<?php # Include files required for the site to work properly. require_once "config.php"; require_once "functions.php"; # Set the timezone for the date() function date_default_timezone_set("America/Los_Angeles"); # Retrieve the information for the challenge to accept. $challenger = cleanInputs($_POST['challenger'], $connection); $challengee = cleanInputs($_POST['challengee'], $connection); $challengeDate = $_POST['time']; $acceptDate = date("Y-m-d"); # Add an accepted date to the challenge to accept. $acceptSuccess = mysqli_query($connection, "UPDATE challenge SET accepted = '{$acceptDate}' WHERE \n challenger = '{$challenger}' AND \n challengee = '{$challengee}' AND \n scheduled = '{$challengeDate}'") or die(mysqli_error($connection)); # If the update to accept the selected challenge was successful, remove all # other challenges for the challengee from the database. if ($acceptSuccess) { # Remove other challenges for the challengee and challengerfrom the database. $acceptSuccess = mysqli_query($connection, "DELETE FROM challenge WHERE \n (challengee = '{$challengee}' OR \n challengee = '{$challenger}' OR\n challenger = '{$challengee}' OR\n challenger = '{$challenger}') AND \n accepted IS NULL") or die(mysqli_error($connection)); } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Wrath of Titans - Accept Challenge</title> <!-- CSS Inclusion --> <link href="../../styles/reset.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="../../styles/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <!-- /End CSS Inclusion -->
<?php # Include files required for the site to work properly. require_once "config.php"; require_once "functions.php"; # Set the timezone for the date() function date_default_timezone_set("America/Los_Angeles"); # Retrieve the input and clean it for database insertion. $challenger = cleanInputs($_POST['challenger'], $connection); $challengee = cleanInputs($_POST['challengee'], $connection); $issueDate = date("Y-m-d"); # Convert the times received to a timestamp for insertion into the database. $scheduleDate = cleanInputs($_POST['date'], $connection); $scheduleTime = cleanInputs($_POST['time'], $connection); $challengeDate = $scheduleDate . " " . $scheduleTime; # Before attempting to insert the challenge, perform one final # check to make sure that the given date is valid. $toCheck = split("-", $scheduleDate); $validDate = checkDate($toCheck[1], $toCheck[2], $toCheck[0]); if ($validDate) { # Insert the new challenge into the database. $challengeSuccess = mysqli_query($connection, "INSERT INTO challenge (challenger, challengee, issued, scheduled) \n VALUES ('{$challenger}', '{$challengee}', '{$issueDate}', '{$challengeDate}')"); } else { $challengeSuccess = false; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Wrath of Titans - Issue Challenge</title>
<?php # Include files required for the site to work properly. require_once "config.php"; require_once "functions.php"; # Set a flag to keep track of whether registration was successful, this # allows for the display of an appopriate message later. $registerSuccess = true; # Retreive the user input and clean it for database insertion $username = cleanInputs($_POST['username'], $connection); $playerName = cleanInputs($_POST['name'], $connection); $phone = cleanInputs($_POST['phone'], $connection); $email = cleanInputs($_POST['email'], $connection); $password = cleanInputs($_POST['password'], $connection); # Hash the password for storage in the database. $hashedPassword = hashPass($username, $password); # Determine whether there are accounts that use the same username or # email address. $sameUsername = mysqli_num_rows(mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT * FROM player WHERE username = '******'")) != 0; $sameEmail = mysqli_num_rows(mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT * FROM player WHERE email = '{$email}'")) != 0; # If no accounts were found using the same username or eamil address, # continue with the registration process. if (!$sameUsername && !$sameEmail) { # Determine what the new account's initial rank should be. This equals # the lowest rank in the ladder plus 1. $getRanks = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT MAX(rank) FROM player"); $maxRank = mysqli_fetch_array($getRanks); $maxRank = $maxRank[0]; $newRank = $maxRank + 1; # Insert the new user into the database, using the boolean return result # from the query to determine whether registration of the account was