/** * Handles the [practiceareas /] shortcode. Usage: * * - [practiceareas /] * - [practiceareas list /] * - [practiceareas max=5 list /] * - [practiceareas length=250 columns=4 more /] (Max of 250 chars, in four columns, with a "more" link) * * @param array $atts * @param string $content */ function ciHandlePracticeAreaShortcode($atts, $content = "") { $list = false; $max = 1000; $length = 250; $columns = 4; $more = false; $mb = 30; extract(shortcode_atts(array('list' => $list, 'max' => $max, 'length' => $length, 'columns' => $columns, 'more' => $more, 'mb' => $mb), ciNormalizeShortcodeAtts($atts), 'practiceareas')); if ($list) { return ciGetPracticeAreasTitlesList($max); } else { return ciGetPracticeAreasHTML($max, 3, $length, true, $columns, $more, $mb); } }
function ciGetAvailabilityArray($atts) { $xs = false; // Defined for the sake of the IDE's error-checking $sm = false; $md = false; $lg = false; extract(shortcode_atts(array('xs' => false, 'sm' => false, 'md' => false, 'lg' => false), ciNormalizeShortcodeAtts($atts)), EXTR_OVERWRITE); $arr = array(); if ($xs) { $arr[] = "xs"; } if ($sm) { $arr[] = "sm"; } if ($md) { $arr[] = "md"; } if ($lg) { $arr[] = "lg"; } return $arr; }
function ciAddColoredBackground($atts, $content = "") { $p = false; // Defined for the sake of the IDE's error-checking $mt = -1; $mb = -1; $highlight = false; extract(shortcode_atts(array('mt' => -1, 'mb' => -1, 'highlight' => false, 'p' => false), ciNormalizeShortcodeAtts($atts)), EXTR_OVERWRITE); $class = "colored-bg"; if ($mt >= 0) { $class .= " mt{$mt}"; } if ($mb >= 0) { $class .= " mb{$mb}"; } if ($highlight) { $class .= " highlight"; } $markup = "<span class=\"{$class}\">" . do_shortcode($content) . "</span>"; if ($p) { $markup = "<p>" . $markup . "</p>"; } return $markup; }
function ciEmployeeHTMLShortcode($atts) { $columns = 1; // Defined for the sake of the IDE's error-checking $length = 250; $list = false; $number = 100; extract(shortcode_atts(array('columns' => 1, 'length' => 250, 'number' => $number, 'list' => $list), ciNormalizeShortcodeAtts($atts)), EXTR_OVERWRITE); return ciGetEmployeesHTML(intval($columns), $number, 3, intval($length), $list); }