Example #1
                <!-- /.col-lg-12 -->
			<body>These pages allow you to provide upload access for individual users to add data to the mySQL account associated with this installation of minoTour. <strong>Any admin user can enable others to upload data so exercise caution!</strong><br><br>
			<p>The following users are currently authorised to upload data to the database:</p>	
    foreach (getallusers() as $user) {
        if (checkminup($user) > 0) {
            echo "<i>{$user} </i><button type='button' id='loading-example-btn-" . $user . "' data-loading-text='Revoking Access...' data-complete-text='Access Revoked' class='btn btn-alert btn-xs'>Revoke Access</button><br>";
			<p><br>These users are not authorised to upload data to the database:</p>
    foreach (getallusers() as $user) {
        if (checkminup($user) == 0) {
            echo "<i>{$user} </i><button type='button' id='loading-example-btn-" . $user . "' data-loading-text='Granting Access...' data-complete-text='Access Granted' class='btn btn-warning btn-xs'>Grant Access</button><br><br>";
        <!-- /#page-wrapper -->
    <!-- /#wrapper -->

    <!-- Core Scripts - Include with every page -->
    <script src="js/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
    <script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>-->
    <script src="js/plugins/metisMenu/jquery.metisMenu.js"></script>
Example #2
            <!-- /.navbar-static-side -->

        <div id="page-wrapper">
    include 'includes/run_check.php';
            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-lg-12">
                    <h1 class="page-header">Obtaining minUP to upload data.</h1>
                <!-- /.col-lg-12 -->
    if (checkminup($_SESSION['user_name']) > 0) {
        echo "You are authorised to upload data to this minoTour installation. All versions of the minup script are available to download from here. Please see the notes below.<br>";
        echo "<h4><u>minUP for Windows</u></h4>";
        echo "<body>The latest version of minUP for Windows can be downloaded below. This compressed folder includes a compiled version of the last aligner which in turn requires CYGWIN to be installed on your system (available from <a href='http://www.cygwin.com/' target='_blank'>www.cygwin.com</a>).<br><br> You should pay close attention to the enclosed readme file to ensure that you correctly configure the path to run minUP on Windows.</body><br><br>";
        echo "<body>This version of minUP can utilise a configuration file to bypass entering some of the standard parameters on the command line. You can download a copy of this configuration specific for your account below. This file only works with the Windows version of minUP.</body><br><br>";
        echo "<a href='minup/minup.v0.36W.zip' target='_blank'><i class='fa fa-file-code-o'></i> minUP for Windows</a><br><br>";
        echo "<h4><u>Windows minUP Configuration File</u></h4>";
        echo "<body>Click the icon below to download your personalised Windows minup configuration file. It should be saved in the folder containing the windows minup executable and you should ensure it is named minup_windows.config - some browsers may append .txt to the end of the file.</body><br><br>";
        echo "<a href='minup/minupwindowsconfig.php?user_name=" . $_SESSION['user_name'] . "' target='_blank'><i class='fa fa-file-code-o'></i> minUP Windows Config</a><br><br>";
        echo "<body>You are free to edit this file and the parameters within it can be overridden by the parameter settings on the command line. Do not distribute this file to others as it is specific to you. Within the file is a hashed out line containing your password for uploading data to the database.</body><br><br>";
        echo "<h4><u>minUP for Linux</u></h4>";
        echo "<body>The latest version of minUP for linux can be downloaded below. This is a python script and requires several dependencies - see the enclosed readme file for details.</body><br><br>";
        echo "<a href='minup/minup.v0.36.zip' target='_blank'><i class='fa fa-file-code-o'></i> minUP for Linux</a><br><br>";
        echo "<h4><u>Linux minUP Configuration File</u></h4>";
        echo "<body>Click the icon below to download your personalised minup configuration file. It should be saved in the same folder as your minup script and you should ensure it is called minup_posix.config - some browsers may append .txt to the end of the file.</body><br><br>";
        echo "<a href='minup/minupposixconfig.php?user_name=" . $_SESSION['user_name'] . "' target='_blank'><i class='fa fa-file-code-o'></i> minUP Linux Config</a><br><br>";