/** * BuddyPress - Group Header * * @package BuddyPress * @subpackage Boss */ ?> <?php do_action('bp_before_group_header'); ?> <?php //output cover photo. if (boss_get_option('boss_layout_style') != 'boxed' && boss_get_option('boss_cover_group')) { echo buddyboss_cover_photo("group", bp_get_group_id()); } ?> <div id="item-header-cover" class="table"> <div class="table-cell"> <span class="bp-group-hierarchy-breadcrumbs"><?php bp_group_hierarchy_breadcrumbs(); ?> </span> <div id="group-name"> <h1 class="main-title"><?php $group_name = bp_get_group_name(); if (!empty($group_name)) { //Get truncated string with long width group title
if (bp_is_group()) { //single group $class[] = "group-single"; } $class = implode(" ", $class); ?> <?php if (bp_is_group() && !bp_is_current_action('create')) { // Boxed layout cover if (boss_get_option('boss_layout_style') == 'boxed') { $id = bp_get_current_group_id(); if ($id != 0 && $id != false) { echo buddyboss_cover_photo("group", $id); } } do_action('boss_get_group_template'); //get_template_part( 'buddypress', 'group-single' ); } else { if (is_post_type_archive('bp_doc') || is_single() && get_post_type() == 'bp_doc') { $id = boss_get_docs_group_id(); if ($id != 0 && $id != false) { echo buddyboss_cover_photo("group", $id); } } get_template_part('buddypress', 'sidewide'); } ?> <?php get_footer();
if (function_exists('bp_docs_is_doc_edit')) { //fix boss code with rw_bp_doc_single_group_id() $is_group_single_doc = (bp_docs_is_doc_edit() || bp_docs_is_doc_read() || bp_docs_is_doc_create() || bp_docs_is_doc_history()) && rw_bp_doc_single_group_id(false); } if ($is_group_single_doc) { $class .= ' group-single'; } ?> <?php // Boxed layout cover if (boss_get_option('boss_cover_profile')) { if (boss_get_option('boss_layout_style') == 'boxed' && (!bp_is_current_component('events') || bp_is_current_component('events') && 'profile' == bp_current_action())) { // show here for boxed and if not Events Manager page or if it is My Profile of Events if (bp_is_user()) { echo buddyboss_cover_photo("user", bp_displayed_user_id()); } } } ?> <?php if (bp_is_current_component('groups') && !bp_is_group() && !bp_is_user()) { ?> <div class="dir-page-entry"> <div class="inner-padding"> <header class="group-header page-header"> <div id="item-statistics" class="follows"> <h1 class="main-title"><?php buddyboss_page_title(); ?>