function addDomain($domain) { if (!isSiteAdmin()) { print json_encode(array('success' => FALSE, 'errors' => array('domain' => 'Permission denied'))); return; } if (!$domain) { print json_encode(array('success' => FALSE, 'errors' => array('domain' => 'This field is required'))); return; } $domain = strtolower($domain); if (!validDomain($domain)) { print json_encode(array('success' => FALSE, 'errors' => array('domain' => 'Invalid domain'))); return; } if (domainExists($domain)) { print json_encode(array('success' => FALSE, 'errors' => array('domain' => 'Domain already exists'))); return; } $user = $_SESSION['user']; if ($domain == $user['domain']) { print json_encode(array('success' => FALSE, 'errors' => array('domain' => 'Can not delete your own domain'))); return; } $add = array('domain' => $domain); beginTransaction(); $domain_id = db_insert('virtual_domains', $add, 'domain_id'); if (!$domain_id) { cancelTransaction(); print json_encode(array('success' => FALSE, 'errors' => array('domain' => 'Unknown error'))); return; } $transport = array('subdomain' => 'autoreply', 'domain_id' => $domain_id, 'destination' => 'autoreply:', 'active' => 't'); $transport_id = db_insert('transport_maps', $transport, 'transport_id'); if (!$transport_id) { cancelTransaction(); print json_encode(array('success' => FALSE, 'errors' => array('domain' => 'Unknown error'))); return; } endTransaction(); print json_encode(array('success' => true)); }
$Gresponse->log->LogResponse("Response: " . array_to_json($response)); break; case 'CANCELLED': $Gresponse->log->LogResponse("Cancelled " + $data[$root]['google-order-number']['VALUE']); $order = db_getOrderByOrderNumber($data[$root]['google-order-number']['VALUE']); cancelTransaction($order->id); $orderItems = db_getOrderItems($orderid); foreach ($orderItems as $orderItem) { db_cancelOrderItem($orderid, $orderItem->itemid); } $Grequest->SendBuyerMessage($data[$root]['google-order-number']['VALUE'], "Sorry, your order is cancelled by the store", true); break; case 'CANCELLED_BY_GOOGLE': $Gresponse->log->LogResponse("Cancelled by Google " + $data[$root]['google-order-number']['VALUE']); $order = db_getOrderByOrderNumber($data[$root]['google-order-number']['VALUE']); cancelTransaction($order->id); $orderItems = db_getOrderItems($orderid); foreach ($orderItems as $orderItem) { db_cancelOrderItem($orderid, $orderItem->itemid); } $Grequest->SendBuyerMessage($data[$root]['google-order-number']['VALUE'], "Sorry, your order is cancelled by Google", true); break; default: break; } } if ($fulfillmentStateHasChanged) { switch ($new_fulfillment_order) { case 'NEW': break; case 'PROCESSING':
} else { if ($requestMethod == "insertParentAndChild") { $childId = insertParentAndChild($conn, $appid, $secret); echo insertTransaction($conn, $childId); } else { if ($requestMethod == "teacherDetails") { getTeacherDetails($conn); } else { if ($requestMethod == "updateParentMobile") { updateParentMobile($conn, $yunpian); } else { if ($requestMethod == "myRecord") { getMyRecord($conn); } else { if ($requestMethod == "cancelTransaction") { cancelTransaction($conn); } else { if ($requestMethod == "parseCodeForDisplay") { parseCodeForDisplay($conn); } else { if ($requestMethod == "trandactionDetail") { getTransactionDetail(); } else { if ($requestMethod == "updateTransaction") { updateTransaction(); } } } } } }
function addUser($newUser) { $username = $newUser['username']; $domainId = $newUser['domainId']; $pass = $newUser['pass']; $repPass = $newUser['repPass']; $name = $newUser['name']; $active = $newUser['active']; $errors = array(); $foundError = FALSE; if (!$username) { $foundError = TRUE; $errors['username'] = '******'; } if (!$domainId) { $foundError = TRUE; $errors['domain'] = 'This field is required'; } if (!$pass) { $foundError = TRUE; $errors['password'] = '******'; } if (!$repPass) { $foundError = TRUE; $errors['reppassword'] = '******'; } if (!$active) { $foundError = TRUE; $errors['active'] = 'This field is required'; } if ($foundError) { print json_encode(array('success' => false, 'errors' => $errors)); return; } $username = strtolower($username); if (!validUserName($username)) { $foundError = TRUE; $errors['username'] = '******'; } $domain = getDomain($domainId); if (!$domain) { $foundError = TRUE; $errors['domain'] = 'Invalid domain'; } if ($foundError) { print json_encode(array('success' => false, 'errors' => $errors)); return; } $email = $username . '@' . $domain; $errors = array(); $foundError = FALSE; if (userExists($email) || localForwardExists($email)) { $foundError = TRUE; $errors['username'] = '******'; } if (strlen($pass) < 8) { $foundError = TRUE; $errors['password'] = '******'; } if ($pass != $repPass) { $foundError = TRUE; $errors['reppassword'] = '******'; } $adminDomains = getAdminDomains(); if (!in_array($domain, $adminDomains)) { $foundError = TRUE; $errors['domain'] = 'Permission denied on domain: ' . $domain; } // TODO add password complexity requirements here if ($foundError) { print json_encode(array('success' => false, 'errors' => $errors)); return; } if (!$name) { $name = ''; } if ($active == 'true') { $active = 't'; } else { $active = 'f'; } $sql = 'INSERT INTO virtual_users (' . ' username,' . ' domain_id,' . ' password,' . ' role_id,' . ' description,' . ' active' . ' ) VALUES (?, ?, CRYPT(?, GEN_SALT(\'bf\', 8)), ?, ?, ?)'; $params = array($username, $domainId, $pass, getRoleId('user'), $name, $active); beginTransaction(); $rs = db_do($sql, $params); if (!$rs) { cancelTransaction(); print json_encode(array('success' => false, 'errors' => array('username' => 'Unknown Error'))); return; } $userId = getUserId($email); if (!$userId) { cancelTransaction(); print json_encode(array('success' => false, 'errors' => array('username' => 'Unknown Error'))); return; } $alias = array('username' => $username, 'domain_id' => $domainId, 'destination' => $email, 'active' => $active); $aliasId = db_insert('virtual_aliases', $alias, 'alias_id'); if (!$aliasId) { cancelTransaction(); print json_encode(array('success' => false, 'errors' => array('username' => 'Unknown Error'))); return; } $alias['active'] = $active; $alias['destination'] = $email . '@autoreply.' . $domain; $aliasId = db_insert('virtual_aliases', $alias, 'alias_id'); if (!$aliasId) { cancelTransaction(); print json_encode(array('success' => false, 'errors' => array('username' => 'Unknown Error'))); return; } endTransaction(); print json_encode(array('success' => true)); }
$refundAmount = 0; $dbOrder = db_getOrderById($orderid); $dbOrder_payment = ""; $dbOrder_id = ""; $dbOrder_refund = ""; $dbOrder_ordernumber = ""; $dbOrder_userid = ""; foreach ($dbOrder as $dbO) { $dbOrder_payment = $dbO['payment']; $dbOrder_id = $dbO['id']; $dbOrder_refund = $dbO['refund']; $dbOrder_ordernumber = $dbO['ordernumber']; $dbOrder_userid = $dbO['userid']; } $dbOrderItems = db_getOrderItems($orderid); $assignmentsResponse = cancelTransaction($orderid); //print_r($assignmentResponse); //print_r($dbOrderItems); $i = 0; foreach ($dbOrderItems as $dbOrderItem) { $ar = $assignmentsResponse[$i++]; $subtotal = $dbOrderItem['quantity'] * $dbOrderItem['unitprice']; $partialRefund = $subtotal * $ar->percentageReturned / 100; $refundAmount = $refundAmount + $partialRefund; } //Google checkout orders if ($dbOrder_payment) { if ($refundAmount > 0) { db_setOrderRefund($dbOrder_id, $dbOrder_refund + $refundAmount); //Refund total or partial item price /*jh NOTE: Discussed with Dr. Sadjadi on 7/6/2015 that we will not use the google request methods for now.