Example #1
function start_stream($id)
    $stream = Stream::find($id);
    $setting = Setting::first();
    if ($stream->restream) {
        $stream->checker = 0;
        $stream->pid = null;
        $stream->running = 1;
        $stream->status = 1;
    } else {
        $stream->checker = 0;
        $checkstreamurl = shell_exec('' . $setting->ffprobe_path . ' -analyzeduration 1000000 -probesize 9000000 -i "' . $stream->streamurl . '" -v  quiet -print_format json -show_streams 2>&1');
        $streaminfo = json_decode($checkstreamurl, true);
        if ($streaminfo) {
            $pid = shell_exec(getTranscode($stream->id));
            $stream->pid = $pid;
            $stream->running = 1;
            $stream->status = 1;
            $video = "";
            $audio = "";
            if (is_array($streaminfo)) {
                foreach ($streaminfo['streams'] as $info) {
                    if ($video == '') {
                        $video = $info['codec_type'] == 'video' ? $info['codec_name'] : '';
                    if ($audio == '') {
                        $audio = $info['codec_type'] == 'audio' ? $info['codec_name'] : '';
                $stream->video_codec_name = $video;
                $stream->audio_codec_name = $audio;
        } else {
            $stream->running = 1;
            $stream->status = 2;
            //TODO: need to make recursive
            if (checkPid($stream->pid)) {
                shell_exec("kill -9 " . $stream->pid);
                shell_exec("/bin/rm -r /home/fos-streaming/fos/www/" . $setting->hlsfolder . "/" . $stream->id . "*");
            if ($stream->streamurl2) {
                $stream->checker = 2;
                $checkstreamurl = shell_exec('' . $setting->ffprobe_path . ' -analyzeduration 1000000 -probesize 9000000 -i "' . $stream->streamurl . '" -v  quiet -print_format json -show_streams 2>&1');
                $streaminfo = json_decode($checkstreamurl, true);
                if ($streaminfo) {
                    $pid = shell_exec(getTranscode($stream->id, 2));
                    $stream->pid = $pid;
                    $stream->running = 1;
                    $stream->status = 1;
                    $video = "";
                    $audio = "";
                    if (is_array($streaminfo)) {
                        foreach ($streaminfo['streams'] as $info) {
                            if ($video == '') {
                                $video = $info['codec_type'] == 'video' ? $info['codec_name'] : '';
                            if ($audio == '') {
                                $audio = $info['codec_type'] == 'audio' ? $info['codec_name'] : '';
                        $stream->video_codec_name = $video;
                        $stream->audio_codec_name = $audio;
                } else {
                    $stream->running = 1;
                    $stream->status = 2;
                    if (checkPid($stream->pid)) {
                        shell_exec("kill -9 " . $stream->pid);
                        shell_exec("/bin/rm -r /home/fos-streaming/fos/www/" . $setting->hlsfolder . "/" . $stream->id . "*");
                    //streamurl 3 checker
                    if ($stream->streamurl3) {
                        $stream->checker = 3;
                        $checkstreamurl = shell_exec('' . $setting->ffprobe_path . ' -analyzeduration 1000000 -probesize 9000000 -i "' . $stream->streamurl . '" -v  quiet -print_format json -show_streams 2>&1');
                        $streaminfo = json_decode($checkstreamurl, true);
                        if ($streaminfo) {
                            $pid = shell_exec(getTranscode($stream->id, 3));
                            $stream->pid = $pid;
                            $stream->running = 1;
                            $stream->status = 1;
                            $video = "";
                            $audio = "";
                            if (is_array($streaminfo)) {
                                foreach ($streaminfo['streams'] as $info) {
                                    if ($video == '') {
                                        $video = $info['codec_type'] == 'video' ? $info['codec_name'] : '';
                                    if ($audio == '') {
                                        $audio = $info['codec_type'] == 'audio' ? $info['codec_name'] : '';
                                $stream->video_codec_name = $video;
                                $stream->audio_codec_name = $audio;
                        } else {
                            $stream->running = 1;
                            $stream->status = 2;
                            $stream->pid = null;
Example #2
function checkPid($pid)
    // create our system command
    $cmd = "pgrep {$pid}";
    // run the system command and assign output to a variable ($output)
    exec($cmd, $output, $result);
    // check the number of lines that were returned
    if (count($output) >= 1) {
        // the process is still running
        include 'Platform_is_running.php';
        return false;
    include 'form.php';
    return true;
    // the process is dead
// Way Number one - USING the OCG.pid file
/* $myFile = "OCG.pid"; 
$fh = fopen($myFile, 'r');
$theData = fread($fh, filesize($myFile));
checkPid($theData); */
// Way Number Two - Checking whether a process called OCG is running
$name = 'oaisim';


$job_reference   = $_REQUEST['jobref'];
$user_id         = $_SESSION['sohorepro_userid'];
$company_id      = $_SESSION['sohorepro_companyid'];
$shipping_address = ShippingAddressAll($company_id);
$shipping_size    = count($shipping_address);
$primary_shipping = PrimaryShipping($company_id);
$comp_name = companyName($company_id);
$address_shipp = ($shipping_size == 1) ? $shipping_address[0]['id'] : '0' ;

if ($_REQUEST['order_val'] == '1') {   
//$sql = "DELETE FROM sohorepro_checkout WHERE user_id = " . $user_id . " ";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($_REQUEST['product_id']); $i++) {
    if ($_REQUEST['quantity'][$i] != '') {
        $chk_pid = checkPid($_REQUEST['product_id'][$i], $user_id);
        if (count($chk_pid) < 1) {
            $query = "INSERT INTO sohorepro_checkout SET product_id     = '" . $_REQUEST['product_id'][$i] . "', quantity = '" . $_REQUEST['quantity'][$i] . "', unit_price = '" . $_REQUEST['price'][$i] . "', user_id = '" . $user_id . "', company_id = '" . $company_id . "', reference = '" . $job_reference . "', shipping_add_id = '" . $address_shipp . "'   ";


$checkout_product = checkOut($user_id);
$reference        = $checkout_product[0]['reference'];
Example #4

//if(isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'])) {
//        die('access is not permitted');
//    }
include 'config.php';
$setting = Setting::first();
$streams = Stream::where('pid', '!=', 0)->where('running', '=', 1)->get();
foreach ($streams as $stream) {
    if (!checkPid($stream->pid)) {
        $stream->checker = 0;
        $checkstreamurl = shell_exec('/usr/bin/timeout 15s ' . $setting->ffprobe_path . ' -analyzeduration 10000000 -probesize 9000000 -i "' . $stream->streamurl . '" -v  quiet -print_format json -show_streams 2>&1');
        $streaminfo = (array) json_decode($checkstreamurl);
        if (count($streaminfo) > 0) {
            $pid = shell_exec(getTranscode($stream->id));
            $stream->pid = $pid;
            $stream->running = 1;
            $stream->status = 1;
            if (isset($streaminfo->streams)) {
                foreach ((array) $streaminfo->streams as $info) {
                    if ($info->codec_type == 'video') {
                        $stream->video_codec_name = $info->codec_long_name;
                    } else {
                        if ($info->codec_type == 'audio') {
                            $stream->audio_codec_name = $info->codec_long_name;
Example #5
    //в итоге имеем ps[0][0] -> пид и ps[0][6] -> юид
    $piduid_server = $pid . $uid;
    $piduid_local = $ps[0][0] . $ps[0][6];
    if ($piduid_local === $piduid_server) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
function resetTask($uid)
    echo "меняю статус задания - ";
    require 'src/dbconnection.php';
    $sql = "\r\n    UPDATE  `halomatic`.`server_taskTable`\r\n    SET  `server_taskTable`.`task_status` =  '1' WHERE  `server_taskTable`.`uid` ={$uid};\r\n    ";
    if (mysql_query($sql)) {
        echo "OK\n";
    } else {
        echo "Fail\n";
$pids = getPid();
//получаем [pid] и [uid] из таблицы заданий сервера где
foreach ($pids as $pid) {
    if (checkPid($pid['pid'], $pid['uid'])) {
        echo "процесс найден и соответствует \n";
    } else {
        echo "процесс не найден или не соответствует. \n";