$cutOffMsg = installer_t('This server is effectively cut off from the internet.'); $firewallMsg = installer_t('This is likely because the server is behind a firewall that is preventing outbound HTTP/HTTPS requests.'); // Defaults and presets: $tryCurl = !$requirements['environment']['allow_url_fopen']; $requirements['environment']['updates_connection'] = 0; $requirements['environment']['outbound_connection'] = 0; // Full network diagnosis: if ($tryAccess) { // There exists one remote access method, so it's worth trying. // // Check outbound connection: if ($requirements['environment']['outbound_connection'] = checkDNS('google.com')) { // At least DNS is working, and at least for google. if ($requirements['environment']['outbound_connection'] = tryGetRemote('http://www.google.com')) { // Can connect to Google OK. Can connect to the updates server? if ($requirements['environment']['updates_connection'] = checkDNS('x2planet.com')) { if (!($requirements['environment']['updates_connection'] = tryGetRemote('https://x2planet.com/installs/registry/reqCheck'))) { // $reqMessages[2][] = installer_t('Could not reach the updates server from this web server.') . ' ' . $firewallMsg . ' ' . $updateMethodMsg . ' ' . $tmpProblemMsg; } } else { // No DNS for update server. $reqMessages[2][] = installer_t('The DNS record associated with the updates server is not available on this web server.') . ' ' . $updateMethodMsg . ' ' . $tmpProblemMsg; } } else { // Can resolve DNS but can't make web request. $reqMessages[2][] = $cutOffMsg . ' ' . $firewallMsg . ' ' . installer_t('It is also posible that no outbound network route exists.') . ' ' . $updateMethodMsg . ' ' . $googleIntegrationMsg; } } else { // DNS failed for Google! There's no outbound connection period $reqMessages[2][] = $cutOffMsg . ' ' . installer_t('This is due to local DNS resolution failing.') . ' ' . $updateMethodMsg . ' ' . $googleIntegrationMsg;
} else { if ($addedby == 1) { $query2 = $sql->prepare("SELECT `ip`,`bitversion` FROM `rserverdata` WHERE `id`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1"); $query2->execute(array($row['rootid'], $resellerToUse)); while ($row2 = $query2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $queryip = $row2['ip']; $bitversion = $row2['bitversion']; } } } } if (!isset($masteractive) or !isset($usedns) or $masteractive == 'N') { $template_file = 'userpanel_404.tpl'; } else { $dns = strtolower($ui->domain('dns', 'post')); $dnsCheck = checkDNS($dns, $id, $user_id, $type = 'server'); if ($usedns == 'Y' and $dns != $olddns and $dns != '' and $dnsCheck !== false) { if (isset($tsdnsServerID) and isid($tsdnsServerID, 10) and isset($resellerToUse)) { $query = $sql->prepare("SELECT *,AES_DECRYPT(`ssh2port`,:aeskey) AS `decryptedssh2port`,AES_DECRYPT(`ssh2user`,:aeskey) AS `decryptedssh2user`,AES_DECRYPT(`ssh2password`,:aeskey) AS `decryptedssh2password` FROM `voice_tsdns` WHERE `active`='Y' AND `id`=:id AND `resellerid`=:reseller_id LIMIT 1"); $query->execute(array(':aeskey' => $aeskey, ':id' => $tsdnsServerID, ':reseller_id' => $resellerToUse)); while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $publickey = $row['publickey']; $queryip = $row['ssh2ip']; $ssh2port = $row['decryptedssh2port']; $ssh2user = $row['decryptedssh2user']; $ssh2password = $row['decryptedssh2password']; $serverdir = $row['serverdir']; $keyname = $row['keyname']; $bit = $row['bitversion']; $bitversion = $row['bitversion']; }
function drawServerStatus() { global $errTxt; if (checkPOP3()) { $pop3_status = '<font color="#00FF00">' . _("Running ok") . '</font>'; } else { $pop3_status = '<font color="#FF0000">' . _("ERROR!") . $errTxt . '</font>'; } if (checkSMTP()) { $smtp_status = '<font color="#00FF00">' . _("Running ok") . '</font>'; } else { $smtp_status = '<font color="#FF0000">' . _("ERROR!") . $errTxt . '</font>'; } if (checkDNS()) { $dns_status = '<font color="#00FF00">' . _("Running ok") . '</font>'; } else { $dns_status = '<font color="#FF0000">' . _("ERROR!") . $errTxt . '</font>'; } if (checkFTP()) { $ftp_status = '<font color="#00FF00">' . _("Running ok") . '</font>'; } else { $ftp_status = '<font color="#FF0000">' . _("ERROR!") . $errTxt . '</font>'; } $out = "<br><table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\" height=\"1\">\n<tr>\n\t<td width=\"25%\" align=\"center\"><font color=\"#FFFFFF\">SMTP</font></td>\n\t<td width=\"25%\" align=\"center\"><font color=\"#FFFFFF\">POP3</font></td>\n\t<td width=\"25%\" align=\"center\"><font color=\"#FFFFFF\">DNS</font></td>\n\t<td width=\"25%\" align=\"center\"><font color=\"#FFFFFF\">FTP</font></td>\n</tr><tr>\n\t<td align=\"center\">{$smtp_status}</td>\n\t<td align=\"center\">{$pop3_status}</td>\n\t<td align=\"center\">{$dns_status}</td>\n\t<td align=\"center\">{$ftp_status}</td>\n</tr></table>"; return $out; }
$error[] = "IP"; } if ($ui->port('port', 'post')) { $port = $ui->port('port', 'post'); } else { $error[] = "Port"; } if ($ui->domain('dns', 'post')) { $dns = strtolower($ui->domain('dns', 'post')); } else { $error[] = "DNS"; } if (count($error) == 0 and $ip == $oldip and $dns == $olddns and $port == $oldport) { $error[] = $spracheResponse->error_table; } else { if (count($error) == 0 and checkDNS($dns, $id, $user_id, 'dns') === false) { $error[] = "DNS"; } } if (count($error) > 0) { $template_file = 'Error: ' . implode('<br />', $error); } else { include EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/keyphrasefile.php'; $query = $sql->prepare("SELECT *,AES_DECRYPT(`ssh2port`,:aeskey) AS `decryptedssh2port`,AES_DECRYPT(`ssh2user`,:aeskey) AS `decryptedssh2user`,AES_DECRYPT(`ssh2password`,:aeskey) AS `decryptedssh2password` FROM `voice_tsdns` WHERE `active`='Y' AND `id`=:id AND `resellerid`=:reseller_id LIMIT 1"); $query->execute(array(':aeskey' => $aeskey, ':id' => $tsdnsID, ':reseller_id' => $reseller_id)); while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $publickey = $row['publickey']; $queryip = $row['ssh2ip']; $ssh2port = $row['decryptedssh2port']; $ssh2user = $row['decryptedssh2user']; $ssh2password = $row['decryptedssh2password'];
<td height="20" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">ZEND Optimizer2.5.7以上 </td> <td height="20" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><?php echo $OptimizerVersion_show; ?> </td> <td height="20" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><?php echo version_compare($OptimizerVersion, '2.5.7') >= 0 ? $pass : $fail; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">DNS配置完成,本机上能通过域名访问网络</td> <td height="20" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> </td> <td height="20" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><?php echo checkDNS() ? $pass : $fail; ?> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" bgcolor="#FF9900"> <tr> <td height="20" colspan="3" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">PHP配置检测</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="70%" height="20" align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">要求</td> <td width="17%" height="20" align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">实测</td> <td width="13%" align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">结果</td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">Mysql支持</td>
$doms = @mb_split("\r\n", $domains); while (list($k, $dom) = @each($doms)) { if ($dom) { $domain = GetDomainByDomain($dom); $zone = GetZoneByDomainOrderId($domain->id); print "<tr><td>{$dom}</td><td width=10 align=center> : </td><td>"; if ($domain->uid == $_SESSION["userId"]) { if ($domain->lastDNSchangeTime) { $minutes = (time() - $domain->lastDNSchangeTime) / 60; } else { $minutes = 0; } if ($minutes and $changeDNStimeout and $minutes <= $changeDNStimeout) { print $_lang[DomainsErrorDNSTimeout] . " (" . round($minutes, 2) . "/{$changeDNStimeout})"; } else { if ($zone->enableCheckNS and !checkDNS($domain->domain, $zone->id, $ns1, $ns2, $ns3, $ns4)) { print $GLOBALerror; } else { if ($domain->todate == "0000-00-00" or $domain->status != "1" or $domain->leftdays < 0) { print $_lang[DomainsErrorInactive]; } else { if ($domain->autoregby) { if (updateNS($domain->id, $ns1, $ns2, $ns3, $ns4)) { @mysql_query("update orders_domains set lastDNSchangeTime=" . time() . ",ns1='{$ns1}',ns2='{$ns2}',ns3='{$ns3}',ns4='{$ns4}',ns1ip='',ns2ip='',ns3ip='',ns4ip='' where id='{$domain->id}'") or die("File: " . __FILE__ . "<BR>Line: " . __LINE__ . "<BR>MySQL Error: " . mysql_error()); print $_lang[DomainsChangeDNSSuccess]; } else { print $_lang[DomainsErrorChangeDNS] . " " . $GLOBALerror . ""; } } else { $nsss = "NS1: {$ns1}\nNS2: {$ns2}"; if ($ns3) {