$cutoffOptions = array(0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90);
// what is the initial cutoff frequency?
$initialFreq = getInitialCutoff(50, $cutoffOptions, $percent_changed);
// echo page support text, like JS and stylesheets
echo_cutoff_script($cutoffOptions, $instances);
echo "<p>{$page_text}</p>";
echo_page_instruction_text("bad", $format);
echo_download_text($projectid, $format);
// output customized cutoff text
$cutoff_text = sprintf(_("Words with fewer than <b><span id='current_cutoff'>%d</span>%%</b> of the instances changed are not shown. Other cutoff options are available: %s"), $initialFreq, get_cutoff_string($cutoffOptions, "%"));
echo "<p>{$cutoff_text}</p>\n";
$project_good_words = load_project_good_words($projectid);
$word_checkbox = build_checkbox_array($percent_changed);
$context_array = build_context_array_links($instances_left, $projectid);
// build the word_note and the instances_total arrays
$word_notes = array();
$instances_total = array();
foreach ($instances_left as $word => $freq) {
    if (in_array($word, $project_good_words)) {
        $word_notes[$word] = _("On project GWL");
    $instances_total[$word] = $instances_changed[$word] + $instances_left[$word];
$word_notes["[[TITLE]]"] = _("Notes");
$percent_changed["[[TITLE]]"] = _("% Changed");
$percent_changed["[[STYLE]]"] = "text-align: right;";
$instances_changed_to["[[TITLE]]"] = _("Last changed to");
$instances_changed_to["[[CLASS]]"] = "mono";
$instances_changed["[[TITLE]]"] = _("# Changed");
// how many instances (ie: frequency sections) are there?
$instances = 1;
// what are the cutoff options?
$cutoffOptions = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 25, 50);
// what is the intial cutoff frequecny?
$initialFreq = getInitialCutoff($freqCutoff, $cutoffOptions, $bad_words_w_freq);
// echo page support text, like JS and stylesheets
echo_cutoff_script($cutoffOptions, $instances);
echo "<p>{$page_text}</p>";
echo "<p>{$page_text2}</p>";
echo_page_instruction_text("bad", $format);
echo_download_text($projectid, $format);
echo_cutoff_text($initialFreq, $cutoffOptions);
$context_array = build_context_array_links($bad_words_w_freq, $projectid);
$context_array["[[TITLE]]"] = _("Show Context");
$word_checkbox = build_checkbox_array($bad_words_w_freq);
$checkbox_form["projectid"] = $projectid;
$checkbox_form["freqCutoff"] = $freqCutoff;
echo_checkbox_form_submit(_("Add selected words to Bad Words List"));
printTableFrequencies($initialFreq, $cutoffOptions, $bad_words_w_freq, $instances--, $context_array, $word_checkbox);
echo_checkbox_form_submit(_("Add selected words to Bad Words List"));
// supporting page functions
function _get_word_list($projectid)
    $messages = array();