Example #1
                         $dialogBox->error(get_lang('Error!! you cannot unregister a course manager'));
 // end if cmd == unregister
 // Export users list
 if ($cmd == 'export' && $can_export_user_list) {
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/export.lib.php';
     // contruction of XML flow
     $csv = export_user_list(claro_get_current_course_id());
     if (!empty($csv)) {
         $courseData = claro_get_current_course_data();
         claro_send_stream($csv, $courseData['officialCode'] . '_userlist.csv');
 // Validate a user (if this option is enable for the course)
 if ($cmd == 'validation' && $req['user_id']) {
     $courseUserPrivileges = new CourseUserPrivileges(claro_get_current_course_id(), $req['user_id']);
     $courseObject = new Claro_Course(claro_get_current_course_id());
     $validation = new UserCourseEnrolmentValidation($courseObject, $courseUserPrivileges);
     $validationChange = isset($_REQUEST['validation']) ? $_REQUEST['validation'] : null;
     if ($validation->isModifiable()) {
         if ('grant' == $validationChange && $validation->isPending()) {
             if ($validation->grant()) {
                 $dialogBox->success(get_lang('This user account is now active in the course'));
Example #2
                $csvSubTab['courseCode'] = $key;
                $csvSubTab['courseTitle'] = $elmt['courseTitle'];
                $csvSubTab['courseTitulars'] = $elmt['courseTitulars'];
                foreach ($elmt['courseStats'] as $key => $elmt2) {
                    $csvSubTab[$key . '_count'] = $elmt2['count'];
                    $csvSubTab[$key . '_size'] = round($elmt2['size'] / 1024);
                foreach ($elmt['courseCategory'] as $key => $cat) {
                    $csvSubTab[$key . '_courseCategory'] = $cat;
                $csvTab[] = $csvSubTab;
            $csvExporter = new CsvExporter(';', '"');
            $fileName = get_lang('files_stats') . '_' . claro_date('d-m-Y') . '.csv';
            $stream = $csvExporter->export($csvTab);
            claro_send_stream($stream, $fileName, 'text/csv');
    } else {
        $dialogBox->warning(get_lang('Statistics in progress, please don\'t refresh until further instructions ! ') . '<br />' . get_lang('Course actually treated : ') . $course['title'] . '<br />' . get_lang(' Number of course treated : ') . count($stats));
        echo $claroline->display->render();
} else {
    $dialogBox = new DialogBox();
    $dialogBox->warning(get_lang('Caution: building files\' statistics is a pretty heavy work.  It might take a while and a lot of resources, depending of the size of your campus.'));
    if (!empty($extensions)) {
        $dialogBox->info(get_lang('You\'ve chosen to isolate the following extensions: %types.  If you wish to modify these extensions, check the advanced platform settings', array('%types' => implode(', ', $extensions))));
    } else {
        $dialogBox->info(get_lang('You don\'t have chosen any extension to isolate.  If you wish to isolate extensions in your statistics, check the advanced platform settings'));
    $template = new CoreTemplate('admin_files_stats.tpl.php');
Example #3
     case 'unsubscribe':
         if (user_remove_to_class($user_id, $class_id)) {
             $dialogBox->success(get_lang('User has been sucessfully unregistered from the class'));
     case 'unsubscribe_all':
         if (class_remove_all_users($class_id)) {
             $dialogBox->success(get_lang('All users have been sucessfully unregistered from the class'));
     case 'export':
         if ($cmd == 'export' && claro_is_platform_admin()) {
             require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../user/lib/export.lib.php';
             $csv = export_user_list_for_class($class_id);
             if (!empty($csv)) {
                 claro_send_stream($csv, $classinfo['name'] . '.csv');
         // No command
 // Build query and find info in db
 // find this class current content
 $classes_list = getSubClasses($class_id);
 $classes_list[] = $class_id;
 $sql = "SELECT distinct U.user_id      AS user_id,\n                            U.nom          AS nom,\n                            U.prenom       AS prenom,\n                            U.nom          AS lastname,\n                            U.prenom       AS firstname,\n                            U.email        AS email,\n                            U.officialCode AS officialCode\n            FROM `" . $tbl_user . "` AS U\n            LEFT JOIN `" . $tbl_class_user . "` AS CU\n                ON U.`user_id`= CU.`user_id`\n            WHERE `CU`.`class_id`\n                in (" . implode($classes_list, ",") . ")";
 // if user search exist