Example #1
function wap_get_my_attention($offset, $perpage, $get_sql = '')
    global $db;
    $limit = " LIMIT {$offset},{$perpage}";
    $selectstr = " a.*,r.subsite_id,r.uid as ruid,r.fullname,r.display_name,r.sex_cn,r.sex,r.education_cn,r.experience_cn,r.intention_jobs,r.district_cn,r.wage_cn,r.trade_cn,r.nature_cn,r.major_cn,r.birthdate,r.refreshtime";
    $result = $db->query("SELECT {$selectstr} FROM " . table('view_resume') . " as a {$get_sql} ORDER BY a.id DESC {$limit}");
    while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
        $row['resume_url'] = wap_url_rewrite("resume-show", array('id' => $row['resumeid']), 1, $row['subsite_id']);
        if ($row['display_name'] == "3") {
            if ($row['sex'] == 1) {
                $row['fullname'] = cut_str($row['fullname'], 1, 0, "先生");
            } elseif ($row['sex'] == 2) {
                $row['fullname'] = cut_str($row['fullname'], 1, 0, "女士");
        } elseif ($row['display_name'] == "2") {
            $row['fullname'] = "N" . str_pad($row['resumeid'], 7, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
        if (check_favorites($row['resumeid'], $_SESSION['uid'])) {
            $row['is_favorites'] = 1;
        $y = date("Y");
        $row['age'] = $y - $row['birthdate'];
        $row['addtime'] = date('Y-m-d', $row['addtime']);
        $row_state = get_resume_state($_SESSION['uid'], $row['resumeid']);
        $row['resume_state'] = $row_state['resume_state'];
        $row['resume_state_cn'] = $row_state['resume_state_cn'];
        $row_arr[] = $row;
    return $row_arr;
function tpl_function_qishi_jobs_show($params, &$smarty)
    global $db, $timestamp, $_CFG;
    $arr = explode(',', $params['set']);
    foreach ($arr as $str) {
        $a = explode(':', $str);
        switch ($a[0]) {
            case "职位ID":
                $aset['id'] = $a[1];
            case "列表名":
                $aset['listname'] = $a[1];
            case "描述长度":
                $aset['brieflylen'] = $a[1];
            case "填补字符":
                $aset['dot'] = $a[1];
    $aset = array_map("get_smarty_request", $aset);
    $aset['id'] = $aset['id'] ? intval($aset['id']) : 0;
    $aset['brieflylen'] = isset($aset['brieflylen']) ? intval($aset['brieflylen']) : 0;
    $aset['listname'] = $aset['listname'] ? $aset['listname'] : "list";
    $wheresql = " WHERE id={$aset['id']} ";
    $sql = "select id,uid,setmeal_deadline,add_mode,amount,company_id,district_cn,contents,refreshtime,tag_cn,category,subclass,sdistrict,jobs_name,companyname,wage_cn,nature_cn,category_cn,sex_cn,age,education_cn,experience_cn,graduate from " . table('jobs') . $wheresql . " LIMIT 1";
    $val = $db->getone($sql);
    if (empty($val)) {
        $sql_tmp = "select id,uid,setmeal_deadline,add_mode,amount,company_id,district_cn,contents,refreshtime,tag_cn,category,subclass,sdistrict,jobs_name,companyname,wage_cn,nature_cn,category_cn,sex_cn,age,education_cn,experience_cn from " . table('jobs_tmp') . $wheresql . " LIMIT 1";
        $val = $db->getone($sql_tmp);
        if (empty($val)) {
            header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
        } elseif ($val['deadline'] < time()) {
            $val['jobs_gq'] = 1;
        } else {
            $val['jobs_gq'] = 2;
        $val['contents'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($val['contents'], ENT_QUOTES);
    } else {
        if (intval($_SESSION['uid']) > 0 && intval($_SESSION['utype']) == 2) {
            $check_int = check_interview(intval($_SESSION['uid']), $val['id']);
            if ($check_int) {
                update_interview(intval($_SESSION['uid']), $val['id']);
            $check_fav = check_favorites(intval($_SESSION['uid']), $val['id']);
            if ($check_fav) {
                $val['check_fav'] = 1;
        if ($val['setmeal_deadline'] < time() && $val['setmeal_deadline'] != "0" && $val['add_mode'] == "2") {
            $val['deadline'] = $val['setmeal_deadline'];
        $val['amount'] = $val['amount'] == "0" ? '若干' : $val['amount'];
        $val['jobs_url'] = url_rewrite('QS_jobsshow', array('id' => $val['id']));
        $profile = GetJobsCompanyProfile($val['company_id']);
        $val['company'] = $profile;
        $val['contact'] = GetJobsContact($val['id']);
        $district_cn = $val['district_cn'];
        $d_arr = explode("/", $district_cn);
        $val['district_ch'] = $d_arr[0];
        $val['sdistrict_ch'] = $d_arr[1];
        $val['expire'] = sub_day($val['deadline'], time());
        $val['countresume'] = $db->get_total("SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM " . table('personal_jobs_apply') . " WHERE jobs_id= '{$val['id']}'");
        if ($aset['brieflylen'] > 0) {
            $val['briefly'] = cut_str(strip_tags($val['contents']), $aset['brieflylen'], 0, $aset['dot']);
        } else {
            $val['briefly'] = strip_tags($val['contents']);
        $val['contents'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($val['contents'], ENT_QUOTES);
        $val['refreshtime_cn'] = daterange(time(), $val['refreshtime'], 'Y-m-d', "#FF3300");
        $val['company_url'] = url_rewrite('QS_companyshow', array('id' => $val['company_id']));
        if ($val['company']['logo']) {
            $val['company']['logo'] = $_CFG['site_dir'] . "data/logo/" . $val['company']['logo'];
        } else {
            $val['company']['logo'] = $_CFG['site_dir'] . "data/logo/no_logo.gif";
        if ($val['company']['website']) {
            if (strstr($val['company']['website'], "http://") === false) {
                $val['company']['website'] = "http://" . $val['company']['website'];
        if (intval($_SESSION['utype']) == 2) {
            $interest_id = get_interest_jobs_id(intval($_SESSION['uid']));
        if ($val['tag_cn']) {
            $tag_cn = explode(',', $val['tag_cn']);
            $val['tag_cn'] = $tag_cn;
        } else {
            $val['tag_cn'] = array();
    $user = get_jobs_username($val['uid']);
    $hashstr = substr(md5($user['username']), 8, 16);
    $smarty->assign('hashstr', $hashstr);
    $smarty->assign($aset['listname'], $val);
Example #3
function get_view_users($offset, $perpage, $get_sql = '')
    global $db, $_CFG;
    $limit = " LIMIT {$offset},{$perpage}";
    $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . table('view_jobs') . " {$get_sql} ORDER BY `id` DESC {$limit}");
    while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
        $personal_userinfo = $db->getone("select `username` from " . table('members') . " where `uid`=" . $row['uid']);
        $row['username'] = $personal_userinfo['username'];
        $jobsname = $db->getone("select `jobs_name`,`subsite_id` from " . table('jobs') . " where `id`=" . $row['jobsid']);
        if (empty($jobsname)) {
            $jobsname = $db->getone("select `jobs_name`,`subsite_id` from " . table('jobs_tmp') . " where `id`=" . $row['jobsid']);
        $row['jobs_name'] = $jobsname['jobs_name'];
        $row['jobs_url'] = url_rewrite("QS_jobsshow", array('id' => $row['jobsid']), 1, $jobsname['subsite_id']);
        $resumes = $db->getall("select * from " . table('resume') . " where `uid`=" . $row['uid'] . $wheresql);
        if (empty($resumes)) {
        $did = $row['id'];
        $addtime = date('Y-m-d', $row['addtime']);
        foreach ($resumes as $key1 => $value1) {
            $value1['resume_url'] = url_rewrite("QS_resumeshow", array('id' => $value1['id']), 1, $value1['subsite_id']);
            $value1["jobs_name"] = $row['jobs_name'];
            $value1["jobs_url"] = $row['jobs_url'];
            $value1["fullname"] = $value1['fullname'];
            if (intval($value1['birthdate']) == 0) {
                $value1['age'] = '';
            } else {
                $value1["age"] = date('Y') - $value1['birthdate'];
            if (check_favorites($value1['id'], $_SESSION['uid'])) {
                $value1['is_favorites'] = 1;
            /* 教育经历 培训经历 */
            $value1['resume_education_list'] = get_resume_education($value1['uid'], $value1['id']);
            $value1['resume_work_list'] = get_resume_work($value1['uid'], $value1['id']);
            $row = $value1;
        $row["did"] = $did;
        $row["addtime"] = $addtime;
        $row_arr[] = $row;
    return $row_arr;
Example #4
function add_favorites($id, $company_uid)
    global $db, $_CFG;
    $timestamp = time();
    $setmeal = get_user_setmeal($company_uid);
    $count = count_favorites($company_uid);
    if (strpos($id, "-")) {
        $id = explode("-", $id);
    if (!is_array($id)) {
        $id = array($id);
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($id as $v) {
        $v = intval($v);
        if ($_CFG['operation_mode'] == "2" || $_CFG['operation_mode'] == "3") {
            if ($count >= $setmeal['talent_pool']) {
                return "full";
        if (!check_favorites($v, $company_uid)) {
            $db->query("INSERT INTO " . table('company_favorites') . " (resume_id,company_uid,favoritesa_ddtime) VALUES ('{$v}','{$company_uid}','{$timestamp}')");
            write_memberslog($_SESSION['uid'], 1, 5001, $_SESSION['username'], "将简历({$v})添加至人才库");
    write_memberslog($_SESSION['uid'], 1, 9002, $_SESSION['username'], "添加简历至人才库", 2, 1017, "添加人才库", $i, $count - $i);
    return $i;
Example #5
function add_favorites($id, $company_uid)
    global $db, $_CFG;
    $timestamp = time();
    $setmeal = get_user_setmeal($company_uid);
    $count = count_favorites($company_uid);
    if (strpos($id, "-")) {
        $id = explode("-", $id);
    if (!is_array($id)) {
        $id = array($id);
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($id as $v) {
        $v = intval($v);
        if ($_CFG['operation_mode'] == "2" || $_CFG['operation_mode'] == "3") {
            if ($count >= $setmeal['talent_pool']) {
                return "full";
        if (!check_favorites($v, $company_uid)) {
            $setarr['resume_id'] = $v;
            $setarr['company_uid'] = $company_uid;
            $setarr['favoritesa_ddtime'] = $timestamp;
            $db->inserttable(table("company_favorites"), $setarr);
            write_memberslog($_SESSION['uid'], 1, 5001, $_SESSION['username'], "将简历({$v})添加至人才库");
    write_memberslog($_SESSION['uid'], 1, 9002, $_SESSION['username'], "添加简历至人才库", 2, 1017, "添加人才库", $i, $count - $i);
    return $i;
Example #6
function tpl_function_qishi_jobs_show($params, &$smarty)
    global $db, $timestamp, $_CFG;
    $arr = explode(',', $params['set']);
    foreach ($arr as $str) {
        $a = explode(':', $str);
        switch ($a[0]) {
            case "职位ID":
                $aset['id'] = $a[1];
            case "列表名":
                $aset['listname'] = $a[1];
            case "描述长度":
                $aset['brieflylen'] = $a[1];
            case "填补字符":
                $aset['dot'] = $a[1];
    $aset = array_map("get_smarty_request", $aset);
    $aset['id'] = $aset['id'] ? intval($aset['id']) : 0;
    $aset['brieflylen'] = isset($aset['brieflylen']) ? intval($aset['brieflylen']) : 0;
    $aset['listname'] = $aset['listname'] ? $aset['listname'] : "list";
    $smarty->assign("is_reward", get_jobs_is_reward($_SESSION["uid"], $aset['id']));
    $wheresql = " WHERE id={$aset['id']} ";
    $sql = "select id,uid,audit,display,setmeal_deadline,add_mode,amount,company_id,district_cn,contents,refreshtime,tag_cn,category,subclass,sdistrict,jobs_name,companyname,wage_cn,nature_cn,category_cn,sex_cn,age,education_cn,experience_cn,deadline,graduate from " . table('jobs') . $wheresql . " LIMIT 1";
    $val = $db->getone($sql);
    if (empty($val)) {
        $sql_tmp = "select id,uid,audit,display,setmeal_deadline,add_mode,amount,company_id,district_cn,contents,refreshtime,tag_cn,category,subclass,sdistrict,jobs_name,companyname,wage_cn,nature_cn,category_cn,sex_cn,age,education_cn,deadline,experience_cn from " . table('jobs_tmp') . $wheresql . " LIMIT 1";
        $val = $db->getone($sql_tmp);
    if (empty($val)) {
        header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
    if ($val['deadline'] < time()) {
        $val['jobs_gq'] = 1;
    } elseif ($val['audit'] != '1' || $val['display'] != '1' || $val['setmeal_deadline'] != '0' && $val['setmeal_deadline'] < time()) {
        $val['jobs_gq'] = 2;
    setcookie('QS[view_jobs_log][' . $val['id'] . ']', $val['id'], 0, $QS_cookiepath, $QS_cookiedomain);
    if (intval($_SESSION['uid']) > 0 && intval($_SESSION['utype']) == 2) {
        $check = check_view_log(intval($_SESSION['uid']), $val['id']);
        if (!$check) {
            add_view_log(intval($_SESSION['uid']), $val['id']);
        $check_int = check_interview(intval($_SESSION['uid']), $val['id']);
        if ($check_int) {
            update_interview(intval($_SESSION['uid']), $val['id']);
        $check_fav = check_favorites(intval($_SESSION['uid']), $val['id']);
        if ($check_fav) {
            $val['check_fav'] = 1;
    if ($val['setmeal_deadline'] < time() && $val['setmeal_deadline'] != "0" && $val['add_mode'] == "2") {
        $val['deadline'] = $val['setmeal_deadline'];
    $val['amount'] = $val['amount'] == "0" ? '若干' : $val['amount'];
    $val['jobs_url'] = url_rewrite('QS_jobsshow', array('id' => $val['id']));
    $profile = GetJobsCompanyProfile($val['company_id']);
    $val['company'] = $profile;
    $val['contact'] = GetJobsContact($val['id']);
    $district_cn = $val['district_cn'];
    $d_arr = explode("/", $district_cn);
    $val['district_ch'] = $d_arr[0];
    $val['sdistrict_ch'] = $d_arr[1];
    $val['expire'] = sub_day($val['deadline'], time());
    $val['countresume'] = $db->get_total("SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM " . table('personal_jobs_apply') . " WHERE jobs_id= '{$val['id']}'");
    if ($aset['brieflylen'] > 0) {
        $val['briefly'] = cut_str(strip_tags($val['contents']), $aset['brieflylen'], 0, $aset['dot']);
    } else {
        $val['briefly'] = strip_tags($val['contents']);
    $val['contents'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($val['contents'], ENT_QUOTES);
    $val['refreshtime_cn'] = daterange(time(), $val['refreshtime'], 'Y-m-d', "#FF3300");
    $val['company_url'] = url_rewrite('QS_companyshow', array('id' => $val['company_id']));
    if ($val['company']['logo']) {
        $val['company']['logo'] = $_CFG['site_dir'] . "data/logo/" . $val['company']['logo'];
    } else {
        $val['company']['logo'] = $_CFG['site_dir'] . "data/logo/no_logo.gif";
    if ($val['company']['website']) {
        if (strstr($val['company']['website'], "http://") === false) {
            $val['company']['website'] = "http://" . $val['company']['website'];
    if (intval($_SESSION['utype']) == 2) {
        $view_log = get_view_log(intval($_SESSION['uid']));
        foreach ($view_log as $key => $value) {
            $jobs_info = $db->getone("select id,company_id,jobs_name,companyname from " . table('jobs') . " where id=" . $value['jobsid']);
            $val['view_log'][$key]['jobsid'] = $jobs_info['id'];
            $val['view_log'][$key]['jobs_name'] = $jobs_info['jobs_name'];
            $val['view_log'][$key]['jobs_url'] = url_rewrite('QS_jobsshow', array('id' => $jobs_info['id']));
            $val['view_log'][$key]['companyname'] = $jobs_info['companyname'];
        $interest_id = get_interest_jobs_id(intval($_SESSION['uid']));
    if ($val['tag_cn']) {
        $tag_cn = explode(',', $val['tag_cn']);
        $val['tag_cn'] = $tag_cn;
    } else {
        $val['tag_cn'] = array();
       如果职位有三级分类 则根据职位的 subclass
       如果职位没有有三级分类 则根据职位的 category
    if ($val['subclass']) {
        $salary_data = $db->getall("select c.c_name from " . table('jobs_search_wage') . " as j left join " . table('category') . " as c on c.c_id=j.wage where j.subclass=" . $val['subclass'] . " and j.sdistrict=" . $val['sdistrict']);
    } else {
        $salary_data = $db->getall("select c.c_name from " . table('jobs_search_wage') . " as j left join " . table('category') . " as c on c.c_id=j.wage where j.category=" . $val['category'] . " and j.sdistrict=" . $val['sdistrict']);
    if ($salary_data) {
        $total = 0;
        $total_salary = 0;
        foreach ($salary_data as $key => $value) {
            $total_salary += intval($value['c_name']) + 500;
        $val['salary']['value'] = intval($total_salary / $total);
        $val['salary']['px'] = $val['salary']['value'] / 12000 * 446 . "px";
    $user = get_jobs_username($val['uid']);
    $hashstr = substr(md5($user['username']), 8, 16);
    $smarty->assign('hashstr', $hashstr);
    $smarty->assign("is_reward", get_jobs_is_reward($aset['id']));
    $smarty->assign($aset['listname'], $val);