$ci_query_resource = $vbulletin->db->query("\n  SELECT imagequeueid, url, contentid, contenttypeid, attempts\n    FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "rcd_imagequeue\n   WHERE status = 'PROCESSING'\n     AND nextcheck < " . TIMENOW . "\n");
// Queue URLs to check
$ci_urls = array();
// Full URL data (to update message)
$ci_urls_data = array();
// Next check timestamp
$ci_next_check = TIMENOW + CI_CHECK_INTERVAL * 60;
// Fetch queued URL info
while ($ci_data = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($ci_query_resource)) {
    $ci_urls_data[$ci_data['imagequeueid']] = $ci_data;
    $ci_urls[$ci_data['imagequeueid']] = $ci_data['url'];
// Check URLs (get status and content size)
$ci_urls_status = ci_check_urls($ci_urls);
if (is_array($ci_urls_status)) {
    // Now we have status and content size on every url
    foreach ($ci_urls_status as $key => $url_data) {
        $ci_url_check_attempts = $ci_urls_data[$key]['attempts'] + 1;
        // If the status PROCESSING, but the number of attempts is over - set FAILED
        $ci_url_queue_status = 'PROCESSING' === $ci_url_queue_status && $ci_url_check_attempts >= CI_CHECK_COUNT ? 'FAILED' : $url_data['status'];
        if ($ci_url_queue_status == 'REPLACE' || $ci_url_queue_status == 'FAILED') {
            // Get classname from contenttypeid
            $ci_content_type = $ci_content_types->getContentTypeClass($ci_urls_data[$key]['contenttypeid']);
            // Replace IMG tag to URL
            switch ($ci_content_type) {
                case 'Post':
                case 'Thread':
                    $ci_content = fetch_postinfo($ci_urls_data[$key]['contentid']);
                    $ci_manager =& datamanager_init($ci_content_type, $vbulletin, ERRTYPE_STANDARD, 'threadpost');
  * Find all IMG tags in message and check size. If size exceed the limit or this is not a image replace them to URL tag.
  * If URL is inaccessible it appended to $ci_image_queue global array ('key' => 'url') because we cannot save it now - lack of contentid.
  * @param string &$message Message where need to check & replace.
  * @return array $ci_postponed_urls URLs which need to check later.
 function ci_fix_images_in_msg(&$message)
     $ci_postponed_urls = array();
     // If message contains IMG tags
     if (preg_match_all('#\\[img\\]\\s*(https?://([^*\\r\\n]+|[a-z0-9/\\._\\- !]+))\\[/img\\]#iUe', $message, $ci_img_tags)) {
         // Filter ut ll data-uris
         foreach ($ci_img_tags[1] as $idx => $url) {
             if (preg_match('/;base64,[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}[A-Za-z0-9+/=]{2,}$/', $url)) {
                 // got data uri - remove whole string
                 $message = str_ireplace($ci_img_tags[0][$idx], '', $message);
                 // and remove it from matching groups
                 foreach ($ci_img_tags as $i => $arr) {
         // Get status of each url
         $ci_urls_status = ci_check_urls($ci_img_tags[1]);
         foreach ($ci_urls_status as $key => $url_data) {
             switch ($url_data['status']) {
                 case 'REPLACE':
                     $message = ci_replace_img_tag($message, $ci_img_tags[1][$key], $url_data['size']);
                 case 'PROCESSING':
                     // Now we cannot save URL because lack of contentid,
                     // it will be inserted in table via _postsave hook
                     $ci_postponed_urls[] = $ci_img_tags[1][$key];
     return $ci_postponed_urls;