Example #1
 protected function isDocumentDownloadableInCourse($requestedUrl)
     if (claro_is_in_a_group()) {
         $groupContext = true;
         $courseContext = false;
         $is_allowedToEdit = claro_is_group_member() || claro_is_group_tutor() || claro_is_course_manager();
     } else {
         $groupContext = false;
         $courseContext = true;
         $is_allowedToEdit = claro_is_course_manager();
     if ($courseContext) {
         $courseTblList = claro_sql_get_course_tbl();
         $tbl_document = $courseTblList['document'];
         if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == "WIN") {
             $modifier = '';
         } else {
             $modifier = 'BINARY ';
         $sql = "SELECT visibility\n                    FROM `{$tbl_document}`\n                    WHERE {$modifier} path = '" . claro_sql_escape($requestedUrl) . "'";
         $docVisibilityStatus = claro_sql_query_get_single_value($sql);
         if (!is_null($docVisibilityStatus) && $docVisibilityStatus == 'i' && !$is_allowedToEdit) {
             return false;
         } else {
             return true;
     } else {
         // ????
Example #2
  * create the message in the message table and return the identification of this
  * @return int message identification
 private final function addMessage($messageToSend)
     //create an array of the name of the table needed
     $tableName = get_module_main_tbl(array('im_message'));
     $subject = claro_sql_escape($messageToSend->getSubject());
     $message = claro_sql_escape($messageToSend->getMessage());
     if (is_null($messageToSend->getSender())) {
         $sender = claro_get_current_user_id();
     } else {
         $sender = (int) $messageToSend->getSender();
     if (!is_null($messageToSend->getCourseCode())) {
         $course = "'" . claro_sql_escape($messageToSend->getCourseCode()) . "'";
     } else {
         $course = "NULL";
     if (!is_null($messageToSend->getGroupId())) {
         $group = (int) $messageToSend->getGroupId();
     } else {
         $group = "NULL";
     if (!is_null($messageToSend->getToolsLabel())) {
         $tools = "'" . claro_sql_escape($messageToSend->getToolsLabel()) . "'";
     } else {
         $tools = "NULL";
     // add the message in the table of messages and retrieves the ID
     $addInternalMessageSQL = "INSERT INTO `" . $tableName['im_message'] . "` \n" . "(sender, subject, message, send_time, course, `group` , tools) \n" . "VALUES ({$sender},'" . $subject . "','" . $message . "', '\n" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", claro_time()) . "'," . $course . "," . $group . "," . $tools . ")\n";
     // try to read the last ID inserted if the request pass
     if (claro_sql_query($addInternalMessageSQL)) {
         return claro_sql_insert_id();
     } else {
         throw new Exception(claro_sql_errno() . ":" . claro_sql_error());
Example #3
  * @see SelectorStrategy
 public function getStrategy()
     $condition = $this->strategy;
     foreach ($this->valueList as $key => $value) {
         $condition = str_replace('%' . $key . '%', claro_sql_escape($value), $condition);
     return " WHERE " . $condition . "\n";
Example #4
  * Add a message to the log. The message will be associated with the current
  * course_code, user_id, tool_id, date and IP address of the client
  * @param string $type
  * @param string $data
  * @return boolean 
 public function log($type, $data)
     $cid = claro_get_current_course_id();
     $tid = claro_get_current_tool_id();
     $uid = claro_get_current_user_id();
     $date = claro_date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $ip = !empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : null;
     $data = serialize($data);
     $sql = "INSERT INTO `" . $this->tbl_log . "`\n                SET `course_code` = " . (is_null($cid) ? "NULL" : "'" . claro_sql_escape($cid) . "'") . ",\n                    `tool_id` = " . (is_null($tid) ? "NULL" : "'" . claro_sql_escape($tid) . "'") . ",\n                    `user_id` = " . (is_null($uid) ? "NULL" : "'" . claro_sql_escape($uid) . "'") . ",\n                    `ip` = " . (is_null($ip) ? "NULL" : "'" . claro_sql_escape($ip) . "'") . ",\n                    `date` = '" . $date . "',\n                    `type` = '" . claro_sql_escape($type) . "',\n                    `data` = '" . claro_sql_escape($data) . "'";
     return claro_sql_query($sql);
Example #5
 function buildRecords($exportUserInfo = true)
     $tbl_mdb_names = claro_sql_get_main_tbl();
     $tbl_user = $tbl_mdb_names['user'];
     $tbl_rel_course_user = $tbl_mdb_names['rel_course_user'];
     $tbl_cdb_names = claro_sql_get_course_tbl(claro_get_course_db_name_glued($this->course_id));
     $tbl_team = $tbl_cdb_names['group_team'];
     $tbl_rel_team_user = $tbl_cdb_names['group_rel_team_user'];
     $username = claro_is_platform_admin() && get_conf('export_sensitive_data_for_admin', false) || get_conf('export_user_username', false) ? "`U`.`username`     AS `username`," : "";
     if (claro_is_platform_admin() && get_conf('export_sensitive_data_for_admin', false) || get_conf('export_user_password', false)) {
         if (claro_is_platform_admin() && get_conf('export_sensitive_data_for_admin', false) || get_conf('export_user_password_encrypted', true)) {
             $password = "******";
         } else {
             $password = "******";
     } else {
         $password = '';
     // get user list
     $sql = "SELECT `U`.`user_id`      AS `userId`,\n                       `U`.`nom`          AS `lastname`,\n                       `U`.`prenom`       AS `firstname`,\n                       {$username}\n                       {$password}\n                       `U`.`email`        AS `email`,\n                       `U`.`officialCode`     AS `officialCode`,\n                       GROUP_CONCAT(`G`.`id`) AS `groupId`,\n                       GROUP_CONCAT(`G`.`name`) AS `groupName`\n               FROM\n                    (\n                    `" . $tbl_user . "`           AS `U`,\n                    `" . $tbl_rel_course_user . "` AS `CU`\n                    )\n               LEFT JOIN `" . $tbl_rel_team_user . "` AS `GU`\n                ON `U`.`user_id` = `GU`.`user`\n               LEFT JOIN `" . $tbl_team . "` AS `G`\n                ON `GU`.`team` = `G`.`id`\n               WHERE `U`.`user_id` = `CU`.`user_id`\n               AND   `CU`.`code_cours`= '" . claro_sql_escape($this->course_id) . "'\n               GROUP BY U.`user_id`\n               ORDER BY U.`user_id`";
     $userList = claro_sql_query_fetch_all($sql);
     // build recordlist with good values for answers
     if (is_array($userList) && !empty($userList)) {
         // add titles at row 0, for that get the keys of the first row of array
         $this->recordList[0] = array_keys($userList[0]);
         $i = 1;
         $userIdList = array();
         foreach ($userList as $user) {
             $userIdList[$user['userId']] = $i;
             if (!(claro_is_platform_admin() && get_conf('export_sensitive_data_for_admin', false) || get_conf('export_user_id', false))) {
                 $user['userId'] = $i;
             // $this->recordList is defined in parent class csv
             $this->recordList[$i] = $user;
         if ($exportUserInfo) {
             $userInfoList = new UserInfoList($this->course_id);
             $userInfoLabelList = $userInfoList->getUserInfoLabels();
             foreach ($userInfoLabelList as $catId => $catTitle) {
                 $this->recordList[0][] = $catTitle;
                 $userCatInfo = $userInfoList->getUserInfo($catId);
                 foreach ($userCatInfo as $userCatInfo) {
                     $this->recordList[$userIdList[$userCatInfo['userId']]][] = $userCatInfo['content'];
     if (is_array($this->recordList) && !empty($this->recordList)) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Example #6
  * return the conditions
  * @return string conditions
 public function getStrategy()
     $condition = "";
     $this->search = trim($this->search);
     if ($this->search != "" && $this->search != "*") {
         $wordList = array();
         if ($this->searchStrategy == parent::SEARCH_STRATEGY_EXPRESSION) {
             $wordList = array($this->search);
         } elseif ($this->searchStrategy == parent::SEARCH_STRATEGY_WORD) {
             $wordList = preg_split('/\\s+/', $this->search);
         $searchCondition = "";
         foreach ($wordList as $key => $word) {
             if ($searchCondition != "") {
                 $searchCondition .= " OR ";
             $searchCondition .= str_replace('%search%', claro_sql_escape($word), self::SEARCH_SELECT) . "\n";
         $condition .= " AND (" . $searchCondition . ")";
     return $condition;
Example #7
  * Load tool action list value of a profile
 public function loadToolActionList()
     // load all action for this profile type
     $sql = " SELECT A.id, A.name, A.tool_id, CT.claro_label\n                 FROM `" . $this->tbl['action'] . "` `A`,\n                      `" . $this->tbl['course_tool'] . "` `CT`\n                 WHERE type = '" . claro_sql_escape($this->profile->type) . "'\n                    AND A.tool_id = CT.id\n                 ORDER BY CT.def_rank";
     $actionResult = claro_sql_query_fetch_all($sql);
     // initialise all tool action
     foreach ($actionResult as $action) {
         $toolId = $action['tool_id'];
         $actionName = $action['name'];
         $this->toolActionList[$toolId][$actionName] = false;
     // load value of action
     $sql = " SELECT PA.action_id, PA.value, A.tool_id, A.name\n                 FROM `" . $this->tbl['rel_profile_action'] . "` `PA`,\n                      `" . $this->tbl['action'] . "` `A`\n                 WHERE PA.profile_id = " . $this->profile->id . "\n                 AND PA.action_id = A.id\n                 AND PA.courseId = ''";
     $action_list = claro_sql_query_fetch_all($sql);
     // load all actions value for the profile
     foreach ($action_list as $this_action) {
         $actionName = $this_action['name'];
         $actionValue = (bool) $this_action['value'];
         $toolId = $this_action['tool_id'];
         if (isset($this->toolActionList[$toolId][$actionName])) {
             $this->toolActionList[$toolId][$actionName] = $actionValue;
Example #8
 * Upgrade introduction text table to 1.7
 * @param $course_code string
 * @return boolean whether tru if succeed
function introtext_upgrade_to_17($course_code)
    global $currentCourseVersion;
    $versionRequiredToProceed = '/^1.6/';
    $tool = 'CLINTRO';
    $currentCourseDbNameGlu = claro_get_course_db_name_glued($course_code);
    // IN 1.7 intro table has new column to prepare multi-intro orderable
    // Job for this upgrade
    // STEP 1 BAcKUP OLD TABLE Before creat the new
    // STEP 2 Create The new table
    // STEP 3 FILL The new table with value from the old
    // STEP 4 Delete backuped table
    if (preg_match($versionRequiredToProceed, $currentCourseVersion)) {
        switch ($step = get_upgrade_status($tool, $course_code)) {
            // groups of forums
            case 1:
                // STEP 1 BAcKUP OLD TABLE Before creat the new
                $sql_step1[] = "RENAME TABLE `" . $currentCourseDbNameGlu . "tool_intro` TO `" . $currentCourseDbNameGlu . "tool_intro_prev17`";
                if (!upgrade_apply_sql($sql_step1)) {
                    return $step;
                $step = set_upgrade_status($tool, 2, $course_code);
            case 2:
                // STEP 2 Create The new table
                $sql_step2[] = "CREATE TABLE `" . $currentCourseDbNameGlu . "tool_intro` (\n                              `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,\n                              `tool_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',\n                              `title` varchar(255) default NULL,\n                              `display_date` datetime default NULL,\n                              `content` text,\n                              `rank` int(11) default '1',\n                              `visibility` enum('SHOW','HIDE') NOT NULL default 'SHOW',\n                           PRIMARY KEY  (`id`) ) ";
                if (!upgrade_apply_sql($sql_step2)) {
                    return $step;
                $step = set_upgrade_status($tool, 3, $course_code);
            case 3:
                // STEP 3 FILL The new table with value from the old
                $sql = " SELECT `id`, `texte_intro`\n                         FROM `" . $currentCourseDbNameGlu . "tool_intro_prev17` ";
                $result = upgrade_sql_query($sql);
                if (!$result) {
                    return $step;
                while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
                    $sql = "INSERT INTO `" . $currentCourseDbNameGlu . "tool_intro`\n                            (`tool_id`,`content`)\n                            VALUES\n                            ('" . $row['id'] . "','" . claro_sql_escape($row['texte_intro']) . "')";
                    if (!upgrade_sql_query($sql)) {
                        return $step;
                $step = set_upgrade_status($tool, 4, $course_code);
            case 4:
                // STEP 4 Delete OLD
                $sql_step4[] = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `" . $currentCourseDbNameGlu . "tool_intro_prev17`";
                if (!upgrade_apply_sql($sql_step4)) {
                    return $step;
                $step = set_upgrade_status($tool, 0, $course_code);
                return $step;
    return false;
Example #9
  * save object in db
  * @author Sebastien Piraux <*****@*****.**>
  * @return boolean result of operation
 public function save()
     $sqlGradeList = implode(',', $this->gradeList);
     $sqlWrongAnswerList = implode(',', $this->wrongAnswerList);
     if ($this->id == -1) {
         // insert
         $sql = "INSERT INTO `" . $this->tblAnswer . "`\n                    SET `questionId` = " . (int) $this->questionId . ",\n                        `answer` = '" . claro_sql_escape($this->answerText) . "',\n                        `gradeList` = '" . claro_sql_escape($sqlGradeList) . "',\n                        `wrongAnswerList` = '" . claro_sql_escape($sqlWrongAnswerList) . "',\n                        `type` = " . (int) $this->type;
         // execute the creation query and get id of inserted assignment
         $insertedId = claro_sql_query_insert_id($sql);
         if ($insertedId) {
             $this->id = (int) $insertedId;
             return $this->id;
         } else {
             return false;
     } else {
         // update
         $sql = "UPDATE `" . $this->tblAnswer . "`\n                    SET `answer` = '" . claro_sql_escape($this->answerText) . "',\n                        `gradeList` = '" . claro_sql_escape($sqlGradeList) . "',\n                        `wrongAnswerList` = '" . claro_sql_escape($sqlWrongAnswerList) . "',\n                        `type` = " . (int) $this->type . "\n                    WHERE `id` = " . (int) $this->id;
         // execute and return main query
         if (claro_sql_query($sql)) {
             return $this->id;
         } else {
             return false;
Example #10
    switch (claro_failure::get_last_failure()) {
        case 'BASE_DIR_DONT_EXIST':
            pushClaroMessage($searchBasePath . ' : call to an unexisting directory in groups');
            pushClaroMessage('Search failed');
    // TODO claro_search_file would return an empty array when failed
    $filePathList = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($filePathList); $i++) {
    $filePathList[$i] = str_replace($baseWorkDir, '', $filePathList[$i]);
if ($cmd == 'exSearch' && $courseContext) {
    $sql = "SELECT path FROM `" . $dbTable . "`\n            WHERE comment LIKE '%" . claro_sql_escape($searchPatternSql) . "%'";
    $dbSearchResult = claro_sql_query_fetch_all_cols($sql);
    if (!$is_allowedToEdit) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($searchExcludeList); $i++) {
            for ($j = 0; $j < count($dbSearchResult['path']); $j++) {
                if (preg_match('|^' . $searchExcludeList[$i] . '|', $dbSearchResult['path'][$j])) {
    $filePathList = array_unique(array_merge($filePathList, $dbSearchResult['path']));
$fileList = array();
if (count($filePathList) > 0) {
Example #11
 private function movePortlet($label, $direction)
     switch ($direction) {
         case self::UP:
             //1-find value of current module rank in the dock
             $sql = "SELECT `rank`\n                        FROM `" . $this->tblDesktopPortlet . "`\n                        WHERE `label`='" . claro_sql_escape($label) . "'";
             $result = claro_sql_query_get_single_value($sql);
             //2-move down above module
             $sql = "UPDATE `" . $this->tblDesktopPortlet . "`\n                        SET `rank` = `rank`+1\n                        WHERE `label` != '" . claro_sql_escape($label) . "'\n                        AND `rank`       = " . (int) $result['rank'] . " -1 ";
             //3-move up current module
             $sql = "UPDATE `" . $this->tblDesktopPortlet . "`\n                        SET `rank` = `rank`-1\n                        WHERE `label` = '" . claro_sql_escape($label) . "'\n                        AND `rank` > 1";
         case self::DOWN:
             //1-find value of current module rank in the dock
             $sql = "SELECT `rank`\n                        FROM `" . $this->tblDesktopPortlet . "`\n                        WHERE `label`='" . claro_sql_escape($label) . "'";
             $result = claro_sql_query_get_single_value($sql);
             //this second query is to avoid a page refreshment wrong update
             $sqlmax = "SELECT MAX(`rank`) AS `max_rank`\n                          FROM `" . $this->tblDesktopPortlet . "`";
             $resultmax = claro_sql_query_get_single_value($sqlmax);
             if ($resultmax['max_rank'] == $result['rank']) {
             //2-move up above module
             $sql = "UPDATE `" . $this->tblDesktopPortlet . "`\n                        SET `rank` = `rank` - 1\n                        WHERE `label` != '" . claro_sql_escape($label) . "'\n                        AND `rank` = " . (int) $result['rank'] . " + 1\n                        AND `rank` > 1";
             //3-move down current module
             $sql = "UPDATE `" . $this->tblDesktopPortlet . "`\n                        SET `rank` = `rank` + 1\n                        WHERE `label`='" . claro_sql_escape($label) . "'";
Example #12
    claro_die('ERROR : COURSE NOT FOUND!!!');
// Build query and find info in db
$sql = "\nSELECT\n    U.nom, U.prenom, U.`user_id` AS ID,\n    CU.*,\n    CU.`user_id` AS Register\nFROM  `" . $tbl_user . "` AS U";
$toAdd = "\nLEFT JOIN `" . $tbl_course_user . "` AS CU\n    ON             CU.`user_id`=U.`user_id`\n            AND CU.`code_cours` = '" . claro_sql_escape($cidToEdit) . "'\n        ";
$sql .= $toAdd;
//deal with LETTER classification call
if (isset($_GET['letter'])) {
    $toAdd = "\n            AND U.`nom` LIKE '" . claro_sql_escape($_GET['letter']) . "%' ";
    $sql .= $toAdd;
//deal with KEY WORDS classification call
if (isset($_REQUEST['search']) && $_REQUEST['search'] != '') {
    $toAdd = " WHERE (U.`nom` LIKE '" . claro_sql_escape($_REQUEST['search']) . "%'\n              OR U.`username` LIKE '" . claro_sql_escape($_REQUEST['search']) . "%'\n              OR U.`prenom` LIKE '" . claro_sql_escape($_REQUEST['search']) . "%') ";
    $sql .= $toAdd;
// deal with REORDER
//first see is direction must be changed
if (isset($_REQUEST['chdir']) && $_REQUEST['chdir'] == 'yes') {
    if ($_SESSION['admin_register_dir'] == 'ASC') {
        $_SESSION['admin_register_dir'] = 'DESC';
    } else {
        $_SESSION['admin_register_dir'] = 'ASC';
if (isset($_SESSION['admin_register_order_crit'])) {
    if ($_SESSION['admin_register_order_crit'] == 'user_id') {
        $toAdd = " ORDER BY `U`.`user_id` " . $_SESSION['admin_register_dir'];
    } else {
Example #13
 * Move tracking data from old tables to new ones.
 * @return upgrade status
function upgrade_main_database_tracking_data_to_19()
    $tbl_mdb_names = claro_sql_get_main_tbl();
    $tool = 'MAIN_TRACKING_DATA_19';
    switch ($step = get_upgrade_status($tool)) {
        case 1:
            // drop id to be able to recreate it with correct autoincrement values at last step
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE `" . $tbl_mdb_names['tracking_event'] . "` DROP `id`";
            if (upgrade_sql_query($sql)) {
                $step = set_upgrade_status($tool, $step + 1);
            } else {
                return $step;
        case 2:
            // get total number of rows in track_e_login
            $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*)\n                        FROM `" . get_conf('statsDbName') . '`.`' . get_conf('statsTblPrefix') . "track_e_login`";
            $tableRows = (int) claro_sql_query_fetch_single_value($sql);
            $recoveredOffset = UpgradeTrackingOffset::retrieve();
            // get a subgroup of 250 rows and insert group by group in tracking_event table
            for ($offset = $recoveredOffset; $offset < $tableRows; $offset += 250) {
                // we have to store offset to start again from it if something failed
                $query = "SELECT `login_id`, `login_user_id`, `login_date`, `login_ip`\n                            FROM `" . get_conf('statsDbName') . '`.`' . get_conf('statsTblPrefix') . "track_e_login`\n                        ORDER BY `login_date`, `login_id`\n                           LIMIT " . $offset . ", 250";
                // then copy these 250 rows to tracking_event
                $eventList = claro_sql_query_fetch_all_rows($query);
                // build query to insert all 250 rows
                $sql = "INSERT INTO `" . get_conf('statsDbName') . '`.`' . get_conf('statsTblPrefix') . "tracking_event`\n                        ( `user_id`, `date`, `type`, `data` )\n                        VALUES\n                        ";
                //inject former data into new table structure
                foreach ($eventList as $event) {
                    $sql .= "(" . (int) $event['login_user_id'] . ",'" . claro_sql_escape($event['login_date']) . "','user_login','" . claro_sql_escape(serialize(array('ip' => $event['login_ip']))) . "'),\n";
                if (upgrade_sql_query(rtrim($sql, ",\n"))) {
                } else {
                    return $step;
            $step = set_upgrade_status($tool, $step + 1);
        case 3:
            // get total number of rows in track_e_login
            $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*)\n                        FROM `" . get_conf('statsDbName') . '`.`' . get_conf('statsTblPrefix') . "track_e_open`";
            $tableRows = (int) claro_sql_query_fetch_single_value($sql);
            $recoveredOffset = UpgradeTrackingOffset::retrieve();
            // get a subgroup of 250 rows and insert group by group in tracking_event table
            for ($offset = $recoveredOffset; $offset < $tableRows; $offset += 250) {
                // we have to store offset to start again from it if something failed
                $query = "SELECT `open_id`, `open_date`\n                            FROM `" . get_conf('statsDbName') . '`.`' . get_conf('statsTblPrefix') . "track_e_open`\n                        ORDER BY `open_date`, `open_id`\n                           LIMIT " . $offset . ", 250";
                // then copy these 250 rows to tracking_event
                $eventList = claro_sql_query_fetch_all_rows($query);
                // build query to insert all 250 rows
                $sql = "INSERT INTO `" . get_conf('statsDbName') . '`.`' . get_conf('statsTblPrefix') . "tracking_event`\n                        ( `user_id`, `date`, `type`, `data` )\n                        VALUES\n                        ";
                //inject former data into new table structure
                foreach ($eventList as $event) {
                    $sql .= "(NULL,'" . claro_sql_escape($event['open_date']) . "','platform_access',''),\n";
                if (upgrade_sql_query(rtrim($sql, ",\n"))) {
                } else {
                    return $step;
            $step = set_upgrade_status($tool, $step + 1);
        case 4:
            // order table using dates then recreate primary key with correct autoincrement value
            $sqlForUpdate[] = "ALTER TABLE `" . $tbl_mdb_names['tracking_event'] . "`  ORDER BY `date`";
            $sqlForUpdate[] = "ALTER TABLE `" . $tbl_mdb_names['tracking_event'] . "` ADD `id` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY FIRST";
            if (upgrade_apply_sql($sqlForUpdate)) {
                $step = set_upgrade_status($tool, $step + 1);
            } else {
                return $step;
        case 5:
            //drop deprecated tracking tables
            $sqlForUpdate[] = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `" . get_conf('statsDbName') . '`.`' . get_conf('statsTblPrefix') . "track_e_open`";
            $sqlForUpdate[] = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `" . get_conf('statsDbName') . '`.`' . get_conf('statsTblPrefix') . "track_e_login`";
            // we should probably keep this table as it may be usefull for history purpose.  By the way it is not used in
            // any tracking interface.
            //$sqlForUpdate[] = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `" . get_conf( 'mainTblPrefix' ) . "track_e_default`";
            if (upgrade_apply_sql($sqlForUpdate)) {
                $step = set_upgrade_status($tool, $step + 1);
            } else {
                return $step;
            $step = set_upgrade_status($tool, 0);
            return $step;
    return false;
Example #14
 * Save the file currentVersion.inc.php
 * @param string course code
 * @param string claroline version
 * @param string database version
 * @since  1.7
function save_course_current_version($course_code, $fileVersion)
    $tbl_mdb_names = claro_sql_get_main_tbl();
    // query to update version of course
    $sql = " UPDATE `" . $tbl_mdb_names['course'] . "`\n             SET versionClaro = '" . claro_sql_escape($fileVersion) . "'\n             WHERE code = '" . $course_code . "'";
    return claro_sql_query($sql);
Example #15
function fill_course_properties($courseDbName)
    $currentCourseDbNameGlu = get_conf('courseTablePrefix') . $courseDbName . get_conf('dbGlu');
    $sql = "INSERT " . "INTO `{$currentCourseDbNameGlu}course_properties`(`name`, `value`, `category`)\n" . "VALUES\n" . "('self_registration'     , '1', 'GROUP'),\n" . "('self_unregistration'   , '0', 'GROUP'),\n" . "('nbGroupPerUser'        , '1', 'GROUP'),\n" . "('private'               , '1', 'GROUP')";
    $groupToolList = get_group_tool_label_list();
    foreach ($groupToolList as $thisGroupTool) {
        $sql .= ",\n(" . "'" . claro_sql_escape($thisGroupTool['label']) . "', '1', 'GROUP'" . ")";
    return claro_sql_query($sql);
Example #16
 $sql = "SELECT  `user_id`   `uid`       ,\n                    `nom`       `lastName`  ,\n                    `prenom`    `firstName` ,\n                    `username`  `loginName` ,\n                    `password`              ,\n                    `email`                 ,\n                    `authSource`            ,\n                    `creatorId`\n             FROM `" . $tbl_user . "`\n             WHERE LOWER(email) = '" . claro_sql_escape($emailTo) . "'";
 $userList = claro_sql_query_fetch_all($sql);
 if (count($userList) > 0) {
     $allowedAuthSources = AuthDriverManager::getDriversAllowingLostPassword();
     foreach ($userList as $user) {
         if (isset($allowedAuthSources[$user['authSource']])) {
             $passwordFound = true;
             if (get_conf('userPasswordCrypted', false)) {
                  * If password are crypted, we can not send them as such.
                  * We have to generate new ones.
                 $user['password'] = generate_passwd();
                 $sql = 'UPDATE `' . $tbl_user . '`
                         SET   `password` = "' . claro_sql_escape(md5($user['password'])) . '"
                          WHERE `user_id` = "' . $user['uid'] . '"';
                 if (claro_sql_query($sql) === false) {
                     trigger_error('<p align="center">' . get_lang('Wrong operation') . '</p>', E_USER_ERROR);
             // Build user account list for email
             $userAccountList[] = array('firstname' => $user['firstName'], 'lastname' => $user['lastName'], 'username' => $user['loginName'], 'password' => $user['password']);
         } else {
     if ($passwordFound) {
          * Prepare the email message wich has to be send to the user
Example #17
  * insert or update course data
  * @return boolean success
 public function save()
     if (empty($this->courseId)) {
         // Insert
         $keys = define_course_keys($this->officialCode, '', get_conf('dbNamePrefix'));
         $courseSysCode = trim($keys['currentCourseId']);
         $courseDbName = trim($keys['currentCourseDbName']);
         $courseDirectory = trim($keys['currentCourseRepository']);
         if (empty($courseSysCode) || empty($courseDbName) || empty($courseDirectory)) {
             throw new Exception("Error missing data for course {$this->officialCode}");
         if (!$this->useExpirationDate) {
             $this->expirationDate = 'NULL';
         // Session courses are created without categories links:
         // so we duplicate the source course's categories links
         /*if ( !is_null($this->sourceCourseId) && !empty($this->sourceCourseId) )
               $sourceCourse = new claroCourse();
               $this->categories = $sourceCourse->categories;
         if (!is_null($this->sourceCourseId) && !empty($this->sourceCourseId)) {
             $sourceCourse = new claroCourse();
             if ($sourceCourse->sourceCourseId) {
                 throw new Exception('You cannot create a course session from another course session');
         if (prepare_course_repository($courseDirectory, $courseSysCode) && register_course($courseSysCode, $this->officialCode, $this->sourceCourseId, $courseDirectory, $courseDbName, $this->titular, $this->email, $this->categories, $this->title, $this->language, $GLOBALS['_uid'], $this->access, $this->registration, $this->registrationKey, $this->visibility, $this->departmentName, $this->extLinkUrl, $this->publicationDate, $this->expirationDate, $this->status, $this->userLimit) && install_course_database($courseDbName) && install_course_tools($courseDbName, $this->language, $courseDirectory)) {
             $courseObj = new Claro_Course($courseSysCode);
             $courseRegistration = new Claro_CourseUserRegistration(AuthProfileManager::getUserAuthProfile($GLOBALS['_uid']), $courseObj, null, null);
             if ($courseRegistration->addUser()) {
                 // Set course id
                 $this->courseId = $courseSysCode;
                 // Notify event manager
                 $args['courseSysCode'] = $courseSysCode;
                 $args['courseDbName'] = $courseDbName;
                 $args['courseDirectory'] = $courseDirectory;
                 $args['courseCategory'] = $this->categories;
                 $GLOBALS['eventNotifier']->notifyEvent("course_created", $args);
                 return true;
             } else {
                 return false;
         } else {
             $lastFailure = claro_failure::get_last_failure();
             $this->backlog->failure('Error : ' . $lastFailure);
             return false;
     } else {
         // Update
         $tbl_mdb_names = claro_sql_get_main_tbl();
         $tbl_course = $tbl_mdb_names['course'];
         $tbl_cdb_names = claro_sql_get_course_tbl();
         $tbl_course_properties = $tbl_cdb_names['course_properties'];
         if (!$this->useExpirationDate) {
             $this->expirationDate = null;
         $sqlExpirationDate = is_null($this->expirationDate) ? 'NULL' : 'FROM_UNIXTIME(' . claro_sql_escape($this->expirationDate) . ')';
         $sqlCreationDate = is_null($this->publicationDate) ? 'NULL' : 'FROM_UNIXTIME(' . claro_sql_escape($this->publicationDate) . ')';
         $sql = "UPDATE `" . $tbl_course . "`\n                    SET `intitule`             = '" . claro_sql_escape($this->title) . "',\n                        `titulaires`           = '" . claro_sql_escape($this->titular) . "',\n                        `administrativeNumber` = '" . claro_sql_escape($this->officialCode) . "',\n                        `language`             = '" . claro_sql_escape($this->language) . "',\n                        `extLinkName`          = '" . claro_sql_escape($this->departmentName) . "',\n                        `extLinkUrl`           = '" . claro_sql_escape($this->extLinkUrl) . "',\n                        `email`                = '" . claro_sql_escape($this->email) . "',\n                        `visibility`           = '" . ($this->visibility ? 'visible' : 'invisible') . "',\n                        `access`               = '" . claro_sql_escape($this->access) . "',\n                        `registration`         = '" . claro_sql_escape($this->registration) . "',\n                        `registrationKey`      = '" . claro_sql_escape($this->registrationKey) . "',\n                        `lastEdit`             = NOW(),\n                        `creationDate`         = " . $sqlCreationDate . ",\n                        `expirationDate`       = " . $sqlExpirationDate . ",\n                        `status`               = '" . claro_sql_escape($this->status) . "',\n                        `userLimit`            = '" . (int) $this->userLimit . "'\n                    WHERE code='" . claro_sql_escape($this->courseId) . "'";
         // Handle categories
         // 1/ Remove all links in database
         // 2/ Link new categories selection
         // If it's a source course, do the same for all its session courses
         if ($this->isSourceCourse) {
             $sql2 = "SELECT cours_id FROM `" . $tbl_course . "`\n                        WHERE sourceCourseId = " . $this->id;
             $sessionCourses = claro_sql_query_fetch_all_rows($sql2);
             foreach ($sessionCourses as $sessionCourse) {
                 link_course_categories($sessionCourse['cours_id'], $this->categories);
         return claro_sql_query($sql);
Example #18
 * Prepares the sql request to select courses in database.
 * @return string $sql
function prepare_get_filtred_course_list()
    $tbl_mdb_names = claro_sql_get_main_tbl();
    $sqlFilter = array();
    // Prepare filter deal with KEY WORDS classification call
    if (isset($_SESSION['admin_course_search'])) {
        $sqlFilter[] = "(  co.`intitule`  LIKE '%" . claro_sql_escape(pr_star_replace($_SESSION['admin_course_search'])) . "%'" . "\n" . "   OR co.`administrativeNumber` LIKE '%" . claro_sql_escape(pr_star_replace($_SESSION['admin_course_search'])) . "%'" . "\n" . ")";
    // Deal with ADVANCED SEARCH parmaters call
    if (isset($_SESSION['admin_course_intitule']) && !empty($_SESSION['admin_course_intitule'])) {
        $sqlFilter[] = "(co.`intitule` LIKE '%" . claro_sql_escape(pr_star_replace($_SESSION['admin_course_intitule'])) . "%')";
    if (isset($_SESSION['admin_course_code']) && !empty($_SESSION['admin_course_code'])) {
        $sqlFilter[] = "(co.`administrativeNumber` LIKE '%" . claro_sql_escape(pr_star_replace($_SESSION['admin_course_code'])) . "%')";
    if (isset($_SESSION['admin_course_language'])) {
        $sqlFilter[] = "(co.`language` = '" . claro_sql_escape($_SESSION['admin_course_language']) . "')";
    if (isset($_SESSION['admin_course_visibility'])) {
        if ($_SESSION['admin_course_visibility'] == 'invisible') {
            $sqlFilter[] = "co.`visibility`='INVISIBLE'";
        } elseif ($_SESSION['admin_course_visibility'] == 'visible') {
            $sqlFilter[] = "co.`visibility`='VISIBLE'";
    if (isset($_SESSION['admin_course_access'])) {
        if ($_SESSION['admin_course_access'] == 'public') {
            $sqlFilter[] = "co.`access`='public'";
        } elseif ($_SESSION['admin_course_access'] == 'private') {
            $sqlFilter[] = "co.`access`='private'";
        } elseif ($_SESSION['admin_course_access'] == 'platform') {
            $sqlFilter[] = "co.`access`='platform'";
    if (isset($_SESSION['admin_course_subscription'])) {
        if ($_SESSION['admin_course_subscription'] == 'allowed') {
            $sqlFilter[] = "co.`registration`='OPEN'";
        } elseif ($_SESSION['admin_course_subscription'] == 'denied') {
            $sqlFilter[] = "co.`registration`='CLOSE'";
        } elseif ($_SESSION['admin_course_subscription'] == 'key') {
            $sqlFilter[] = "co.`registration`='OPEN' AND CHAR_LENGTH(co.`registrationKey`) != 0";
    // Create the WHERE clauses
    $sqlFilter = sizeof($sqlFilter) ? "WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $sqlFilter) : "";
    // Build the complete SQL request
    $sql = "SELECT co.`cours_id`      AS `id`, " . "\n" . "co.`administrativeNumber` AS `officialCode`, " . "\n" . "co.`intitule`             AS `intitule`, " . "\n" . "co.`code`                 AS `sysCode`, " . "\n" . "co.`sourceCourseId`       AS `sourceCourseId`, " . "\n" . "co.`isSourceCourse`       AS `isSourceCourse`, " . "\n" . "co.`visibility`           AS `visibility`, " . "\n" . "co.`access`               AS `access`, " . "\n" . "co.`registration`         AS `registration`, " . "\n" . "co.`registrationKey`      AS `registrationKey`, " . "\n" . "co.`directory`            AS `repository`, " . "\n" . "co.`status`               AS `status` " . "\n" . "FROM  `" . $tbl_mdb_names['course'] . "` AS co " . "\n" . $sqlFilter;
    return $sql;
Example #19
    // set credit if needed
    if ($lesson_status_value == "COMPLETED" || $lesson_status_value == "PASSED") {
        if (strtoupper($_POST['credit']) == "CREDIT") {
            $credit_value = "CREDIT";
    if (isScormTime($_POST['session_time'])) {
        $total_time_value = addScormTime($_POST['total_time'], $_POST['session_time']);
    } else {
        $total_time_value = $_POST['total_time'];
    $sql = "UPDATE `" . $TABLEUSERMODULEPROGRESS . "` \n            SET \n                `lesson_location` = '" . claro_sql_escape($_POST['lesson_location']) . "',\n                `lesson_status` = '" . claro_sql_escape($lesson_status_value) . "',\n                `entry` = '" . claro_sql_escape($entry_value) . "',\n                `raw` = '" . (int) $_POST['raw'] . "',\n                `scoreMin` = '" . (int) $_POST['scoreMin'] . "',\n                `scoreMax` = '" . (int) $_POST['scoreMax'] . "',\n                `total_time` = '" . claro_sql_escape($total_time_value) . "',\n                `session_time` = '" . claro_sql_escape($_POST['session_time']) . "',\n                `suspend_data` = '" . claro_sql_escape($_POST['suspend_data']) . "',\n                `credit` = '" . claro_sql_escape($credit_value) . "'\n          WHERE `user_module_progress_id` = " . (int) $_POST['ump_id'];
    // Generate an event to notify that the module tracking has been updated
    $learnPathEventArgs = array('userId' => (int) claro_get_current_user_id(), 'courseCode' => claro_get_current_course_id(), 'scoreRaw' => (int) $_POST['raw'], 'scoreMin' => (int) $_POST['scoreMin'], 'scoreMax' => (int) $_POST['scoreMax'], 'sessionTime' => claro_sql_escape($_POST['session_time']), 'userModuleProgressId' => (int) $_POST['ump_id'], 'type' => "update", 'status' => claro_sql_escape($lesson_status_value));
    $learnPathEvent = new Event('lp_user_module_progress_modified', $learnPathEventArgs);
// display the form to accept new commit and
// refresh TOC frame, has to be done here to show recorded progression as soon as it is recorded

<!-- API form -->
   <title>update progression</title>
if ($_POST['ump_id']) {
    <script type="text/javascript">
Example #20
 * to know if user is registered to a course or not
 * @copyright   (c) 2001-2011, Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL)
 * @param  int     id of user in DB
 * @param  int     id of course in DB
 * @return boolean true if user is enrolled false otherwise
function is_registered_to($user_id, $course_id)
    $tbl_mdb_names = claro_sql_get_main_tbl();
    $tbl_rel_course_user = $tbl_mdb_names['rel_course_user'];
    $sql = "SELECT count(*) `user_reg`\n                 FROM `" . $tbl_rel_course_user . "`\n                 WHERE `code_cours` = '" . claro_sql_escape($course_id) . "' AND `user_id` = '" . (int) $user_id . "'";
    $res = claro_sql_query_fetch_all($sql);
    return (bool) ($res[0]['user_reg'] > 0);
Example #21
 * Update an announcement in the given or current course.
 * @param string    $title     title of the new item
 * @param string    $content   content of the new item
 * @param date      $visible_from
 * @param date      $visible_until
 * @param bool      visibility
 * @param date      $time      publication date of the item def:now
 * @param string    $course_id sysCode of the course (leaveblank for current course)
 * @return handler of query
 * @since 1.7
 * @todo convert to param date timestamp
function announcement_update_item($announcement_id, $title = null, $content = null, $visible_from = null, $visible_until = null, $visibility = null, $time = null, $course_id = null)
    $tbl = claro_sql_get_course_tbl(claro_get_course_db_name_glued($course_id));
    $visibility = $visibility == 1 ? "SHOW" : "HIDE";
    $visible_from = !is_null($visible_from) ? "'" . claro_sql_escape($visible_from) . "'" : "NULL";
    $visible_until = !is_null($visible_until) ? "'" . claro_sql_escape($visible_until) . "'" : "NULL";
    $sqlSet = array();
    if (!is_null($title)) {
        $sqlSet[] = " title = '" . claro_sql_escape(trim($title)) . "' ";
    if (!is_null($content)) {
        $sqlSet[] = " contenu = '" . claro_sql_escape(trim($content)) . "' ";
    if (!is_null($content)) {
        $sqlSet[] = " visibleFrom = " . $visible_from . " ";
    if (!is_null($content)) {
        $sqlSet[] = " visibleUntil = " . $visible_until . " ";
    if (!is_null($visibility)) {
        $sqlSet[] = " visibility = '" . $visibility . "' ";
    if (!is_null($time)) {
        $sqlSet[] = " temps = from_unixtime('" . (int) $time . "') ";
    if (count($sqlSet) > 0) {
        $sql = "UPDATE  `" . $tbl['announcement'] . "`\n                SET " . implode(', ', $sqlSet) . "\n                WHERE id='" . (int) $announcement_id . "'";
        return claro_sql_query($sql);
    } else {
        return null;
Example #22
  Course / tool relation initialisation
// if the requested tool is different from the current tool in session
// (special request can come from the tool id, or the tool label)
if ($tidReq && $tidReq != $_SESSION['_tid'] || $tlabelReq && (!isset($_SESSION['_courseTool']['label']) || $tlabelReq != $_SESSION['_courseTool']['label'])) {
    $tidReset = true;
if ($tidReset || $cidReset) {
    if (($tidReq || $tlabelReq) && $_cid) {
        $tbl_mdb_names = claro_sql_get_main_tbl();
        $tbl_tool = $tbl_mdb_names['tool'];
        $sql = " SELECT ctl.id                  AS id            ,\n                      pct.id                    AS toolId       ,\n                      pct.claro_label           AS label         ,\n                      ctl.script_name           AS name          ,\n                      ctl.visibility            AS visibility    ,\n                      pct.icon                  AS icon          ,\n                      pct.access_manager        AS access_manager,\n                      pct.script_url            AS url\n\n                   FROM `" . $_course['dbNameGlu'] . "tool_list` ctl,\n                    `" . $tbl_tool . "`  pct\n\n               WHERE `ctl`.`tool_id` = `pct`.`id`\n                 AND (`ctl`.`id`      = '" . (int) $tidReq . "'\n                       OR   (" . (int) is_null($tidReq) . " AND pct.claro_label = '" . claro_sql_escape($tlabelReq) . "')\n                     )";
        // Note : 'ctl' stands for  'course tool list' and  'pct' for 'platform course tool'
        $_courseTool = claro_sql_query_get_single_row($sql);
        if (is_array($_courseTool)) {
            $_tid = $_courseTool['id'];
            $_mainToolId = $_courseTool['toolId'];
        } else {
            $activatedModules = get_module_label_list(true);
            if (!in_array($tlabelReq, $activatedModules)) {
                exit('WARNING !! Undefined Tlabel or Tid: your script declare ' . 'be a tool wich is not registred at line ' . __LINE__ . '.  ' . 'Please contact your platform administrator.');
            } else {
                $_tid = null;
                $_mainToolId = null;
                $_courseTool = null;
Example #23
if (!claro_is_in_a_course() || !claro_is_course_allowed()) {
if (isset($_REQUEST['searchUser'])) {
    $sqlClauseString = ' p.poster_id = ' . (int) $_REQUEST['searchUser'];
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['searchPattern'])) {
    $searchPatternString = trim($_REQUEST['searchPattern']);
    if ($searchPatternString != '') {
        $searchPatternList = explode(' ', $searchPatternString);
        $sqlClauseList = '';
        foreach ($searchPatternList as $thisSearchPattern) {
            $thisSearchPattern = str_replace('_', '\\_', $thisSearchPattern);
            $thisSearchPattern = str_replace('%', '\\%', $thisSearchPattern);
            $thisSearchPattern = str_replace('?', '_', $thisSearchPattern);
            $thisSearchPattern = str_replace('*', '%', $thisSearchPattern);
            $sqlClauseList[] = "   pt.post_text  LIKE '%" . claro_sql_escape($thisSearchPattern) . "%'\n             OR p.nom           LIKE '%" . claro_sql_escape($thisSearchPattern) . "%'\n             OR p.prenom        LIKE '%" . claro_sql_escape($thisSearchPattern) . "%'\n             OR t.topic_title   LIKE '%" . claro_sql_escape($thisSearchPattern) . "%'";
        $sqlClauseString = implode("\n OR \n", $sqlClauseList);
    } else {
        $sqlClauseString = null;
} else {
    $sqlClauseString = null;
if ($sqlClauseString) {
    $tbl_cdb_names = claro_sql_get_course_tbl();
    $tbl_posts_text = $tbl_cdb_names['bb_posts_text'];
    $tbl_posts = $tbl_cdb_names['bb_posts'];
    $tbl_topics = $tbl_cdb_names['bb_topics'];
    $tbl_forums = $tbl_cdb_names['bb_forums'];
    $sql = "SELECT pt.post_id,\n                       pt.post_text,\n                       p.nom         AS lastname,\n                       p.prenom      AS firstname,\n                       p.`poster_id`,\n                       p.post_time,\n                       t.topic_id,\n                       t.topic_title,\n                       f.forum_id,\n                       f.forum_name,\n                       f.group_id\n               FROM  `" . $tbl_posts_text . "` AS pt,\n                     `" . $tbl_posts . "`      AS p,\n                     `" . $tbl_topics . "`     AS t,\n                     `" . $tbl_forums . "`     AS f\n               WHERE ( " . $sqlClauseString . ")\n                 AND pt.post_id = p.post_id\n                 AND p.topic_id = t.topic_id\n                 AND t.forum_id = f.forum_id\n               ORDER BY p.post_time DESC, t.topic_id";
Example #24
 * Record result of user when an exercice was done
 * @param exerciseTrackId id in qwz_tracking table
 * @param questionId id of the question
 * @param values array with user answers
 * @param questionResult result of this question
 * @author Sebastien Piraux <*****@*****.**>
function track_exercise_details($exerciseTrackId, $questionId, $values, $questionResult)
    // get table names
    $tblList = get_module_course_tbl(array('qwz_tracking_questions', 'qwz_tracking_answers'), claro_get_current_course_id());
    $tbl_qwz_tracking_questions = $tblList['qwz_tracking_questions'];
    $tbl_qwz_tracking_answers = $tblList['qwz_tracking_answers'];
    // add the answer tracking informations
    $sql = "INSERT INTO `" . $tbl_qwz_tracking_questions . "`\n               SET `exercise_track_id` = " . (int) $exerciseTrackId . ",\n                   `question_id` = '" . (int) $questionId . "',\n                   `result` = '" . (double) $questionResult . "'";
    $details_id = claro_sql_query_insert_id($sql);
    // check if previous query succeed to add answers
    if ($details_id && is_array($values)) {
        // add, if needed, the different answers of the user
        // one line by answer
        // each entry of $values should be correctly formatted depending on the question type
        foreach ($values as $answer) {
            $sql = "INSERT INTO `" . $tbl_qwz_tracking_answers . "`\n                       SET `details_id` =  " . (int) $details_id . ",\n                           `answer` = '" . claro_sql_escape($answer) . "'";
    return 1;
Example #25
 * Fetch data and privileges of the given user in the given course
 * U don't have enough of this function
 * use claro_get_course_user_data($cid,$uid,$ignoreCache=false)
 *  or claro_get_course_user_privilege($cid,$uid,$ignoreCache=false)
 * @param string $cid course id
 * @param integer $uid user id
 * @param bool $ignoreCache true to for read in database instead of cache
 * @return array(data( array('role')), 'privilege'(array('_profileId','is_courseMember','is_courseTutor','is_courseAdmin')))
 * @see claro_get_course_user_data($cid,$uid,$ignoreCache=false)
 * @see claro_get_course_user_privilege($cid,$uid,$ignoreCache=false)
 * @author Christophe Gesche <*****@*****.**>
function claro_get_course_user_properties($cid, $uid, $ignoreCache = false)
    $admin = claro_is_platform_admin();
    $tbl_mdb_names = claro_sql_get_main_tbl();
    $tbl_rel_course_user = $tbl_mdb_names['rel_course_user'];
    static $course_user_cache = null;
    static $course_user_data = null;
    static $course_user_privilege = array();
    if ($course_user_cache != array('uid' => $uid, 'cid' => $cid) || $ignoreCache) {
        $sql = "SELECT profile_id AS profileId,\n                       isCourseManager,\n                       isPending,\n                       tutor,\n                       role\n                FROM `" . $tbl_rel_course_user . "` `cours_user`\n                WHERE `user_id`  = '" . (int) $uid . "'\n                AND `code_cours` = '" . claro_sql_escape($cid) . "'";
        $cuData = claro_sql_query_get_single_row($sql);
        if (!empty($cuData)) {
            $course_user_data['role'] = $cuData['role'];
            // not used
            $course_user_privilege['_profileId'] = $cuData['profileId'];
            $course_user_privilege['is_coursePending'] = (bool) $cuData['isPending'];
            $course_user_privilege['is_courseMember'] = (bool) ($cuData['isPending'] == 0);
            $course_user_privilege['is_courseTutor'] = (bool) ($cuData['tutor'] == 1);
            $course_user_privilege['is_courseAdmin'] = (bool) ($cuData['isCourseManager'] == 1);
        } else {
            $course_user_privilege['_profileId'] = claro_get_profile_id('guest');
            $course_user_privilege['is_coursePending'] = false;
            $course_user_privilege['is_courseMember'] = false;
            $course_user_privilege['is_courseAdmin'] = false;
            $course_user_privilege['is_courseTutor'] = false;
            $course_user_data = null;
            // not used
        $course_user_privilege['is_courseAdmin'] = (bool) ($course_user_privilege['is_courseAdmin'] || claro_is_platform_admin());
        $course_user_cache = array('uid' => $uid, 'cid' => $cid);
    return array('data' => $course_user_data, 'privilege' => $course_user_privilege);
    if (get_conf('useSendfile', true) && ($mimeType != 'text/html' || $extension == 'url') || $wasFolder) {
        if (claro_send_file($pathInfo) !== false) {
            $claroline->notifier->event('download', array('data' => array('url' => $document_url)));
            if ($wasFolder) {
            if (!$canRetry) {
                $sql = 'DELETE FROM `' . $tableName . '` WHERE token = \'' . claro_sql_escape($token) . '\'';
        } else {
            header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
            claro_die(get_lang('File download failed : %failureMSg%', array('%failureMsg%' => claro_failure::get_last_failure())));
    } else {
        $sql = 'DELETE FROM `' . $tableName . '` WHERE token = \'' . claro_sql_escape($token) . '\'';
        // redirect to document
} else {
    header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
//Clean left zip here
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `' . $tableName . '` WHERE ADDTIME(`requestTime`,\'0 0:0:30\') < NOW() AND NOT `wasFolder` = \'0\'';
$result = Claroline::getDatabase()->query($sql);
while (($row = $result->fetch()) !== false) {
    if (is_file($row['requestedPath'])) {
Example #27
        $feedbackConditionList[] = "`fb`.`original_id` = " . (int) claro_get_current_user_id();
$submissionFilterSql = implode(' OR ', $submissionConditionList);
if (!empty($submissionFilterSql)) {
    $submissionFilterSql = ' AND (' . $submissionFilterSql . ') ';
$feedbackFilterSql = implode(' OR ', $feedbackConditionList);
if (!empty($feedbackFilterSql)) {
    $feedbackFilterSql = ' AND (' . $feedbackFilterSql . ')';
if ($assignment->getAssignmentType() == 'INDIVIDUAL') {
    if (!$is_allowedToEditAll) {
        $showOnlyVisibleCondition = " HAVING `submissionCount` > 0";
    $sql = "SELECT `u`.`user_id`                        AS `authId`,\n                   CONCAT(`u`.`nom`, ' ', `u`.`prenom`) AS `name`,\n                   `s`.`title`,\n                   COUNT(DISTINCT(`s`.`id`))            AS `submissionCount`,\n                   COUNT(DISTINCT(`fb`.`id`))           AS `feedbackCount`,\n                   MAX(`fb`.`score`)                    AS `maxScore`,\n                   MAX(`s`.`last_edit_date`)            AS `last_edit_date`\n\n            #GET USER LIST\n            FROM  `" . $tbl_user . "` AS `u`\n\n            #ONLY FROM COURSE\n            INNER JOIN  `" . $tbl_rel_course_user . "` AS `cu`\n                    ON  `u`.`user_id` = `cu`.`user_id`\n                   AND `cu`.`code_cours` = '" . claro_sql_escape(claro_get_current_course_id()) . "'\n\n            # SEARCH ON SUBMISSIONS\n            LEFT JOIN `" . $tbl_wrk_submission . "` AS `s`\n                   ON ( `s`.`assignment_id` = " . (int) $req['assignmentId'] . " OR `s`.`assignment_id` IS NULL)\n                  AND `s`.`user_id` = `u`.`user_id`\n                  AND `s`.`original_id` IS NULL\n            " . $submissionFilterSql . "\n\n             # SEARCH ON FEEDBACKS\n            LEFT JOIN `" . $tbl_wrk_submission . "` as `fb`\n                   ON `fb`.`parent_id` = `s`.`id`\n             " . $feedbackFilterSql . "\n\n            GROUP BY `u`.`user_id`,\n                     `s`.`original_id`\n             " . $showOnlyVisibleCondition;
    if (isset($_GET['sort']) && isset($_GET['dir'])) {
        $sortKeyList[$_GET['sort']] = $_GET['dir'];
    } elseif (isset($_GET['sort']) && isset($_GET['dir'])) {
        $sortKeyList[$_GET['sort']] = SORT_ASC;
    if (!isset($sortKeyList['submissionCount'])) {
        $sortKeyList['submissionCount'] = SORT_DESC;
    $sortKeyList['s.last_edit_date'] = SORT_DESC;
    $sortKeyList['fb.last_edit_date'] = SORT_DESC;
    $sortKeyList['cu.isCourseManager'] = SORT_ASC;
    $sortKeyList['cu.tutor'] = SORT_DESC;
    $sortKeyList['u.nom'] = SORT_ASC;
    $sortKeyList['u.prenom'] = SORT_ASC;
    // get last submission titles
Example #28
 * edit a bloc for information category
 * @param  integer $def_id,
 * @param  integer $user_id,
 * @param  string  $user_ip, DEFAULT $REMOTE_ADDR
 * @param  string  $content ; if empty call delete the bloc
 * @return boolean true if succeed, else bolean false
function claro_user_info_edit_cat_content($def_id, $user_id, $content = "", $user_ip = "", $course_id = NULL)
    $tbl_cdb_names = claro_sql_get_course_tbl(claro_get_course_db_name_glued($course_id));
    $tbl_userinfo_content = $tbl_cdb_names['userinfo_content'];
    if (empty($user_ip)) {
        global $REMOTE_ADDR;
        $user_ip = $REMOTE_ADDR;
    if (0 == (int) $user_id || 0 == (int) $def_id) {
        return claro_failure::set_failure('id_nul');
    $content = trim($content);
    if ('' == trim($content)) {
        return claro_user_info_cleanout_cat_content($user_id, $def_id);
    $sql = "UPDATE `" . $tbl_userinfo_content . "` SET\n            `content`    = '" . claro_sql_escape($content) . "',\n            `ed_ip`        = '" . $user_ip . "',\n            `ed_date`    = now()\n            WHERE def_id = " . (int) $def_id . "\n              AND user_id = " . (int) $user_id;
    return true;
Example #29
  * Rewrite the SQL query to allowing paging. It adds LIMIT parameter to the
  * end of the query end SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS between the SELECT statement
  * and the column list
  * @access private
  * @param  string $sql current SQL query
  * @param  int $offset requested offset
  * @param int $step current step paging
  * @return string the rewrote query
 function _get_prepared_query($sql, $offset, $step, $sortKeyList)
     if (count($sortKeyList) > 0) {
         $orderByList = array();
         foreach ($sortKeyList as $thisSortKey => $thisSortDirection) {
             if ($thisSortDirection == SORT_DESC) {
                 $direction = 'DESC';
             } elseif ($thisSortDirection == SORT_ASC) {
                 $direction = 'ASC';
             } else {
                 $direction = '';
             $orderByList[] = claro_sql_escape($thisSortKey) . ' ' . $direction;
         $sql .= "\n\t" . 'ORDER BY ' . implode(', ', $orderByList);
     if ($step > 0) {
         // Include SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS inside the query
         // This mySQL clause permit to know how many rows the statement
         // would have returned with no LIMIT clause, without running the
         // statement again. To retrieve this rows count, one invokes
         // FOUND_ROWS() afterward (see get_total_result_count method).
         $sql = substr_replace($sql, 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ', 0, strlen('SELECT ')) . "\n\t" . ' LIMIT ' . $offset . ', ' . $step;
     return $sql;
Example #30
 * This function empties all classes,
 * remove link between classes and users
 * delete related users from related courses
function empty_all_class()
    $tbl = claro_sql_get_main_tbl();
    $sql = "\n        SELECT id FROM `" . $tbl['class'] . "`";
    $searchResultList = claro_sql_query_fetch_all($sql);
    foreach ($searchResultList as $thisClass) {
        $classId = $thisClass['id'];
        // find all the students enrolled in that class
        $sql2 = "\n            SELECT user_id from `" . $tbl['rel_class_user'] . "`\n            WHERE class_id = '" . claro_sql_escape($classId) . "'";
        $thisClassUser = claro_sql_query_fetch_all($sql2);
        // Find all the courses to whom the class is enrolled
        $sql2 = "\n            SELECT courseId\n            FROM `" . $tbl['rel_course_class'] . "`\n            WHERE classId = '" . claro_sql_escape($classId) . "'";
        $searchResultList2 = claro_sql_query_fetch_all($sql2);
        foreach ($searchResultList2 as $thisCourse) {
            $courseCode = $thisCourse['courseId'];
            foreach ($thisClassUser as $thisUser) {
                $user_id = $thisUser['user_id'];
                if (!user_remove_from_course($user_id, $courseCode, false, false, $classId)) {
                    return claro_failure::set_failure('PROBLEM_WITH_COURSE_UNSUSCRIBTION ' . $user_id . ' ' . $courseCode);
                    //TODO : ameliorer la detection d'erreur
    return true;