function cacti_snmp_walk($hostname, $community, $oid, $version, $username, $password, $auth_proto, $priv_pass, $priv_proto, $context, $port = 161, $timeout = 500, $retries = 0, $max_oids = 10, $environ = SNMP_POLLER) { global $config, $banned_snmp_strings; $snmp_oid_included = true; $snmp_auth = ''; $snmp_array = array(); $temp_array = array(); /* determine default retries */ if ($retries == 0 || !is_numeric($retries)) { $retries = read_config_option("snmp_retries"); if ($retries == "") { $retries = 3; } } /* determine default max_oids */ if ($max_oids == 0 || !is_numeric($max_oids)) { $max_oids = read_config_option("max_get_size"); if ($max_oids == "") { $max_oids = 10; } } /* do not attempt to poll invalid combinations */ if ($version == 0 || !is_numeric($version) || !is_numeric($max_oids) || !is_numeric($port) || !is_numeric($retries) || !is_numeric($timeout) || $community == "" && $version != 3) { return array(); } $path_snmpbulkwalk = read_config_option("path_snmpbulkwalk"); if (snmp_get_method($version) == SNMP_METHOD_PHP && (!strlen($context) || $version != 3) && ($version == 1 || version_compare(phpversion(), "5.1") >= 0 || !file_exists($path_snmpbulkwalk))) { /* make sure snmp* is verbose so we can see what types of data we are getting back */ /* force php to return numeric oid's */ if (function_exists("snmp_set_oid_numeric_print")) { snmp_set_oid_numeric_print(TRUE); } if (function_exists("snmprealwalk")) { $snmp_oid_included = false; } snmp_set_quick_print(0); if ($version == "1") { $temp_array = @snmprealwalk("{$hostname}:{$port}", "{$community}", "{$oid}", $timeout * 1000, $retries); } elseif ($version == "2") { $temp_array = @snmp2_real_walk("{$hostname}:{$port}", "{$community}", "{$oid}", $timeout * 1000, $retries); } else { if ($priv_proto == "[None]" || $priv_pass == '') { $proto = "authNoPriv"; $priv_proto = ""; } else { $proto = "authPriv"; } $temp_array = @snmp3_real_walk("{$hostname}:{$port}", "{$username}", $proto, $auth_proto, "{$password}", $priv_proto, "{$priv_pass}", "{$oid}", $timeout * 1000, $retries); } if ($temp_array === false) { cacti_log("WARNING: SNMP Walk Timeout for Host:'{$hostname}', and OID:'{$oid}'", false); } /* check for bad entries */ if (is_array($temp_array) && sizeof($temp_array)) { foreach ($temp_array as $key => $value) { foreach ($banned_snmp_strings as $item) { if (strstr($value, $item) != "") { unset($temp_array[$key]); continue 2; } } } } $o = 0; for (@reset($temp_array); $i = @key($temp_array); next($temp_array)) { if ($temp_array[$i] != "NULL") { $snmp_array[$o]["oid"] = preg_replace("/^\\./", "", $i); $snmp_array[$o]["value"] = format_snmp_string($temp_array[$i], $snmp_oid_included); } $o++; } } else { /* ucd/net snmp want the timeout in seconds */ $timeout = ceil($timeout / 1000); if ($version == "1") { $snmp_auth = read_config_option("snmp_version") == "ucd-snmp" ? snmp_escape_string($community) : "-c " . snmp_escape_string($community); /* v1/v2 - community string */ } elseif ($version == "2") { $snmp_auth = read_config_option("snmp_version") == "ucd-snmp" ? snmp_escape_string($community) : "-c " . snmp_escape_string($community); /* v1/v2 - community string */ $version = "2c"; /* ucd/net snmp prefers this over '2' */ } elseif ($version == "3") { if ($priv_proto == "[None]" || $priv_pass == '') { $proto = "authNoPriv"; $priv_proto = ""; } else { $proto = "authPriv"; } if (strlen($priv_pass)) { $priv_pass = "******" . snmp_escape_string($priv_pass) . " -x " . snmp_escape_string($priv_proto); } else { $priv_pass = ""; } if (strlen($context)) { $context = "-n " . snmp_escape_string($context); } else { $context = ""; } $snmp_auth = trim("-u " . snmp_escape_string($username) . " -l " . snmp_escape_string($proto) . " -a " . snmp_escape_string($auth_proto) . " -A " . snmp_escape_string($password) . " " . $priv_pass . " " . $context); /* v3 - username/password */ } if (read_config_option("snmp_version") == "ucd-snmp") { /* escape the command to be executed and vulnerable parameters * numeric parameters are not subject to command injection * snmp_auth is treated seperately, see above */ $temp_array = exec_into_array(cacti_escapeshellcmd(read_config_option("path_snmpwalk")) . " -v{$version} -t {$timeout} -r {$retries} " . cacti_escapeshellarg($hostname) . ":{$port} {$snmp_auth} " . cacti_escapeshellarg($oid)); } else { if (file_exists($path_snmpbulkwalk) && $version > 1 && $max_oids > 1) { $temp_array = exec_into_array(cacti_escapeshellcmd($path_snmpbulkwalk) . " -O Qn {$snmp_auth} -v {$version} -t {$timeout} -r {$retries} -Cr{$max_oids} " . cacti_escapeshellarg($hostname) . ":{$port} " . cacti_escapeshellarg($oid)); } else { $temp_array = exec_into_array(cacti_escapeshellcmd(read_config_option("path_snmpwalk")) . " -O Qn {$snmp_auth} -v {$version} -t {$timeout} -r {$retries} " . cacti_escapeshellarg($hostname) . ":{$port} " . cacti_escapeshellarg($oid)); } } if (substr_count(implode(" ", $temp_array), "Timeout:")) { cacti_log("WARNING: SNMP Walk Timeout for Host:'{$hostname}', and OID:'{$oid}'", false); } /* check for bad entries */ if (is_array($temp_array) && sizeof($temp_array)) { foreach ($temp_array as $key => $value) { foreach ($banned_snmp_strings as $item) { if (strstr($value, $item) != "") { unset($temp_array[$key]); continue 2; } } } } for ($i = 0; $i < count($temp_array); $i++) { if ($temp_array[$i] != "NULL") { $snmp_array[$i]["oid"] = trim(preg_replace("/(.*) =.*/", "\\1", $temp_array[$i])); $snmp_array[$i]["value"] = format_snmp_string($temp_array[$i], true); } } } return $snmp_array; }
function cacti_snmp_walk($hostname, $community, $oid, $version, $username, $password, $auth_proto, $priv_pass, $priv_proto, $context, $port = 161, $timeout = 500, $retries = 0, $max_oids = 10, $method = SNMP_VALUE_LIBRARY, $environ = SNMP_POLLER) { global $config, $banned_snmp_strings; $snmp_oid_included = true; $snmp_auth = ''; $snmp_array = array(); $temp_array = array(); /* determine default retries */ if ($retries == 0 || !is_numeric($retries)) { $retries = read_config_option('snmp_retries'); if ($retries == '') { $retries = 3; } } /* do not attempt to poll invalid combinations */ if ($version == 0 || !is_numeric($version) || !is_numeric($max_oids) || !is_numeric($port) || !is_numeric($retries) || !is_numeric($timeout) || $community == '' && $version != 3) { return array(); } $path_snmpbulkwalk = read_config_option('path_snmpbulkwalk'); if (snmp_get_method($version) == SNMP_METHOD_PHP && (!strlen($context) || $version != 3) && ($version == 1 || version_compare(phpversion(), '5.1') >= 0 || !file_exists($path_snmpbulkwalk))) { /* make sure snmp* is verbose so we can see what types of data we are getting back */ /* force php to return numeric oid's */ cacti_oid_numeric_format(); snmp_set_quick_print(0); /* set the output format to numeric */ snmp_set_valueretrieval($method); if ($version == '1') { $temp_array = @snmprealwalk("{$hostname}:{$port}", "{$community}", "{$oid}", $timeout * 1000, $retries); } elseif ($version == '2') { $temp_array = @snmp2_real_walk("{$hostname}:{$port}", "{$community}", "{$oid}", $timeout * 1000, $retries); } else { if ($priv_proto == '[None]') { $proto = 'authNoPriv'; $priv_proto = ''; } else { $proto = 'authPriv'; } $temp_array = @snmp3_real_walk("{$hostname}:{$port}", "{$username}", $proto, $auth_proto, "{$password}", $priv_proto, "{$priv_pass}", "{$oid}", $timeout * 1000, $retries); } if ($temp_array === false) { cacti_log("WARNING: SNMP Walk Timeout for Host:'{$hostname}', and OID:'{$oid}'", false); } /* check for bad entries */ if (is_array($temp_array) && sizeof($temp_array)) { foreach ($temp_array as $key => $value) { foreach ($banned_snmp_strings as $item) { if (strstr($value, $item) != '') { unset($temp_array[$key]); continue 2; } } } $o = 0; for (reset($temp_array); $i = key($temp_array); next($temp_array)) { if ($temp_array[$i] != 'NULL') { $snmp_array[$o]['oid'] = preg_replace('/^\\./', '', $i); $snmp_array[$o]['value'] = format_snmp_string($temp_array[$i], $snmp_oid_included); } $o++; } } } else { /* ucd/net snmp want the timeout in seconds */ $timeout = ceil($timeout / 1000); if ($version == '1') { $snmp_auth = '-c ' . snmp_escape_string($community); /* v1/v2 - community string */ } elseif ($version == '2') { $snmp_auth = '-c ' . snmp_escape_string($community); /* v1/v2 - community string */ $version = '2c'; /* ucd/net snmp prefers this over '2' */ } elseif ($version == '3') { if ($priv_proto == '[None]') { $proto = 'authNoPriv'; $priv_proto = ''; } else { $proto = 'authPriv'; } if (strlen($priv_pass)) { $priv_pass = '******' . snmp_escape_string($priv_pass) . ' -x ' . snmp_escape_string($priv_proto); } else { $priv_pass = ''; } if (strlen($context)) { $context = '-n ' . snmp_escape_string($context); } else { $context = ''; } $snmp_auth = trim('-u ' . snmp_escape_string($username) . ' -l ' . snmp_escape_string($proto) . ' -a ' . snmp_escape_string($auth_proto) . ' -A ' . snmp_escape_string($password) . ' ' . $priv_pass . ' ' . $context); /* v3 - username/password */ } if (file_exists($path_snmpbulkwalk) && $version > 1 && $max_oids > 1) { $temp_array = exec_into_array(cacti_escapeshellcmd($path_snmpbulkwalk) . " -O Qn {$snmp_auth} -v {$version} -t {$timeout} -r {$retries} -Cr{$max_oids} " . cacti_escapeshellarg($hostname) . ":{$port} " . cacti_escapeshellarg($oid)); } else { $temp_array = exec_into_array(cacti_escapeshellcmd(read_config_option('path_snmpwalk')) . " -O Qn {$snmp_auth} -v {$version} -t {$timeout} -r {$retries} " . cacti_escapeshellarg($hostname) . ":{$port} " . cacti_escapeshellarg($oid)); } if (substr_count(implode(' ', $temp_array), 'Timeout:')) { cacti_log("WARNING: SNMP Walk Timeout for Host:'{$hostname}', and OID:'{$oid}'", false); } /* check for bad entries */ if (is_array($temp_array) && sizeof($temp_array)) { foreach ($temp_array as $key => $value) { foreach ($banned_snmp_strings as $item) { if (strstr($value, $item) != '') { unset($temp_array[$key]); continue 2; } } } for ($i = 0; $i < count($temp_array); $i++) { if ($temp_array[$i] != 'NULL') { $snmp_array[$i]['oid'] = trim(preg_replace('/(.*) =.*/', "\\1", $temp_array[$i])); $snmp_array[$i]['value'] = format_snmp_string($temp_array[$i], true); } } } } return $snmp_array; }
function cacti_snmp_walk($hostname, $community, $oid, $version, $username, $password, $auth_proto, $priv_pass, $priv_proto, $context, $port = 161, $timeout = 500, $retries = 0, $max_oids = 10, $environ = SNMP_POLLER) { global $config, $banned_snmp_strings; $snmp_oid_included = false; $snmp_auth = ''; $snmp_array = array(); $temp_array = array(); /* determine default retries */ if (($retries == 0) || (!is_numeric($retries))) { $retries = read_config_option("snmp_retries"); if ($retries == "") $retries = 3; } $path_snmpbulkwalk = read_config_option("path_snmpbulkwalk"); if ((snmp_get_method($version) == SNMP_METHOD_PHP) && (!strlen($context) || ($version != 3)) && (($version == 1) || (version_compare(phpversion(), "5.1") >= 0) || (!file_exists($path_snmpbulkwalk)))) { /* make sure snmp* is verbose so we can see what types of data we are getting back */ /* force php to return numeric oid's */ if (function_exists("snmp_set_oid_numeric_print")) { snmp_set_oid_numeric_print(TRUE); $snmp_oid_included = true; } snmp_set_quick_print(0); if ($version == "1") { $temp_array = @snmprealwalk("$hostname:$port", "$community", "$oid", ($timeout * 1000), $retries); }elseif ($version == "2") { $temp_array = @snmp2_real_walk("$hostname:$port", "$community", "$oid", ($timeout * 1000), $retries); }else{ if ($priv_proto == "[None]") { $proto = "authNoPriv"; $priv_proto = ""; }else{ $proto = "authPriv"; } $temp_array = @snmp3_real_walk("$hostname:$port", "$username", $proto, $auth_proto, "$password", $priv_proto, "$priv_pass", "$oid", ($timeout * 1000), $retries); } /* check for bad entries */ if (is_array($temp_array) && sizeof($temp_array)) { foreach($temp_array as $key => $value) { foreach($banned_snmp_strings as $item) { if(strstr($value, $item) != "") { unset($temp_array[$key]); continue 2; } } } } $o = 0; for (@reset($temp_array); $i = @key($temp_array); next($temp_array)) { if ($temp_array[$i] != "NULL") { $snmp_array[$o]["oid"] = preg_replace("/^\./", "", $i); $snmp_array[$o]["value"] = format_snmp_string($temp_array[$i], $snmp_oid_included); } $o++; } }else{ /* ucd/net snmp want the timeout in seconds */ $timeout = ceil($timeout / 1000); if ($version == "1") { $snmp_auth = (read_config_option("snmp_version") == "ucd-snmp") ? cacti_escapeshellarg($community): "-c " . cacti_escapeshellarg($community); /* v1/v2 - community string */ }elseif ($version == "2") { $snmp_auth = (read_config_option("snmp_version") == "ucd-snmp") ? cacti_escapeshellarg($community): "-c " . cacti_escapeshellarg($community); /* v1/v2 - community string */ $version = "2c"; /* ucd/net snmp prefers this over '2' */ }elseif ($version == "3") { if ($priv_proto == "[None]") { $proto = "authNoPriv"; $priv_proto = ""; }else{ $proto = "authPriv"; } if (strlen($priv_pass)) { $priv_pass = "******" . cacti_escapeshellarg($priv_pass) . " -x " . cacti_escapeshellarg($priv_proto); }else{ $priv_pass = ""; } if (strlen($context)) { $context = "-n " . cacti_escapeshellarg($context); }else{ $context = ""; } $snmp_auth = trim("-u " . cacti_escapeshellarg($username) . " -l " . cacti_escapeshellarg($proto) . " -a " . cacti_escapeshellarg($auth_proto) . " -A " . cacti_escapeshellarg($password) . " " . $priv_pass . " " . $context); /* v3 - username/password */ } if (read_config_option("snmp_version") == "ucd-snmp") { $temp_array = exec_into_array(read_config_option("path_snmpwalk") . " -v$version -t $timeout -r $retries $hostname:$port $snmp_auth $oid"); }else { if (file_exists($path_snmpbulkwalk) && ($version > 1) && ($max_oids > 1)) { $temp_array = exec_into_array($path_snmpbulkwalk . " -O Qn $snmp_auth -v $version -t $timeout -r $retries -Cr$max_oids $hostname:$port $oid"); }else{ $temp_array = exec_into_array(read_config_option("path_snmpwalk") . " -O Qn $snmp_auth -v $version -t $timeout -r $retries $hostname:$port $oid"); } } /* check for bad entries */ if (is_array($temp_array) && sizeof($temp_array)) { foreach($temp_array as $key => $value) { foreach($banned_snmp_strings as $item) { if(strstr($value, $item) != "") { unset($temp_array[$key]); continue 2; } } } } for ($i=0; $i < count($temp_array); $i++) { if ($temp_array[$i] != "NULL") { $snmp_array[$i]["oid"] = trim(preg_replace("/(.*) =.*/", "\\1", $temp_array[$i])); $snmp_array[$i]["value"] = format_snmp_string($temp_array[$i], true); } } } return $snmp_array; }
function rrdtool_function_set_font($type, $no_legend, $themefonts) { global $config; if (read_config_option('font_method') == 0) { if (read_graph_config_option("custom_fonts") == "on") { $font = read_graph_config_option($type . "_font"); $size = read_graph_config_option($type . "_size"); } else { $font = read_config_option($type . "_font"); $size = read_config_option($type . "_size"); } } elseif (isset($themefonts[$type]['font']) && isset($themefonts[$type]['size'])) { $font = $themefonts[$type]['font']; $size = $themefonts[$type]['size']; } else { return; } if (strlen($font)) { /* do some simple checks */ if (read_config_option("rrdtool_version") == "rrd-1.2.x") { # rrdtool 1.2 uses font files if (!is_file($font)) { $font = ""; } } else { # rrdtool 1.3+ use fontconfig /* verifying all possible pango font params is too complex to be tested here * so we only escape the font */ $font = cacti_escapeshellarg($font); } } if ($type == "title") { if (!empty($no_legend)) { $size = $size * 0.7; } elseif ($size <= 4 || !is_numeric($size)) { $size = 12; } } else { if ($size <= 4 || !is_numeric($size)) { $size = 8; } } return "--font " . strtoupper($type) . ":" . floatval($size) . ":" . $font . RRD_NL; }
function rrdtool_set_font($type, $no_legend = "") { global $config; if (read_graph_config_option("custom_fonts") == "on") { $font = read_graph_config_option($type . "_font"); $size = read_graph_config_option($type . "_size"); } else { $font = read_config_option($type . "_font"); $size = read_config_option($type . "_size"); } if (strlen($font)) { /* do some simple checks */ if (read_config_option("rrdtool_version") == "rrd-1.0.x" || read_config_option("rrdtool_version") == "rrd-1.2.x") { # rrdtool 1.0 and 1.2 use font files if (!is_file($font)) { $font = ""; } } else { # rrdtool 1.3+ use fontconfig /* verifying all possible pango font params is too complex to be tested here * so we only escape the font */ $font = cacti_escapeshellarg($font); } } if ($type == "title") { if (!empty($no_legend)) { $size = $size * 0.7; } elseif ($size <= 4 || $size == "") { $size = 12; } } else { if ($size <= 4 || $size == "") { $size = 8; } } return "--font " . strtoupper($type) . ":" . $size . ":" . $font . RRD_NL; }
function export_ftp_ncftpput_execute($stExportDir) { global $aFtpExport; chdir($stExportDir); /* set the initial command structure */ $stExecute = 'ncftpput -R -V -r 1 -u ' . cacti_escapeshellarg($aFtpExport['username']) . ' -p ' . cacti_escapeshellarg($aFtpExport['password']); /* if the user requested passive mode, use it */ if ($aFtpExport['passive']) { $stExecute .= ' -F '; } /* setup the port, server, remote directory and all files */ $stExecute .= ' -P ' . cacti_escapeshellarg($aFtpExport['port']) . ' ' . cacti_escapeshellarg($aFtpExport['server']) . ' ' . cacti_escapeshellarg($aFtpExport['remotedir']) . "."; /* run the command */ $iExecuteReturns = 0; system($stExecute, $iExecuteReturns); $aNcftpputStatusCodes = array('Success.', 'Could not connect to remote host.', 'Could not connect to remote host - timed out.', 'Transfer failed.', 'Transfer failed - timed out.', 'Directory change failed.', 'Directory change failed - timed out.', 'Malformed URL.', 'Usage error.', 'Error in login configuration file.', 'Library initialization failed.', 'Session initialization failed.'); export_log('Ncftpput returned: ' . $aNcftpputStatusCodes[$iExecuteReturns]); }
/** substitute_snmp_query_data - takes a string and substitutes all data query variables contained in it @param string $string - the original string that contains the data query variables @param int $device_id - (int) the device ID to match @param int $snmp_query_id - (int) the data query ID to match @param int $snmp_index - the data query index to match @param int $max_chars - the maximum number of characters to substitute @return string - the original string with all of the variable substitutions made */ function substitute_snmp_query_data($string, $device_id, $snmp_query_id, $snmp_index, $max_chars = 0, $quote=true) { $snmp_cache_data = db_fetch_assoc("select field_name,field_value from device_snmp_cache where device_id=$device_id and snmp_query_id=$snmp_query_id and snmp_index='$snmp_index'"); if (sizeof($snmp_cache_data) > 0) { foreach ($snmp_cache_data as $data) { if ($data["field_value"] != "") { if ($max_chars > 0) { $data["field_value"] = substr($data["field_value"], 0, $max_chars); } $string = stri_replace("|query_" . $data["field_name"] . "|", cacti_escapeshellarg($data["field_value"], $quote), $string); } } } return $string; }