  * Returns a single resquested announce.
  * @param array $args must contain 'resID' key with the resource identifier of the requested resource
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException if one of the paramaters is missing
  * @webservice{/module/MOBILE/CLANN/getSingleResource/cidReq/resId}
  * @ws_arg{Method,getSingleResource}
  * @ws_arg{cidReq,SYSCODE of requested cours}
  * @ws_arg{resID,Resource Id of requested resource}
  * @return announce object (can be null if not visible for the current user)
 function getSingleResource($args)
     $resourceId = isset($args['resID']) ? $args['resID'] : null;
     $cid = claro_get_current_course_id();
     if ($cid == null || $resourceId == null) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Missing cid or resourceId argument!');
     $claroNotification = Claroline::getInstance()->notification;
     $date = $claroNotification->getLastActionBeforeLoginDate(claro_get_current_user_id());
     $d = new DateTime($date);
     $d->sub(new DateInterval('PT1M'));
     if ($announce = $this->announcement_get_item($resourceId, $cid)) {
         $notified = $claroNotification->isANotifiedRessource($cid, $date, claro_get_current_user_id(), claro_get_current_group_id(), get_tool_id_from_module_label('CLANN'), $announce['id'], false);
         $announce['visibility'] = $announce['visibility'] != 'HIDE';
         $announce['content'] = trim(strip_tags($announce['content']));
         $announce['cours']['sysCode'] = $cid;
         $announce['resourceId'] = $announce['id'];
         $announce['date'] = $announce['time'];
         $announce['notifiedDate'] = $notified ? $date : $announce['time'];
         $announce['seenDate'] = $d->format('Y-m-d H:i');
         return claro_is_allowed_to_edit() || $announce['visibility'] ? $announce : null;
     } else {
         throw new RuntimeException('Resource not found', 404);
  * Returns all the descriptions of a course.
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException if the $cid in not provided.
  * @webservice{/module/MOBILE/GEN/getResourcesList/cidReq}
  * @ws_arg{method,getResourcesList}
  * @ws_arg{cidReq,SYSCODE of requested cours}
  * @return array of Descriptions object
 function getResourcesList($args)
     $module = isset($args['module']) ? $args['module'] : null;
     $cid = claro_get_current_course_id();
     if ($cid == null || $module == null) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Missing cid argument!');
     $list = array();
     $locator = new ClarolineResourceLocator($cid, $module, null, claro_get_current_group_id());
     if (ResourceLinker::$Navigator->isNavigable($locator)) {
         $resourceList = ResourceLinker::$Navigator->getResourceList($locator);
         foreach ($resourceList as $lnk) {
             $inLocator = $lnk->getLocator();
             $item['title'] = $lnk->getName();
             $item['visibility'] = $lnk->isVisible();
             $item['url'] = str_replace(get_path('url'), "", get_path('rootWeb')) . ResourceLinker::$Resolver->resolve($inLocator);
             if ($inLocator->hasResourceId()) {
                 $item['resourceId'] = $inLocator->getResourceId();
             } else {
                 $item['resourceId'] = $item['url'];
             if (claro_is_allowed_to_edit() || $item['visibility']) {
                 $list[] = $item;
     return $list;
Example #3
 * @version     $Revision: 13708 $
 * @copyright   (c) 2001-2011, Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL)
 * @license     http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html (GPL) GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
 * @package     CLANN
 * @subpackage  CLICAL
 * @author      Claro Team <*****@*****.**>
function CLANN_write_ical($iCal, $context)
    if (is_array($context) && count($context) > 0) {
        $courseId = array_key_exists(CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE, $context) ? $context[CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE] : claro_get_current_course_id();
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/announcement.lib.php';
    $courseData = claro_get_course_data($courseId);
    $toolNameList = claro_get_tool_name_list();
    $announcementList = announcement_get_item_list($context, 'DESC');
    $organizer = (array) array($courseData['titular'], $courseData['email']);
    $attendees = array();
    $categories = array(get_conf('siteName'), $courseData['officialCode'], trim($toolNameList['CLANN']));
    foreach ($announcementList as $announcementItem) {
        if ('SHOW' == $announcementItem['visibility']) {
            $rssList[] = array( 'title'       => trim($announcementItem['title'])
            ,                   'category'    => trim($toolNameList['CLANN'])
            ,                   'guid'        => get_module_url('CLANN') . '/announcements.php?cidReq='.claro_get_current_course_id().'&l#ann'.$announcementItem['id']
            ,                   'link'        => get_module_url('CLANN') . '/announcements.php?cidReq='.claro_get_current_course_id().'&l#ann'.$announcementItem['id']
            ,                   'description' => trim(str_replace('<!-- content: html -->','',$announcementItem['content']))
            ,                   'pubDate'     => date('r', stripslashes(strtotime($announcementItem['time'])))
            //,                   'author'      => $_course['email']
            $iCal->addJournal(trim($announcementItem['title']), trim(str_replace('<!-- content: html -->', '', $announcementItem['content'])), strtotime($announcementItem['time']), strtotime($announcementItem['time']), time(), 1, 1, $organizer, $attendees, $categories, 5, 10, 1, array(), 0, '', get_path('rootWeb') . get_module_url('CLANN') . '/announcements.php?cidReq=' . $courseId . '&amp;l#ann' . $announcementItem['id'], get_locale('iso639_1_code'), '');
    return $iCal;
  * Returns a single resquested decsription.
  * @param array $args must contain 'resID' key with the resource identifier of the requested resource
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException if one of the paramaters is missing
  * @webservice{/module/MOBILE/CLANN/getSingleResource/cidReq/resId}
  * @ws_arg{Method,getSingleResource}
  * @ws_arg{cidReq,SYSCODE of requested cours}
  * @ws_arg{resID,Resource Id of requested resource}
  * @return announce object (can be null if not visible for the current user)
 function getSingleResource($args)
     $resourceId = isset($args['resID']) ? $args['resID'] : null;
     $cid = claro_get_current_course_id();
     if ($cid == null || $resourceId == null) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Missing cid or resourceId argument!');
     From::Module('CLDSC')->uses('courseDescription.lib', 'courseDescription.class');
     foreach (course_description_get_item_list($cid) as $item) {
         if (claro_is_allowed_to_edit() || $item['visibility'] != 'HIDE') {
             if ($item['id'] == $resourceId) {
                 $result = $item;
     if ($result != null) {
         $result['content'] = trim(strip_tags($result['content']));
         $result['visibility'] = $result['visibility'] != 'HIDE';
         $result['resourceId'] = $result['id'];
         return $result;
     } else {
         throw new RuntimeException('Resource not found', 404);
Example #5
 public function __construct($userId = null, $courseId = null, $database = null)
     $this->userId = $userId ? $userId : claro_get_current_user_id();
     $this->courseId = $courseId ? $courseId : claro_get_current_course_id();
     $this->database = $database ? $database : Claroline::getDatabase();
     $this->tbl = array_merge(get_module_main_tbl(array('rel_course_user')), get_module_course_tbl(array('group_team', 'group_rel_team_user')));
Example #6
 public function __construct($assignement, $courseId = null, $database = null)
     $this->database = $database ? $database : Claroline::getDatabase();
     $this->assignement = $assignement;
     $this->courseId = $courseId ? $courseId : claro_get_current_course_id();
     $this->tbl = array_merge(get_module_main_tbl(array('rel_course_user', 'user')), get_module_course_tbl(array('wrk_submission', 'group_team'), $this->courseId));
     $this->submissionTitleList = array();
Example #7
    public function renderContent()
        $output = '';
        $course = claro_get_current_course_data();
        $course['db'] = $course['dbName'];
        $toolId = get_tool_id_from_module_label('CLANN');
        if (is_module_installed_in_course('CLANN', claro_get_current_course_id()) && is_tool_activated_in_course($toolId, claro_get_current_course_id()) && claro_is_tool_visible($toolId, claro_get_current_course_id())) {
            $announcementList = announcement_get_course_item_list_portlet($course);
            // Manage announcement's datas
            if ($announcementList) {
                $output .= '<dl id="portletAnnouncements">' . "\n";
                $i = 0;
                foreach ($announcementList as $announcementItem) {
                    // Generate announcement URL
                    $announcementItem['url'] = get_path('url') . '/claroline/announcements/announcements.php?cidReq=' . $course['sysCode'];
                    // Generate announcement title and content
                    $announcementItem['title'] = trim(strip_tags($announcementItem['title']));
                    if ($announcementItem['title'] == '') {
                        $announcementItem['title'] = substr($announcementItem['title'], 0, 60) . (strlen($announcementItem['title']) > 60 ? ' (...)' : '');
                    $announcementItem['content'] = trim(strip_tags($announcementItem['content']));
                    if ($announcementItem['content'] == '') {
                        $announcementItem['content'] = substr($announcementItem['content'], 0, 60) . (strlen($announcementItem['content']) > 60 ? ' (...)' : '');
                    // Don't display hidden and expired elements
                    $isVisible = (bool) ($announcementItem['visibility'] == 'SHOW') ? 1 : 0;
                    $isOffDeadline = (bool) (isset($announcementItem['visibleFrom']) && strtotime($announcementItem['visibleFrom']) > time() || isset($announcementItem['visibleUntil']) && time() >= strtotime($announcementItem['visibleUntil'])) ? 1 : 0;
                    // Prepare the render
                    $displayChar = 250;
                    if (strlen($announcementItem['content']) > $displayChar) {
                        $content = substr($announcementItem['content'], 0, $displayChar) . '... <a href="' . claro_htmlspecialchars(Url::Contextualize($announcementItem['url'])) . '">' . '<b>' . get_lang('Read more &raquo;') . '</b></a>';
                    } else {
                        $content = $announcementItem['content'];
                    if ($isVisible && !$isOffDeadline) {
                        $output .= '<dt>' . "\n" . '<h2> ' . '<a href="' . $announcementItem['url'] . '#item' . $announcementItem['id'] . '">' . (!empty($announcementItem['title']) ? $announcementItem['title'] : get_lang('No title')) . '</a></h2>' . "\n" . '</dt>' . "\n" . '<dd' . ($i == count($announcementList) - 1 ? ' class="last"' : '') . '>' . "\n" . $content . "\n" . (claro_is_allowed_to_edit() ? '<div class="manageTools"><a
                                        href="' . claro_htmlspecialchars(Url::Contextualize(get_module_url('CLANN') . '/announcements.php?cmd=rqEdit&id=' . $announcementItem['id'])) . '"
                                        title="' . get_lang('Edit this item') . '">
                                        <img src="' . get_icon_url('edit') . '" alt="' . get_lang('Edit') . '" />

                                        href="' . claro_htmlspecialchars(Url::Contextualize(get_module_url('CLANN') . '/announcements.php?cmd=exDelete&id=' . $announcementItem['id'])) . '"
                                        title="' . get_lang('Delete this item') . '">
                                        <img src="' . get_icon_url('delete') . '" alt="' . get_lang('Delete') . '" />
                                    </a></div>' : '') . '</dd>' . "\n";
                $output .= '</dl>';
            } else {
                $output .= "\n" . '<dl>' . "\n" . '<dt></dt>' . "\n" . '<dd class="last">' . ' ' . get_lang('No announcement') . "\n" . '</dd>' . "\n" . '</dl>' . "\n\n";
        return $output;
Example #8
  * Add a message to the log. The message will be associated with the current
  * course_code, user_id, tool_id, date and IP address of the client
  * @param string $type
  * @param string $data
  * @return boolean 
 public function log($type, $data)
     $cid = claro_get_current_course_id();
     $tid = claro_get_current_tool_id();
     $uid = claro_get_current_user_id();
     $date = claro_date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $ip = !empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : null;
     $data = serialize($data);
     $sql = "INSERT INTO `" . $this->tbl_log . "`\n                SET `course_code` = " . (is_null($cid) ? "NULL" : "'" . claro_sql_escape($cid) . "'") . ",\n                    `tool_id` = " . (is_null($tid) ? "NULL" : "'" . claro_sql_escape($tid) . "'") . ",\n                    `user_id` = " . (is_null($uid) ? "NULL" : "'" . claro_sql_escape($uid) . "'") . ",\n                    `ip` = " . (is_null($ip) ? "NULL" : "'" . claro_sql_escape($ip) . "'") . ",\n                    `date` = '" . $date . "',\n                    `type` = '" . claro_sql_escape($type) . "',\n                    `data` = '" . claro_sql_escape($data) . "'";
     return claro_sql_query($sql);
Example #9
 public function __construct()
     $this->courseCode = claro_get_current_course_id();
     $this->courseId = ClaroCourse::getIdFromCode($this->courseCode);
     $this->userId = claro_get_current_user_id();
     $this->profileId = claro_get_current_user_profile_id_in_course();
     $this->viewMode = claro_get_tool_view_mode();
     $this->courseObject = new ClaroCourse();
     $this->currentCourseContext = Claro_Context::getUrlContext(array(CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE => $this->courseCode));
     $this->template = new CoreTemplate('coursetoollist.tpl.php');
Example #10
  * @param AuthProfile $userAuthProfile profile of the user we want to enrol to the cours
  * @param Claro_Course $course kernel object representing the course
  * @param type $givenCourseKey optionnal given registration key (default null)
  * @param type $categoryId optionnal given categoryId (default null)
 public function __construct(AuthProfile $userAuthProfile, Claro_Course $course, $givenCourseKey = null, $categoryId = null)
     $this->userAuthProfile = $userAuthProfile;
     $this->course = $course;
     $this->givenCourseKey = $givenCourseKey;
     $this->categoryId = $categoryId;
     // is the user doing the registration a super user ?
     if (claro_is_in_a_course() && claro_get_current_course_id() == $this->course->courseId) {
         $this->isSuperUser = claro_is_platform_admin() || claro_is_course_manager() || claro_is_allowed_tool_edit(get_module_data('CLUSER', 'id'));
     } else {
         $this->isSuperUser = claro_is_platform_admin();
Example #11
 * @version     $Revision: 13708 $
 * @copyright   (c) 2001-2011, Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL)
 * @license     http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html (GPL) GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
 * @package     CLANN
 * @subpackage  CLRSS
 * @author      Claro Team <*****@*****.**>
function CLANN_write_rss($context)
    if (is_array($context) && count($context) > 0) {
        $courseId = array_key_exists(CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE, $context) ? $context[CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE] : claro_get_current_course_id();
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/announcement.lib.php';
    $toolNameList = claro_get_tool_name_list();
    $announcementList = announcement_get_item_list($context, 'DESC');
    $rssList = array();
    foreach ($announcementList as $announcementItem) {
        if ('SHOW' == $announcementItem['visibility']) {
            $rssList[] = array('title' => trim($announcementItem['title']), 'category' => trim($toolNameList['CLANN']), 'guid' => get_path('rootWeb') . 'claroline/' . 'announcements/announcements.php?cidReq=' . $courseId . '&l#ann' . $announcementItem['id'], 'link' => get_path('rootWeb') . 'claroline/' . 'announcements/announcements.php?cidReq=' . $courseId . '&l#ann' . $announcementItem['id'], 'description' => trim(str_replace('<!-- content: html -->', '', $announcementItem['content'])), 'pubDate' => date('r', stripslashes(strtotime($announcementItem['time']))), 'dc:date' => date('c', stripslashes(strtotime($announcementItem['time']))));
    return $rssList;
Example #12
 private function change_img_url_for_pdf($str)
     $pattern = '/(.*?)<img (.*?)src=(\'|")(.*?)url=(.*?)=&(.*?)(\'|")(.*?)>(.*?)/is';
     if (!preg_match($pattern, urldecode($str), $matches)) {
         return $str;
     if (count($matches) != 10) {
         return $str;
     if (is_download_url_encoded($matches[5])) {
         $matches[5] = download_url_decode($matches[5]);
     $matches[5] = get_conf('rootWeb') . 'courses/' . claro_get_current_course_id() . '/document' . $matches[5];
     //$replace = strip_tags( $matches[1] ) . '<img ' . /*$matches[2] .*/ ' src="' . $matches[5] .'" ' . /*$matches[8] .*/ '>' . strip_tags( $matches[9] );
     $replace = strip_tags($matches[1]) . '<img src="' . $matches[5] . '" >' . strip_tags($matches[9]);
     return $replace;
Example #13
 * @version 1.8 $Revision: 13708 $
 * @copyright   (c) 2001-2011, Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL)
 * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html (GPL) GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
 * @package CLWRK
 * @author Claro Team <*****@*****.**>
function CLWRK_write_ical($iCal, $context)
    if (is_array($context) && count($context) > 0) {
        $courseCode = array_key_exists(CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE, $context) ? $context[CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE] : ($courseCode = claro_get_current_course_id());
        $courseData = claro_get_course_data($courseCode);
        $toolNameList = claro_get_tool_name_list();
        $assignmentList = assignmentList($courseCode);
        $organizer = (array) array($courseData['titular'], $courseData['email']);
        $attendees = array();
        $categories = array(get_conf('siteName'), $courseData['officialCode'], trim($toolNameList['CLWRK']));
        foreach ($assignmentList as $thisAssignment) {
            if ('VISIBLE' == $thisAssignment['visibility']) {
                $categories[] = $thisAssignment['assignment_type'];
                $assignmentContent = trim(strip_tags($thisAssignment['description']));
                $iCal->addToDo(trim($thisAssignment['title']), $assignmentContent, '', (int) $thisAssignment['start_date_unix'], 3600, (int) $thisAssignment['end_date_unix'], 0, 5, 1, 1, $organizer, $attendees, $categories, time(), 0, 0, 0, 0, array(), 1, '', get_path('rootWeb') . 'work/work_list.php?cidReq=' . $courseCode . '&amp;assigId=' . $thisAssignment['id'], get_locale('iso639_1_code'), '');
    return $iCal;
Example #14
  * Get the current execution context
  * @return array
 public static function getCurrentContext()
     $context = array();
     if (claro_is_in_a_course()) {
         $context[CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE] = claro_get_current_course_id();
     if (claro_is_in_a_group()) {
         $context[CLARO_CONTEXT_GROUP] = claro_get_current_group_id();
     if (claro_is_in_a_tool()) {
         if (isset($GLOBALS['tlabelReq']) && $GLOBALS['tlabelReq']) {
             $context[CLARO_CONTEXT_TOOLLABEL] = $GLOBALS['tlabelReq'];
         if (claro_get_current_tool_id()) {
             $context[CLARO_CONTEXT_TOOLINSTANCE] = claro_get_current_tool_id();
     if (get_current_module_label()) {
         $context[CLARO_CONTEXT_MODULE] = get_current_module_label();
     return $context;
Example #15
 * return the autorisation of the current user to send a message to the user in parameter
 * @param int $userId user id of the recipient
 * @return bool true if the current user is autorised do send a message to the user in parameter
 *                 flase if the current user is not autorised do send a message to the user in parameter
function current_user_is_allowed_to_send_message_to_user($userId)
    if (claro_is_platform_admin()) {
        return true;
    if (claro_is_in_a_group()) {
        if (claro_is_group_tutor() || claro_is_course_manager()) {
            $userList = get_group_user_list(claro_get_current_group_id(), claro_get_current_course_id());
            for ($count = 0; $count < count($userList); $count++) {
                if ($userList[$count]['id'] == $userId) {
                    return true;
        return false;
    } elseif (claro_is_in_a_course()) {
        if (claro_is_course_manager()) {
            $userList = claro_get_course_user_list();
            for ($count = 0; $count < count($userList); $count++) {
                if ($userList[$count]['user_id'] == $userId) {
                    return true;
        return false;
    } else {
        // can answerd to a user
        $tableName = get_module_main_tbl(array('im_message', 'im_recipient'));
        $select = "SELECT count(*)\n" . " FROM `" . $tableName['im_message'] . "` as M\n" . " INNER JOIN `" . $tableName['im_recipient'] . "` as R ON R.message_id = M.message_id\n" . " WHERE (R.user_id = " . (int) claro_get_current_user_id() . " OR R.user_id = 0)\n" . " AND M.sender = " . (int) $userId;
        $nbMessage = claro_sql_query_fetch_single_value($select);
        if ($nbMessage > 0) {
            return true;
        } elseif (get_conf('userCanSendMessage')) {
        return true;
        return false;
Example #16
 * @version     $Revision: 13708 $
 * @copyright   (c) 2001-2011, Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL)
 * @license     http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html (GPL) GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
 * @package     CLCAL
 * @package     CLRSS
 * @author      Claro Team <*****@*****.**>
function CLCAL_write_rss($context)
    if (is_array($context) && count($context) > 0) {
        $courseId = array_key_exists(CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE, $context) ? $context[CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE] : claro_get_current_course_id();
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/agenda.lib.php';
    $eventList = agenda_get_item_list($context, 'ASC');
    $toolNameList = claro_get_tool_name_list();
    $itemRssList = array();
    foreach ($eventList as $item) {
        if ('SHOW' == $item['visibility']) {
            $item['timestamp'] = strtotime($item['day'] . ' ' . $item['hour']);
            $item['pubDate'] = date('r', $item['timestamp']);
            $item['dc:date'] = date('c', $item['timestamp']);
            //prepare values
            //c ISO 8601 date (added in PHP 5) 2004-02-12T15:19:21+00:00
            $item['dc:date'] = 'c' == $item['dc:date'] ? date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:sO', $item['timestamp']) : $item['dc:date'];
            $item['content'] = (isset($item['speakers']) ? get_lang('Speakers') . ': ' . $item['speakers'] . '<br/>' : '') . trim(str_replace('<!-- content: html -->', '', $item['content']));
            $itemRssList[] = array('title' => $item['title'], 'category' => trim($toolNameList['CLCAL']), 'guid' => get_path('rootWeb') . 'claroline/' . 'calendar/agenda.php?cidReq=' . $courseId . '&amp;l#item' . $item['id'], 'link' => get_path('rootWeb') . 'claroline/' . 'calendar/agenda.php?cidReq=' . $courseId . '&amp;l#item' . $item['id'], 'description' => $item['content'], 'pubDate' => $item['pubDate'], 'dc:date' => $item['dc:date']);
    return $itemRssList;
Example #17
 * @version     $Revision: 13708 $
 * @copyright   (c) 2001-2011, Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL)
 * @license     http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html (GPL) GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
 * @package     CLCAL
 * @subpackage  CLRSS
 * @author      Claro Team <*****@*****.**>
function CLCAL_write_ical($iCal, $context)
    if (is_array($context) && count($context) > 0) {
        $courseId = array_key_exists(CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE, $context) ? $context[CLARO_CONTEXT_COURSE] : claro_get_current_course_id();
    if (false !== ($courseData = claro_get_course_data($courseId))) {
        $toolNameList = claro_get_tool_name_list();
        require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/agenda.lib.php';
        $eventList = agenda_get_item_list($context, 'ASC');
        $organizer = (array) array($courseData['titular'], $courseData['email']);
        $attendees = array();
        $categories = array(get_conf('siteName'), $courseData['officialCode'], trim($toolNameList['CLCAL']));
        foreach ($eventList as $thisEvent) {
            if ('SHOW' == $thisEvent['visibility']) {
                $eventDuration = isset($thisEvent['duration']) ? $thisEvent['duration'] : get_conf('defaultEventDuration', '60');
                $startDate = strtotime($thisEvent['day'] . ' ' . $thisEvent['hour']);
                // Start Time (timestamp; for an allday event the startdate has to start at YYYY-mm-dd 00:00:00)
                $endDate = $startDate + $eventDuration;
                $iCal->addEvent($organizer, $startDate, $endDate, '', 0, $categories, trim(str_replace('<!-- content: html -->', '', $thisEvent['content'])), trim($thisEvent['title']), 1, $attendees, 5, 0, 0, 0, array(), 1, '', 0, 1, get_path('rootWeb') . get_module_url('CLCAL') . '/agenda.php?cidReq=' . $courseId . '&amp;l#item' . $thisEvent['id'], get_locale('iso639_1_code'), '');
    return $iCal;
Example #18
 * Return the breadcrumb to display in the header
 * @global string  $nameTools
 * @global array   $interbredcrump
 * @global boolean $noPHP_SELF
 * @global boolean $noQUERY_STRING
 * @return string html content
function claro_html_breadcrumb()
    // dirty global to keep value (waiting a refactoring)
    global $nameTools, $interbredcrump, $noPHP_SELF, $noQUERY_STRING;
    $htmlBC = '';
    if (claro_is_in_a_course() || isset($nameTools) || isset($interbredcrump) && is_array($interbredcrump)) {
        $htmlBC .= '<div id="breadcrumbLine">' . "\n\n" . '<hr />' . "\n";
        $breadcrumbUrlList = array();
        $breadcrumbNameList = array();
        $breadcrumbUrlList[] = get_path('url') . '/index.php';
        $breadcrumbNameList[] = get_conf('siteName');
        if (claro_is_in_a_course()) {
            $breadcrumbUrlList[] = get_path('clarolineRepositoryWeb') . 'course/index.php?cid=' . claro_htmlspecialchars(claro_get_current_course_id());
            $breadcrumbNameList[] = claro_get_current_course_data('officialCode');
        if (claro_is_in_a_group()) {
            $breadcrumbUrlList[] = get_module_url('CLGRP') . '/index.php?cidReq=' . claro_htmlspecialchars(claro_get_current_course_id());
            $breadcrumbNameList[] = get_lang('Groups');
            $breadcrumbUrlList[] = get_module_url('CLGRP') . '/group_space.php?cidReq=' . claro_htmlspecialchars(claro_get_current_course_id()) . '&gidReq=' . (int) claro_get_current_group_id();
            $breadcrumbNameList[] = claro_get_current_group_data('name');
        if (isset($interbredcrump) && is_array($interbredcrump)) {
            while (list(, $bredcrumpStep) = each($interbredcrump)) {
                $breadcrumbUrlList[] = $bredcrumpStep['url'];
                $breadcrumbNameList[] = $bredcrumpStep['name'];
        if (isset($nameTools)) {
            $breadcrumbNameList[] = $nameTools;
            if (isset($noPHP_SELF) && $noPHP_SELF) {
                $breadcrumbUrlList[] = null;
            } elseif (isset($noQUERY_STRING) && $noQUERY_STRING) {
                $breadcrumbUrlList[] = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
            } else {
                // set Query string to empty if not exists
                if (!isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
                    $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = '';
                $breadcrumbUrlList[] = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
        $htmlBC .= claro_html_breadcrumbtrail($breadcrumbNameList, $breadcrumbUrlList, ' &gt; ', get_icon_url('home'));
        if (!claro_is_user_authenticated()) {
            $htmlBC .= "\n" . '<div id="toolViewOption" style="padding-right:10px">' . '<a href="' . get_path('clarolineRepositoryWeb') . 'auth/login.php' . '?sourceUrl=' . urlencode(base64_encode((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' || $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 1) ? 'https://' : 'http://') . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) . '" target="_top">' . get_lang('Login') . '</a>' . '</div>' . "\n";
        } elseif (claro_is_in_a_course() && !claro_is_course_member() && claro_get_current_course_data('registrationAllowed') && !claro_is_platform_admin()) {
            $htmlBC .= '<div id="toolViewOption">' . '<a href="' . get_path('clarolineRepositoryWeb') . 'auth/courses.php?cmd=exReg&course=' . claro_get_current_course_id() . '">' . '<img src="' . get_icon_url('enroll') . '" alt="" /> ' . '<b>' . get_lang('Enrolment') . '</b>' . '</a>' . '</div>' . "\n";
        } elseif (claro_is_display_mode_available()) {
            $htmlBC .= "\n" . '<div id="toolViewOption">' . "\n";
            if (isset($_REQUEST['View mode'])) {
                $htmlBC .= claro_html_tool_view_option($_REQUEST['View mode']);
            } else {
                $htmlBC .= claro_html_tool_view_option();
            if (claro_is_platform_admin() && !claro_is_course_member()) {
                $htmlBC .= ' | <a href="' . get_path('clarolineRepositoryWeb') . 'auth/courses.php?cmd=exReg&course=' . claro_get_current_course_id() . '">';
                $htmlBC .= '<img src="' . get_icon_url('enroll') . '" alt="" /> ';
                $htmlBC .= '<b>' . get_lang('Enrolment') . '</b>';
                $htmlBC .= '</a>';
            $htmlBC .= "\n" . '</div>' . "\n";
        $htmlBC .= '<div class="spacer"></div>' . "\n" . '<hr />' . "\n" . '</div>' . "\n";
    } else {
        // $htmlBC .= '<div style="height:1em"></div>';
    return $htmlBC;
Example #19
        $feedbackConditionList[] = "`fb`.`original_id` = " . (int) claro_get_current_user_id();
$submissionFilterSql = implode(' OR ', $submissionConditionList);
if (!empty($submissionFilterSql)) {
    $submissionFilterSql = ' AND (' . $submissionFilterSql . ') ';
$feedbackFilterSql = implode(' OR ', $feedbackConditionList);
if (!empty($feedbackFilterSql)) {
    $feedbackFilterSql = ' AND (' . $feedbackFilterSql . ')';
if ($assignment->getAssignmentType() == 'INDIVIDUAL') {
    if (!$is_allowedToEditAll) {
        $showOnlyVisibleCondition = " HAVING `submissionCount` > 0";
    $sql = "SELECT `u`.`user_id`                        AS `authId`,\n                   CONCAT(`u`.`nom`, ' ', `u`.`prenom`) AS `name`,\n                   `s`.`title`,\n                   COUNT(DISTINCT(`s`.`id`))            AS `submissionCount`,\n                   COUNT(DISTINCT(`fb`.`id`))           AS `feedbackCount`,\n                   MAX(`fb`.`score`)                    AS `maxScore`,\n                   MAX(`s`.`last_edit_date`)            AS `last_edit_date`\n\n            #GET USER LIST\n            FROM  `" . $tbl_user . "` AS `u`\n\n            #ONLY FROM COURSE\n            INNER JOIN  `" . $tbl_rel_course_user . "` AS `cu`\n                    ON  `u`.`user_id` = `cu`.`user_id`\n                   AND `cu`.`code_cours` = '" . claro_sql_escape(claro_get_current_course_id()) . "'\n\n            # SEARCH ON SUBMISSIONS\n            LEFT JOIN `" . $tbl_wrk_submission . "` AS `s`\n                   ON ( `s`.`assignment_id` = " . (int) $req['assignmentId'] . " OR `s`.`assignment_id` IS NULL)\n                  AND `s`.`user_id` = `u`.`user_id`\n                  AND `s`.`original_id` IS NULL\n            " . $submissionFilterSql . "\n\n             # SEARCH ON FEEDBACKS\n            LEFT JOIN `" . $tbl_wrk_submission . "` as `fb`\n                   ON `fb`.`parent_id` = `s`.`id`\n             " . $feedbackFilterSql . "\n\n            GROUP BY `u`.`user_id`,\n                     `s`.`original_id`\n             " . $showOnlyVisibleCondition;
    if (isset($_GET['sort']) && isset($_GET['dir'])) {
        $sortKeyList[$_GET['sort']] = $_GET['dir'];
    } elseif (isset($_GET['sort']) && isset($_GET['dir'])) {
        $sortKeyList[$_GET['sort']] = SORT_ASC;
    if (!isset($sortKeyList['submissionCount'])) {
        $sortKeyList['submissionCount'] = SORT_DESC;
    $sortKeyList['s.last_edit_date'] = SORT_DESC;
    $sortKeyList['fb.last_edit_date'] = SORT_DESC;
    $sortKeyList['cu.isCourseManager'] = SORT_ASC;
    $sortKeyList['cu.tutor'] = SORT_DESC;
    $sortKeyList['u.nom'] = SORT_ASC;
    $sortKeyList['u.prenom'] = SORT_ASC;
    // get last submission titles
Example #20
$tlabelReq = 'CLLNP';
require '../../inc/claro_init_global.inc.php';
if (claro_is_user_authenticated()) {
    echo 'User is authenticated';
    $spentTime = isset($_GET['spentTime']) ? $_GET['spentTime'] : null;
    $userModuleProgressId = isset($_GET['userModuleProgressId']) ? (int) $_GET['userModuleProgressId'] : null;
    $previousTotalTime = isset($_GET['previousTotalTime']) ? $_GET['previousTotalTime'] : null;
    $date = isset($_GET['date']) ? $_GET['date'] : null;
    $userId = isset($_GET['userId']) ? (int) $_GET['userId'] : null;
    $courseCode = isset($_GET['courseCode']) ? $_GET['courseCode'] : null;
    $learnPathId = isset($_GET['learnPathId']) ? (int) $_GET['learnPathId'] : null;
    $moduleId = isset($_GET['moduleId']) ? (int) $_GET['moduleId'] : null;
    if (!is_null($spentTime) && !is_null($userModuleProgressId) && !is_null($previousTotalTime) && !is_null($date) && !is_null($userId) && !is_null($courseCode) && !is_null($learnPathId) && !is_null($moduleId)) {
        echo 'No null param';
        if (claro_get_current_user_id() == $userId && claro_get_current_course_id() == $courseCode) {
            echo 'user & course : OK';
            $sessionTimeHour = (int) ($spentTime / 60);
            $sessionTimeMin = $spentTime % 60;
            $sessionTime = '';
            if ($sessionTimeHour > 9999) {
                $sessionTime = '9999:59:59';
            } else {
                if ($sessionTimeHour < 10) {
                    $sessionTime .= 0;
                $sessionTime .= $sessionTimeHour . ':';
                if ($sessionTimeMin < 10) {
                    $sessionTime .= 0;
                $sessionTime .= $sessionTimeMin . ':00';
Example #21
$groupMemberList = get_group_user_list(claro_get_current_group_id(), claro_get_current_course_id());
$sql = "SELECT user_id AS id, nom AS lastName, prenom AS firstName, email\n        FROM `" . $tbl_user . "` user\n        WHERE user.user_id='" . claro_get_current_group_data('tutorId') . "'";
$tutorDataList = claro_sql_query_fetch_all($sql);
$forumId = claro_get_current_group_data('forumId');
$toolList = get_group_tool_list();
if (claro_is_in_a_course()) {
    $date = $claro_notifier->get_notification_date(claro_get_current_user_id());
    $modified_tools = $claro_notifier->get_notified_tools(claro_get_current_course_id(), $date, claro_get_current_user_id(), claro_get_current_group_id());
} else {
    $modified_tools = array();
$toolLinkList = array();
foreach ($toolList as $thisTool) {
    if (!array_key_exists($thisTool['label'], $_groupProperties['tools'])) {
    // special case when display mode is student and tool invisible doesn't display it
    if (!claro_is_allowed_to_edit()) {
        if (!$_groupProperties['tools'][$thisTool['label']]) {
    if (!empty($thisTool['label'])) {
Example #22
function clann_get_max_and_min_rank($course_id = null)
    $course_id = is_null($course_id) ? claro_get_current_course_id() : $course_id;
    $tbl = claro_sql_get_course_tbl(claro_get_course_db_name_glued($course_id));
    return Claroline::getDatabase()->query("\n      SELECT \n        MAX(ordre) AS maxRank,\n        MIN(ordre) AS minRank\n     FROM `" . $tbl['announcement'] . "`")->fetch();
Example #23
if ($topicSettingList) {
    // get post and use pager
    if (!$viewall) {
        $postLister = new postLister($topicId, $start, get_conf('posts_per_page'));
    } else {
        $postLister = new postLister($topicId, $start, get_total_posts($topicId, 'topic'));
        $incrementViewCount = false;
    // get post and use pager
    $postList = $postLister->get_post_list();
    $totalPosts = $postLister->sqlPager->get_total_item_count();
    $pagerUrl = claro_htmlspecialchars(Url::Contextualize($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?topic=' . $topicId));
    //increment topic view count if required
    if ($incrementViewCount) {
        $claro_notifier->is_a_notified_ressource(claro_get_current_course_id(), $claro_notifier->get_notification_date(claro_get_current_user_id()), claro_get_current_user_id(), claro_get_current_group_id(), claro_get_current_tool_id(), $forumId . "-" . $topicId);
        //$claroline->notifier->event( 'forum_read_topic', array( 'data' => array( 'topic_id' => $topicId ) ) );
    if ($is_postAllowed) {
        $cmdList = get_forum_toolbar_array('viewtopic', $forumSettingList['forum_id'], $forumSettingList['cat_id'], $topicId);
        if (count($postList) > 2) {
            $start_last_message = (ceil($totalPosts / get_conf('posts_per_page')) - 1) * get_conf('posts_per_page');
            $lastMsgUrl = Url::Contextualize($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?forum=' . $forumSettingList['forum_id'] . '&amp;topic=' . $topicId . '&amp;start=' . $start_last_message . '#post' . $topicSettingList['topic_last_post_id']);
            $cmdList[] = array('name' => get_lang('Last message'), 'url' => claro_htmlspecialchars(Url::Contextualize($lastMsgUrl)));
            if (!$viewall) {
                $viewallUrl = Url::Contextualize($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?forum=' . $forumSettingList['forum_id'] . '&amp;topic=' . $topicId . '&amp;viewall=1');
                $cmdList[] = array('name' => get_lang('Full review'), 'url' => claro_htmlspecialchars(Url::Contextualize($viewallUrl)));
    $out .= $postLister->disp_pager_tool_bar($pagerUrl);
Example #24
            case 2:
                $anonymity = 'default';
                $anonymity = 'forbidden';
        if (get_conf('clfrm_anonymity_enabled', true)) {
            if ('allowed' == $anonymity) {
                $displayName .= ' (' . get_lang('anonymity allowed') . ')';
            } elseif ('default' == $anonymity) {
                $displayName .= ' (' . get_lang('anonymous forum') . ')';
        $itemClass = claro_is_user_authenticated() && $this->claro_notifier->is_a_notified_forum(claro_get_current_course_id(), $this->claro_notifier->get_notification_date(claro_get_current_user_id()), claro_get_current_user_id(), claro_get_current_group_id(), claro_get_current_tool_id(), $thisForum['forum_id']) ? 'item hot' : 'item';
        <tr align="left" valign="top">
                <span class="<?php 
        echo $itemClass;
                    <img src="<?php 
        echo get_icon_url('forum', 'CLFRM');
" alt="" />&nbsp;
        if (!is_null($thisForum['group_id'])) {
Example #25
  * @param string $cid id(code) of the course
  * @param mixed $database Database_Connection instance or null, if null, the default database connection will be used
 public function __construct($cid = null, $database = null)
     $this->cid = is_null($cid) ? claro_get_current_course_id() : $cid;
     $this->database = is_null($database) ? Claroline::getDatabase() : $database;
     $this->course = new Claro_course($cid);
     $this->tables = claro_sql_get_main_tbl();
Example #26
  * @param   string $template name of the template
 public function __construct($template)
     $template = secure_file_path($template);
     $customTemplatePath = get_path('rootSys') . '/platform/templates/' . $template;
     $defaultTemplatePath = get_path('includePath') . '/templates/' . $template;
     if (file_exists($customTemplatePath)) {
     } elseif (file_exists($defaultTemplatePath)) {
     } else {
         throw new Exception("Template not found {$template} " . "at custom location {$customTemplatePath} " . "or default location {$defaultTemplatePath} !");
     if (claro_is_in_a_course()) {
         $this->course = claro_get_current_course_data();
         require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../claroCourse.class.php';
         $this->courseObject = new ClaroCourse();
         // Fetch related courses
         $this->relatedCourses = $this->courseObject->getRelatedCourses();
         // $this->relatedUserCourses = $this->courseObject->getRelatedUserCourses(claro_get_current_user_id());
         if (claro_is_in_a_group()) {
             $this->group = claro_get_current_group_data();
     if (claro_is_user_authenticated()) {
         $this->user = claro_get_current_user_data();
Example #27
 if (claro_is_user_authenticated()) {
     $date = $claro_notifier->get_notification_date(claro_get_current_user_id());
 $preparedAnnList = array();
 $lastPostDate = '';
 foreach ($announcementList as $thisAnn) {
     // Hide hidden and out of deadline elements
     $isVisible = (bool) ($thisAnn['visibility'] == 'SHOW') ? 1 : 0;
     $isOffDeadline = (bool) (isset($thisAnn['visibleFrom']) && strtotime($thisAnn['visibleFrom']) > time() || isset($thisAnn['visibleUntil']) && time() > strtotime($thisAnn['visibleUntil']) + 86400) ? 1 : 0;
     if (!$isVisible || $isOffDeadline) {
         $thisAnn['visible'] = false;
     } else {
         $thisAnn['visible'] = true;
     // Flag hot items
     if (claro_is_user_authenticated() && $claro_notifier->is_a_notified_ressource(claro_get_current_course_id(), $date, claro_get_current_user_id(), claro_get_current_group_id(), claro_get_current_tool_id(), $thisAnn['id'])) {
         $thisAnn['hot'] = true;
     } else {
         $thisAnn['hot'] = false;
     $thisAnn['content'] = make_clickable($thisAnn['content']);
     // Post time format in MySQL date format
     $lastPostDate = isset($thisAnn['visibleFrom']) ? $thisAnn['visibleFrom'] : $thisAnn['time'];
     // Set the current locator
     $currentLocator = ResourceLinker::$Navigator->getCurrentLocator(array('id' => $thisAnn['id']));
     $thisAnn['currentLocator'] = $currentLocator;
     if ($is_allowedToEdit || $isVisible && !$isOffDeadline) {
         $preparedAnnList[] = $thisAnn;
 $maxMinRanks = clann_get_max_and_min_rank();
Example #28
 // poses problems on PHP 4.1, when the array contains only
 // a single element
 $dspFileName = claro_htmlspecialchars(basename($thisFile['path']));
 $cmdFileName = download_url_encode($thisFile['path']);
 if ($thisFile['visibility'] == 'i') {
     if ($is_allowedToEdit) {
         $style = 'invisible ';
     } else {
         // skip the display of this file
 } else {
     $style = '';
 //modify style if the file is recently added since last login
 if (claro_is_user_authenticated() && $claro_notifier->is_a_notified_document(claro_get_current_course_id(), $date, claro_get_current_user_id(), claro_get_current_group_id(), claro_get_current_tool_id(), $thisFile)) {
     $classItem = ' hot';
 } else {
     $classItem = '';
 if ($thisFile['type'] == A_FILE) {
     $image = choose_image($thisFile['path']);
     $size = format_file_size($thisFile['size']);
     $date = format_date($thisFile['date']);
     $urlFileName = claro_htmlspecialchars(claro_get_file_download_url($thisFile['path']));
     //$urlFileName = "goto/?doc_url=".rawurlencode($cmdFileName);
     $target = get_conf('openNewWindowForDoc') ? 'target="_blank"' : '';
 } elseif ($thisFile['type'] == A_DIRECTORY) {
     $image = 'folder';
     $size = '&nbsp;';
Example #29
require_once '../lib/add_missing_table.lib.php';
// tool libraries
include_once '../lib/exercise.class.php';
include_once '../lib/question.class.php';
include_once '../lib/exercise.lib.php';
// claroline libraries
include_once get_path('incRepositorySys') . '/lib/form.lib.php';
include_once get_path('incRepositorySys') . '/lib/pager.lib.php';
include_once get_path('incRepositorySys') . '/lib/fileManage.lib.php';
 * DB tables definition for list query
$tbl_cdb_names = get_module_course_tbl(array('qwz_exercise', 'qwz_question', 'qwz_rel_exercise_question'), claro_get_current_course_id());
$tbl_quiz_exercise = $tbl_cdb_names['qwz_exercise'];
$tbl_quiz_question = $tbl_cdb_names['qwz_question'];
$tbl_quiz_rel_exercise_question = $tbl_cdb_names['qwz_rel_exercise_question'];
 * Init request vars
if (isset($_REQUEST['cmd'])) {
    $cmd = $_REQUEST['cmd'];
} else {
    $cmd = '';
if (isset($_REQUEST['exId']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['exId'])) {
    $exId = (int) $_REQUEST['exId'];
} else {
    $exId = null;
Example #30
if (claro_is_allowed_to_edit()) {
    if ($thisCourse->status == 'pending') {
        $dialogBox->warning(get_lang('This course is deactivated: you can reactive it from your course list'));
    } elseif ($thisCourse->status == 'date') {
        if (!empty($thisCourse->publicationDate) && $thisCourse->publicationDate > claro_mktime()) {
            $dialogBox->warning(get_lang('This course will be enabled on the %date', array('%date' => claro_date('d/m/Y', $thisCourse->publicationDate))));
        if (!empty($thisCourse->expirationDate) && $thisCourse->expirationDate > claro_mktime()) {
            $dialogBox->warning(get_lang('This course will be disable on the %date', array('%date' => claro_date('d/m/Y', $thisCourse->expirationDate))));
    if ($thisCourse->userLimit > 0) {
        $dialogBox->warning(get_lang('This course is limited to %userLimit users', array('%userLimit' => $thisCourse->userLimit)));
    if ($thisCourse->registration == 'validation') {
        $courseUserList = new Claro_CourseUserList(claro_get_current_course_id());
        if ($courseUserList->has_registrationPending()) {
            $usersPanelUrl = claro_htmlspecialchars(Url::Contextualize($toolRepository . 'user/user.php'));
            $dialogBox->warning(get_lang('You have to validate users to give them access to this course through the <a href="%url">course user list</a>', array('%url' => $usersPanelUrl)));
// Get the portlets buttons
$activablePortlets = claro_is_course_manager() ? CourseHomePagePortlet::getActivablePortlets() : array();
// Display
$template = new CoreTemplate('course_index.tpl.php');
$template->assign('dialogBox', $dialogBox);
$template->assign('activablePortlets', $activablePortlets);
$template->assign('portletIterator', $portletiterator);
echo $claroline->display->render();