 * This example shows how to change the output of the line items 
 * displayed by the donation summary in email receipts. In this example,
 * we simply display the total amount donated on each line. 
 * @param   string $line_item The default output provided by Charitable.
 * @param   Object $campaign_donation A single record from the wp_charitable_campaign_donations table.
 * @return  string
function en_filter_email_donation_summary_line_item($line_item, $campaign_donation)
    $line_item = charitable_format_money($campaign_donation->amount);
    $line_item .= PHP_EOL;
    // Be sure to add this to force each line item onto a new line.
    return $line_item;
  * Returns the fundraising goal formatted as a monetary amount.
  * @return  string
  * @access  public
  * @since   1.0.0
 public function get_monetary_goal()
     if (!$this->has_goal()) {
         return '';
     return charitable_format_money($this->get('goal'));
Example #3
echo esc_attr(get_theme_mod('accent_colour', '#7bb4e0'));
	<li class="campaign-raised">
echo number_format($progress, 2);
_e('Funded', 'reach');
	<li class="campaign-pledged">
echo charitable_format_money($campaign->get_donated_amount());
_e('Pledged', 'reach');
	<li class="campaign-time-left">
echo $campaign->get_time_left();
  * Validate the form submission. 
  * @return  boolean
  * @access  public
  * @since   1.0.0
 public function validate_submission()
     if (!$this->validate_nonce()) {
         return false;
     $has_required_fields = $this->check_required_fields($this->get_merged_fields());
     if (!$has_required_fields) {
         return false;
     if (self::get_donation_amount() <= 0 && !apply_filters('charitable_permit_0_donation', false)) {
         charitable_get_notices()->add_error(sprintf(__('You must donate more than %s.', 'charitable'), charitable_format_money('0')));
         return false;
     return apply_filters('charitable_validate_donation_form_submission', true, $this);
  * Render the Amount column. 
  * @param   WP_Post $donation
  * @return  string
  * @access  public
  * @since   1.0.0
 public function column_amount($donation)
     $donation = charitable_get_donation($donation->ID);
     $gateway = $donation->get_gateway_object() ? $donation->get_gateway_object()->get_name() : $donation->get_gateway();
     $method = sprintf(_x('via %s', 'via payment method', 'charitable'), $gateway);
     $value = sprintf('%s<span class="meta">%s</span>', charitable_format_money($donation->get_total_donation_amount()), $method);
     return apply_filters('charitable_donations_table_column', $value, $donation->ID, 'amount');

                        <td class="reorder-col"><span class="icon-donations-grab handle"></span></td>

    foreach ($fields as $key => $field) {
        if (is_array($donation) && isset($donation[$key])) {
            $value = $donation[$key];
        } elseif ('amount' == $key) {
            $value = $donation;
        } else {
            $value = '';
        if ('amount' == $key && strlen($value)) {
            $value = charitable_format_money($value);
                            <td class="<?php 
        echo $key;
        echo $i;
        echo $key;
  * Display the total amount donated to the campaign.
  * @return  string
  * @access  public
  * @since   1.1.0
 public function get_campaign_donated_amount()
     if (!$this->has_valid_campaign()) {
         return '';
     return charitable_format_money($this->campaign->get_donated_amount());
    foreach ($donations as $donation) {
        echo mysql2date('F j, Y', get_post_field('post_date', $donation->ID));
        echo $donation->campaigns;
        echo charitable_format_money($donation->amount);
				<td><a href="<?php 
        echo esc_attr(charitable_get_permalink('donation_receipt_page', array('donation_id' => $donation->ID)));
        _e('View Receipt', 'charitable');
  * Checks whether the set amount is valid.
  * @return  boolean
  * @access  public
  * @since   1.4.6
 public function validate_amount()
     $ret = true;
     /* Ensure that a valid amount has been submitted. */
     if (self::get_donation_amount() <= 0 && !apply_filters('charitable_permit_0_donation', false)) {
         charitable_get_notices()->add_error(sprintf(__('You must donate more than %s.', 'charitable'), charitable_format_money('0')));
         $ret = false;
     return apply_filters('charitable_validate_donation_form_submission_amount_check', $ret, $this);
Example #10
$campaign = charitable_get_current_campaign();
<ul class="campaign-stats">
	<li class="campaign-raised">
echo charitable_format_money($campaign->get_donated_amount());
_e('Pledged', 'reach');
	<li class="campaign-goal">
echo charitable_format_money($campaign->get_goal());
_e('Goal', 'reach');
	<li class="campaign-backers">
echo $campaign->get_donor_count();
_e('Donors', 'reach');
  * Loads public facing scripts and stylesheets.
  * @return 	void
  * @access 	public
  * @since 	1.0.0
 public function setup_scripts()
     if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG') && SCRIPT_DEBUG) {
         $suffix = '';
         $version = '';
     } else {
         $suffix = '.min';
         $version = charitable()->get_version();
     $assets_dir = charitable()->get_path('assets', false);
     /* Main Charitable script. */
     $vars = apply_filters('charitable_javascript_vars', array('ajaxurl' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php'), 'loading_gif' => $assets_dir . '/images/charitable-loading.gif', 'currency_format_num_decimals' => esc_attr(charitable_get_option('decimal_count', 2)), 'currency_format_decimal_sep' => esc_attr(charitable_get_option('decimal_separator', '.')), 'currency_format_thousand_sep' => esc_attr(charitable_get_option('thousands_separator', ',')), 'currency_format' => esc_attr(charitable_get_currency_helper()->get_accounting_js_format()), 'error_invalid_amount' => sprintf(__('You must donate more than %s.', 'charitable'), charitable_format_money('0')), 'error_required_fields' => __('Please fill out all required fields.', 'charitable'), 'error_unknown' => __('Your donation could not be processed. Please reload the page and try again.', 'charitable'), 'error_invalid_cc_number' => __('The credit card passed is not valid.', 'charitable'), 'error_invalid_cc_expiry' => __('The credit card expiry date is not valid.', 'charitable')));
     /* Accounting.js */
     wp_register_script('accounting', $assets_dir . 'js/libraries/accounting' . $suffix . '.js', array('jquery-core'), $version, true);
     wp_register_script('charitable-script', $assets_dir . 'js/charitable' . $suffix . '.js', array('accounting', 'jquery-core'), $version, true);
     wp_localize_script('charitable-script', 'CHARITABLE_VARS', $vars);
     /* Credit card validation */
     wp_register_script('charitable-credit-card', $assets_dir . 'js/charitable-credit-card' . $suffix . '.js', array('charitable-script'), $version, true);
     /* Enqueue credit card & 
     			/* Main styles */
     wp_register_style('charitable-styles', $assets_dir . 'css/charitable' . $suffix . '.css', array(), $version);
     /* Lean Modal is registered but NOT enqueued yet. */
     if ('modal' == charitable_get_option('donation_form_display', 'separate_page')) {
         wp_register_script('lean-modal', $assets_dir . 'js/libraries/leanModal' . $suffix . '.js', array('jquery-core'), $version);
         wp_register_style('lean-modal-css', $assets_dir . 'css/modal' . $suffix . '.css', array(), $version);
     /* pupload Fields is also registered but NOT enqueued. */
     $upload_vars = array('remove_image' => _x('Remove', 'remove image button text', 'charitable'), 'max_file_uploads_single' => __('You can only upload %d file', 'charitable'), 'max_file_uploads_plural' => __('You can only upload a maximum of %d files', 'charitable'), 'max_file_size' => __('%1$s exceeds the max upload size of %2$s', 'charitable'), 'upload_problem' => __('%s failed to upload. Please try again.', 'charitable'));
     wp_register_script('charitable-plup-fields', $assets_dir . 'js/charitable-plupload-fields' . $suffix . '.js', array('jquery-ui-sortable', 'wp-ajax-response', 'plupload-all'), $version, true);
     wp_localize_script('charitable-plup-fields', 'CHARITABLE_UPLOAD_VARS', $upload_vars);
     wp_register_style('charitable-plup-styles', $assets_dir . 'css/charitable-plupload-fields' . $suffix . '.css', array(), $version);
        echo $field_id;
        echo $suggestion['amount'];
" <?php 
        echo $checked;
        printf('<span class="amount">%s</span> <span class="description">%s</span>', charitable_format_money($suggestion['amount']), isset($suggestion['description']) ? $suggestion['description'] : '');


    if ($campaign->get('allow_custom_donations')) {
        $has_custom_donation_amount = !$amount_is_suggestion && $amount;

			<li class="donation-amount custom-donation-amount">  
				<label for="form-<?php 

 * Renders the campaign goal block in the settings metabox for the Campaign post type.
 * @author 	Studio 164a
 * @since 	1.0.0
global $post;
$title = isset($view_args['title']) ? $view_args['title'] : '';
$tooltip = isset($view_args['tooltip']) ? '<span class="tooltip"> ' . $view_args['tooltip'] . '</span>' : '';
$description = isset($view_args['description']) ? '<span class="charitable-helper">' . $view_args['description'] . '</span>' : '';
$goal = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_campaign_goal', true);
$goal = !$goal ? '' : charitable_format_money($goal);
<div id="charitable-campaign-goal-metabox-wrap" class="charitable-metabox-wrap">
	<label class="screen-reader-text" for="campaign_goal"><?php 
echo $title;
	<input type="text" id="campaign_goal" name="_campaign_goal"  placeholder="&#8734;" value="<?php 
echo $goal;
" />
echo $description;
Example #14
    <li class="donation-date">
_e('Date:', 'charitable');
        <span class="donation-summary-value"><?php 
echo $donation->get_date();
    <li class="donation-total"> 
_e('Total:', 'charitable');
        <span class="donation-summary-value"><?php 
echo charitable_format_money($donation->get_total_donation_amount());
    <li class="donation-method">
_e('Payment Method:', 'charitable');
        <span class="donation-summary-value"><?php 
echo $donation->get_gateway_label();
Example #15
        if ($view_args['show_location'] && strlen($donor->get_location())) {

					<div class="donor-location"><?php 
            echo $donor->get_location();

        if ($view_args['show_amount']) {

					<div class="donor-donation-amount"><?php 
            echo charitable_format_money($donor->get_amount($campaign_id));




  * Add information to the dashboard donations table listing.
  * @see     WP_Posts_List_Table::single_row()
  * @param   string  $column_name    The name of the column to display.
  * @param   int     $post_id        The current post ID.
  * @return  void
  * @access  public
  * @since   1.0.0
 public function dashboard_column_item($column_name, $post_id)
     $donation = $this->get_donation($post_id);
     switch ($column_name) {
         case 'id':
             $display = $donation->get_number();
         case 'donor':
             $display = $donation->get_donor()->get_name();
         case 'details':
             $display = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', esc_url(add_query_arg(array('post' => $donation->ID, 'action' => 'edit'), admin_url('post.php'))), __('View Donation Details', 'charitable'));
         case 'amount':
             $display = charitable_format_money($donation->get_total_donation_amount());
         case 'campaigns':
             $display = implode(', ', $donation->get_campaigns());
         case 'donation_date':
             $display = $donation->get_date();
         case 'status':
             $display = $donation->get_status(true);
             $display = '';
     echo apply_filters('charitable_donation_column_display', $display, $column_name, $post_id, $donation);
  * Add information to the dashboard donations table listing.
  * @see     WP_Posts_List_Table::single_row()
  * @param   string  $column_name    The name of the column to display.
  * @param   int     $post_id        The current post ID.
  * @return  void
  * @access  public
  * @since   1.0.0
 public function dashboard_column_item($column_name, $post_id)
     $donation = charitable_get_donation($post_id);
     switch ($column_name) {
         case 'id':
             $title = esc_attr__('View Donation Details', 'charitable');
             $name = $donation->get_donor()->get_name();
             if ($name) {
                 $text = sprintf(_x('#%d by %s', 'number symbol', 'charitable'), $post_id, $name);
             } else {
                 $text = sprintf(_x('#%d', 'number symbol', 'charitable'), $post_id);
             $url = esc_url(add_query_arg(array('post' => $post_id, 'action' => 'edit'), admin_url('post.php')));
             $display = sprintf('<a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a>', $url, $title, $text);
         case 'post_status':
             $display = sprintf('<mark class="status %s">%s</mark>', esc_attr($donation->get_status()), strtolower($donation->get_status(true)));
         case 'amount':
             $display = charitable_format_money($donation->get_total_donation_amount());
             $display .= '<span class="meta">' . sprintf(_x('via %s', 'charitable'), $donation->get_gateway_label()) . '</span>';
         case 'campaigns':
             $campaigns = array();
             foreach ($donation->get_campaign_donations() as $cd) {
                 $campaigns[] = sprintf('<a href="edit.php?post_type=%s&campaign_id=%s">%s</a>', Charitable::DONATION_POST_TYPE, $cd->campaign_id, $cd->campaign_name);
             $display = implode(', ', $campaigns);
         case 'donation_date':
             $display = $donation->get_date();
             $display = '';
     echo apply_filters('charitable_donation_column_display', $display, $column_name, $post_id, $donation);
 * @since   1.0.0
$widget_title = apply_filters('widget_title', $view_args['title']);
$campaigns_count = Charitable_Campaigns::query(array('posts_per_page' => -1, 'fields' => 'ids'))->found_posts;
$campaigns_text = $campaigns_count == 1 ? __('Campaign', 'charitable') : __('Campaigns', 'charitable');
echo $view_args['before_widget'];
if (!empty($widget_title)) {
    echo $view_args['before_title'] . $widget_title . $view_args['after_title'];
<ul class="donation-stats">
printf('<span class="figure">%d</span> %s', $campaigns_count, $campaigns_text);
printf('<span class="figure">%s</span> %s', charitable_format_money(charitable_get_table('campaign_donations')->get_total(), 0), __('Donated', 'charitable'));
printf('<span class="figure">%d</span> %s', charitable_get_table('donors')->count_donors_with_donations(), __('Donors', 'charitable'));

echo $view_args['after_widget'];
  * Return the contribution as a nicely formatted amount. 
  * @return 	string
  * @access  public
  * @since 	1.0.0
 public function get_contribution_amount()
     if ($this->benefactor->contribution_amount_is_percentage) {
         $amount = apply_filters('charitable_benefactor_contribution_amount_percentage', $this->benefactor->contribution_amount . '%', $this->benefactor->contribution_amount, $this);
     } else {
         $amount = apply_filters('charitable_benefactor_contribution_amount_fixed', charitable_format_money($this->benefactor->contribution_amount), $this->benefactor->contribution_amount, $this);
     return $amount;