($headers['sent']) && !is_null($headers['to'])) {
             $headers['headers_ok'] = true;
         return $headers;