function do_edit_save($aid, $params) { $pid = cf\api\admin\doAction($aid, $params); if (array_key_exists('id', $params)) { $pid = $params['id']; } //update categories $pos = cf\query2arrays('SELECT group_id,sort_order FROM cf_products_in_groups WHERE product_id=:id', array('id' => $pid), false, 'group_id'); cf\execQuery('DELETE FROM cf_products_in_groups WHERE product_id=:id', array('id' => $pid)); $categories = cf\param::exist('category') ? cf\param::get('category') : array(); $q = cf\createQuery('INSERT INTO cf_products_in_groups (group_id,product_id,sort_order) VALUES(:groupId,:productId,:sortOrder)', array('productId' => $pid)); foreach ($categories as $catId) { $q->setParam('groupId', $catId); $q->setParam('sortOrder', array_key_exists($catId, $pos) ? $pos[$catId]['sort_order'] : 500); $q->execute(); } //update attributes if (cf\param::exist('attributes')) { $attrValues = cf\param::get('attributes'); $attributes = new cf\ProductAttributes($pid, true); foreach ($attributes as $attr) { if (array_key_exists($attr->id(), $attrValues)) { $attr->setValue($attrValues[$attr->id()]); } } $product = new cf\Product($pid); $product->setAttributes($attributes); } }
function get($id) { $id = getID($id); static $q = null; \cf\createStaticQuery($q, "SELECT id, code, name, action, method, template FROM cf_form WHERE id=:id"); $form = \cf\query2array($q, array('id' => $id)); if ($form['template']) { $form['template'] = \cf\query2array("\n\t\t\tSELECT name, subject, recipient, body \n\t\t\tFROM cf_mail_templates \n\t\t\tWHERE id=:id", array('id' => $form['template'])); } else { $form['template'] = false; } static $qFields = null; \cf\createStaticQuery($qFields, "\n\t\tSELECT code,type,name,fmt,descr,mandatory,max_length,min_length,value\n\t\tFROM cf_form_field\n\t\tWHERE form_id=:id\n\t\tORDER BY sort_order\n\t"); $form['fields'] = \cf\query2arrays($qFields, array('id' => $id), false, 'code'); foreach ($form['fields'] as &$f) { $f['code'] = $form['code'] . '[' . $f['code'] . ']'; if ($f['type'] == 'radio' || $f['type'] == 'checkbox') { $f['options'] = array(); foreach (explode(';', $f['fmt']) as $option) { $f['options'][] = trim($option); } } } return $form; }
function do_edit_save($aid, $params) { $pid = cf\api\admin\doAction($aid, $params); if (array_key_exists('id', $params)) { $pid = $params['id']; } global $fk; if (!$fk) { //it's not an option //update categories $pos = cf\query2arrays('SELECT page_id,sort_order FROM cf_products_in_category WHERE product_id=:id', array('id' => $pid), false, 'page_id'); cf\execQuery('DELETE FROM cf_products_in_category WHERE product_id=:id', array('id' => $pid)); $categories = cf\param::exist('category') ? cf\param::get('category') : array(); $q = cf\createQuery('INSERT INTO cf_products_in_category (page_id,product_id,sort_order) VALUES(:categoryId,:productId,:sortOrder)', array('productId' => $pid)); foreach ($categories as $catId) { $q->setParam('categoryId', $catId); $q->setParam('sortOrder', array_key_exists($catId, $pos) ? $pos[$catId]['sort_order'] : 500); $q->execute(); } } //update attributes if (cf\param::exist('attributes')) { cf\execQuery("DELETE FROM cf_product_attributes WHERE product_id=:id", array('id' => $pid)); $q = cf\createQuery("INSERT INTO cf_product_attributes (product_id, attribute_id, attribute_value) VALUES (:pid,:aid,:val)"); $attrValues = cf\param::get('attributes'); foreach ($attrValues as $id => $val) { $q->setParam('pid', $pid); $q->setParam('aid', $id); $q->setParam('val', $val); $q->execute(); } } }
function do_edit_save($aid, $params) { global $step, $smarty, $view; if (array_key_exists('yml_id', $params)) { $step = 3; $ymlID = $params['yml_id']; $path = $params['file_path']; $smarty->assign('ymlID', $ymlID); exec('php ' . cf\Config::path . "cron/shop/import/yml.php {$ymlID} {$path} &"); } else { $step = 2; $path = sys_get_temp_dir() . uniqid('yml'); if (array_key_exists('url', $_FILES)) { if ($_FILES['url']['type'] == 'url') { $params['url'] = $_FILES['url']['name']; if (!copy($_FILES['url']['name'], $path)) { die("Can't copy file from URL:" . $_FILES['url']['name']); } } elseif ($_FILES['url']['type']) { if (UPLOAD_ERR_OK != $_FILES['url']['error'] || !is_uploaded_file($_FILES['url']['tmp_name'])) { die("The file could't be uploaded [" . $_FILES['url']['error'] . "], check 'upload_max_filesize' or 'post_max_size' in php.ini"); } if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['url']['tmp_name'], $path)) { die("Can't move uploaded file"); } } else { if (!copy($params['url'], $path)) { die("Can't copy file from URL:" . $params['url']); } } unset($_FILES['url']); } $id = cf\api\admin\doAction(cf\param::get('aid'), $params); $assigned = array(); if (array_key_exists('id', $params)) { $id = $params['id']; $importCat = cf\query2arrays("SELECT from_id,to_id FROM cf_import_yml_categories WHERE yml_id=:id", array('id' => $id)); foreach ($importCat as $fromTo) { $assigned[$fromTo['from_id']] = $fromTo['to_id']; } } $smarty->assign('ymlID', $id); $smarty->assign('assigned', json_encode($assigned)); $smarty->assign('file_path', $path); global $categories; loadCategoriesFromYML($path); $smarty->assign('allCategories', json_encode(createCategoriesTree())); } }
/** @param $parentId category ID or CODE or PATH OF CODES (e.g. /cars/bmw/x-5) */ function getCategoriesTree($parentId = null, $showHidden = false, $maxDepth = 0, $path = '', $depth = 1) { if ($maxDepth && $depth > $maxDepth) { return array(); } static $q = null; \cf\createStaticQuery($q, "\r\n\t\tSELECT id, parent_id, name, hidden, IFNULL(code,id) AS code, image, page_title, page_keywords, page_descr, short_descr\r\n\t\tFROM cf_groups\r\n\t\tWHERE (parent_id=:parentId OR (:parentId IS NULL AND parent_id IS NULL))\r\n\t\t\t" . ($showHidden ? '' : 'AND (hidden IS NULL OR hidden=0)') . "\r\n\t\tORDER BY sort_order ASC\r\n\t"); $items = \cf\query2arrays($q, array('parentId' => \cf\Group::toID($parentId)), false, 'code'); foreach ($items as $id => $item) { $items[$id]['depth'] = $depth; $items[$id]['path'] = $path . '/' . $items[$id]['code']; $items[$id]['children'] = getCategoriesTree($id, $showHidden, $maxDepth, $items[$id]['path'], ++$depth); } return $items; }
function search($search, $showHidden = false) { $search = is_array($search) ? $search : array($search); $sql = array(); $params = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($search as $s) { $sql[] = "(\n\t\t\tname LIKE CONCAT('%',:search{$i},'%')\n\t\t\tOR menu_name LIKE CONCAT('%',:search{$i},'%')\n\t\t\tOR short_txt LIKE CONCAT('%',:search{$i},'%')\n\t\t\tOR txt LIKE CONCAT('%',:search{$i},'%')\n\t\t)"; $params["search{$i}"] = trim($s); ++$i; } $q = null; \cf\createStaticQuery($q, "\n\t\tSELECT id, IFNULL(code,id) AS code, parent_id, name, menu_name, image, short_txt, link, hidden, sort_order, title, keywords, descr\n\t\tFROM cf_page\n\t\tWHERE " . implode(' AND ', $sql) . ($showHidden ? '' : 'AND (hidden IS NULL OR hidden=0)') . "\n\t\tORDER BY sort_order ASC\n\t"); return \cf\query2arrays($q, $params); }
function getManufacturerID($name) { static $qNew = null; cf\createStaticQuery($qNew, "INSERT INTO cf_manufacturers (name) VALUES (:name)"); static $manufacturers = null; if (!$manufacturers) { $manufacturers = cf\query2arrays("SELECT name,id FROM cf_manufacturers", array(), false, 'name'); } if (array_key_exists($name, $manufacturers)) { return $manufacturers[$name]['id']; } $qNew->setParam('name', $name)->execute(); global $db; $id = $db->lastInsertId(); $manufacturers[$name] = array('id' => $id); return $id; }
function do_edit_save($aid, $params) { $iId = cf\api\admin\doAction($aid, $params); if (array_key_exists('id', $params)) { $iId = $params['id']; } //update albums $pos = cf\query2arrays('SELECT album_id,sort_order FROM cf_gallery_image_in_album WHERE image_id=:id', array('id' => $iId), false, 'album_id'); cf\execQuery('DELETE FROM cf_gallery_image_in_album WHERE image_id=:id', array('id' => $iId)); $albums = cf\param::exist('album') ? cf\param::get('album') : array(); $q = cf\createQuery('INSERT INTO cf_gallery_image_in_album (album_id,image_id,sort_order) VALUES(:albumId,:imageId,:sortOrder)', array('imageId' => $iId)); foreach ($albums as $albumId) { $q->setParam('albumId', $albumId); $q->setParam('sortOrder', array_key_exists($albumId, $pos) ? $pos[$albumId]['sort_order'] : 500); $q->execute(); } }
public static function getHierarchy($parentId = null, $showHidden = false, $maxDepth = 0, $path = false, $depth = 1, &$items = array()) { if ($maxDepth && $depth > $maxDepth) { return array(); } $parentId = self::getID($parentId); if ($path === false) { if ($parentId) { $parent = self::get($parentId); $path = $parent['path']; } else { $path = ''; } } $q = null; \cf\createStaticQuery($q, "\n\t\t\tSELECT id, IFNULL(code,id) AS code, IFNULL(permalink,id) AS permalink, parent_id, name, menu_name, image, short_txt, link, hidden, sort_order, title, keywords, descr\n\t\t\tFROM cf_page\n\t\t\tWHERE (parent_id=:parentId OR (:parentId IS NULL AND parent_id IS NULL))\n\t\t\t\t" . ($showHidden ? '' : 'AND (hidden IS NULL OR hidden=0)') . "\n\t\t\tORDER BY sort_order ASC\n\t\t"); $pages = \cf\query2arrays($q, array('parentId' => $parentId), false, 'id'); foreach ($pages as $id => $page) { $items[$page['code']] = array_merge($page, array('depth' => $depth, 'path' => $path . '/' . $page['permalink'], 'link' => $page['link'] ? $page['link'] : $path . '/' . $page['permalink'], 'children' => self::getHierarchy($id, $showHidden, $maxDepth, $path . '/' . $page['permalink'], $depth + 1))); } return $items; }
<?php require_once 'init.php'; require_once cf\Config::path . 'api/shop.php'; $page = cf\api\page\get('products'); $smarty->assign('pageId', $page['id']); $smarty->assign('pageText', cf\api\page\getText($page['id'])); $categories = cf\api\shop\getCategoriesTree(); $smarty->assign('categories', $categories); $products = array(); foreach ($categories as $cat) { $products[$cat['id']] = cf\api\shop\getProducts($cat['id']); foreach ($products[$cat['id']] as &$product) { $info = cf\api\shop\getProduct($product[0]); $product['attributes'] = $info['attributes']; } } $smarty->assign('products', $products); $smarty->assign('reviews', cf\query2arrays("SELECT author, review FROM reviews ORDER BY sort_order LIMIT 4")); show('products', $page['name'], array(), $page['title'], $page['keywords'], $page['descr']);
function doAction($id, $params = array()) { $user = \cf\User::getLoggedIn(); //TODO check params by params_id foreach ($params as $nm => $v) { $params[$nm] = $v ? $v : null; } $query = \cf\query2var('SELECT query FROM cf_admin_action WHERE id=:id', array('id' => $id)); $sqlparts = preg_split('/\\s*;\\s*/', $query, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); foreach ($sqlparts as &$sql) { if (preg_match('/^\\s*INSERT\\s+INTO\\s+(\\w+)\\s*$/i', $sql, $match)) { //INSERT INTO tname $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $match[1] . ' (' . implode(',', array_keys($params)) . ') VALUES(:' . implode(',:', array_keys($params)) . ')'; } else { if (preg_match('/^\\s*UPDATE\\s+(\\w+)\\s+(WHERE .+)/i', $sql, $match)) { //UPDATE tname WHERE id=:id [AND ... AND ...] $names = array(); foreach ($params as $nm => $v) { $names[] = "{$nm}=:{$nm}"; } $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $match[1] . ' SET ' . implode(',', $names) . ' ' . $match[2]; } } eval('$sql="' . $sql . '";'); } $query = implode(';', $sqlparts); $fileParams = \cf\query2arrays("\n\t\tSELECT AS name, fmt\n\t\tFROM cf_admin_action_param\n\t\tINNER JOIN cf_admin_action_params ON cf_admin_action_param.params_id =\n\t\tINNER JOIN cf_admin_action ON = cf_admin_action.params_id\n\t\tWHERE AND cf_admin_action_param.type_id='File'", array('id' => $id)); foreach ($fileParams as $param) { $nm = $param['name']; if ($params[$nm][0] == "\t") { //tab at the beginning: delete file @unlink(\cf\Config::root_path . substr($params[$nm], 1)); $params[$nm] = null; } if (array_key_exists($nm, $_FILES)) { list($uploadDir, $ext) = explode(';', $param['fmt']); $fparams = $_FILES[$nm]; if ($fparams['type'] == 'url') { //URL passed $url = $fparams['name']; $urlInfo = parse_url($url); if (in_array($urlInfo['scheme'], stream_get_wrappers())) { //are such URLs supported $fname = pathinfo($urlInfo['path']); if ($ext != '*' && !in_array(strtolower($fname['extension']), explode(',', strtolower($ext)))) { continue; //invalid file type } $path = "{$uploadDir}/" . uniqid($nm) . '.' . $fname['extension']; if (copy($url, \cf\Config::root_path . "{$path}")) { @unlink(\cf\Config::root_path . $params[$nm]); chmod(\cf\Config::root_path . "{$path}", 0644); $params[$nm] = $path; } } } else { //file uploaded if (UPLOAD_ERR_OK != $fparams['error'] || !is_uploaded_file($fparams['tmp_name'])) { continue; //if a file is not uploaded check upload_max_filesize or post_max_size in php.ini } $fname = pathinfo($fparams['name']); if ($ext != '*' && !in_array(strtolower($fname['extension']), explode(',', strtolower($ext)))) { continue; //invalid file type } $path = "{$uploadDir}/" . uniqid($nm) . '.' . $fname['extension']; if (move_uploaded_file($fparams['tmp_name'], \cf\Config::root_path . "{$path}")) { @unlink(\cf\Config::root_path . $params[$nm]); chmod(\cf\Config::root_path . "{$path}", 0644); $params[$nm] = $path; } } } } \cf\execQuery($query, $params); global $db; return $db->lastInsertId(); }
<?php require_once cf\Config::path . 'api/gallery.php'; $smarty->assign('hitsCategory', cf\api\page\get('hits')); $hits = prepareProducts(cf\api\shop\getProducts('hits', array(), 0, 3)); $smarty->assign('hits', $hits); $smarty->assign('newCategory', cf\api\page\get('new')); $new = prepareProducts(cf\api\shop\getProducts('new', array(), 0, 3)); $smarty->assign('new', $new); $smarty->assign('discountCategory', cf\api\page\get('discount')); $discount = prepareProducts(cf\api\shop\getProducts('discount', array(), 0, 3)); $smarty->assign('discount', $discount); $smarty->assign('products', array_merge($hits, $new, $discount)); $smarty->assign('banners', cf\api\gallery\getImages($page['id'])); $smarty->assign('blocks', cf\api\page\getHierarchy($page['id'], true, 1)); $smarty->assign('newslist', cf\query2arrays("\n\tSELECT IFNULL(code, AS code,name,image,short_txt \n\tFROM cf_news \n\tINNER JOIN cf_news_in_category ON\n\tWHERE cf_news_in_category.category_id = :pid\n\tORDER BY dt DESC\n", array('pid' => $page['id'])));
function getList() { $user = \cf\User::getLoggedIn(); $ids = array(); if ($user) { $cid = create(); $products = \cf\query2arrays('SELECT product_id, amount FROM cf_products_in_cart WHERE cart_id=:cid', array('cid' => $cid), false, 'product_id'); $productIDs = array(); foreach ($products as $id => $p) { $productIDs[$id] = $p['amount']; } } else { $c = create(); $productIDs = $c->getParam('ready'); } $cart = array('contents' => array()); $total_qty = 0; $total_price = 0; foreach ($productIDs as $id => $qty) { $product = new \cf\Product($id); $cart['contents'][$product->id()] = array('product' => $product->toArray(), 'qty' => $qty, 'total' => $product->price() * $qty); $total_qty += $qty; $total_price += $product->price() * $qty; } $ruProducts = 'товаров'; if ($total_qty % 100 < 10 || $total_qty % 100 > 20) { if ($total_qty % 10 == 1) { $ruProducts = 'товар'; } else { if ($total_qty % 10 > 1 && $total_qty % 10 < 5) { $ruProducts = 'товара'; } } } $cart['ru_products'] = $ruProducts; $cart['total'] = array('qty' => $total_qty, 'sum' => $total_price); return $cart; }
function doAction($id, $params = array()) { $user = \cf\User::getLoggedIn(); $sql = \cf\query2var('SELECT query FROM cf_admin_action WHERE id=:id', array('id' => $id)); eval('$sql="' . $sql . '";'); foreach ($params as $nm => $v) { $params[$nm] = $v ? $v : null; } $fileParams = \cf\query2arrays("\n\t\tSELECT AS name, fmt\n\t\tFROM cf_admin_action_param\n\t\tINNER JOIN cf_admin_action_params ON cf_admin_action_param.params_id =\n\t\tINNER JOIN cf_admin_action ON = cf_admin_action.params_id\n\t\tWHERE AND cf_admin_action_param.type_id='File'", array('id' => $id)); foreach ($fileParams as $param) { $nm = $param['name']; if ($params[$nm][0] == "\t") { //tab at the beginning: delete file @unlink(\cf\Config::root_path . substr($params[$nm], 1)); $params[$nm] = null; } if (array_key_exists($nm, $_FILES)) { list($uploadDir, $ext) = explode(';', $param['fmt']); $fparams = $_FILES[$nm]; if ($fparams['type'] == 'url') { //URL passed $url = $fparams['name']; $urlInfo = parse_url($url); if (in_array($urlInfo['scheme'], stream_get_wrappers())) { //are such URLs supported $fname = pathinfo($urlInfo['path']); if ($ext != '*' && !in_array(strtolower($fname['extension']), explode(',', strtolower($ext)))) { continue; //invalid file type } $path = "{$uploadDir}/" . uniqid($nm) . '.' . $fname['extension']; if (copy($url, \cf\Config::root_path . "{$path}")) { @unlink(\cf\Config::root_path . $params[$nm]); chmod(\cf\Config::root_path . "{$path}", 0644); $params[$nm] = $path; } } } else { //file uploaded if (UPLOAD_ERR_OK != $fparams['error'] || !is_uploaded_file($fparams['tmp_name'])) { continue; //if a file is not uploaded check upload_max_filesize or post_max_size in php.ini } $fname = pathinfo($fparams['name']); if ($ext != '*' && !in_array(strtolower($fname['extension']), explode(',', strtolower($ext)))) { continue; //invalid file type } $path = "{$uploadDir}/" . uniqid($nm) . '.' . $fname['extension']; if (move_uploaded_file($fparams['tmp_name'], \cf\Config::root_path . "{$path}")) { @unlink(\cf\Config::root_path . $params[$nm]); chmod(\cf\Config::root_path . "{$path}", 0644); $params[$nm] = $path; } } } } \cf\execQuery($sql, $params); global $db; return $db->lastInsertId(); }
function getImages($albumId, $showHidden = false) { $albumId = getAlbumID($albumId); return \cf\query2arrays("\r\n\t\tSELECT AS id, IFNULL(code, AS code, name, image, short_descr, hidden, url\r\n\t\tFROM cf_gallery_images\r\n\t\tINNER JOIN cf_gallery_image_in_album ON\r\n\t\tWHERE cf_gallery_image_in_album.album_id=:aid\r\n\t\tORDER BY sort_order", array('aid' => $albumId)); }
function getList() { $user = \cf\User::getLoggedIn(); $ids = array(); if ($user) { $cid = create(); $products = \cf\query2arrays('SELECT product_id, amount FROM cf_products_in_cart WHERE cart_id=:cid', array('cid' => $cid), false, 'product_id'); $productIDs = array(); foreach ($products as $id => $p) { $productIDs[$id] = $p['amount']; } } else { $c = create(); $productIDs = $c->getParam('ready'); } $cart = array(); $total_number = 0; $total_price = 0; foreach ($productIDs as $id => $amount) { $product = new \cf\Product($id); $cart[] = array('id' => $product->id(), 'name' => $product->fullName(), 'amount' => $amount, 'price' => $product->price(), 'image' => $product->image(), 'manufacturerName' => $product->manufacturerName(), 'total_price' => $product->price() * $amount, 'attributes' => $product->attributes()->values()); $total_number += $amount; $total_price += $product->price() * $amount; } $ruProducts = 'товаров'; if ($total_number % 100 < 10 || $total_number % 100 > 20) { if ($total_number % 10 == 1) { $ruProducts = 'товар'; } else { if ($total_number % 10 > 1 && $total_number % 10 < 5) { $ruProducts = 'товара'; } } } return array_merge(array(array('total_amount' => $total_number, 'number' => $total_number, 'total_price' => $total_price, 'sum' => $total_price, 'ru_products' => $ruProducts)), $cart); }