function checkcreds() { $sock = new sockets(); $GLOBALS["CACHE_AUTH"] = $sock->GET_INFO("ArticaSplashHotSpotCacheAuth"); $GLOBALS["MAX_TIME"] = $sock->GET_INFO("ArticaSplashHotSpotEndTime"); if (!is_numeric($GLOBALS["CACHE_AUTH"])) { $GLOBALS["CACHE_AUTH"] = 60; } if (!is_numeric($GLOBALS["MAX_TIME"])) { $GLOBALS["MAX_TIME"] = 0; } $gateway_addr = $_REQUEST["gw_address"]; $gw_port = $_REQUEST["gw_port"]; $gw_id = $_REQUEST["gw_id"]; $ARP = $_REQUEST["mac"]; $url = $_REQUEST["url"]; $token = $_REQUEST["token"]; $MAC = $ARP; ToSyslog("Verify credentials for {$ARP}/{$_POST["username"]} Token:{$token}"); $LOGIN = $_POST["username"]; $IPADDR = null; $HOST = gethostbyaddr($IPADDR); $URI = $url; $array["LOGIN"] = $LOGIN; $array["IPADDR"] = null; $array["MAC"] = $MAC; $array["ARP"] = $MAC; $array["HOST"] = $HOST; $array["token"] = $token; $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); $sql = "SELECT uid,creationtime,ttl,enabled FROM hotspot_members WHERE uid='{$LOGIN}'"; $ligne = mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL($sql)); if (trim($ligne["uid"]) != null) { if ($ligne["enabled"] == 0) { $Created = $q->time_to_date($ligne["creationtime"], true); ToSyslog("checkcreds:: {$LOGIN} is disabled {$Created}"); $GLOBALS["ERROR"] = "<strong>{$LOGIN}</strong> {your_account_is_disabled}<br>{created}:{$Created}"; return false; } $ttl = $ligne["ttl"]; if ($ligne["creationtime"] > 0) { if ($ligne["ttl"] > 0) { $EnOfLife = strtotime("+{$ttl} minutes", $ligne["creationtime"]); if (time() > $EnOfLife) { ToSyslog("checkcreds:: {$LOGIN} expired - End of Life"); $GLOBALS["ERROR"] = "{accesstime_to_internet_expired}"; return false; } } } } $auth = false; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/ressources/"; if (checkcreds_AD()) { if ($GLOBALS["HOTSPOT_DEBUG"]) { ToSyslog("checkcreds_AD return true... in line:" . __LINE__); } checkcreds_mysql($array, true); return UnLock($array); } if (checkcreds_ldap()) { if ($GLOBALS["HOTSPOT_DEBUG"]) { ToSyslog("checkcreds_ldap return true... in line:" . __LINE__); } checkcreds_mysql($array, true); return UnLock($array); } if (checkcreds_mysql($array)) { if ($GLOBALS["HOTSPOT_DEBUG"]) { ToSyslog("checkcreds_mysql return true... in line:" . __LINE__); } return UnLock($array); } events(1, "Login failed for {$LOGIN}/{$IPADDR}", "MAC:{$MAC}\nHost:{$HOST}\n" . @implode("\n", $GLOBALS["LOGS"])); return false; }
function checkcreds() { $EnableIntelCeleron = intval(@file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/EnableIntelCeleron")); $EnableOpenLDAP = intval(@file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/EnableOpenLDAP")); $gateway_addr = $_REQUEST["gw_address"]; $gw_port = $_REQUEST["gw_port"]; $gw_id = $_REQUEST["gw_id"]; $ARP = $_REQUEST["mac"]; $url = $_REQUEST["url"]; $token = $_REQUEST["token"]; $ruleid = $_REQUEST["ruleid"]; if ($ruleid == 0) { if (isset($_SESSION["WIFIDOG_RULES"])) { $ruleid = $_SESSION["WIFIDOG_RULES"]; } } $MAC = $ARP; if ($EnableIntelCeleron == 1) { $EnableOpenLDAP = 0; } $sock = new wifidog_settings($ruleid); $USE_MYSQL = intval($sock->GET_INFO("USE_MYSQL")); $USE_ACTIVEDIRECTORY = intval($sock->GET_INFO("USE_ACTIVEDIRECTORY")); $DO_NOT_AUTENTICATE = intval($sock->GET_INFO("DO_NOT_AUTENTICATE")); wifidog_logs("Verify credentials for {$ARP}/{$_POST["username"]} Active Directory:{$USE_ACTIVEDIRECTORY}; Token:{$token} ruleid:{$ruleid}", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); $LOGIN = $_POST["username"]; $IPADDR = null; $HOST = gethostbyaddr($IPADDR); $URI = $url; $array["LOGIN"] = $LOGIN; $array["IPADDR"] = null; $array["MAC"] = $MAC; $array["ARP"] = $MAC; $array["HOST"] = $HOST; $array["token"] = $token; $array["ruleid"] = $ruleid; if ($DO_NOT_AUTENTICATE == 1) { return UnLock($array, true); } $q = new mysql_hotspot(); $sql = "SELECT uid,creationtime,ttl,enabled FROM hotspot_members WHERE uid='{$LOGIN}'"; $ligne = mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL($sql)); if (trim($ligne["uid"]) != null) { $enabled = intval($ligne["enabled"]); if ($enabled == 0) { events(1, "Login failed for {$LOGIN}/{$IPADDR}, account locked"); $GLOBALS["ERROR"] = "{your_account_is_disabled}"; return false; } } if ($USE_MYSQL == 0) { if ($USE_ACTIVEDIRECTORY == 0) { $USE_MYSQL = 1; } } if ($USE_MYSQL == 0) { $q->QUERY_SQL("DELETE FROM hotspot_members WHERE uid='{$LOGIN}'"); } else { if (trim($ligne["uid"]) != null) { if ($ligne["enabled"] == 0) { $Created = $q->time_to_date($ligne["creationtime"], true); wifidog_logs("checkcreds:: {$LOGIN} is disabled {$Created}"); $GLOBALS["ERROR"] = "<strong>{$LOGIN}</strong> {your_account_is_disabled}<br>{created}:{$Created}"; return false; } $ttl = $ligne["ttl"]; if ($ligne["creationtime"] > 0) { if ($ligne["ttl"] > 0) { $EnOfLife = strtotime("+{$ttl} minutes", $ligne["creationtime"]); if (time() > $EnOfLife) { wifidog_logs("checkcreds:: {$LOGIN} expired - End of Life"); $GLOBALS["ERROR"] = "{accesstime_to_internet_expired}"; return false; } } } } } $auth = false; if ($USE_ACTIVEDIRECTORY == 1) { if (checkcreds_AD($ruleid)) { return UnLock($array); } } if ($EnableOpenLDAP == 1) { if (checkcreds_ldap()) { if ($GLOBALS["HOTSPOT_DEBUG"]) { wifidog_logs("checkcreds_ldap return true... in line:" . __LINE__); } return UnLock($array); } } if ($USE_MYSQL == 1) { if (checkcreds_mysql($array)) { if ($GLOBALS["HOTSPOT_DEBUG"]) { wifidog_logs("checkcreds_mysql return true... in line:" . __LINE__); } return UnLock($array); } } events(1, "Login failed for {$LOGIN}/{$IPADDR}", "MAC:{$MAC}\nHost:{$HOST}\n" . @implode("\n", $GLOBALS["LOGS"])); $GLOBALS["ERROR"] = "{wrong_unername_or_password}"; return false; }