public function index() { $M = M(); $tabs = $M->query('SHOW TABLE STATUS'); $total = 0; foreach ($tabs as $k => $v) { $tabs[$k]['size'] = byteFormat($v['Data_length'] + $v['Index_length']); $total += $v['Data_length'] + $v['Index_length']; } //dump($tabs); //echo __APP__."/Public/data/"; // echo $this->export($tablename=""); // echo $this->restore("./Public/backup/20130704091642_tao_group_v1.sql"); $this->assign("list", $tabs); $this->assign("total", byteFormat($tota)); $this->assign("tables", count($tabs)); $this->display(); }
public function _after_list(&$voList) { $FileUtil = new FileUtil(); $MisFileManagerAccessDao = M("mis_file_manager_access"); $extensionArr = C('TRANSFORM_SWF'); $extensionIMG = C('IMG_file'); $extensionArr = array_merge($extensionArr, $extensionIMG); $extensionArr[] = 'pdf'; foreach ($voList as $key => $val) { $file = "MisFileManager/" . $val['filepath']; $voList[$key]["codeurl"] = base64_encode($file); if ($val["type"] != 2) { if ($val["type"] == 0) { $voList[$key]['size'] = byteFormat(filesize(UPLOAD_PATH . $file)); $fileinfo = pathinfo($val['uploadname']); if (in_array(strtolower($fileinfo['extension']), $extensionArr)) { $voList[$key]['isplay'] = C("FILE_OFFICEONLINE"); //是否显示在线查看 } $voList[$key]['ext'] = "文件"; } else { $voList[$key]['size'] = byteFormat($FileUtil->dirsize(UPLOAD_PATH . $file)); $voList[$key]['ext'] = "文件夹"; } } else { if ($val["stype"] == 1) { $voList[$key]['ext'] = "文章"; } } $voList[$key]["ifread"] = $this->parentRecursionAccess($voList[$key]['id'], "ifread"); $voList[$key]["ifprint"] = $this->parentRecursionAccess($voList[$key]['id'], "ifprint"); $voList[$key]["ifexecute"] = $this->parentRecursionAccess($voList[$key]['id'], "ifexecute"); //echo $ifread."__".$ifread."__".$ifread."<br>"; //$byuserall = $MisFileManagerAccessDao->where('fid ='.$val['id'].' and userid = 0')->find(); //$byself = $MisFileManagerAccessDao->where('fid ='.$val['id'].' and userid = '.$_SESSION[C('USER_AUTH_KEY')])->find(); // //if($byuserall["ifprint"] || $byself["ifprint"] ) $voList[$key]["ifprint"] = 1; //if($byuserall["ifread"] || $byself["ifread"] ) $voList[$key]["ifread"] = 1; //if($byuserall["ifexecute"] || $byself["ifexecute"]) $voList[$key]["ifexecute"] = 1; } // print_R($voList); }
function V($view, $data = array(), $fileCacheMin = 0) { if (defined('APP_TIME_SPEND')) { Error('500', 'You have already loaded a view,function V can not used twice in a method !'); } $view_file = VIEW_PATH . $view . '.php'; if (is_file($view_file)) { is_array($data) || empty($data) || Error('500', 'param to view ' . $view_file . ' show be an array'); empty($data) || extract($data); GZIP ? ob_start("ob_gzhandler") : ob_start(); define('APP_TIME_SPEND', round(microtime(true) - APP_START_TIME, 4)); //耗时 define('APP_MEMORY_SPEND', byteFormat(memory_get_usage() - APP_START_MEMORY)); require $view_file; if ($fileCacheMin) { $GLOBALS['APP']['cache']['time'] = $fileCacheMin * 60; $GLOBALS['APP']['cache']['file'] = true; } if (isset($GLOBALS['APP']['cache'])) { $expires_time = intval(time() + $GLOBALS['APP']['cache']['time']); if ($GLOBALS['APP']['cache']['file']) { $contents = ob_get_contents(); $cache_file = APP_PATH . 'cache/' . md5(implode('-', $GLOBALS['APP']['router'])) . '.html'; file_put_contents($cache_file, $contents); touch($cache_file, $expires_time); header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $expires_time) . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: max-age=" . $GLOBALS['APP']['cache']['time']); header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M y H:i:s', time()) . ' GMT'); ob_end_flush(); flush(); } else { header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $expires_time) . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: max-age=" . $GLOBALS['APP']['cache']['time']); header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M y H:i:s', time()) . ' GMT'); ob_end_flush(); flush(); } } else { ob_end_flush(); flush(); } } else { Error('404', 'view file ' . $view_file . ' does not exists '); } }
function printTotalDiskBar($dup, $name = "", $dsu, $dts) { // Using autoByteFormat() the amount of space will be formatted as GB or TB as needed. if ($dup < 95) { $progress = "progress-bar"; } else { if ($dup >= 95 && $dup < 99) { $progress = "progress-bar progress-bar-warning"; } else { $progress = "progress-bar progress-bar-danger"; } } if ($name != "") { echo '<!-- ' . $name . ' -->'; } echo '<div class="exolight">'; if ($name != "") { echo $name . ": "; } echo number_format($dup, 0) . "%"; echo '<div rel="tooltip" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="' . byteFormat(autoByteFormat($dsu)[0], autoByteFormat($dsu)[1], autoByteFormat($dsu)[2]) . ' free out of ' . byteFormat(autoByteFormat($dts)[0], autoByteFormat($dts)[1], autoByteFormat($dts)[2]) . '" class="progress">'; echo '<div class="' . $progress . '" style="width: ' . $dup . '%"></div>'; echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; }
function printDiskBarGB($dup, $name = "", $dsu, $dts) { if ($dup < 90) { $progress = "progress-bar"; } else { if ($dup >= 90 && $dup < 95) { $progress = "progress-bar progress-bar-warning"; } else { $progress = "progress-bar progress-bar-danger"; } } if ($name != "") { echo '<!-- ' . $name . ' -->'; } echo '<div class="exolight">'; if ($name != "") { echo $name . ": "; } echo number_format($dup, 0) . "%"; echo '<div rel="tooltip" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="' . byteFormat($dsu, "GB", 0) . ' / ' . byteFormat($dts, "GB", 0) . '" class="progress">'; echo '<div class="' . $progress . '" style="width: ' . $dup . '%"></div>'; echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; }
public function repair() { $M = M("Admin"); if (IS_POST) { if (empty($_POST['table']) || count($_POST['table']) == 0) { die(json_encode(array("status" => 0, "info" => "请选择要处理的表"))); } $table = implode(',', $_POST['table']); if ($_POST['act'] == 'repair') { if ($M->query("REPAIR TABLE {$table} ")) { die(json_encode(array("status" => 1, "info" => "修复表成功", 'url' => U('SysData/repair')))); } } elseif ($_POST['act'] == 'optimize') { if ($M->query("OPTIMIZE TABLE {$table}")) { die(json_encode(array("status" => 1, "info" => "优化表成功", 'url' => U('SysData/repair')))); } } die(json_encode(array("status" => 0, "info" => "请选择操作"))); } else { $tabs = $M->query('SHOW TABLE STATUS'); $totalsize = array('table' => 0, 'index' => 0, 'data' => 0, 'free' => 0); $tables = array(); foreach ($tabs as $k => $table) { $table['size'] = byteFormat($table['Data_length'] + $table['Index_length']); $totalsize['table'] += $table['Data_length'] + $table['Index_length']; $totalsize['data'] += $table['Data_length']; $table['Data_length'] = byteFormat($table['Data_length']); $totalsize['index'] += $table['Index_length']; $table['Index_length'] = byteFormat($table['Index_length']); $totalsize['free'] += $table['Data_free']; $table['Data_free'] = byteFormat($table['Data_free']); $tables[] = $table; } $this->assign("list", $tables); $this->assign("totalsize", $totalsize); $this->display(); } }
/** * Get the memory used */ function memoryUsage($memName = "execution_time", $byteFormat = true) { $totMem = memory_get_usage() - $GLOBALS['memoryCounter'][$memName]; return $byteFormat ? byteFormat($totMem) : $totMem; }
echo $file; ?> "> <li><img class="th" style="max-width:80%; max-height:80%;" src="uploads/<?php echo $file; ?> "></li> </a> </ul> </div> <div class="row"> <h2> Image Information </h2> <div class="large-12 columns"> <div class="panel"> <p>Size: <?php echo byteFormat(filesize('uploads/' . $file), "MB"); ?> <br>Date Uploaded: <?php echo date("F j, Y, g:i a", filemtime('uploads/' . $file)); ?> <br>Tags Found: <?php echo $tagsNum; ?> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <h2> Raw Text Output </h2> <div class="large-12 columns"> <div class="panel">
/** * Read backup ZIP SQL file list * @author linxinliang<*****@*****.**> * @return array */ private function getZipFilesList() { $list = array(); $size = 0; $handle = opendir(DatabaseBackDir . "Zip/"); while ($file = readdir($handle)) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { $tem = array(); $tem['file'] = $file; // checkCharset($file); $_size = filesize(DatabaseBackDir . "Zip/{$file}"); $tem['size'] = byteFormat($_size); $tem['time'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", filectime(DatabaseBackDir . "Zip/{$file}")); $size += $_size; $list[] = $tem; } } return array("list" => $list, "size" => byteFormat($size)); }