} contributorsMerge($opts->v, $opts->language, $opts->contribute); echo "merging completed :-) \n"; } if ($opts->mo) { msgfmt($opts->v); } if ($opts->c || $opts->package) { // remove translation backups of msgmerge `cd "{$tine20path}"\n find . -type f -iname "*.po~" -exec rm {} \\;`; } if ($opts->statistics) { statistics($opts->v); } if ($opts->package) { buildpackage($opts->v, $opts->{'package'} ?: NULL); } /** * returns list of existing langugages * (those, having a correspoinding Tinebase po file) * * @return array */ function getExistingLanguages($_verbose) { global $tine20path; $langs = array(); foreach (scandir("{$tine20path}/Tinebase/translations") as $poFile) { if (substr($poFile, -3) == '.po') { $langCode = substr($poFile, 0, -3); if ($_verbose) {
if (preg_match("#--repos#", @implode(" ", $argv))) { $GLOBALS["REPOS"] = true; } if (preg_match("#--force#", @implode(" ", $argv))) { $GLOBALS["FORCE"] = true; } $users = new usersMenus(); // ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-embedded-perl --enable-shared $wget = $unix->find_program("wget"); $tar = $unix->find_program("tar"); $rm = $unix->find_program("rm"); $cp = $unix->find_program("cp"); $dirsrc = "snmpd-src"; $Architecture = Architecture(); chdir("/root"); buildpackage(); die; function Architecture() { $unix = new unix(); $uname = $unix->find_program("uname"); exec("{$uname} -m 2>&1", $results); while (list($num, $val) = each($results)) { if (preg_match("#i[0-9]86#", $val)) { return 32; } if (preg_match("#x86_64#", $val)) { return 64; } } }