echo '<ul class="chapters_list posts_list">';
 $ChapterCache->iterate_through_category_children($curr_Chapter, $callbacks, false, array('sorted' => true));
 echo '</ul>';
 // Button to create a new sub-chapter
 $create_new_chapter_url = $Blog->get_create_chapter_url($cat);
 // Button to create a new page
 $write_new_post_url = $Blog->get_write_item_url($cat);
 if (!empty($create_new_chapter_url) || !empty($write_new_post_url)) {
     echo '<div class="' . button_class('group') . '" style="margin:15px 0">';
     if (!empty($create_new_chapter_url)) {
         // Display button to write a new post
         echo '<a href="' . $create_new_chapter_url . '" class="' . button_class('text') . '">' . get_icon('add') . ' ' . T_('Add a sub-chapter here') . '</a>';
     if (!empty($write_new_post_url)) {
         // Display button to write a new post
         echo '<a href="' . $write_new_post_url . '" class="' . button_class('text') . '">' . get_icon('add') . ' ' . T_('Add a page here') . '</a>';
     echo '</div>';
 if (!empty($intro_Item)) {
     global $c, $ReqURI;
     $c = 1;
     // Display comments
     echo '<div class="evo_content_block">';
     // Beginning of posts display
     // ------------------ FEEDBACK (COMMENTS/TRACKBACKS) INCLUDED HERE ------------------
     skin_include('', array_merge(array('before_section_title' => '<h3 class="evo_comment__list_title">', 'after_section_title' => '</h3>', 'Item' => $intro_Item, 'form_title_text' => T_('Comment form'), 'comments_title_text' => T_('Comments on this chapter'), 'form_comment_redirect_to' => $ReqURI), $Skin->get_template('disp_params')));
     // Note: You can customize the default item feedback by copying the generic
     // /skins/ file into the current skin folder.
     // ---------------------- END OF FEEDBACK (COMMENTS/TRACKBACKS) ---------------------
     echo '</div>';
Example #2
" class="<?php 
    $Item->div_classes(array('item_class' => 'jumbotron evo_content_block evo_post'));
" lang="<?php 

    // Temporarily switch to post locale (useful for multilingual blogs)
    $action_links = $Item->get_edit_link(array('before' => '', 'after' => '', 'text' => $Item->is_intro() ? get_icon('edit') . ' ' . T_('Edit Intro') : '#', 'class' => button_class('text')));
    if ($Item->status != 'published') {
        $Item->format_status(array('template' => '<div class="evo_status evo_status__$status$ badge pull-right">$status_title$</div>'));
    $Item->title(array('link_type' => 'none', 'before' => '<div class="evo_post_title"><h1>', 'after' => '</h1><div class="' . button_class('group') . '">' . $action_links . '</div></div>', 'nav_target' => false));
    // ---------------------- POST CONTENT INCLUDED HERE ----------------------
    skin_include('', $params);
    // Note: You can customize the default item content by copying the generic
    // /skins/ file into the current skin folder.
    // -------------------------- END OF POST CONTENT -------------------------
    // Restore previous locale (Blog locale)
    // ------------------------------- END OF INTRO-FRONT POST -------------------------------
// --------------------------------- START OF POSTS -------------------------------------
// Display message if no post:
$params_no_content = array('before' => '<div class="msg_nothing">', 'after' => '</div>', 'msg_empty_logged_in' => T_('Sorry, there is nothing to display...'), 'msg_empty_not_logged_in' => T_('This site has no public contents.'));
Example #3
            } else {
                echo $params['item_title_line_before'];
            if ($disp == 'single' || $disp == 'page') {
                $title_before = $params['item_title_single_before'];
                $title_after = $params['item_title_single_after'];
            } else {
                $title_before = $params['item_title_before'];
                $title_after = $params['item_title_after'];
            // POST TITLE:
            $Item->title(array('before' => $title_before, 'after' => $title_after, 'link_type' => '#'));
            // EDIT LINK:
            if ($Item->is_intro()) {
                // Display edit link only for intro posts, because for all other posts the link is displayed on the info line.
                $Item->edit_link(array('before' => '<div class="' . button_class('group') . '">', 'after' => '</div>', 'text' => $Item->is_intro() ? get_icon('edit') . ' ' . T_('Edit Intro') : '#', 'class' => button_class('text')));
            echo $params['item_title_line_after'];

        if (!$Item->is_intro()) {
            // Don't display the following for intro posts
	<div class="evo_post__info<?php 
            if ($Skin->get_setting('posts_format') == 'simple') {
                echo ' special_posts_simple_layout__info';
if ($bbcode_plugin_is_enabled && $commented_Item && $commented_Item->can_comment(NULL)) {
    // Display button to quote this comment
    echo '<a href="' . $commented_Item->get_permanent_url() . '?mode=quote&amp;qc=' . $Comment->ID . '#form_p' . $commented_Item->ID . '" title="' . T_('Reply with quote') . '" class="' . button_class('text') . ' pull-left quote_button">' . get_icon('comments', 'imgtag', array('title' => T_('Reply with quote'))) . ' ' . T_('Quote') . '</a>';
$Comment->reply_link(' ', ' ', '#', '#', 'pull-left');
/* Link for replying to the Comment */
if ($params['display_vote_helpful']) {
    // Display a voting tool
    $Comment->vote_helpful('', '', '&amp;', true, true, array('helpful_text' => T_('Is this reply helpful?'), 'title_yes' => T_('Mark this reply as helpful!'), 'title_yes_voted' => T_('You think this reply is helpful'), 'title_no' => T_('Mark this reply as not helpful!'), 'title_no_voted' => T_('You think this reply is not helpful'), 'class' => 'vote_helpful'));
// Display Spam Voting system
$Comment->vote_spam('', '', '&amp;', true, true, array('title_spam' => T_('Mark this reply as spam!'), 'title_spam_voted' => T_('You think this reply is spam'), 'title_notsure' => T_('Mark this reply as not sure!'), 'title_notsure_voted' => T_('You are not sure in this reply'), 'title_ok' => T_('Mark this reply as OK!'), 'title_ok_voted' => T_('You think this reply is OK')));
echo '<div class="pull-right">';
$comment_redirect_url = rawurlencode($Comment->get_permanent_url());
$Comment->edit_link(' ', '', '#', T_('Edit this reply'), button_class('text'), '&amp;', true, $comment_redirect_url);
/* Link for editing */
echo ' <span class="' . button_class('group') . '">';
$delete_button_is_displayed = is_logged_in() && $current_User->check_perm('comment!CURSTATUS', 'delete', false, $Comment);
$Comment->moderation_links(array('ajax_button' => true, 'class' => button_class('text'), 'redirect_to' => $comment_redirect_url, 'detect_last' => !$delete_button_is_displayed));
$Comment->delete_link('', '', '#', T_('Delete this reply'), button_class('text'), false, '&amp;', true, false, '#', rawurlencode($commented_Item->get_permanent_url()));
/* Link to backoffice for deleting */
echo '</span>';
echo '</div>';

echo $params['comment_end'];
        // Plugin is enabled and activated for comments
        $bbcode_plugin_is_enabled = true;
if ($bbcode_plugin_is_enabled && $Item->can_comment(NULL)) {
    // Display button to quote this post
    echo '<a href="' . $Item->get_permanent_url() . '?mode=quote&amp;qp=' . $Item->ID . '#form_p' . $Item->ID . '" title="' . T_('Reply with quote') . '" class="' . button_class('text') . ' pull-left quote_button">' . get_icon('comments', 'imgtag', array('title' => T_('Reply with quote'))) . ' ' . T_('Quote') . '</a>';
echo '<div class="floatright">';
$Item->edit_link(array('before' => ' ', 'after' => '', 'title' => T_('Edit this topic'), 'text' => '#', 'class' => button_class('text')));
echo ' <span class="' . button_class('group') . '">';
// Set redirect after publish to the same category view of the items permanent url
$redirect_after_publish = $Item->add_navigation_param($Item->get_permanent_url(), 'same_category', $current_cat);
$Item->next_status_link(array('before' => ' ', 'class' => button_class('text'), 'post_navigation' => 'same_category', 'nav_target' => $current_cat), true);
$Item->next_status_link(array('class' => button_class('text'), 'before_text' => '', 'post_navigation' => 'same_category', 'nav_target' => $current_cat), false);
$Item->delete_link('', '', '#', T_('Delete this topic'), button_class('text'), false, '#', TS_('You are about to delete this post!\\nThis cannot be undone!'), get_caturl($current_cat));
echo '</span>';
echo '</div>';

		</div><!-- ../panel-footer -->
	</div><!-- ../panel panel-default -->
	</section><!-- ../table evo_content_block -->
// Temporarily switch to post locale (useful for multilingual blogs)

// ------------------ FEEDBACK (COMMENTS/TRACKBACKS) INCLUDED HERE ------------------
skin_include('', array_merge($params, array('disp_section_title' => false, 'disp_meta_comment_info' => false, 'comment_post_before' => '<br /><h4 class="evo_comment_post_title ellipsis">', 'comment_post_after' => '</h4>', 'comment_title_before' => '<div class="panel-heading posts_panel_title_wrapper"><div class="cell1 ellipsis"><h4 class="evo_comment_title panel-title">', 'comment_status_before' => '</h4></div>', 'comment_title_after' => '</div>', 'comment_avatar_before' => '<span class="evo_comment_avatar col-md-1 col-sm-2">', 'comment_avatar_after' => '</span>', 'comment_text_before' => '<div class="evo_comment_text col-md-11 col-sm-10">', 'comment_text_after' => '</div>')));
Example #6
  * Display link to vote a comment as SPAM if user has edit rights
  * @param string to display before link
  * @param string to display after link
  * @param string glue between url params
  * @param boolean save context?
  * @param boolean true if create AJAX button
  * @param array Params
 function vote_spam($before = '', $after = '', $glue = '&amp;', $save_context = true, $ajax_button = false, $params = array())
     $params = array_merge(array('display' => false, 'title_spam' => T_('Mark this comment as spam!'), 'title_spam_voted' => T_('You think this comment is spam'), 'title_notsure' => T_('Mark this comment as not sure!'), 'title_notsure_voted' => T_('You are not sure about this comment'), 'title_ok' => T_('Mark this comment as OK!'), 'title_ok_voted' => T_('You think this comment is OK'), 'title_empty' => T_('No votes on spaminess yet.'), 'button_group_class' => button_class('group')), $params);
     global $current_User;
     if (!is_logged_in(false) || !$current_User->check_perm('blog_vote_spam_comments', 'edit', false, $this->Item->get_blog_ID())) {
         // If User has no permission to vote spam
         return false;
     echo $before;
     $style = $params['display'] ? '' : ' style="display:none"';
     echo '<div id="vote_spam_' . $this->ID . '" class="vote_spam"' . $style . '>';
     $vote_result = $this->get_vote_spam_disabled();
     if ($current_User->ID == $this->author_user_ID) {
         // Display only vote summary for users on their own comments
         $result_summary = $this->get_vote_summary('spam', array('result_title' => T_('Spam consensus:'), 'after_result' => '.'));
         echo !empty($result_summary) ? $result_summary : $params['title_empty'];
     } else {
         // Display form to vote
         echo T_('Spam Vote:') . ' ';
         echo '<span class="' . $params['button_group_class'] . '">';
         foreach ($vote_result['icons_statuses'] as $vote_type => $vote_class) {
             // Print out 3 buttons for spam voting
             echo $this->get_vote_link('spam', $vote_type, $vote_class, $glue, $save_context, $ajax_button, $params);
         echo '</span>';
         if ($vote_result['is_voted']) {
             // Display vote summary if user already voted on this comment
             echo ' ' . $this->get_vote_summary('spam', array('result_title' => T_('Consensus:'), 'after_result' => '.'));
     echo '</div>';
     echo $after;
Example #7
     * Get the number of user sessions
     * @param boolean set true to return the number of sessions as a link to the user sessions list
     * @return integer|string number of sessions or link to user sessions where the link text is the number of sessions
    function get_num_sessions($link_sessions = false)
        global $DB;
        $num_sessions = $DB->get_var('SELECT count( sess_ID )
											FROM T_sessions
											WHERE sess_user_ID = ' . $this->ID);
        if ($link_sessions && $num_sessions > 0) {
            return $num_sessions . ' - <a href="?ctrl=user&amp;user_ID=' . $this->ID . '&amp;user_tab=sessions" class="' . button_class() . ' middle" title="' . format_to_output(T_('Go to user activity'), 'htmlattr') . '">' . get_icon('magnifier', 'imgtag', array('title' => T_('Go to user activity'))) . '</a>';
        return $num_sessions;
		) );*/
// ------------------------- END OF PREV/NEXT POST LINKS -------------------------
// Link for editing:
$action_links = $Item->get_edit_link(array('before' => '', 'after' => '', 'text' => $Item->is_intro() ? get_icon('edit') . ' ' . T_('Edit Intro') : '#', 'class' => button_class('text')));
// Link for duplicating:
$action_links .= $Item->get_copy_link(array('before' => '', 'after' => '', 'text' => '#icon#', 'class' => button_class()));
if ($Item->is_intro()) {
    // Link to edit category
    $ItemChapter =& $Item->get_main_Chapter();
    if (!empty($ItemChapter)) {
        $action_links .= $ItemChapter->get_edit_link(array('text' => get_icon('edit') . ' ' . T_('Edit Cat'), 'class' => button_class('text'), 'redirect_page' => 'front'));
if (!empty($action_links)) {
    // Group all action icons:
    $action_links = '<div class="' . button_class('group') . '">' . $action_links . '</div>';
if ($Item->status != 'published') {
    $Item->format_status(array('template' => '<div class="evo_status evo_status__$status$ badge pull-right">$status_title$</div>'));
$Item->title(array('link_type' => $params['item_link_type'], 'before' => '<div class="evo_post_title"><h1>', 'after' => '</h1>' . $action_links . '</div>', 'nav_target' => false));

if ($disp == 'single') {
		<div class="evo_container evo_container__item_single">
    // ------------------------- "Item Single" CONTAINER EMBEDDED HERE --------------------------
    // Display container contents:
    skin_container(NT_('Item Single'), array('widget_context' => 'item', 'block_start' => '<div class="$wi_class$">', 'block_end' => '</div>', 'block_title_start' => '<h3>', 'block_title_end' => '</h3>', 'widget_item_tags_before' => '<div class="small text-muted">' . T_('Tags') . ': ', 'widget_item_tags_after' => '</div>', 'widget_item_tags_separator' => ', ', 'widget_item_small_print_before' => '<p class="small text-muted">', 'widget_item_small_print_after' => '</p>', 'widget_item_small_print_display_author' => false, 'widget_item_content_params' => $params));
    $Item->edit_link(array('before' => '', 'after' => '', 'class' => button_class('text_primary'), 'text' => get_icon('edit_button') . ' ' . T_('Edit')));
    // Display copy button if current user has the rights:
    $Item->copy_link(array('before' => '', 'after' => '', 'text' => '#icon#', 'class' => button_class()));
    echo '</span>';
    echo '<span class="' . button_class('group') . '"> ';
    // Display the moderate buttons if current user has the rights:
    $status_link_params = array('class' => button_class('text'), 'redirect_to' => regenerate_url('', '&highlight=' . $Item->ID . '#item_' . $Item->ID, '', '&'));
    $Item->next_status_link($status_link_params, true);
    $Item->next_status_link($status_link_params, false);
    $next_status_in_row = $Item->get_next_status(false);
    if ($next_status_in_row && $next_status_in_row[0] != 'deprecated') {
        // Display deprecate button if current user has the rights:
        $Item->deprecate_link('', '', get_icon('move_down_grey', 'imgtag', array('title' => '')), '#', button_class());
    // Display delete button if current user has the rights:
    $Item->delete_link('', ' ', '#', '#', button_class('text'), false);
    echo '</span>';

			<div class="clear"></div>

    // _____________________________________ Displayed in SINGLE VIEW mode only _____________________________________
    if ($action == 'view') {
        // We are looking at a single post, include files and comments:
        if ($comment_type == 'meta' && !$current_User->check_perm('meta_comment', 'view', false, $Item)) {
            // Current user cannot views meta comments
            $comment_type = 'feedback';
        if (isset($GLOBALS['files_Module'])) {
Example #10
 * Display a button to quick upload the files by drag&drop method
 * @param integer ID of FileRoot object
function display_dragdrop_upload_button($params = array())
    global $htsrv_url, $blog, $current_User;
    $params = array_merge(array('before' => '', 'after' => '', 'fileroot_ID' => 0, 'path' => '', 'list_style' => 'list', 'template_button' => '<div class="qq-uploader">' . '<div class="qq-upload-drop-area"><span>' . TS_('Drop files here to upload') . '</span></div>' . '<div class="qq-upload-button">#button_text#</div>' . '<ul class="qq-upload-list"></ul>' . '</div>', 'template_filerow' => '<li>' . '<span class="qq-upload-file"></span>' . '<span class="qq-upload-spinner"></span>' . '<span class="qq-upload-size"></span>' . '<a class="qq-upload-cancel" href="#">' . TS_('Cancel') . '</a>' . '<span class="qq-upload-failed-text">' . TS_('Failed') . '</span>' . '</li>', 'display_support_msg' => true, 'additional_dropzone' => '', 'filename_before' => '', 'LinkOwner' => NULL, 'display_status_success' => true, 'status_conflict_place' => 'default', 'conflict_file_format' => 'simple', 'resize_frame' => false, 'table_headers' => ''), $params);
    $FileRootCache =& get_FileRootCache();
    $fm_FileRoot = $FileRootCache->get_by_ID($params['fileroot_ID']);
    if (!is_logged_in() || !$current_User->check_perm('files', 'add', false, $fm_FileRoot)) {
        // Don't display the button if current user has no permission to upload to the selected file root:
    $root_and_path = $params['fileroot_ID'] . '::' . $params['path'];
    $quick_upload_url = $htsrv_url . 'quick_upload.php?upload=true' . (empty($blog) ? '' : '&blog=' . $blog);
    echo $params['before'];
	<div id="file-uploader" style="width:100%">
    echo T_('Please enable JavaScript to use file uploader.');
	<input id="saveBtn" type="submit" style="display:none" name="saveBtn" value="<?php 
    echo T_('Save modified files');
" class="ActionButton" />
	<script type="text/javascript">
		if( 'draggable' in document.createElement('span') )
			var button_text = '<?php 
    echo TS_('Drag & Drop files to upload here <br /><span>or click to manually select files...</span>');
			var file_uploader_note_text = '<?php 
    echo TS_('Your browser supports full upload functionality.');
			var button_text = '<?php 
    echo TS_('Click to manually select files...');
			var file_uploader_note_text = '<?php 
    echo TS_('Your browser does not support full upload functionality: You can only upload files one by one and you cannot use Drag & Drop.');

		var url = <?php 
    echo '"' . $quick_upload_url . '&' . url_crumb('file') . '"';
		var root_and_path = '<?php 
    echo $root_and_path;

		jQuery( '#fm_dirtree input[type=radio]' ).click( function()
			url = "<?php 
    echo $quick_upload_url;
    echo url_crumb('file');
			root_and_path = this.value;
			uploader.setParams({root_and_path: root_and_path});
		} );

    if ($params['LinkOwner'] !== NULL) {
        // Add params to link a file right after uploading
        global $b2evo_icons_type;
        $link_owner_type = $params['LinkOwner']->type;
        $link_owner_ID = $link_owner_type == 'item' ? $params['LinkOwner']->Item->ID : $params['LinkOwner']->Comment->ID;
        echo 'url += "&link_owner=' . $link_owner_type . '_' . $link_owner_ID . '&b2evo_icons_type=' . $b2evo_icons_type . '"';

		jQuery( document ).ready( function()
			uploader = new qq.FileUploader(
				element: document.getElementById( 'file-uploader' ),
				list_style: '<?php 
    echo $params['list_style'];
				additional_dropzone: '<?php 
    echo $params['additional_dropzone'];
				action: url,
				debug: true,
				onSubmit: function( id, fileName )
					var noresults_row = jQuery( 'tr.noresults' );
					if( noresults_row.length )
					{ // Add table headers and remove "No results" row
    if ($params['table_headers'] != '') {
        // Append table headers if they are defined
						noresults_row.parent().parent().prepend( '<?php 
        echo str_replace(array("'", "\n"), array("\\'", ''), $params['table_headers']);
' );
				onComplete: function( id, fileName, responseJSON )
					if( responseJSON.success != undefined )
						if( responseJSON.success.status == 'fatal' )
							var text = responseJSON.success.text;
							var text = base64_decode( responseJSON.success.text );
							if( responseJSON.success.specialchars == 1 )
								text = htmlspecialchars_decode( text );

    if ($params['list_style'] == 'list') {
        // List view
						if( responseJSON.success.status != undefined && responseJSON.success.status == 'rename' )

    if ($params['list_style'] == 'table') {
        // Table view
					var this_row = jQuery( 'tr[rel=file_upload_' + id + ']' );

					if( responseJSON.success == undefined || responseJSON.success.status == 'error' || responseJSON.success.status == 'fatal' )
					{ // Failed
						this_row.find( '.qq-upload-status' ).html( '<span class="red"><?php 
        echo TS_('Upload ERROR');
</span>' );
						if( typeof( text ) == 'undefined' || text == '' )
						{ // Message for unknown error
							text = '<?php 
        echo TS_('Server dropped the connection.');
						this_row.find( '.qq-upload-file' ).append( ' <span class="result_error">' + text + '</span>' );
						this_row.find( '.qq-upload-image, td.size' ).prepend( '<?php 
        echo get_icon('warning_yellow');
' );
					{ // Success/Conflict
						var table_view = typeof( responseJSON.success.link_ID ) != 'undefined' ? 'link' : 'file';

						var filename_before = '<?php 
        echo str_replace("'", "\\'", $params['filename_before']);
						if( filename_before != '' )
							filename_before = filename_before.replace( '$file_path$', responseJSON.success.path );

						var warning = '';
						if( responseJSON.success.warning != '' )
							warning = '<div class="orange">' + responseJSON.success.warning + '</div>';

						// File name or url to view file
						var file_name = ( typeof( responseJSON.success.link_url ) != 'undefined' ) ? responseJSON.success.link_url : responseJSON.success.newname;

						if( responseJSON.success.status == 'success' )
						{ // Success upload
        if ($params['display_status_success']) {
            // Display this message only if it is enabled
							this_row.find( '.qq-upload-status' ).html( '<span class="green"><?php 
            echo TS_('Upload OK');
</span>' );
        } else {
							this_row.find( '.qq-upload-status' ).html( '' );
							this_row.find( '.qq-upload-image' ).html( text );
							this_row.find( '.qq-upload-file' ).html( filename_before
								+ '<input type="hidden" value="' + responseJSON.success.newpath + '" />'
								+ '<span class="fname">' + file_name + '</span>' + warning );
						else if( responseJSON.success.status == 'rename' )
						{ // Conflict on upload
        $status_conflict_message = '<span class="orange">' . TS_('Upload Conflict') . '</span>';
        if ($params['status_conflict_place'] == 'default') {
            // Default place for a conflict message
							this_row.find( '.qq-upload-status' ).html( '<?php 
            echo $status_conflict_message;
' );
        } else {
							this_row.find( '.qq-upload-status' ).html( '' );
							this_row.find( '.qq-upload-image' ).append( htmlspecialchars_decode( responseJSON.success.file ) );
							this_row.find( '.qq-upload-file' ).html( filename_before
								+ '<input type="hidden" value="' + responseJSON.success.newpath + '" />'
								+ '<span class="fname">' + file_name + '</span>'
        echo $params['status_conflict_place'] == 'before_button' ? "+ ' - " . $status_conflict_message . "'" : '';
								+ ' - <a href="#" '
								+ 'class="<?php 
        echo button_class('text');
 roundbutton_text_noicon qq-conflict-replace" '
								+ 'old="' + responseJSON.success.oldpath + '" '
								+ 'new="' + responseJSON.success.newpath + '">'
								+ '<div><?php 
        echo TS_('Use this new file to replace the old file');
								+ '<div style="display:none"><?php 
        echo TS_('Revert');
								+ '</a>'
								+ warning );
							var old_file_obj = jQuery( 'input[type=hidden][value="' + responseJSON.success.oldpath + '"]' );
							if( old_file_obj.length > 0 )
								old_file_obj.parent().append( ' <span class="orange"><?php 
        echo TS_('(Old File)');
</span>' );

						if( table_view == 'link' )
						{ // Update the cells for link view, because these data exist in response
							this_row.find( '.qq-upload-link-id' ).html( responseJSON.success.link_ID );
							this_row.find( '.qq-upload-link-actions' ).prepend( responseJSON.success.link_actions );
							this_row.find( '.qq-upload-link-position' ).html( responseJSON.success.link_position );
    } else {
        // Simple list
						jQuery( uploader._getItemByFileId( id ) ).append( text );
						if( responseJSON.success == undefined && responseJSON != '' )
						{ // Disppay the fatal errors
							jQuery( uploader._getItemByFileId( id ) ).append( responseJSON );
    if ($params['resize_frame']) {
        // Resize frame after upload new image
					jQuery( 'img' ).on( 'load', function() { update_iframe_height(); } );
				template: '<?php 
    echo str_replace('#button_text#', "' + button_text + '", $params['template_button']);
				fileTemplate: '<?php 
    echo $params['template_filerow'];
				params: { root_and_path: root_and_path }
			} );
		} );

    if ($params['resize_frame']) {
        // Resize frame after upload new image
		function update_iframe_height()
			var wrapper_height = jQuery( 'body' ).height();
			jQuery( 'div#attachmentframe_wrapper', window.parent.document ).css( { 'height': wrapper_height, 'max-height': wrapper_height } );

    if ($params['list_style'] == 'table') {
        // A click event for button to replace old file with name
		jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '.qq-conflict-replace', function()
			var this_obj = jQuery( this );

			var is_replace = this_obj.children( 'div:first' ).is( ':visible' );

			var old_file_name = this_obj.attr( 'old' );
			var old_file_obj = jQuery( 'input[type=hidden][value="' + old_file_name + '"]' );
			// Element found with old file name on the page
			var old_file_exists = ( old_file_obj.length > 0 );

			// Highlight the rows with new and old files
			var tr_rows = this_obj.parent().parent().children( 'td' );
			if( old_file_exists )
				tr_rows = tr_rows.add( old_file_obj.parent().parent().children( 'td' ) );
			tr_rows.css( 'background', '#FFFF00' );
			// Remove previous errors
			tr_rows.find( 'span.error' ).remove();

			{ // Replace old file name with new
				type: 'POST',
				url: '<?php 
        echo get_secure_htsrv_url();
					action: 'conflict_files',
					fileroot_ID: '<?php 
        echo $params['fileroot_ID'];
					path: '<?php 
        echo $params['path'];
					oldfile: old_file_name.replace( /^(.+\/)?([^\/]+)$/, '$2' ),
					newfile: this_obj.attr( 'new' ).replace( /^(.+\/)?([^\/]+)$/, '$2' ),
					format: '<?php 
        echo $params['conflict_file_format'];
					crumb_conflictfiles: '<?php 
        echo get_crumb('conflictfiles');
				success: function( result )
					var data = jQuery.parseJSON( result );
					if( typeof data.error == 'undefined' )
					{ // Success;
						var new_filename_obj = this_obj.parent().find( 'span.fname' );
						if( is_replace )
						{ // The replacing was executed, Change data of html elements
							this_obj.children( 'div:first' ).hide();
							this_obj.children( 'div:last' ).show();
						{ // The replacing was reverting, Put back the data of html elements
							this_obj.children( 'div:first' ).show();
							this_obj.children( 'div:last' ).hide();
						if( old_file_exists )
						{ // If old file element exists on the page, we can:
							// Swap old and new names
							var old_filename_obj = old_file_obj.parent().find( 'span.fname' );
							var old_filename_obj_html = old_filename_obj.html();
							old_filename_obj.html( new_filename_obj.html() );
							new_filename_obj.html( old_filename_obj_html );

							var old_icon_link = old_filename_obj.prev();
							if( old_icon_link.length == 0 || old_icon_link.get(0).tagName != 'A' )
								old_icon_link = old_filename_obj.parent().prev();
							if( old_icon_link.length > 0 && old_icon_link.get(0).tagName == 'A' )
							{ // The icons exist to link files, We should swap them
								var old_href = old_icon_link.attr( 'href' );
								old_icon_link.attr( 'href', new_filename_obj.prev().attr( 'href' ) );
								new_filename_obj.prev().attr( 'href', old_href );
						{ // No old file element, Get data from request
							new_filename_obj.html( is_replace ? data.old : );
					{ // Failed;
						this_obj.parent().append( '<span class="error"> - ' + data.error + '</span>' );
					tr_rows.css( 'background', '' );
			} );

			return false;
		} );

    if ($params['display_support_msg']) {
        // Display a message about the dragdrop supproting by current browser
		document.write( '<p class="note">' + file_uploader_note_text + '</p>' );
    echo $params['after'];
Example #11
 * Display a comment corresponding the given comment id
 * @param int comment id
 * @param string where to redirect after comment edit
 * @param boolean true to set the new redirect param, false otherwise
 * @param integer Comment index in the current list
function echo_comment($comment_ID, $redirect_to = NULL, $save_context = false, $comment_index = NULL)
    global $current_User, $localtimenow;
    $CommentCache =& get_CommentCache();
     * @var Comment
    $Comment = $CommentCache->get_by_ID($comment_ID);
    $Item =& $Comment->get_Item();
    $Blog =& $Item->get_Blog();
    $is_published = $Comment->get('status') == 'published';
    $expiry_delay = $Item->get_setting('comment_expiry_delay');
    $is_expired = !empty($expiry_delay) && $localtimenow - mysql2timestamp($Comment->get('date')) > $expiry_delay;
    echo '<a name="c' . $comment_ID . '"></a>';
    echo '<div id="comment_' . $comment_ID . '" class="bComment bComment';
    // check if comment is expired
    if ($is_expired) {
        // comment is expired
        echo 'expired';
    } elseif ($Comment->is_meta()) {
        // meta comment
        echo 'meta';
    } else {
        // comment is not expired and not meta
    echo '">';
    if ($current_User->check_perm('comment!CURSTATUS', 'moderate', false, $Comment) || $Comment->is_meta() && $current_User->check_perm('meta_comment', 'view', false, $Item)) {
        // User can moderate this comment OR Comment is meta and current user can view it
        echo '<div class="bSmallHead">';
        echo '<div>';
        if ($Comment->is_meta()) {
            // Display ID for each meta comment
            echo '<span class="badge badge-info">' . $comment_index . '</span> ';
        echo '<div class="bSmallHeadRight">';
        $Comment->permanent_link(array('before' => '', 'text' => $Comment->is_meta() ? T_('Meta link') : '#text#'));
        echo '</div>';
        echo '<span class="bDate">';
        echo '</span>@<span class = "bTime">';
        echo '</span>';
        if ($Comment->is_meta()) {
            // Display only author for meta comment
            $Comment->author('', '', ' &middot; ' . T_('Author') . ': ', '');
        } else {
            // Display the detailed info for standard comment
            $Comment->author_email('', ' &middot; Email: <span class="bEmail">', '</span>');
            echo ' &middot; <span class="bKarma">';
            $Comment->spam_karma(T_('Spam Karma') . ': %s%', T_('No Spam Karma'));
            echo '</span>';
            echo '</div>';
            echo '<div style="padding-top:3px">';
            if ($is_expired) {
                echo '<div class="bSmallHeadRight">';
                echo '<span class="bExpired">' . T_('EXPIRED') . '</span>';
                echo '</div>';
            $Comment->author_ip('IP: <span class="bIP">', '</span> &middot; ', true, true);
            $Comment->ip_country('', ' &middot; ');
            $Comment->author_url_with_actions('', true, true);
        echo '</div>';
        echo '</div>';
        echo '<div class="bCommentContent">';
        $Comment->format_status(array('template' => '<div class="floatright"><span class="note status_$status$"><span>$status_title$</span></span></div>'));
        if (!$Comment->is_meta()) {
            // Don't display the titles for meta comments
            echo '<div class="bCommentTitle">';
            echo $Comment->get_title();
            if (get_param('p') == '') {
                // Don't display this title on a post view page
                echo ' ' . T_('in response to') . ' <a href="?ctrl=items&amp;blog=' . $Blog->ID . '&amp;p=' . $Item->ID . '">' . $Item->dget('title') . '</a>';
            echo '</div>';
        echo '<div class="bCommentText">';
        if ($current_User->check_perm('meta_comment', 'edit', false, $Comment)) {
            // Put the comment content into this container to edit by ajax
            echo '<div id="editable_comment_' . $Comment->ID . '" class="editable_comment_content">';
        $Comment->content('htmlbody', 'true');
        if ($current_User->check_perm('meta_comment', 'edit', false, $Comment)) {
            // End of the container that is used to edit meta comment by ajax
            echo '</div>';
        echo '</div>';
        echo '</div>';
        echo '<div class="CommentActionsArea">';
        echo '<div class="floatleft">';
        // Display edit button if current user has the rights:
        $Comment->edit_link(' ', ' ', get_icon('edit_button') . ' ' . T_('Edit'), '#', button_class('text_primary') . ' w80px', '&amp;', $save_context, $redirect_to);
        echo '<span class="' . button_class('group') . '">';
        // Display publish NOW button if current user has the rights:
        $link_params = array('class' => button_class('text'), 'save_context' => $save_context, 'ajax_button' => true, 'redirect_to' => $redirect_to);
        // Display deprecate button if current user has the rights:
        $next_status_in_row = $Comment->get_next_status(false);
        if ($next_status_in_row && $next_status_in_row[0] != 'deprecated') {
            // Display deprecate button if current user has the rights:
            $Comment->deprecate_link('', '', get_icon('move_down_grey', 'imgtag', array('title' => '')), '#', button_class(), '&amp;', true, true);
        // Display delete button if current user has the rights:
        $Comment->delete_link('', '', '#', '#', button_class('text'), false, '&amp;', $save_context, true, '#', $redirect_to);
        echo '</span>';
        echo '</div>';
        if (!$Comment->is_meta()) {
            // Display Spam Voting system
            $Comment->vote_spam('', '', '&amp;', $save_context, true);
        echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
        echo '</div>';
    } else {
        // No permissions to moderate of this comment, just preview
        echo '<div class="bSmallHead">';
        echo '<div>';
        echo '<div class="bSmallHeadRight">';
        echo T_('Visibility') . ': ';
        echo '<span class="bStatus">';
        echo '</span>';
        echo '</div>';
        echo '<span class="bDate">';
        echo '</span>@<span class = "bTime">';
        echo '</span>';
        echo '</div>';
        echo '</div>';
        if ($is_published) {
            echo '<div class="bCommentContent">';
            echo '<div class="bCommentTitle">';
            echo $Comment->get_title();
            echo '</div>';
            echo '<div class="bCommentText">';
            echo '</div>';
            echo '</div>';
        echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
    echo '</div>';
    // end
$Form->hidden('subscriptions_form', '1');
$Form->hidden('user_ID', $edited_User->ID);
$Form->hidden('edited_user_login', $edited_User->login);
if (isset($Blog)) {
    $Form->hidden('blog', $Blog->ID);
if ($action != 'view') {
    // We can edit the values:
    $disabled = false;
} else {
    // display only
    $disabled = true;
$has_messaging_perm = $edited_User->check_perm('perm_messaging', 'reply', false);
$Form->begin_fieldset(T_('Email') . (is_admin_page() ? get_manual_link('user-notifications-tab') : ''));
$email_fieldnote = '<a href="mailto:' . $edited_User->get('email') . '" class="' . button_class() . '">' . get_icon('email', 'imgtag', array('title' => T_('Send an email'))) . '</a>';
if ($action != 'view') {
    // We can edit the values:
    $Form->text_input('edited_user_email', $edited_User->email, 30, T_('Email address'), $email_fieldnote, array('maxlength' => 255, 'required' => true));
    $disabled = false;
} else {
    // display only
    $Form->info(T_('Email'), $edited_User->get('email'), $email_fieldnote);
    $disabled = true;
$Form->radio_input('edited_user_email_format', $UserSettings->get('email_format', $edited_User->ID), array(array('value' => 'auto', 'label' => T_('Automatic (HTML + Plain text)')), array('value' => 'html', 'label' => T_('HTML')), array('value' => 'text', 'label' => T_('Plain text'))), T_('Email format'), array('lines' => true));
$has_messaging_perm = $edited_User->check_perm('perm_messaging', 'reply', false);
$messaging_options = array(array('PM', 1, T_('private messages on this site.'), $UserSettings->get('enable_PM', $edited_User->ID) && $has_messaging_perm, !$has_messaging_perm || $disabled));
$emails_msgform = $Settings->get('emails_msgform');
Example #13
// Number of edited User's sessions
$Form->info_field(T_('# of sessions'), $edited_User->get_num_sessions(true));
// Number of sent and received private messages
$messages_sent = $edited_User->get_num_messages('sent');
if ($messages_sent > 0) {
    $messages_sent .= ' - <a href="' . $activity_tab_url . '#threads_result" class="' . button_class() . ' middle" title="' . format_to_output(T_('Go to user activity'), 'htmlattr') . '">' . get_icon('magnifier', 'imgtag', array('title' => T_('Go to user activity'))) . '</a>';
    if ($current_User->check_perm('perm_messaging', 'abuse')) {
        $messages_sent .= ' - <a href="' . $admin_url . '?ctrl=abuse&amp;colselect_submit=Filter+list&amp;u=' . $edited_User->login . '">' . T_('Go to abuse management') . ' &raquo;</a>';
    $messages_sent .= ' - ' . action_icon(T_('Delete All') . '...', 'delete', $admin_url . '?ctrl=user&amp;user_tab=deldata&amp;user_ID=' . $edited_User->ID, ' ' . T_('Delete All') . '...', 3, 4, array('onclick' => 'return user_deldata( ' . $edited_User->ID . ', \'' . get_param('user_tab') . '\')'));
    $messages_sent .= get_manual_link('delete-user-data');
$Form->info_field(T_('# of private messages sent'), $messages_sent);
$messages_received = $edited_User->get_num_messages('received');
if ($messages_received > 0 && $current_User->check_perm('perm_messaging', 'abuse')) {
    $messages_received .= ' - <a href="' . $admin_url . '?ctrl=abuse&amp;colselect_submit=Filter+list&amp;u=' . $edited_User->login . '" class="' . button_class() . ' middle" title="' . format_to_output(T_('Go to abuse management'), 'htmlattr') . '">' . get_icon('magnifier', 'imgtag', array('title' => T_('Go to abuse management'))) . '</a>';
$Form->info_field(T_('# of private messages received'), $messages_received);
$edited_user_lastseen = $edited_User->get('lastseen_ts');
$Form->info_field(T_('Last seen on'), empty($edited_user_lastseen) ? '' : mysql2localedatetime($edited_user_lastseen));
$Form->info_field(T_('On IP'), $edited_User->get_last_session_param('ipaddress'));
// Usage info
$Form->begin_fieldset(T_('Reputation') . get_manual_link('user-admin-reputaion'));
$Form->info(T_('Number of posts'), $edited_User->get_reputation_posts());
$Form->info(T_('Comments'), $edited_User->get_reputation_comments(array('view_type' => 'extended')));
$Form->info(T_('Photos'), $edited_User->get_reputation_files(array('file_type' => 'image', 'view_type' => 'extended')));
$Form->info(T_('Audio'), $edited_User->get_reputation_files(array('file_type' => 'audio')));
$Form->info(T_('Other files'), $edited_User->get_reputation_files(array('file_type' => 'other')));
$Form->info(T_('Spam fighter score'), $edited_User->get_reputation_spam());
Example #14
 * Show comments awaiting moderation
 * @todo fp> move this to a more appropriate place
 * @param integer blog ID
 * @param object CommentList
 * @param integer limit
 * @param array comment IDs to exclude
 * @param boolean TRUE - for script
function show_comments_awaiting_moderation($blog_ID, $CommentList = NULL, $limit = 5, $comment_IDs = array(), $script = true)
    global $current_User, $dispatcher;
    if (is_null($CommentList)) {
        // Inititalize CommentList
        $BlogCache =& get_BlogCache();
        $Blog =& $BlogCache->get_by_ID($blog_ID, false, false);
        $CommentList = new CommentList2($Blog, NULL, 'CommentCache', 'cmnt_fullview_', 'fullview');
        $exlude_ID_list = NULL;
        if (!empty($comment_IDs)) {
            $exlude_ID_list = '-' . implode(",", $comment_IDs);
        $moderation_statuses = explode(',', $Blog->get_setting('moderation_statuses'));
        // Filter list:
        $CommentList->set_filters(array('types' => array('comment', 'trackback', 'pingback'), 'statuses' => $moderation_statuses, 'comment_ID_list' => $exlude_ID_list, 'post_statuses' => array('published', 'community', 'protected'), 'order' => 'DESC', 'comments' => $limit));
        // Get ready for display (runs the query):
    $index = 0;
    $new_comment_IDs = array();
    while ($Comment =& $CommentList->get_next()) {
        // Loop through comments:
        $new_comment_IDs[] = $Comment->ID;
        $index = $index + 1;
        // Only 5 commens should be visible, set hidden status for the rest
        $hidden_status = $index > 5 ? ' hidden_comment' : '';
        echo '<div id="comment_' . $Comment->ID . '" class="dashboard_post dashboard_post_' . ($CommentList->current_idx % 2 ? 'even' : 'odd') . $hidden_status . '">';
        /* OLD:
        		echo '<div class="floatright"><span class="note status_'.$Comment->status.'"><span>';
        		echo '</span></span></div>';
        $Comment->format_status(array('template' => '<div class="floatright"><span class="note status_$status$"><span>$status_title$</span></span></div>'));
        echo $Comment->get_author(array('before' => '<div class="dashboard_comment_avatar">', 'after' => '</div>', 'before_user' => '<div class="dashboard_comment_avatar">', 'after_user' => '</div>', 'link_text' => 'only_avatar', 'link_class' => 'user', 'thumb_size' => 'crop-top-80x80', 'thumb_class' => 'user'));
        echo '<h3 class="dashboard_comment_title">';
        if ($Comment->status !== 'draft' || $Comment->author_user_ID == $current_User->ID) {
            // Display Comment permalink icon
            echo $Comment->get_permanent_link('#icon#') . ' ';
        echo $Comment->get_title(array('author_format' => '<strong>%s</strong>', 'link_text' => 'login'));
        $comment_Item =& $Comment->get_Item();
        echo ' ' . T_('in response to') . ' <a href="?ctrl=items&amp;blog=' . $comment_Item->get_blog_ID() . '&amp;p=' . $comment_Item->ID . '"><strong>' . $comment_Item->dget('title') . '</strong></a>';
        echo '</h3>';
        echo '<div class="notes">';
        $Comment->rating(array('before' => '<div class="dashboard_rating">', 'after' => '</div> &bull; '));
        $Comment->author_url_with_actions('', true);
        $Comment->author_email('', ' &bull; Email: <span class="bEmail">', '</span> &bull; ');
        $Comment->author_ip('IP: <span class="bIP">', '</span> ', true, true);
        $Comment->spam_karma(' &bull; ' . T_('Spam Karma') . ': %s%', ' &bull; ' . T_('No Spam Karma'));
        echo '</div>';
        $Comment->content('htmlbody', true);
        echo '<div class="dashboard_action_area">';
        // Display edit button if current user has the rights:
        $redirect_to = NULL;
        if (!$script) {
            // Set page, where to redirect, because the function is called from async.php (regenerate_url gives => async.php)
            global $admin_url;
            $redirect_to = $admin_url . '?ctrl=dashboard&blog=' . $blog_ID;
        echo '<div class="floatleft">';
        $Comment->edit_link(' ', ' ', get_icon('edit_button') . ' ' . T_('Edit'), '#', button_class('text_primary') . ' btn-sm w80px', '&amp;', true, $redirect_to);
        echo '<span class="' . button_class('group') . ' btn-group-sm">';
        // Display publish NOW button if current user has the rights:
        $Comment->publish_link('', '', '#', '#', button_class('text'), '&amp;', true, true);
        // Display deprecate button if current user has the rights:
        $Comment->deprecate_link('', '', '#', '#', button_class('text'), '&amp;', true, true);
        // Display delete button if current user has the rights:
        $Comment->delete_link('', '', '#', '#', button_class('text'), false, '&amp;', true, true);
        echo '</span>';
        echo '</div>';
        // Display Spam Voting system
        $Comment->vote_spam('', '', '&amp;', true, true, array('button_group_class' => button_class('group') . ' btn-group-sm'));
        echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
        echo '</div>';
        echo '</div>';
    if (!$script) {
        echo '<input type="hidden" id="new_badge" value="' . $CommentList->get_total_rows() . '"/>';
Example #15

// Add classes for first and last roundbuttons, because css pseudo-classes don't support to exclude hidden elements
function update_moderation_buttons( selector, raise_status, lower_status )
	var parent_selector = '<?php 
echo button_class('group', true);
	if( typeof( selector ) != 'undefined' )
		parent_selector = selector + ' ' + parent_selector;
	selector = parent_selector + '<?php 
echo button_class('text', true);

	// Clear previous classes of first and last visible buttons
	jQuery( selector ).removeClass( 'first-child last-child btn_next_status' );
	// Make the raise and lower button are visible
	jQuery( selector + '.btn_raise_status_' + raise_status ).addClass( 'btn_next_status' );
	jQuery( selector + '.btn_lower_status_' + lower_status ).addClass( 'btn_next_status' );
	// Add classes for first and last buttons to fix round corners
	jQuery( selector + ':visible:first' ).addClass( 'first-child' );
	jQuery( selector + ':visible:last' ).addClass( 'last-child' );
