  * Edit topic
  * @param mixed $data
  * @return bool|string
 public function editTopic($data)
     global $db, $TNB_GLOBALS;
     $title = get_secure_string($data['title']);
     $category = get_secure_string($data['category']);
     $content = $data['content'];
     if (!$title || !$category || !$content || !isset($data['id'])) {
         return MSG_ALL_FIELDS_REQUIRED;
     //Check Category ID is valid or not
     $query = $db->prepare("SELECT categoryID FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_CATEGORIES . " WHERE categoryID=%d", $category);
     $categoryID = $db->getVar($query);
     if (!$categoryID) {
         return MSG_INVALID_REQUEST;
     $content = buckys_remove_tags_inside_code($content);
     //Remove Invalid Image URLs
     $content = buckys_remove_invalid_image_urls($content);
     $query = "UPDATE " . TABLE_FORUM_TOPICS . " SET \n                    `topicTitle`='" . $db->escapeInput($title) . "',\n                    `topicContent`='" . $db->escapeInput($content, false) . "',\n                    `categoryID`='" . $db->escapeInput($categoryID) . "'\n                  WHERE\n                     `topicID`='" . $db->escapeInput($data['id']) . "'";
     //        $db->updateFromArray(TABLE_FORUM_TOPICS, $updateData, array('topicID'=>$data['id']));
     return true;
  * Create Post Reply
  * @param mixed $data
  * @return null|string
 public static function createReply($data)
     global $db, $TNB_GLOBALS;
     $content = trim($data['content']);
     if (!$content) {
         return MSG_ALL_FIELDS_REQUIRED;
     $content = buckys_remove_invalid_image_urls($content);
     $content = buckys_remove_tags_inside_code($content);
     //Check Category ID is valid or not
     $query = $db->prepare("SELECT topicID, categoryID, creatorID FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_TOPICS . " WHERE topicID=%d AND status='publish'", $data['topicID']);
     $topic = $db->getRow($query);
     if (!$topic) {
         return MSG_INVALID_REQUEST;
     $query = "INSERT INTO " . TABLE_FORUM_REPLIES . "(\n                    `topicID`,\n                    `replyContent`,\n                    `creatorID`,\n                    `createdDate`,\n                    `votes`,\n                    `status`\n                )VALUES(\n                    '" . $topic['topicID'] . "',\n                    '" . $db->escapeInput($content, false) . "',\n                    '" . $TNB_GLOBALS['user']['userID'] . "',\n                    '" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "',\n                    '0',\n                    'pending'\n                )";
     $newID = $db->getLastInsertId();
     if (!$newID) {
         return $db->getLastError();
     //If the user has more than 5 actived topics, update the topic status to 1
     $count1 = $db->getVar("SELECT count(1) FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_TOPICS . " WHERE creatorID=" . $TNB_GLOBALS['user']['userID'] . " AND `status`='publish'");
     $count2 = $db->getVar("SELECT count(1) FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_REPLIES . " WHERE creatorID=" . $TNB_GLOBALS['user']['userID'] . " AND `status`='publish'");
     if ($count1 + $count2 >= 5) {
         //Publish  Reply
         $db->updateFromArray(TABLE_FORUM_REPLIES, array('status' => 'publish'), array('replyID' => $newID));
         //Update Topic Table
         $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_FORUM_TOPICS . " SET lastReplyID=" . $newID . ", `replies`=`replies` + 1, lastReplyDate='" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "', lastReplierID=" . $TNB_GLOBALS['user']['userID'] . " WHERE topicID=" . $topic['topicID']);
         $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_FORUM_CATEGORIES . " SET `replies`=`replies` + 1, lastTopicID='" . $topic['topicID'] . "' WHERE categoryID=" . $topic['categoryID']);
         //Increase user posts count
         $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_USERS . " SET `posts_count`=`posts_count` + 1 WHERE userID=" . $TNB_GLOBALS['user']['userID']);
         //Add Notifications
         $forumNotification = new BuckysForumNotification();
         $forumNotification->addNotificationsForReplies($topic['creatorID'], $topic['topicID'], $newID);
         if ($topic['creatorID'] != $TNB_GLOBALS['user']['userID']) {
             $forumNotification->addNotificationsForTopic($topic['creatorID'], $topic['topicID'], $newID);
         //Update User Stats
         BuckysUser::updateStats($topic['creatorID'], 'replies', 1);
         return 'publish';
     return 'pending';