?> "> <?php if ($feedback_resource_select) { ?> <h2><?php echo $lang["selectedresources"]; ?> :</h2><?php # Show thumbnails and allow the user to select resources. $result = do_search("!collection" . $collection); for ($n = 0; $n < count($result); $n++) { $ref = $result[$n]["ref"]; $access = get_resource_access($ref); $use_watermark = check_use_watermark($ref); $title = $ref . " : " . htmlspecialchars(tidy_trim(i18n_get_translated($result[$n]["field" . $view_title_field]), 60)); if (isset($collection_feedback_display_field)) { $displaytitle = htmlspecialchars(get_data_by_field($ref, $collection_feedback_display_field)); } else { $displaytitle = $title; } ?> <!--Resource Panel--> <div class="ResourcePanelShell" id="ResourceShell<?php echo $ref; ?> "> <div class="ResourcePanel">
include "../../../include/resource_functions.php"; include "../../../include/collections_functions.php"; include "../../../include/search_functions.php"; # Get variables and check key is valid. $ref = getvalescaped("ref", ""); $key = getvalescaped("key", ""); $size = getvalescaped("size", "pre"); $transition = (int) getvalescaped("transition", 4); $width = getvalescaped("width", ""); $player_width = $width; # Check key is valid if (!check_access_key_collection($ref, $key)) { exit($lang["embedslideshow_notavailable"]); } # Load watermark settings $use_watermark = check_use_watermark(); ?> <html> <head> <link href="../css/embedslideshow.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen,projection,print" /> <script src="../../../lib/js/jquery-1.7.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> </head> <body> <div class="embedslideshow_player"> <div class="embedslideshow_preview" id="embedslideshow_preview" style="width:<?php echo $width; ?> px;height:<?php echo $width + 8; ?>
function HookAnnotateViewRenderinnerresourcepreview() { global $baseurl_short, $ajax, $ref, $ffmpeg_preview_extension, $resource, $k, $search, $offset, $order_by, $sort, $archive, $lang, $download_multisize, $baseurl, $annotate_ext_exclude, $annotate_rt_exclude, $annotate_public_view, $annotate_pdf_output; if (in_array($resource['file_extension'], $annotate_ext_exclude)) { return false; } if (in_array($resource['resource_type'], $annotate_rt_exclude)) { return false; } if (!($k == "") && !$annotate_public_view) { return false; } $download_multisize = true; $flvfile = get_resource_path($ref, true, "pre", false, $ffmpeg_preview_extension); if (file_exists($flvfile)) { return false; } if ($resource["has_image"] == 1) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> button_ok = "<?php echo preg_replace("/\r?\n/", "\\n", addslashes($lang["ok"])); ?> "; button_cancel = "<?php echo preg_replace("/\r?\n/", "\\n", addslashes($lang["cancel"])); ?> "; button_delete = "<?php echo preg_replace("/\r?\n/", "\\n", addslashes($lang["action-delete"])); ?> "; button_add = "> <?php echo preg_replace("/\r?\n/", "\\n", addslashes($lang["action-add_note"])); ?> "; button_toggle = "> <?php echo preg_replace("/\r?\n/", "\\n", addslashes($lang["action-toggle-on"])); ?> "; button_toggle_off = "> <?php echo preg_replace("/\r?\n/", "\\n", addslashes($lang["action-toggle-off"])); ?> "; error_saving = "<?php echo preg_replace("/\r?\n/", "\\n", addslashes($lang["error-saving"])); ?> "; error_deleting = "<?php echo preg_replace("/\r?\n/", "\\n", addslashes($lang["error-deleting"])); ?> "; </script> <script> jQuery.noConflict(); </script><?php $use_watermark = check_use_watermark($resource['ref']); $imagepath = get_resource_path($ref, true, "pre", false, $resource["preview_extension"], -1, 1, $use_watermark); if (!file_exists($imagepath)) { $imagepath = get_resource_path($ref, true, "thm", false, $resource["preview_extension"], -1, 1, $use_watermark); $imageurl = get_resource_path($ref, false, "thm", false, $resource["preview_extension"], -1, 1, $use_watermark); } else { $imageurl = get_resource_path($ref, false, "pre", false, $resource["preview_extension"], -1, 1, $use_watermark); } if (!file_exists($imagepath)) { return false; } $sizes = getimagesize($imagepath); $w = $sizes[0]; $h = $sizes[1]; if (file_exists($imagepath)) { $page_count = get_page_count($resource); $multipage_document = FALSE; if ($page_count > 1) { $multipage_document = TRUE; } ?> <div id="wrapper" class="annotate-view-wrapper"> <div> <img id="toAnnotate" onload="annotate(<?php echo $ref; ?> ,'<?php echo $k; ?> ','<?php echo $w; ?> ','<?php echo $h; ?> ',<?php echo getvalescaped("annotate_toggle", true); ?> );" src="<?php echo $imageurl; ?> " id="previewimage" class="Picture" GALLERYIMG="no" style="display:block;" /> </div> <div class="annotate-view-preview-links" > <a class="enterLink" href="<?php echo $baseurl_short; ?> pages/preview.php?<?php if (getval("annotate", "") != "") { ?> annotate=true&<?php } ?> ref=<?php echo $ref; ?> &ext=<?php echo $resource["preview_extension"]; ?> &k=<?php echo $k; ?> &search=<?php echo urlencode($search); ?> &offset=<?php echo $offset; ?> &order_by=<?php echo $order_by; ?> &sort=<?php echo $sort; ?> &archive=<?php echo $archive; if ($multipage_document) { echo '&page=1'; } ?> " title="<?php echo $lang["fullscreenpreview"]; ?> ">> <?php echo $lang["fullscreenpreview"]; ?> </a> <?php // MAGICTOUCH PLUGIN COMPATIBILITY global $magictouch_account_id; if ($magictouch_account_id != "") { global $plugins; global $magictouch_rt_exclude; global $magictouch_ext_exclude; if (in_array("magictouch", $plugins) && !in_array($resource['resource_type'], $magictouch_rt_exclude) && !in_array($resource['file_extension'], $magictouch_ext_exclude) && !defined("MTFAIL")) { ?> <a style="display:inline;" href="<?php echo getval("from", "") == "search" ? $baseurl_short . "pages/search.php?" : $baseurl_short . "pages/view.php?ref=" . $ref . "&"; ?> search=<?php echo urlencode($search); ?> &offset=<?php echo $offset; ?> &order_by=<?php echo $order_by; ?> &sort=<?php echo $sort; ?> &archive=<?php echo $archive; ?> &k=<?php echo $k; ?> " onClick="document.cookie='annotate=off';return CentralSpaceLoad(this);">> <?php echo $lang['zoom']; ?> </a><?php } } /////////////// ?> <?php if ($annotate_pdf_output) { ?> <a style="display:inline;float:right;" class="nowrap" href="<?php echo $baseurl_short; ?> plugins/annotate/pages/annotate_pdf_config.php?ref=<?php echo $ref; ?> &ext=<?php echo $resource["preview_extension"]; ?> &k=<?php echo $k; ?> &search=<?php echo urlencode($search); ?> &offset=<?php echo $offset; ?> &order_by=<?php echo $order_by; ?> &sort=<?php echo $sort; ?> &archive=<?php echo $archive; ?> " onClick="return CentralSpaceLoad(this);">> <?php echo $lang["pdfwithnotes"]; ?> </a> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php } } else { ?> <img src="<?php echo $baseurl; ?> /gfx/<?php echo get_nopreview_icon($resource["resource_type"], $resource["file_extension"], false); ?> " alt="" class="Picture" style="border:none;" id="previewimage" /> <?php } return true; }
function HookMagictouchViewReplacerenderinnerresourcepreview() { global $baseurl, $plugins, $lang, $search, $offset, $archive, $order_by, $sort, $plugins, $download_multisize, $k, $access, $ref, $resource, $watermark; global $magictouch_account_id; if ($magictouch_account_id == "") { return false; } // This hooks runs outside of the renderinnerresourcepreview hook, // and if MTFAIL is defined, annotate will know not to include a Zoom link. // annotate plugin compatibility global $plugins; if (in_array("annotate", $plugins)) { global $annotate_ext_exclude; global $annotate_rt_exclude; if (in_array($resource['file_extension'], $annotate_ext_exclude)) { return false; } if (in_array($resource['resource_type'], $annotate_rt_exclude)) { return false; } if (getval("annotate", "") != "") { return false; } } // exclusions global $magictouch_rt_exclude; global $magictouch_ext_exclude; if (in_array($resource['resource_type'], $magictouch_rt_exclude)) { define("MTFAIL", true); return false; } if (in_array($resource['file_extension'], $magictouch_ext_exclude)) { define("MTFAIL", true); return false; } $download_multisize = true; if ($resource["has_image"] != 1) { define("MTFAIL", true); return false; } // watermark check $access = get_resource_access($ref); $use_watermark = check_use_watermark($ref); // paths $imageurl = get_resource_path($ref, false, "pre", false, $resource["preview_extension"], -1, 1, $use_watermark); global $magictouch_view_page_sizes; foreach ($magictouch_view_page_sizes as $mtpreviewsize) { $largeurl = get_resource_path($ref, false, $mtpreviewsize, false, "jpg", -1, 1, $use_watermark); $largeurl_path = get_resource_path($ref, true, $mtpreviewsize, false, "jpg", -1, 1, $use_watermark); if (file_exists($largeurl_path)) { break; } } if (!file_exists($largeurl_path)) { define("MTFAIL", true); return false; # Requires an original large JPEG file. } ?> <div style="float:left;"> <div class="Picture"> <a href="<?php echo $largeurl; ?> " class="MagicTouch"><img src="<?php echo $imageurl; ?> " GALLERYIMG="no" id="previewimage" /></a> </div><br /> <?php // annotate plugin compatibility if (in_array("annotate", $plugins) && $k == "") { ?> <a style="display:inline;clear:left;float:left;" href="<?php echo $baseurl; ?> /pages/view.php?ref=<?php echo $ref; ?> &search=<?php echo urlencode($search); ?> &offset=<?php echo $offset; ?> &order_by=<?php echo $order_by; ?> &sort=<?php echo $sort; ?> &archive=<?php echo $archive; ?> &k=<?php echo $k; ?> &annotate=true" onClick="return CentralSpaceLoad(this);">> <?php echo $lang['annotations']; ?> </a><br /><br /><?php } ?> <script type="text/javascript">if(typeof MagicTouch=="object") {MagicTouch.refresh();} else {console.log("MagicTouch not loaded");}</script> </div> <?php return true; }
function HookAnnotateViewRenderinnerresourcepreview() { global $ref, $ffmpeg_preview_extension, $resource, $k, $search, $offset, $order_by, $sort, $archive, $lang, $download_multisize, $baseurl, $annotate_ext_exclude, $annotate_rt_exclude, $annotate_public_view, $annotate_pdf_output; if (in_array($resource['file_extension'], $annotate_ext_exclude)) { return false; } if (in_array($resource['resource_type'], $annotate_rt_exclude)) { return false; } if (!($k == "") && !$annotate_public_view) { return false; } $download_multisize = true; $flvfile = get_resource_path($ref, true, "pre", false, $ffmpeg_preview_extension); if (file_exists($flvfile)) { return false; } if ($resource["has_image"] == 1) { ?> <style type="text/css" media="all">@import "<?php echo $baseurl; ?> /plugins/annotate/lib/jquery/css/annotation.css";</style> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $baseurl; ?> /plugins/annotate/lib/jquery/js/jquery.annotate.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> button_ok = "<?php echo preg_replace("/\r?\n/", "\\n", addslashes($lang["ok"])); ?> "; button_cancel = "<?php echo preg_replace("/\r?\n/", "\\n", addslashes($lang["cancel"])); ?> "; button_delete = "<?php echo preg_replace("/\r?\n/", "\\n", addslashes($lang["action-delete"])); ?> "; button_add = "> <?php echo preg_replace("/\r?\n/", "\\n", addslashes($lang["action-add_note"])); ?> "; error_saving = "<?php echo preg_replace("/\r?\n/", "\\n", addslashes($lang["error-saving"])); ?> "; error_deleting = "<?php echo preg_replace("/\r?\n/", "\\n", addslashes($lang["error-deleting"])); ?> "; </script> <script> jQuery.noConflict(); </script><?php $use_watermark = check_use_watermark($resource['ref']); $imagepath = get_resource_path($ref, true, "pre", false, $resource["preview_extension"], -1, 1, $use_watermark); if (!file_exists($imagepath)) { $imagepath = get_resource_path($ref, true, "thm", false, $resource["preview_extension"], -1, 1, $use_watermark); $imageurl = get_resource_path($ref, false, "thm", false, $resource["preview_extension"], -1, 1, $use_watermark); } else { $imageurl = get_resource_path($ref, false, "pre", false, $resource["preview_extension"], -1, 1, $use_watermark); } if (!file_exists($imagepath)) { return false; } $sizes = getimagesize($imagepath); $w = $sizes[0]; $h = $sizes[1]; if (file_exists($imagepath)) { ?> <div id="wrapper" style="display:block;clear:none;float:left;margin: 0px 10px 10px 0px;"> <div> <img id="toAnnotate" src="<?php echo $imageurl; ?> " id="previewimage" class="Picture" GALLERYIMG="no" style="display:block;" /> </div> <div style="padding-top:10px;"> <a style="display:inline;" href="preview.php?<?php if (getval("annotate", "") != "") { ?> annotate=true&<?php } ?> ref=<?php echo $ref; ?> &ext=<?php echo $resource["preview_extension"]; ?> &k=<?php echo $k; ?> &search=<?php echo urlencode($search); ?> &offset=<?php echo $offset; ?> &order_by=<?php echo $order_by; ?> &sort=<?php echo $sort; ?> &archive=<?php echo $archive; ?> " title="<?php echo $lang["fullscreenpreview"]; ?> ">> <?php echo $lang["fullscreenpreview"]; ?> </a> <?php // MAGICTOUCH PLUGIN COMPATIBILITY global $magictouch_account_id; if ($magictouch_account_id != "") { global $plugins; global $magictouch_rt_exclude; global $magictouch_ext_exclude; if (in_array("magictouch", $plugins) && !in_array($resource['resource_type'], $magictouch_rt_exclude) && !in_array($resource['file_extension'], $magictouch_ext_exclude) && !defined("MTFAIL")) { ?> <a style="display:inline;" href="<?php echo getval("from", "") == "search" ? "search.php?" : "view.php?ref=" . $ref . "&"; ?> search=<?php echo urlencode($search); ?> &offset=<?php echo $offset; ?> &order_by=<?php echo $order_by; ?> &sort=<?php echo $sort; ?> &archive=<?php echo $archive; ?> &k=<?php echo $k; ?> " onClick="return CentralSpaceLoad(this);">> <?php echo $lang['zoom']; ?> </a><?php } } /////////////// ?> <?php if ($annotate_pdf_output) { ?> <a style="display:inline;float:right;" class="nowrap" href="<?php echo $baseurl; ?> /plugins/annotate/pages/annotate_pdf_config.php?ref=<?php echo $ref; ?> &ext=<?php echo $resource["preview_extension"]; ?> &k=<?php echo $k; ?> &search=<?php echo urlencode($search); ?> &offset=<?php echo $offset; ?> &order_by=<?php echo $order_by; ?> &sort=<?php echo $sort; ?> &archive=<?php echo $archive; ?> " onClick="return CentralSpaceLoad(this);">> <?php echo $lang["pdfwithnotes"]; ?> </a> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <script language="javascript"> jQuery("#toAnnotate").load(function(){ jQuery("#toAnnotate").annotateImage({ getUrl: "<?php echo $baseurl; ?> /plugins/annotate/pages/get.php?ref=<?php echo $ref; ?> &k=<?php echo $k; ?> &pw=<?php echo $w; ?> &ph=<?php echo $h; ?> ", saveUrl: "<?php echo $baseurl; ?> /plugins/annotate/pages/save.php?ref=<?php echo $ref; ?> &k=<?php echo $k; ?> &pw=<?php echo $w; ?> &ph=<?php echo $h; ?> ", deleteUrl: "<?php echo $baseurl; ?> /plugins/annotate/pages/delete.php?ref=<?php echo $ref; ?> &k=<?php echo $k; ?> ", useAjax: true, <?php if ($k == "") { ?> editable: true <?php } else { ?> editable: false <?php } ?> }); }); </script> <?php } } else { ?> <img src="<?php echo $baseurl; ?> /gfx/<?php echo get_nopreview_icon($resource["resource_type"], $resource["file_extension"], false); ?> " alt="" class="Picture" style="border:none;" id="previewimage" /> <?php } return true; }