Example #1
function check_setup()
    echo "<center><small><pre>";
    echo check_msg("PHP Version >= 5.3", true, "5.3.6");
    echo check_msg("Write access to folder PATH_CACHE (" . PATH_CACHE . ")", true, "777");
    echo check_msg("Write access to folder PATH_TEMP (" . PATH_TEMP . ")", true, "777");
    echo check_msg("Write access to file LOG_ERROR (" . LOG_ERROR . ")", true, "766");
    echo check_msg("Write access to file LOG_MESSAGES (" . LOG_MESSAGES . ")", true, "766");
    echo check_msg("Write access to file LOG_SECURITY (" . LOG_SECURITY . ")", true, "766");
    echo check_msg("PHP Module: mysql");
    echo check_msg("PHP Module: mcrypt");
    echo check_msg("PHP Module: ldap");
    echo check_msg("PHP Module: gd");
    echo check_msg("PHP Module: iimagick");
    echo check_msg("PHP Module: gettext");
    echo check_msg("PHP Module: curl");
    echo check_msg("PHP Module: zip");
    echo check_msg("PHP Option: TIMEZONE");
    echo check_msg("PHP Option: MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC");
    echo check_msg("PHP Option: MAGIC_QUOTES_RUNTIME");
    echo check_msg("PHP Option: MAGIC_QUOTES_SYBASE");
    echo check_msg("PHP Option: MEMORY_LIMIT");
    echo check_msg("PHP Option: SAFE_MODE");
    echo check_msg("sTeam: check connection");
    echo check_msg("sTeam: check root access");
    echo check_msg("sTeam: check guest access");
    echo check_msg("sTeam: version");
    echo check_msg("sTeam: koala_support");
    echo check_msg("sTeam: client_support");
    echo check_msg("mysql: check connection");
    echo check_msg("mysql: check access");
    echo "</pre></small></center>";
Example #2
function check_stocket($ary)
    $ary['pass'] = check_msg(socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP));
    return $ary;
Example #3
function check_online($ary)
    if (@fsockopen("www.baidu.com", 80, &$errno, &$errstr, 5) || @fsockopen("www.g.cn", 80, &$errno, &$errstr, 5)) {
        $ary['pass'] = check_msg(true);
    } else {
        $ary['pass'] = check_msg(false);
    return $ary;
Example #4
function page($index, $title, $where, $time, $wysiwyg = '')
    global $db, $userid, $userip, $tmpdir, $secureLogin, $chkMe, $charset;
    global $u_b1, $u_b2, $designpath, $maxwidth, $language, $cp_color;
    // user gebannt? Logge aus!
    if ($chkMe == 'banned') {
        header("Location: ../user/?action=logout");
    //  JS-Dateine einbinden
    $lng = $language == 'deutsch' ? 'de' : 'en';
    $edr = $wysiwyg == '_word' ? 'advanced' : 'normal';
    $lcolor = $cp_color == 1 ? 'lcolor=true;' : '';
    $java_vars = '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
      var maxW = ' . $maxwidth . ',lng = \'' . $lng . '\',dzcp_editor = \'' . $edr . '\';' . $lcolor . '
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="' . $designpath . '/_js/wysiwyg' . $wysiwyg . '.js"></script>';
    if (settings("wmodus") && $chkMe != 4) {
        if ($secureLogin == 1) {
            $secure = show("menu/secure", array("help" => _login_secure_help, "security" => _register_confirm));
        $login = show("errors/wmodus_login", array("what" => _login_login, "secure" => $secure, "signup" => _login_signup, "permanent" => _login_permanent, "lostpwd" => _login_lostpwd));
        echo show("errors/wmodus", array("wmodus" => _wartungsmodus, "head" => _wartungsmodus_head, "tmpdir" => $tmpdir, "java_vars" => $java_vars, "dir" => $designpath, "title" => re(strip_tags($title)), "login" => $login));
    } else {
        //check permissions
        if ($chkMe == "unlogged") {
            include_once basePath . '/inc/menu-functions/login.php';
        } else {
            $check_msg = check_msg();
            db("UPDATE " . $db['users'] . "\n          SET `time`     = '" . (int) time() . "',\n              `whereami` = '" . up($where) . "'\n          WHERE id = '" . intval($userid) . "'");
        //init templateswitch
        $tmps = get_files('../inc/_templates_/');
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($tmps); $i++) {
            if ($gets['tmpdir'] == $tmps[$i]) {
                $selt = "selected=\"selected\"";
            } else {
                $selt = "";
            $tmpldir .= show(_select_field, array("value" => "../user/?action=switch&amp;set=" . $tmps[$i], "what" => $tmps[$i], "sel" => $selt));
        //misc vars
        $template_switch = show("menu/tmp_switch", array("templates" => $tmpldir));
        $clanname = re(settings("clanname"));
        $time = show(_generated_time, array("time" => $time));
        $headtitle = show(_index_headtitle, array("clanname" => $clanname));
        $rss = $clanname;
        $dir = $designpath;
        $title = re(strip_tags($title));
        $index = empty($index) ? '' : (empty($check_msg) ? '' : $check_msg) . '<table class="mainContent" cellspacing="1" style="margin-top:0">' . $index . '</table>';
        //-> Sort & filter placeholders
        //default placeholders
        $arr = array("idir" => '../inc/images/admin', "dir" => $designpath);
        //check if placeholders are given
        $pholder = file_get_contents($designpath . "/index.html");
        //filter placeholders
        $blArr = array("[title]", "[copyright]", "[java_vars]", "[login]", "[template_switch]", "[headtitle]", "[index]", "[time]", "[rss]", "[dir]", "[charset]");
        for ($i = 0; $i <= count($blArr) - 1; $i++) {
            if (preg_match("#" . $blArr[$i] . "#", $pholder)) {
                $pholdervars .= $blArr[$i];
        for ($i = 0; $i <= count($blArr) - 1; $i++) {
            $pholder = str_replace($blArr[$i], "", $pholder);
        $pholder = pholderreplace($pholder);
        $pholdervars = pholderreplace($pholdervars);
        //put placeholders in array
        $pholder = explode("^", $pholder);
        for ($i = 0; $i <= count($pholder) - 1; $i++) {
            if (strstr($pholder[$i], 'nav_')) {
                eval("\$arr[" . $pholder[$i] . "] = navi('" . $pholder[$i] . "');");
            } else {
                if (@file_exists(basePath . '/inc/menu-functions/' . $pholder[$i] . '.php')) {
                    include_once basePath . '/inc/menu-functions/' . $pholder[$i] . '.php';
                @eval("if(function_exists('" . $pholder[$i] . "')){\$arr[" . $pholder[$i] . "] = " . $pholder[$i] . "();}");
        $pholdervars = explode("^", $pholdervars);
        for ($i = 0; $i <= count($pholdervars) - 1; $i++) {
            eval("\$arr[" . $pholdervars[$i] . "] = \$" . $pholdervars[$i] . ";");
        //index output
        echo show("index", $arr);