function ilia_analysis()
    global $php_version, $php_flavour, $os_name, $thread_safe, $php_ini_path, $required_loader, $os_code, $cli;
    $res = para('Analysis of your system configuration shows:') . table(array(array("PHP Version", $php_version), array("Operating System", $os_name), array("Threaded PHP", $thread_safe ? 'Yes' : 'No'), array("php.ini file", $php_ini_path ? $php_ini_path : query_self("Check phpinfo() output for\n" . 'location', 'phpinfo')), array("Required Loader", $required_loader))) . para('');
    if (!$cli) {
        $res .= "<h3>Instructions</h3>";
    if ($php_ini_path) {
        $res .= para('To install the Loader in your ' . code('php.ini') . " file, edit or create the file\n\n" . code($php_ini_path) . "\n\n" . "and add the following line before any other " . code('zend_extension') . ' lines:');
    } else {
        $res .= para('To install the loader in your ' . code('php.ini') . " file, first check the location of the\n" . "php.ini file from phpinfo output. Then edit or create the file, and add the\n" . "following line before any other " . code('zend_extension') . ' lines:');
    if ($os_code == 'win') {
        if (use_html()) {
            $path = '&lt;drive&gt;:\\&lt;path&gt;\\';
        } else {
            $path = '<drive>:\\<path>\\';
        $ini = "zend_extension_ts = {$path}{$required_loader}";
    } else {
        if (use_html()) {
            $path = '/&lt;path&gt;/';
        } else {
            $path = '/<path>/';
        if ($thread_safe) {
            $ini = "zend_extension_ts = {$path}{$required_loader}";
        } else {
            $ini = "zend_extension = {$path}{$required_loader}";
    if (use_html()) {
        $res .= "<table class=\"ini_line\" cellpadding=4 cellspacing=1 border=0><tr><td><code>{$ini}</code></td></tr></table><p>";
    } else {
        $res .= para("  {$ini}");
    if ($os_code == 'win') {
        $res .= para('where ' . code($path) . ' is where you\'ve installed the loader.');
    } else {
        $res .= para('where ' . code($path) . ' is where you\'ve installed the loader, e.g. ' . code('/usr/local/ioncube/'));
    $res .= para("If there are no zend_extension lines already, you can put the\r\nline at any point in the file.");
    $res .= para("Finally, stop and restart your web server software for the changes to\n" . "take effect.");
    if (!check_safe_mode() && $os_code != 'win') {
        $res .= heading('Installing the Loader for run-time loading');
        $res .= para("To install for runtime loading, create a directory called " . code('ioncube') . "\n" . "at or above the top level of your encoded files, and ensure that the directory\n" . "contains the " . code($required_loader) . " loader. If run-time install of\n" . "the Loader is possible on your system then encoded files should automatically\n" . "install the loader when needed.");
    return $res;
Example #2
<tr><td>[~] IP Address: <u>     <?php 
<tr><td>[~] User Agent: <u>     <?php 
print htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
<tr><td>[~] Patch: <u>          <?php 
<tr><td>[~] Safe Mode:          <?php 
print check_safe_mode();
<tr><td>[~] Magic Quotes GPC:   <?php 
print check_magic_quotes_gpc();
<tr><td>[~] Login Access:       <?php 
print check_login($login);
 - Password: <?php 
print $password;