Example #1
function getSteps($applyDiff, $diffID, $username, $test)
    assert(strlen($username) > 0);
    assert(strlen($test) > 0);
    if ($applyDiff) {
        assert(strlen($diffID) > 0);
        $arcrc_content = PHP_OS == "Darwin" ? exec("cat ~/.arcrc | gzip -f | base64") : exec("cat ~/.arcrc | gzip -f | base64 -w0");
        assert(strlen($arcrc_content) > 0);
        // Sandcastle machines don't have arc setup. We copy the user certificate
        // and authenticate using that in Sandcastle.
        $setup = array("name" => "Setup arcrc", "shell" => "echo " . $arcrc_content . " | base64 --decode" . " | gzip -d > ~/.arcrc", "user" => "root");
        // arc demands certain permission on its config.
        // also fix the sticky bit issue in sandcastle
        $fix_permission = array("name" => "Fix environment", "shell" => "chmod 600 ~/.arcrc && chmod +t /dev/shm", "user" => "root");
        // Construct the steps in the order of execution.
        $steps[] = $setup;
        $steps[] = $fix_permission;
    // fbcode is a sub-repo. We cannot patch until we add it to ignore otherwise
    // Git thinks it is an uncommited change.
    $fix_git_ignore = array("name" => "Fix git ignore", "shell" => "echo fbcode >> .git/info/exclude", "user" => "root");
    $steps[] = $fix_git_ignore;
    // This will be the command used to execute particular type of tests.
    $cmd = "";
    if ($applyDiff) {
        // Patch the code (keep your fingures crossed).
        $patch = array("name" => "Patch " . $diffID, "shell" => "HTTPS_PROXY=fwdproxy:8080 arc --arcrc-file ~/.arcrc " . "patch --nocommit --diff " . $diffID, "user" => "root");
        $steps[] = $patch;
        updateTestStatus($diffID, $test);
        $cmd = buildUpdateTestStatusCmd($diffID, $test, "running") . "; ";
    // Run the actual command.
    $cmd = $cmd . "J=\$(nproc) ./build_tools/precommit_checker.py " . $test . "; exit_code=\$?; ";
    if ($applyDiff) {
        $cmd = $cmd . "([[ \$exit_code -eq 0 ]] &&" . buildUpdateTestStatusCmd($diffID, $test, "pass") . ")" . "||" . buildUpdateTestStatusCmd($diffID, $test, "fail") . "; ";
    // shell command to sort the tests based on exit code and print
    // the output of the log files.
    $cat_sorted_logs = "\n    while read code log_file;\n      do echo \"################ cat \$log_file [exit_code : \$code] ################\";\n      cat \$log_file;\n    done < <(tail -n +2 LOG | sort -k7,7n -k4,4gr | awk '{print \$7,\$NF}')";
    // Shell command to cat all log files
    $cat_all_logs = "for f in `ls t/!(run-*)`; do echo \$f;cat \$f; done";
    // If LOG file exist use it to cat log files sorted by exit code, otherwise
    // cat everything
    $logs_cmd = "if [ -f LOG ]; then {$cat_sorted_logs}; else {$cat_all_logs}; fi";
    $cmd = $cmd . " cat /tmp/precommit-check.log" . "; shopt -s extglob; {$logs_cmd}" . "; shopt -u extglob; [[ \$exit_code -eq 0 ]]";
    assert(strlen($cmd) > 0);
    $run_test = array("name" => "Run " . $test, "shell" => $cmd, "user" => "root", "parser" => "python build_tools/error_filter.py " . $test);
    $steps[] = $run_test;
    if ($applyDiff) {
        // Clean up the user arc config we are using.
        $cleanup = array("name" => "Arc cleanup", "shell" => "rm -f ~/.arcrc", "user" => "root");
        $steps[] = $cleanup;
    assert(count($steps) > 0);
    return $steps;
function getSteps($applyDiff, $diffID, $username, $test)
    assert(strlen($username) > 0);
    assert(strlen($test) > 0);
    if ($applyDiff) {
        assert(strlen($diffID) > 0);
        $arcrc_content = exec("cat ~/.arcrc | gzip -f | base64 -w0");
        assert(strlen($arcrc_content) > 0);
        // Sandcastle machines don't have arc setup. We copy the user certificate
        // and authenticate using that in Sandcastle.
        $setup = array("name" => "Setup arcrc", "shell" => "echo " . $arcrc_content . " | base64 --decode" . " | gzip -d > ~/.arcrc", "user" => "root");
        // arc demands certain permission on its config.
        $fix_permission = array("name" => "Fix environment", "shell" => "chmod 600 ~/.arcrc", "user" => "root");
        // Construct the steps in the order of execution.
        $steps[] = $setup;
        $steps[] = $fix_permission;
    // fbcode is a sub-repo. We cannot patch until we add it to ignore otherwise
    // Git thinks it is an uncommited change.
    $fix_git_ignore = array("name" => "Fix git ignore", "shell" => "echo fbcode >> .git/info/exclude", "user" => "root");
    $steps[] = $fix_git_ignore;
    // This will be the command used to execute particular type of tests.
    $cmd = "";
    if ($applyDiff) {
        // Patch the code (keep your fingures crossed).
        $patch = array("name" => "Patch " . $diffID, "shell" => "HTTPS_PROXY=fwdproxy:8080 arc --arcrc-file ~/.arcrc " . "patch --nocommit --diff " . $diffID, "user" => "root");
        $steps[] = $patch;
        updateTestStatus($diffID, $test);
        $cmd = buildUpdateTestStatusCmd($diffID, $test, "running") . "; ";
    // Run the actual command.
    $cmd = $cmd . "./build_tools/precommit_checker.py " . $test . "; exit_code=\$?; ";
    if ($applyDiff) {
        $cmd = $cmd . "([[ \$exit_code -eq 0 ]] &&" . buildUpdateTestStatusCmd($diffID, $test, "pass") . ")" . "||" . buildUpdateTestStatusCmd($diffID, $test, "fail") . "; ";
    $cmd = $cmd . " cat /tmp/precommit-check.log" . "; for f in `ls t/log-*`; do echo \$f; cat \$f; done;" . "[[ \$exit_code -eq 0 ]]";
    assert(strlen($cmd) > 0);
    $run_test = array("name" => "Run " . $test, "shell" => $cmd, "user" => "root");
    $steps[] = $run_test;
    if ($applyDiff) {
        // Clean up the user arc config we are using.
        $cleanup = array("name" => "Arc cleanup", "shell" => "rm -f ~/.arcrc", "user" => "root");
        $steps[] = $cleanup;
    assert(count($steps) > 0);
    return $steps;