Example #1

//loads the CSV file depending if Bus or GreenLine
if ($bus == "True") {
    $csv = array_map('str_getcsv', file('87Stations.csv'));
} else {
    $csv = array_map('str_getcsv', file('GreenLineStations.csv'));
//sets $dist to a really high number, the loop will then check to see which location has the lowest distance by compairing it to $dist
$dist = 99999999999999;
//Loop that checkes the distance between current location and all GreenLineStations
foreach ($csv as $Station) {
    $distance = calcDist($cx, $cy, $Station[0], $Station[1]);
    if ($distance < $dist) {
        //if the current station has a lowwer distance it will rewrite $dist, $stationID and $stationName until the lowest distance is found.
        $dist = $distance;
        $stationID = $Station[2];
        $stationName = $Station[3];
//function that requests whatever url is passed to it using cURL and returns the json encoded response
function getrequest($url)
    // gets cURL resource
    $curl = curl_init();
    // Set some options - we are passing in a useragent too here
    curl_setopt_array($curl, array(CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => 1, CURLOPT_URL => $url, CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'BenGreenlineApp'));
    // Send the request & save response to $resp
Example #2
function kmlGetTrackAnalysis($file, $realFile, $exaggeration = 1)
    $exaggeration = 1;
    $str = "";
    $kmzFile = $file;
    $kmlTempFile = $file . ".kml";
    if (is_file($kmzFile)) {
    $table = parseIgcFile($realFile, $exaggeration);
    $lonDep = $lon;
    $latDep = $lat;
    $altDep = $alt;
    $timeDep = $time;
    $timestampDep = $timestamp;
    $coordDep = "{$lon},{$lat},{$alt}\n";
    $localAltMax = $alt;
    $localAltMaxLat = $lat;
    $localAltMaxLon = $lon;
    $coordlocalAltMax = "{$lon},{$lat},{$alt}\n";
    $timelocalAltMax = $time;
    $localAltMin = $alt;
    $localAltMinLat = $lat;
    $localAltMinLon = $lon;
    $coordlocalAltMin = "{$lon},{$lat},{$alt}\n";
    $timelocalAltMin = $time;
    $ext = $table[count($table) - 1];
    $lonArr = $lon;
    $latArr = $lat;
    $altArr = $alt;
    $timeArr = $time;
    $timestampArr = $timestamp;
    $coordArr = "{$lon},{$lat},{$alt}\n";
    $duration = intval(($timestampArr - $timestampDep) / 60);
    if ($duration == 0) {
        $duration = 1;
    $bestDistance = calcDist($latDep, $lonDep, $latArr, $lonArr);
    $lonBestDistance = $lon;
    $latBestDistance = $lat;
    $altBestDistance = $alt;
    $timeBestDistance = $time;
    $bestDistance2TP = $bestDistance;
    $lonBestDistance2TP1 = $lon;
    $latBestDistance2TP1 = $lat;
    $altBestDistance2TP1 = $alt;
    $timeBestDistance2TP1 = $time;
    $lonBestDistance2TP2 = $lon;
    $latBestDistance2TP2 = $lat;
    $altBestDistance2TP2 = $alt;
    $timeBestDistance2TP2 = $time;
    $bestGlideRatio = "";
    $coordBestGlideRatio = "";
    $timeBestGlideRatio = "";
    $coordPreBestGlideRatio = "";
    $bestTransition = 0;
    $coordBestTransition = "";
    $timeBestTransition = "";
    $coordPreBestTransition = "";
    $bestGain = 0;
    $coordBestGain = "";
    $timeBestGain = "";
    $coordPreBestGain = "";
    $maxAlt = "";
    $coordMaxAlt = "";
    $timeMaxAlt = "";
    $minAlt = 10000;
    $coordMinAlt = "";
    $timeMinAlt = "";
    $maxSpeed = "";
    $coordMaxSpeed = "";
    $timeMaxSpeed = "";
    $lastchangedeltaAlt = -1;
    $vario = 0;
    $vario1 = 0;
    $variomin = 0;
    $coordvariomin = "";
    $timevariomin = "";
    $variomax = 0;
    $coordvariomax = "";
    $timevariomax = "";
    $curalt = "";
    $curlat = "";
    $curlon = "";
    $curtime = "";
    $meanSpeed = 25;
    $localmeanspeed = array(25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25);
    $localmeanvario = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $totalDist = 0;
    $totalDistWithoutThermal = 0;
    $lastchangeAlt = $table[0]['alt'];
    $lastchangeLat = $table[0]['lat'];
    $lastchangeLon = $table[0]['lon'];
    $lastchangetimestamp = $table[0]['timestamp'];
    $direction = "";
    $switchlevel = 50;
    $table2TP = array();
    $wayPoints = '';
    $wpt = 0;
    $coordsWithoutThermals = '';
    $i = 1;
    //2. Transform to KML and get max alt and max speed
    foreach ($table as $place) {
        if (isset($lon1)) {
            //Calculate total distance run
            $totalDist += calcDist($lat, $lon, $lat1, $lon1);
            $integ = 4;
            //Calculate local mean speed
            $localmeanspeed[$i % $integ] = $speed;
            //if ($debug) echo "$speed ";
            for ($j = 1; $j < $integ; $j++) {
                $speed += $localmeanspeed[($i + $integ - $j) % $integ];
                //if ($debug) echo "$speed ";
            $speed = number_format($speed / $integ, 0);
            //if ($debug) echo " | $i : $speed  <br>";
            $localmeanspeed[$i % $integ] = $speed;
            $integ = 2;
            //Calculate local mean Vz
            $deltatime = $timestamp - $timestamp1;
            if ($deltatime == 0) {
                $deltatime = 1;
            $vario = ($alt - $alt1) / $deltatime;
            $localmeanvario[$i % $integ] = $vario;
            for ($j = 1; $j < $integ; $j++) {
                $vario += $localmeanvario[($i + $integ - $j) % $integ];
            $vario = number_format($vario / $integ, 1);
            $localmeanvario[$i % $integ] = $vario;
            //Calculate flight path color according to Vz
            $variocolormax = 5;
            $variocolor = $vario;
            if ($variocolor > $variocolormax) {
                $variocolor = $variocolormax;
            if ($variocolor < -$variocolormax) {
                $variocolor = -$variocolormax;
            $variocolor = $variocolor / $variocolormax * 255;
            $color = "FFFF00FF";
            if ($variocolor < 0) {
                $color = "FFFF00" . sprintf("%02X", 255 + $variocolor);
            if ($variocolor > 0) {
                $color = "FF" . sprintf("%02X", 255 - $variocolor) . "00FF";
            $vario = number_format($vario, 1);
            //Write corresponding fly path part in KML
            $str .= LineString("{$time} {$alt} m {$speed} km/h {$vario} m/s", "", "{$lon1},{$lat1},{$alt1} {$lon},{$lat},{$alt}", "{$color}", 2);
        if ($timestamp - $lastchangetimestamp > 180) {
            // Place 1 Waypoint at least every 3 minute
            $table2TP[] = array('time' => $time, 'lon' => $lon, 'lat' => $lat, 'alt' => $alt, 'speed' => $speed);
        $lon1 = $lon;
        $lat1 = $lat;
        $alt1 = $alt;
        $timestamp1 = $timestamp;
        $vario1 = $vario;
        $meanSpeed += $speed;
        if ($alt > $maxAlt) {
            $maxAlt = $alt;
            $coordMaxAlt = "{$lon},{$lat},{$alt}\n";
            $timeMaxAlt = $time;
        if ($speed > $maxSpeed) {
            $maxSpeed = $speed;
            $coordMaxSpeed = "{$lon},{$lat},{$alt}\n";
            $timeMaxSpeed = $time;
        if ($vario > $variomax) {
            $variomax = $vario;
            $coordvariomax = "{$lon},{$lat},{$alt}\n";
            $timevariomax = $time;
        if ($vario < $variomin) {
            $variomin = $vario;
            $coordvariomin = "{$lon},{$lat},{$alt}\n";
            $timevariomin = $time;
        //Calculate best Turnpoint for maximum distance
        $distToDep = calcDist($latDep, $lonDep, $lat, $lon);
        $distToArr = calcDist($latArr, $lonArr, $lat, $lon);
        if ($distToDep + $distToArr > $bestDistance) {
            $bestDistance = $distToDep + $distToArr;
            $lonBestDistance = $lon;
            $latBestDistance = $lat;
            $altBestDistance = $alt;
            $timeBestDistance = $time;
        //Check if we have finished to climb or to fall ! ;)
        //And then, place a mark to give data about glide
        if ($alt > $localAltMax) {
            $localAltMax = $alt;
            $localAltMaxLat = $lat;
            $localAltMaxLon = $lon;
            $coordlocalAltMax = "{$lon},{$lat},{$alt}";
            $timelocalAltMax = $time;
        if ($alt < $localAltMin) {
            $localAltMin = $alt;
            $localAltMinLat = $lat;
            $localAltMinLon = $lon;
            $coordlocalAltMin = "{$lon},{$lat},{$alt}";
            $timelocalAltMin = $time;
        $deltaAlt = $alt - $lastchangeAlt;
        //if ($debug) echo "<BR>direction=".$direction."alt=$alt lastchangeAlt=$lastchangeAlt deltaAlt=$deltaAlt lastchangedeltaAlt=$lastchangedeltaAlt lastchangedeltaAlt*deltaAlt=".$lastchangedeltaAlt*$deltaAlt;
        //if ($debug) echo 'localAltMax='.$localAltMax.' localAltMin='.$localAltMin;//.'localAltMax-alt='.$localAltMax-$alt.' alt-localAltMin='.$alt-$localAltMin;
        if ($direction != "up" && $alt - $localAltMin > $switchlevel || $direction != "down" && $localAltMax - $alt > $switchlevel) {
            if ($deltaAlt < 0) {
                $direction = "down";
                $curalt = $localAltMin;
                $curlat = $localAltMinLat;
                $curlon = $localAltMinLon;
                $curtime = $timelocalAltMin;
            } else {
                $direction = "up";
                $curalt = $localAltMax;
                $curlat = $localAltMaxLat;
                $curlon = $localAltMaxLon;
                $curtime = $timelocalAltMax;
            //if ($debug) echo " XXX SWITCH XXX!";
            $deltaAlt = $curalt - $lastchangeAlt;
            $deltaDist = calcDist($curlat, $curlon, $lastchangeLat, $lastchangeLon);
            $totalDistWithoutThermal += number_format($deltaDist / 1000, 2);
            $deltaTime = $timestamp - $lastchangetimestamp;
            if ($deltaTime == 0) {
                $deltaTime = 1;
            if ($deltaAlt == 0) {
                $deltaAlt = 1;
            $meanvario = number_format($deltaAlt / $deltaTime, 2);
            $glideratio = number_format(-$deltaDist / $deltaAlt, 2);
            if ($glideratio > $bestGlideRatio && $glideratio < 50) {
                $bestGlideRatio = $glideratio;
                $coordPreBestGlideRatio = "{$lastchangeLon},{$lastchangeLat},{$lastchangeAlt} {$curlon},{$curlat},{$curalt}";
                $coordBestGlideRatio = ($lastchangeLon + $curlon) / 2 . ',' . ($lastchangeLat + $curlat) / 2 . ',' . ($lastchangeAlt + $curalt) / 2;
                $timeBestGlideRatio = $curtime;
            if ($deltaAlt > $bestGain) {
                $bestGain = $localAltMax - $localAltMin;
                $coordPreBestGain = "{$coordlocalAltMin} {$coordlocalAltMax}";
                $coordBestGain = ($localAltMaxLon + $localAltMinLon) / 2 . ',' . ($localAltMaxLat + $localAltMinLat) / 2 . ',' . ($localAltMax + $localAltMin) / 2;
                $timeBestGain = $curtime;
            if ($deltaDist > $bestTransition) {
                $bestTransition = $deltaDist;
                $coordPreBestTransition = "{$lastchangeLon},{$lastchangeLat},{$lastchangeAlt} {$curlon},{$curlat},{$curalt}";
                $coordBestTransition = ($lastchangeLon + $curlon) / 2 . ',' . ($lastchangeLat + $curlat) / 2 . ',' . ($lastchangeAlt + $curalt) / 2;
                $timeBestTransition = $curtime;
            if ($localAltMin < $minAlt) {
                $minAlt = $localAltMin;
                $coordMinAlt = $coordlocalAltMin;
                $timeMinAlt = $timelocalAltMin;
            if ($deltaAlt > 0) {
                $deltaAlt = "+" . $deltaAlt;
            $data = "PathDistance = {$totalDistWithoutThermal} km\n                      Straight distance to Departure = " . number_format($distToDep / 1000, 2) . " km\n                      Straight distance to Arrival =" . number_format($distToArr / 1000, 2) . " km";
            $wayPoints .= MinorPoint('#' . $wpt . ' ' . $curtime . ' ' . $curalt . 'm ' . $speed . 'kmh ' . $deltaAlt . 'm ' . $meanvario . 'm/s GR=' . $glideratio, $data, "{$curlon},{$curlat},{$curalt}\n", "<x>0</x><y>128</y>");
            $coordsWithoutThermals .= "{$curlon},{$curlat},{$curalt} \n";
            $lastchangeAlt = $curalt;
            $lastchangeLat = $curlat;
            $lastchangeLon = $curlon;
            $lastchangetimestamp = $timestamp;
            $lastchangedeltaAlt = $deltaAlt;
            $localAltMax = $alt;
            $localAltMin = $alt;
            $table2TP[] = array('time' => $curtime, 'lon' => $curlon, 'lat' => $curlat, 'alt' => $curalt, 'speed' => $speed);
    $meanSpeed = $meanSpeed / $i;
    $totalDistWithoutThermal += number_format(calcDist($lastchangeAlt, $lastchangeLat, $lat, $lon) / 1000, 2);
    // Let's loop again and calculate the best distance with TWO turnpoints
    if ($debug) {
        echo "<p>Nbpoints" . count($table) . "<P>";
    if ($debug) {
        echo "<p>NbWpoints" . count($table2TP) . "<P>";
    if ($debug) {
        echo "<p>wpt" . $wpt . "<P>";
    $cpt = count($table2TP);
    $interv = 1;
    $itermax = 200;
    if ($cpt > $itermax) {
        $interv = $cpt / $itermax;
    for ($i = 1; $i < $cpt - 1; $i += $interv) {
        if (isset($table2TP[$i]['lat'])) {
            $ilat = $table2TP[$i]['lat'];
            $ilon = $table2TP[$i]['lon'];
            $ialt = $table2TP[$i]['alt'];
            $itime = $table2TP[$i]['time'];
            for ($j = $i + $interv; $j < $cpt; $j += $interv) {
                if (isset($table2TP[$j]['lat'])) {
                    $jlat = $table2TP[$j]['lat'];
                    $jlon = $table2TP[$j]['lon'];
                    $jalt = $table2TP[$j]['alt'];
                    $jtime = $table2TP[$j]['time'];
                    $curDist = calcDist($ilat, $ilon, $latDep, $lonDep) + calcDist($ilat, $ilon, $jlat, $jlon) + calcDist($latArr, $lonArr, $jlat, $jlon);
                    if ($debug) {
                        echo "i={$i} j={$j} time i={$itime} time j ={$jtime} timeTP1={$timeBestDistance2TP1} timeTP2={$timeBestDistance2TP2} bestDist= {$bestDistance2TP} curdist ={$curDist} <BR>\n";
                    if ($curDist > $bestDistance2TP) {
                        //if ($debug) echo "XXX bestDist !!!XXX  \n";
                        $bestDistance2TP = $curDist;
                        $lonBestDistance2TP1 = $ilon;
                        $latBestDistance2TP1 = $ilat;
                        $altBestDistance2TP1 = $ialt;
                        $timeBestDistance2TP1 = $itime;
                        $lonBestDistance2TP2 = $jlon;
                        $latBestDistance2TP2 = $jlat;
                        $altBestDistance2TP2 = $jalt;
                        $timeBestDistance2TP2 = $jtime;
    $flightPath = '<Folder><name>Complete Flight Path</name>
Distance=' . number_format($totalDist / 1000, 2) . 'km
Meanspeed=' . number_format($totalDist / 1000 / ($duration / 60), 2) . 'km/h
(integrated=' . number_format($meanSpeed, 0) . 'km/h)
' . $str . '
    // Let's Write Info about the flight and draw the trace without thermals
    $name = 'Flight without Thermalling Path';
    $pathWitoutThermals = LineString($name, '', "{$coordDep} {$coordsWithoutThermals} {$coordArr}", "90FFFFFF", 1);
    $flightWithoutThermals = '<Folder>';
    $flightWithoutThermals .= '<name>Flight (without thermalling)</name><visibility>0</visibility>';
    $flightWithoutThermals .= '<description> Distance=' . $totalDistWithoutThermal . 'km Meanspeed=' . number_format($totalDistWithoutThermal / ($duration / 60), 2) . 'km/h</description>';
    $flightWithoutThermals .= $pathWitoutThermals;
    $flightWithoutThermals .= '</Folder>';
    $flightWayPoints = '<Folder><name>WayPoints</name><visibility>0</visibility>' . $wayPoints . '</Folder>';
    //Print best distance with 2 TurnPoints
    $TP2 = '<Folder><name>Best distance Path with 2 Turnpoints</name>
<description> Distance =' . number_format($bestDistance2TP / 1000, 2) . 'km Meanspeed=' . number_format($bestDistance2TP / 1000 / ($duration / 60), 2) . 'km/h</description>';
    $name = 'Flight Distance Path with 2 Turnpoints';
    $nameTP1 = $timeBestDistance2TP1 . ", bestTurnpoint 1/2";
    $nameTP2 = $timeBestDistance2TP2 . ", bestTurnpoint 2/2";
    $coords2TP1 = $lonBestDistance2TP1 . ',' . $latBestDistance2TP1 . ',' . $altBestDistance2TP1;
    $coords2TP2 = $lonBestDistance2TP2 . ',' . $latBestDistance2TP2 . ',' . $altBestDistance2TP2;
    $coords2TP = "{$coordDep}\n            {$coords2TP1}\n            {$coords2TP2}\n            {$coordArr}\n            ";
    $distDep = number_format(calcDist($latBestDistance2TP1, $lonBestDistance2TP1, $latDep, $lonDep) / 1000, 2);
    $distTP = number_format(calcDist($latBestDistance2TP1, $lonBestDistance2TP1, $latBestDistance2TP2, $lonBestDistance2TP2) / 1000, 2);
    $distArr = number_format(calcDist($latBestDistance2TP2, $lonBestDistance2TP2, $latArr, $lonArr) / 1000, 2);
    $TP2 .= LineString($name, "", "{$coords2TP}", "F000FF00", 2);
    $TP2 .= MajorPoint($nameTP1, "Distance to Departure ={$distDep} km , Distance to TP2 = {$distTP} km", $coords2TP1, "<x>64</x><y>128</y>");
    $TP2 .= MajorPoint($nameTP2, "Distance to Arrival ={$distArr} km", $coords2TP2, "<x>64</x><y>128</y>");
    $TP2 .= '</Folder>';
    //Print best distance 1 TurnPoint
    $coordBestDistance = "{$lonBestDistance},{$latBestDistance},{$altBestDistance}";
    $coords1TP = "{$coordDep}\n            {$coordBestDistance}\n            {$coordArr} ";
    $TP1 = "<Folder><open>0</open>";
    $TP1 .= '<name>Best Distance Path with 1 TurnPoint</name>
<description> Distance=' . number_format($bestDistance / 1000, 2) . 'km Meanspeed=' . number_format($bestDistance / 1000 / ($duration / 60), 0) . 'km/h</description>';
    $name = 'Flight Distance Path with 1 Turnpoint';
    $TP1 .= LineString($name, "", "{$coords1TP}", "F000FFFF", 2);
    $distDep = number_format(calcDist($latBestDistance, $lonBestDistance, $latDep, $lonDep) / 1000, 2);
    $distArr = number_format(calcDist($latBestDistance, $lonBestDistance, $latArr, $lonArr) / 1000, 2);
    $TP1 .= MajorPoint($timeBestDistance . ", best single Turnpoint", "Distance to Departure ={$distDep} km , Distance to Arrival = {$distArr} km", "{$coordBestDistance}", "<x>64</x><y>128</y>");
    $TP1 .= '</Folder>';
    // Print Best Glide Ratio
    $GR = "<Folder><open>0</open>";
    $GR .= '<name>Best GR : ' . $bestGlideRatio . ' </name>';
    $name = 'Best Glide Ratio = ' . $bestGlideRatio;
    $GR .= LineString($name, "", "{$coordPreBestGlideRatio}", "8000FF00", 8);
    $GR .= MajorPoint($timeBestGlideRatio . " Best GR : " . $bestGlideRatio, "", $coordBestGlideRatio, "<x>64</x><y>128</y>");
    $GR .= '</Folder>';
    // Print Best Transition
    $bestTransition = number_format($bestTransition / 1000, 2);
    $BT = "<Folder><open>0</open>";
    $BT .= '<name>Best Transition : ' . $bestTransition . 'km </name>';
    $name = 'Best Transition = ' . $bestTransition . 'km';
    $BT .= LineString($name, "", "{$coordPreBestTransition}", "80FF0000", 12);
    $BT .= MajorPoint($timeBestTransition . " Longest Transition : " . $bestTransition . "km", "", $coordBestTransition, "<x>64</x><y>128</y>");
    $BT .= '</Folder>';
    // Print Best Gain
    $name = 'Best Gain = ' . $bestGain . 'm';
    $BG = "<Folder><open>0</open>";
    $BG .= '<name>' . $name . '</name>';
    if ($bestGain > 0) {
        $BG .= LineString($name, "", "{$coordPreBestGain}", "805555FF", 20);
        $BG .= MajorPoint($timeBestGain . " Best Gain : " . $bestGain . "m", "", $coordBestGain, "<x>64</x><y>128</y>");
    $BG .= '</Folder>';
    //if ($debug) echo "<p>duree=$duration s =".intval($duration/60)."h".($duration%60)."s<P>";
    // Print Flight General Informations
    $duration = intval($duration / 60) . "h" . sprintf("%02d", $duration % 60) . "m";
    $gain = $maxAlt - $altDep;
    $FlightGeneralInformations = "<Folder><open>0</open>";
    $FlightGeneralInformations .= '<name>Flight General Informations</name>';
    $FlightGeneralInformations .= MajorPoint($timeDep . " " . $altDep . "m, Departure : " . $departure, "", $coordDep, "<x>160</x><y>128</y>");
    $FlightGeneralInformations .= MajorPoint($timeArr . " " . $altArr . "m, Arrival : " . $arrival, "", $coordArr, "<x>128</x><y>128</y>");
    $FlightGeneralInformations .= '<Folder><name>Duration =' . $duration . '</name></Folder>';
    $FlightGeneralInformations .= '<Folder><name>Dep to Arr :' . number_format(calcDist($latDep, $lonDep, $latArr, $lonArr) / 1000, 2) . 'km straight </name></Folder>';
    $FlightGeneralInformations .= '<Folder><name>Height gain =' . $gain . 'm</name></Folder>';
    $FlightGeneralInformations .= "</Folder>";
    $MinMax = MajorPoint($timeMaxAlt . " MaxAlt : " . $maxAlt . "m", "", $coordMaxAlt, "<x>32</x><y>128</y>");
    $MinMax .= MajorPoint($timeMinAlt . " MinAlt : " . $minAlt . "m", "", $coordMinAlt, "<x>32</x><y>128</y>");
    $MinMax .= MajorPoint($timeMaxSpeed . " MaxSpeed : " . $maxSpeed . "km/h", "", $coordMaxSpeed, "<x>64</x><y>128</y>");
    $MinMax .= MajorPoint($timevariomax . " MaxVz : " . $variomax . "m/s", "", $coordvariomax, "<x>64</x><y>128</y>");
    $MinMax .= MajorPoint($timevariomin . " MinVz : " . $variomin . "m/s", "", $coordvariomin, "<x>64</x><y>128</y>");
    //Finally create the complete KML flow
    //$str='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ? >
    //<kml xmlns="http://earth.google.com/kml/2.0">';
    $str = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" . "<kml xmlns=\"http://earth.google.com/kml/2.0\">" . '<!-- converted by GPS2GE V2.0 http://www.parawing.net -->
      ' . $FlightGeneralInformations . '
  <name>Paths and Distances</name>
      ' . $flightPath . '
      ' . $flightWithoutThermals . '
      ' . $TP2 . '
      ' . $TP1 . '
  <name>MinMax Measures</name>
      ' . $MinMax . '
      ' . $GR . '
      ' . $BG . '
      ' . $BT . '
      ' . $flightWayPoints . ' ' . "\n</Folder>\n</kml>";
    writeFile($kmlTempFile, $str);
    // zip the file
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/lib/pclzip/pclzip.lib.php";
    $archive = new PclZip($kmzFile);
    $v_list = $archive->create($kmlTempFile, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_ALL_PATH);
    return 1;