  * Check if plugin dependencies are satisfied and add an admin notice if not
  * @return bool
 public static function is_dependency_satisfied()
     if (class_exists('bbPress') && version_compare(bbp_get_version(), self::PLUGIN_MIN_VERSION, '>=')) {
         return true;
     return false;
  * Adds the default bbPress styles into the editor
  * @see bbp_default_styles filter
  * @see BBP_Default->enqueue_styles()
 public function sandwich_bbpress_enqueue_editor_styles($styles)
     foreach ($styles as $handle => $attributes) {
         $styleUrl = bbp_enqueue_style($handle, $attributes['file'], $attributes['dependencies'], bbp_get_version(), 'screen');
     return $styles;
  * Component global variables
  * Note that this function is currently commented out in the constructor.
  * It will only be used if you copy this file into your current theme and
  * uncomment the line above.
  * You'll want to customize the values in here, so they match whatever your
  * needs are.
  * @since bbPress (r3732)
  * @access private
 private function setup_globals()
     $bbp = bbpress();
     $this->id = 'default';
     $this->name = __('bbPress Default', 'bbpress');
     $this->version = bbp_get_version();
     $this->dir = trailingslashit($bbp->themes_dir . 'default');
     $this->url = trailingslashit($bbp->themes_url . 'default');
Example #4
  * Component global variables
  * @since bbPress (r2626)
  * @access private
  * @uses bbp_get_version() To get the bbPress version
  * @uses get_stylesheet_directory() To get the stylesheet path
  * @uses get_stylesheet_directory_uri() To get the stylesheet uri
 private function setup_globals()
     $bbp = bbpress();
     $this->id = 'bbp-twentyten';
     $this->name = __('Twenty Ten (bbPress)', 'bbpress');
     $this->version = bbp_get_version();
     $this->dir = trailingslashit($bbp->themes_dir . 'bbp-twentyten');
     $this->url = trailingslashit($bbp->themes_url . 'bbp-twentyten');
Example #5
  * Get version of the bbPress.
  * @param string $ret what version format to return: code or version
  * @return mixed version value
 function d4p_bbpress_version($ret = 'code')
     if (!d4p_has_bbpress()) {
         return null;
     $version = bbp_get_version();
     if (isset($version)) {
         if ($ret == 'code') {
             return substr(str_replace('.', '', $version), 0, 2);
         } else {
             return $version;
     return null;
Example #6
 public static function get_remote_request_params()
     $_key = pp_get_option('support_key');
     if (is_array($_key) && isset($_key[1])) {
         $key = $_key[1];
     } else {
         $key = '';
     global $wpdb;
     $data = array('call' => 'pp', 'key' => $key, 'core' => PPC_VERSION, 'wp' => get_bloginfo('version'), 'is_ms' => PP_MULTISITE, 'php' => phpversion(), 'mysql' => $wpdb->db_version());
     $data['bp'] = defined('BP_VERSION') ? BP_VERSION : 0;
     $data['bbp'] = function_exists('bbp_get_version') ? bbp_get_version() : 0;
     $data['rvy'] = defined('RVY_VERSION') ? RVY_VERSION : 0;
     $data['cme'] = defined('CAPSMAN_ENH_VERSION') ? CAPSMAN_ENH_VERSION : 0;
     global $pp_extensions;
     foreach ($pp_extensions as $slug => $ext) {
         $data[$slug] = isset($ext->version) ? $ext->version : 0;
     $data['beta_updates'] = pp_get_option('beta_updates');
     return $data;
Example #7
         * Add some general styling to the admin area
         * @since bbPress (r2464)
         * @uses bbp_get_forum_post_type() To get the forum post type
         * @uses bbp_get_topic_post_type() To get the topic post type
         * @uses bbp_get_reply_post_type() To get the reply post type
         * @uses sanitize_html_class() To sanitize the classes
        public function admin_head()
            // Remove the individual recount and converter menus.
            // They are grouped together by h2 tabs
            remove_submenu_page('tools.php', 'bbp-repair');
            remove_submenu_page('tools.php', 'bbp-converter');
            remove_submenu_page('tools.php', 'bbp-reset');
            // The /wp-admin/images/ folder
            $wp_admin_url = admin_url('images/');
            // Icons for top level admin menus
            $version = bbp_get_version();
            $menu_icon_url = $this->images_url . 'menu.png?ver=' . $version;
            $icon32_url = $this->images_url . 'icons32.png?ver=' . $version;
            $menu_icon_url_2x = $this->images_url . 'menu-2x.png?ver=' . $version;
            $icon32_url_2x = $this->images_url . 'icons32-2x.png?ver=' . $version;
            // Top level menu classes
            $forum_class = sanitize_html_class(bbp_get_forum_post_type());
            $topic_class = sanitize_html_class(bbp_get_topic_post_type());
            $reply_class = sanitize_html_class(bbp_get_reply_post_type());

		<style type="text/css" media="screen">

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now p.sub,
			#bbp-dashboard-right-now .table,
			#bbp-dashboard-right-now .versions {
				margin: -12px;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now .inside {
				font-size: 12px;
				padding-top: 20px;
				margin-bottom: 0;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now p.sub {
				padding: 5px 0 15px;
				color: #8f8f8f;
				font-size: 14px;
				position: absolute;
				top: -17px;
				left: 15px;
				body.rtl #bbp-dashboard-right-now p.sub {
					right: 15px;
					left: 0;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now .table {
				margin: 0;
				padding: 0;
				position: relative;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now .table_content {
				float: left;
				border-top: #ececec 1px solid;
				width: 45%;
				body.rtl #bbp-dashboard-right-now .table_content {
					float: right;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now .table_discussion {
				float: right;
				border-top: #ececec 1px solid;
				width: 45%;
				body.rtl #bbp-dashboard-right-now .table_discussion {
					float: left;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now table td {
				padding: 3px 0;
				white-space: nowrap;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now table tr.first td {
				border-top: none;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now td.b {
				padding-right: 6px;
				text-align: right;
				font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", "Bitstream Charter", Times, serif;
				font-size: 14px;
				width: 1%;
				body.rtl #bbp-dashboard-right-now td.b {
					padding-left: 6px;
					padding-right: 0;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now td.b a {
				font-size: 18px;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now td.b a:hover {
				color: #d54e21;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now .t {
				font-size: 12px;
				padding-right: 12px;
				padding-top: 6px;
				color: #777;
				body.rtl #bbp-dashboard-right-now .t {
					padding-left: 12px;
					padding-right: 0;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now .t a {
				white-space: nowrap;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now .spam {
				color: red;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now .waiting {
				color: #e66f00;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now .approved {
				color: green;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now .versions {
				padding: 6px 10px 12px;
				clear: both;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now .versions .b {
				font-weight: bold;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now a.button {
				float: right;
				clear: right;
				position: relative;
				top: -5px;
				body.rtl #bbp-dashboard-right-now a.button {
					float: left;
					clear: left;

			/* Icon 32 */
            echo $forum_class;
            echo $topic_class;
            echo $reply_class;
				background: url('<?php 
            echo $icon32_url;
				background-repeat: no-repeat;

			/* Icon Positions */
            echo $forum_class;
				background-position: -4px 0px;

            echo $topic_class;
				background-position: -4px -90px;

            echo $reply_class;
				background-position: -4px -180px;

			/* Icon 32 2x */
			@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5) {
            echo $forum_class;
            echo $topic_class;
            echo $reply_class;
					background-image: url('<?php 
            echo $icon32_url_2x;
					background-size: 45px 255px;

			/* Menu */
            echo $forum_class;
            echo $topic_class;
            echo $reply_class;

            echo $forum_class;
:hover .wp-menu-image,
            echo $topic_class;
:hover .wp-menu-image,
            echo $reply_class;
:hover .wp-menu-image,

            echo $forum_class;
.wp-has-current-submenu .wp-menu-image,				
            echo $topic_class;
.wp-has-current-submenu .wp-menu-image,
            echo $reply_class;
.wp-has-current-submenu .wp-menu-image {
				background: url('<?php 
            echo $menu_icon_url;
				background-repeat: no-repeat;

			/* Menu Positions */
            echo $forum_class;
 .wp-menu-image {
				background-position: 0px -32px;
            echo $forum_class;
:hover .wp-menu-image,
            echo $forum_class;
.wp-has-current-submenu .wp-menu-image {
				background-position: 0px 0px;
            echo $topic_class;
 .wp-menu-image {
				background-position: -70px -32px;
            echo $topic_class;
:hover .wp-menu-image,
            echo $topic_class;
.wp-has-current-submenu .wp-menu-image {
				background-position: -70px 0px;
            echo $reply_class;
 .wp-menu-image {
				background-position: -35px -32px;
            echo $reply_class;
:hover .wp-menu-image,
            echo $reply_class;
.wp-has-current-submenu .wp-menu-image {
				background-position:  -35px 0px;

			/* Menu 2x */
			@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5) {
            echo $forum_class;
            echo $topic_class;
            echo $reply_class;

            echo $forum_class;
:hover .wp-menu-image,
            echo $topic_class;
:hover .wp-menu-image,
            echo $reply_class;
:hover .wp-menu-image,

            echo $forum_class;
.wp-has-current-submenu .wp-menu-image,				
            echo $topic_class;
.wp-has-current-submenu .wp-menu-image,
            echo $reply_class;
.wp-has-current-submenu .wp-menu-image {
					background-image: url('<?php 
            echo $menu_icon_url_2x;
					background-size: 100px 64px;

            if ('bbpress' == get_user_option('admin_color')) {

				/* Green Scheme Images */
				.post-com-count {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				.submit input,
				.button-secondary {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				.submit input:active,
				.button-secondary:active {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				.curtime #timestamp {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				.tagchecklist span a,
				#bulk-titles div a {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				.tagchecklist span a:hover,
				#bulk-titles div a:hover {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;
				#screen-meta-links a.show-settings {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#screen-meta-links a.show-settings.screen-meta-active {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#adminmenuback {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#adminmenu li.wp-has-current-submenu.wp-menu-open .wp-menu-toggle,
				#adminmenu li.wp-has-current-submenu:hover .wp-menu-toggle {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#adminmenu .wp-has-submenu:hover .wp-menu-toggle,
				#adminmenu .wp-menu-open .wp-menu-toggle {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#collapse-button div {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				/* menu and screen icons */
				#adminmenu .menu-icon-dashboard div.wp-menu-image {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#adminmenu .menu-icon-dashboard:hover div.wp-menu-image,
				#adminmenu .menu-icon-dashboard.wp-has-current-submenu div.wp-menu-image,
				#adminmenu .menu-icon-dashboard.current div.wp-menu-image {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#adminmenu .menu-icon-post div.wp-menu-image {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#adminmenu .menu-icon-post:hover div.wp-menu-image,
				#adminmenu .menu-icon-post.wp-has-current-submenu div.wp-menu-image {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#adminmenu .menu-icon-media div.wp-menu-image {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#adminmenu .menu-icon-media:hover div.wp-menu-image,
				#adminmenu .menu-icon-media.wp-has-current-submenu div.wp-menu-image {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#adminmenu .menu-icon-links div.wp-menu-image {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#adminmenu .menu-icon-links:hover div.wp-menu-image,
				#adminmenu .menu-icon-links.wp-has-current-submenu div.wp-menu-image {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#adminmenu .menu-icon-page div.wp-menu-image {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#adminmenu .menu-icon-page:hover div.wp-menu-image,
				#adminmenu .menu-icon-page.wp-has-current-submenu div.wp-menu-image {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#adminmenu .menu-icon-comments div.wp-menu-image {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#adminmenu .menu-icon-comments:hover div.wp-menu-image,
				#adminmenu .menu-icon-comments.wp-has-current-submenu div.wp-menu-image,
				#adminmenu .menu-icon-comments.current div.wp-menu-image {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#adminmenu .menu-icon-appearance div.wp-menu-image {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#adminmenu .menu-icon-appearance:hover div.wp-menu-image,
				#adminmenu .menu-icon-appearance.wp-has-current-submenu div.wp-menu-image {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#adminmenu .menu-icon-plugins div.wp-menu-image {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#adminmenu .menu-icon-plugins:hover div.wp-menu-image,
				#adminmenu .menu-icon-plugins.wp-has-current-submenu div.wp-menu-image {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#adminmenu .menu-icon-users div.wp-menu-image {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#adminmenu .menu-icon-users:hover div.wp-menu-image,
				#adminmenu .menu-icon-users.wp-has-current-submenu div.wp-menu-image,
				#adminmenu .menu-icon-users.current div.wp-menu-image {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#adminmenu .menu-icon-tools div.wp-menu-image {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#adminmenu .menu-icon-tools:hover div.wp-menu-image,
				#adminmenu .menu-icon-tools.wp-has-current-submenu div.wp-menu-image,
				#adminmenu .menu-icon-tools.current div.wp-menu-image {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#adminmenu .menu-icon-settings div.wp-menu-image {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#adminmenu .menu-icon-settings:hover div.wp-menu-image,
				#adminmenu .menu-icon-settings.wp-has-current-submenu div.wp-menu-image {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#adminmenu .menu-icon-site div.wp-menu-image {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#adminmenu .menu-icon-site:hover div.wp-menu-image,
				#adminmenu .menu-icon-site.wp-has-current-submenu div.wp-menu-image {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;
				/* end menu and screen icons */

				/* Screen Icons */
				#icon-post {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#icon-index {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#icon-upload {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#icon-link-category {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#icon-page {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#icon-edit-comments {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#icon-themes {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#icon-plugins {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#icon-user-edit {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#icon-admin {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#icon-options-general {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#icon-ms-admin {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;
				/* end screen icons */

				.meta-box-sortables .postbox:hover .handlediv {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				.tablenav .tablenav-pages a {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				.view-switch #view-switch-list {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				.view-switch .current #view-switch-list {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				.view-switch #view-switch-excerpt {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				.view-switch .current #view-switch-excerpt {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				#header-logo {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				.sidebar-name-arrow {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				.sidebar-name:hover .sidebar-name-arrow {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				.item-edit {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				.item-edit:hover {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				.wp-badge {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;
wp-badge.png'), -ms-linear-gradient(top, #378aac, #165d84); /* IE10 */
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;
wp-badge.png'), -moz-linear-gradient(top, #378aac, #165d84); /* Firefox */
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;
wp-badge.png'), -o-linear-gradient(top, #378aac, #165d84); /* Opera */
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;
wp-badge.png'), -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#378aac), to(#165d84)); /* old Webkit */
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;
wp-badge.png'), -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #378aac, #165d84); /* new Webkit */
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;
wp-badge.png'), linear-gradient(top, #378aac, #165d84); /* proposed W3C Markup */

				.rtl .post-com-count {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				/* Menu */
				.rtl #adminmenushadow,
				.rtl #adminmenuback {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				.rtl #adminmenu li.wp-has-current-submenu.wp-menu-open .wp-menu-toggle,
				.rtl #adminmenu li.wp-has-current-submenu:hover .wp-menu-toggle {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				.rtl #adminmenu .wp-has-submenu:hover .wp-menu-toggle,
				.rtl #adminmenu .wp-menu-open .wp-menu-toggle {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				.rtl .meta-box-sortables .postbox:hover .handlediv {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				.rtl .tablenav .tablenav-pages a {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				.rtl .sidebar-name-arrow {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;

				.rtl .sidebar-name:hover .sidebar-name-arrow {
					background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;
				@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5) {
					#icon-ms-admin {
						background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;
icons32-2x.png?ver=20120412') !important;
						background-size: 708px 45px;

					.menu-icon-dashboard div.wp-menu-image,
					.menu-icon-post div.wp-menu-image,
					.menu-icon-media div.wp-menu-image,
					.menu-icon-links div.wp-menu-image,
					.menu-icon-page div.wp-menu-image,
					.menu-icon-comments div.wp-menu-image,
					.menu-icon-appearance div.wp-menu-image,
					.menu-icon-plugins div.wp-menu-image,
					.menu-icon-users div.wp-menu-image,
					.menu-icon-tools div.wp-menu-image,
					.menu-icon-settings div.wp-menu-image,
					.menu-icon-site div.wp-menu-image {
						background-image: url('<?php 
                echo $wp_admin_url;
menu-2x.png?ver=20120412') !important;
						background-size: 390px 64px;


Example #8
  * Register bundled theme packages
  * Note that since we currently have complete control over bbp-themes and
  * the bbp-theme-compat folders, it's fine to hardcode these here. If at a
  * later date we need to automate this, and API will need to be built.
  * @since bbPress (r3829)
 public function register_theme_packages()
     /** Default Theme *****************************************************/
     bbp_register_theme_package(array('id' => 'default', 'name' => __('bbPress Default', 'bbpress'), 'version' => bbp_get_version(), 'dir' => trailingslashit($this->plugin_dir . 'bbp-theme-compat'), 'url' => trailingslashit($this->plugin_url . 'bbp-theme-compat')));
     /** Twenty Ten ********************************************************/
     bbp_register_theme_package(array('id' => 'bbp-twentyten', 'name' => __('Twenty Ten (bbPress)', 'bbpress'), 'version' => bbp_get_version(), 'dir' => trailingslashit($this->themes_dir . 'bbp-twentyten'), 'url' => trailingslashit($this->themes_url . 'bbp-twentyten')));
Example #9
 * Output the bbPress version
 * @since 2.0.0 bbPress (r3468)
 * @uses bbp_get_version() To get the bbPress version
function bbp_version()
    echo bbp_get_version();
Example #10
         * Output the credits screen
         * @since bbPress (r4159)
        public function credits_screen()
            $display_version = bbp_get_version();

		<div class="wrap about-wrap">
            printf(__('Welcome to bbPress %s'), $display_version);
			<div class="about-text"><?php 
            printf(__('Thank you for updating to the latest version! bbPress %s is ready to make your community a safer, faster, and better looking place to hang out!'), $display_version);
			<div class="bbp-badge"><?php 
            printf(__('Version %s'), $display_version);

			<h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper">
				<a href="<?php 
            echo esc_url(admin_url(add_query_arg(array('page' => 'bbp-about'), 'index.php')));
" class="nav-tab">
            _e('What&#8217;s New');
				</a><a href="<?php 
            echo esc_url(admin_url(add_query_arg(array('page' => 'bbp-credits'), 'index.php')));
" class="nav-tab nav-tab-active">

			<div class="return-to-dashboard">
				<a href="<?php 
            echo esc_url(admin_url(add_query_arg(array('page' => 'bbp-settings'), 'index.php')));
            _e('Go to Forum Settings');


 * Stuff to do when the bbPress plugin is ready.
 * @since 3.4.1
function ass_bbp_ready()
     * bbPress v2.5.4 changed how emails are sent out.
     * They now send one BCC email to their subscribers, so we have to filter out
     * the topic subscribers before their email is sent.
    if (version_compare(bbp_get_version(), '2.5.4') >= 0) {
        add_filter('bbp_subscription_mail_title', 'ass_bbp_add_topic_subscribers_filter', 99);
        add_action('bbp_pre_notify_subscribers', 'ass_bbp_remove_topic_subscribers_filter', 0);
        // bbPress <= v2.5.3
    } else {
        add_filter('bbp_subscription_mail_message', 'ass_bbp_disable_email', 10, 4);
Example #12
  * Submit data to Akismet service with unique bbPress User Agent
  * This code is directly taken from the akismet_http_post() function and
  * documented to bbPress 2.0 standard.
  * @since 2.0.0 bbPress (r3466)
  * @param string $request The request we are sending
  * @param string $host The host to send our request to
  * @param string $path The path from the host
  * @param string $port The port to use
  * @param string $ip Optional Override $host with an IP address
  * @uses bbp_get_version() To get the current bbPress version
  * @return mixed WP_Error on error, array on success, empty on failure
 private function http_post($request, $host, $path, $port = 80, $ip = '')
     // Preload required variables
     $bbp_version = bbp_get_version();
     $http_host = $host;
     $blog_charset = get_option('blog_charset');
     $response = '';
     // Untque User Agent
     $akismet_ua = "bbPress/{$bbp_version} | ";
     $akismet_ua .= 'Akismet/' . constant('AKISMET_VERSION');
     // Use specific IP (if provided)
     if (!empty($ip) && long2ip(ip2long($ip))) {
         $http_host = $ip;
     // Setup the arguments
     $http_args = array('body' => $request, 'headers' => array('Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=' . $blog_charset, 'Host' => $host, 'User-Agent' => $akismet_ua), 'httpversion' => '1.0', 'timeout' => 15);
     // Where we are sending our request
     $akismet_url = 'http://' . $http_host . $path;
     // Send the request
     $response = wp_remote_post($akismet_url, $http_args);
     // Bail if the response is an error
     if (is_wp_error($response)) {
         return '';
     // No errors so return response
     return array($response['headers'], $response['body']);
Example #13
         * Output the credits screen
         * Hardcoding this in here is pretty janky. It's fine for 2.2, but we'll
         * want to leverage api.wordpress.org eventually.
         * @since bbPress (r4159)
        public function credits_screen()
            list($display_version) = explode('-', bbp_get_version());

		<div class="wrap about-wrap">
            printf(__('Welcome to bbPress %s'), $display_version);
			<div class="about-text"><?php 
            printf(__('Thank you for updating to the latest version! bbPress %s is ready to make your community a safer, faster, and better looking place to hang out!'), $display_version);
			<div class="bbp-badge"><?php 
            printf(__('Version %s'), $display_version);

			<h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper">
				<a href="<?php 
            echo esc_url(admin_url(add_query_arg(array('page' => 'bbp-about'), 'index.php')));
" class="nav-tab">
            _e('What&#8217;s New');
				</a><a href="<?php 
            echo esc_url(admin_url(add_query_arg(array('page' => 'bbp-credits'), 'index.php')));
" class="nav-tab nav-tab-active">

			<p class="about-description"><?php 
            _e('bbPress is created by a worldwide swarm of busy, busy bees.', 'bbpress');

			<h4 class="wp-people-group"><?php 
            _e('Project Leaders', 'bbpress');
			<ul class="wp-people-group " id="wp-people-group-project-leaders">
				<li class="wp-person" id="wp-person-matt">
					<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/matt"><img src="http://0.gravatar.com/avatar/767fc9c115a1b989744c755db47feb60?s=60" class="gravatar" alt="Matt Mullenweg" /></a>
					<a class="web" href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/matt">Matt Mullenweg</a>
					<span class="title"><?php 
            _e('Founding Developer', 'bbpress');
				<li class="wp-person" id="wp-person-johnjamesjacoby">
					<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/johnjamesjacoby"><img src="http://0.gravatar.com/avatar/81ec16063d89b162d55efe72165c105f?s=60" class="gravatar" alt="John James Jacoby" /></a>
					<a class="web" href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/johnjamesjacoby">John James Jacoby</a>
					<span class="title"><?php 
            _e('Lead Developer', 'bbpress');

			<h4 class="wp-people-group"><?php 
            _e('Contributing Developers', 'bbpress');
			<ul class="wp-people-group " id="wp-people-group-contributing-developers">
				<li class="wp-person" id="wp-person-jmdodd">
					<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/jmdodd"><img src="http://0.gravatar.com/avatar/6a7c997edea340616bcc6d0fe03f65dd?s=60" class="gravatar" alt="Jennifer M. Dodd" /></a>
					<a class="web" href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/jmdodd">Jennifer M. Dodd</a>
					<span class="title"></span>
				<li class="wp-person" id="wp-person-jaredatch">
					<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/jaredatch"><img src="http://0.gravatar.com/avatar/e341eca9e1a85dcae7127044301b4363?s=60" class="gravatar" alt="Jared Atchison" /></a>
					<a class="web" href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/jaredatch">Jared Atchison</a>
					<span class="title"></span>
				<li class="wp-person" id="wp-person-gautamgupta">
					<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/gautamgupta"><img src="http://0.gravatar.com/avatar/b0810422cbe6e4eead4def5ae7a90b34?s=60" class="gravatar" alt="Gautam Gupta" /></a>
					<a class="web" href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/gautamgupta">Gautam Gupta</a>
					<span class="title"></span>

			<h4 class="wp-people-group"><?php 
            _e('Codex Rockstars', 'bbpress');
			<ul class="wp-people-group " id="wp-people-group-codex-rockstars">
				<li class="wp-person" id="wp-person-masonjames">
					<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/masonjames"><img src="http://0.gravatar.com/avatar/99dee4d5287d0f9e26ff72e7228d97ac?s=60" class="gravatar" alt="Mason James" /></a>
					<a class="web" href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/masonjames">Mason James</a>
					<span class="title"></span>
				<li class="wp-person" id="wp-person-wordsforwp">
					<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/wordsforwp"><img src="http://0.gravatar.com/avatar/5437119b446adad1af813c44944e6c9c?s=60" class="gravatar" alt="Siobhan McKeown" /></a>
					<a class="web" href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/wordsforwp">Siobhan McKeown</a>
					<span class="title"></span>
				<li class="wp-person" id="wp-person-JarretC">
					<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/JarretC"><img src="http://0.gravatar.com/avatar/e00501bf782b42d5db19ff75fca14f6a?s=60" class="gravatar" alt="Jarret Cade" /></a>
					<a class="web" href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/JarretC">Jarret Cade</a>
					<span class="title"></span>

			<h4 class="wp-people-group"><?php 
            _e('Core Contributors to bbPress 2.2', 'bbpress');
			<p class="wp-credits-list">
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/alexvorn2">alexvorn2</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/anointed">anointed</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/boonebgorges">boonebgorges</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/chexee">chexee</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/cnorris23">cnorris23</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/DanielJuhl">DanielJuhl</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/daveshine">daveshine</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/dimadin">dimadin</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/DJPaul">DJPaul</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/duck_">duck_</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/gawain">gawain</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/iamzippy">iamzippy</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/isaacchapman">isaacchapman</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/jane">jane</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/jkudish">jkudish</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/mamaduka">mamaduka</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/mercime">mercime</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/mesayre">mesayre</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/mordauk">mordauk</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/MZAWeb">MZAWeb</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/netweb">netweb</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/nexia">nexia</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/Omicron7">Omicron7</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/otto42">otto42</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/pavelevap">pavelevap</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/plescheff">plescheff</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/scribu">scribu</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/sorich87">sorich87</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/SteveAtty">SteveAtty</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/tmoorewp">tmoorewp</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/tott">tott</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/tungdo">tungdo</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/vibol">vibol</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/wonderboymusic">wonderboymusic</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/westi">westi</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/xiosen">xiosen</a>,

			<div class="return-to-dashboard">
				<a href="<?php 
            echo esc_url(admin_url(add_query_arg(array('page' => 'bbpress'), 'options-general.php')));
            _e('Go to Forum Settings');


Example #14
  * The main bbPress (Default) Loader
  * @since bbPress (r3732)
  * @uses BBP_IOA::setup_globals()
  * @uses BBP_IOA::setup_actions()
 public function __construct($properties = array())
     parent::__construct(bbp_parse_args($properties, array('id' => 'IOA', 'name' => __('BBPress IOA', 'bbpress'), 'version' => bbp_get_version(), 'dir' => trailingslashit(get_template_directory() . '/external/bbpress'), 'url' => trailingslashit(get_template_directory_uri() . '/external/bbpress')), 'default_theme'));
Example #15
 * bbPress Dashboard Right Now Widget
 * Adds a dashboard widget with forum statistics
 * @since 2.0.0 bbPress (r2770)
 * @deprecated 2.6.0 bbPress (r5268)
 * @uses bbp_get_version() To get the current bbPress version
 * @uses bbp_get_statistics() To get the forum statistics
 * @uses current_user_can() To check if the user is capable of doing things
 * @uses bbp_get_forum_post_type() To get the forum post type
 * @uses bbp_get_topic_post_type() To get the topic post type
 * @uses bbp_get_reply_post_type() To get the reply post type
 * @uses get_admin_url() To get the administration url
 * @uses add_query_arg() To add custom args to the url
 * @uses do_action() Calls 'bbp_dashboard_widget_right_now_content_table_end'
 *                    below the content table
 * @uses do_action() Calls 'bbp_dashboard_widget_right_now_table_end'
 *                    below the discussion table
 * @uses do_action() Calls 'bbp_dashboard_widget_right_now_discussion_table_end'
 *                    below the discussion table
 * @uses do_action() Calls 'bbp_dashboard_widget_right_now_end' below the widget
function bbp_dashboard_widget_right_now()
    // Get the statistics
    $r = bbp_get_statistics();

	<div class="table table_content">

		<p class="sub"><?php 
    esc_html_e('Discussion', 'bbpress');


			<tr class="first">

    $num = $r['forum_count'];
    $text = _n('Forum', 'Forums', $r['forum_count'], 'bbpress');
    if (current_user_can('publish_forums')) {
        $link = add_query_arg(array('post_type' => bbp_get_forum_post_type()), get_admin_url(null, 'edit.php'));
        $num = '<a href="' . esc_url($link) . '">' . $num . '</a>';
        $text = '<a href="' . esc_url($link) . '">' . $text . '</a>';

				<td class="first b b-forums"><?php 
    echo $num;
				<td class="t forums"><?php 
    echo $text;



    $num = $r['topic_count'];
    $text = _n('Topic', 'Topics', $r['topic_count'], 'bbpress');
    if (current_user_can('publish_topics')) {
        $link = add_query_arg(array('post_type' => bbp_get_topic_post_type()), get_admin_url(null, 'edit.php'));
        $num = '<a href="' . esc_url($link) . '">' . $num . '</a>';
        $text = '<a href="' . esc_url($link) . '">' . $text . '</a>';

				<td class="first b b-topics"><?php 
    echo $num;
				<td class="t topics"><?php 
    echo $text;



    $num = $r['reply_count'];
    $text = _n('Reply', 'Replies', $r['reply_count'], 'bbpress');
    if (current_user_can('publish_replies')) {
        $link = add_query_arg(array('post_type' => bbp_get_reply_post_type()), get_admin_url(null, 'edit.php'));
        $num = '<a href="' . esc_url($link) . '">' . $num . '</a>';
        $text = '<a href="' . esc_url($link) . '">' . $text . '</a>';

				<td class="first b b-replies"><?php 
    echo $num;
				<td class="t replies"><?php 
    echo $text;


    if (bbp_allow_topic_tags()) {


        $num = $r['topic_tag_count'];
        $text = _n('Topic Tag', 'Topic Tags', $r['topic_tag_count'], 'bbpress');
        if (current_user_can('manage_topic_tags')) {
            $link = add_query_arg(array('taxonomy' => bbp_get_topic_tag_tax_id(), 'post_type' => bbp_get_topic_post_type()), get_admin_url(null, 'edit-tags.php'));
            $num = '<a href="' . esc_url($link) . '">' . $num . '</a>';
            $text = '<a href="' . esc_url($link) . '">' . $text . '</a>';

					<td class="first b b-topic_tags"><span class="total-count"><?php 
        echo $num;
					<td class="t topic_tags"><?php 
        echo $text;






	<div class="table table_discussion">

		<p class="sub"><?php 
    esc_html_e('Users &amp; Moderation', 'bbpress');


			<tr class="first">

    $num = $r['user_count'];
    $text = _n('User', 'Users', $r['user_count'], 'bbpress');
    if (current_user_can('edit_users')) {
        $link = get_admin_url(null, 'users.php');
        $num = '<a href="' . $link . '">' . $num . '</a>';
        $text = '<a href="' . $link . '">' . $text . '</a>';

				<td class="b b-users"><span class="total-count"><?php 
    echo $num;
				<td class="last t users"><?php 
    echo $text;


    if (isset($r['topic_count_hidden'])) {


        $num = $r['topic_count_hidden'];
        $text = _n('Hidden Topic', 'Hidden Topics', $r['topic_count_hidden'], 'bbpress');
        $link = add_query_arg(array('post_type' => bbp_get_topic_post_type()), get_admin_url(null, 'edit.php'));
        if ('0' !== $num) {
            $link = add_query_arg(array('post_status' => bbp_get_spam_status_id()), $link);
        $num = '<a href="' . esc_url($link) . '" title="' . esc_attr($r['hidden_topic_title']) . '">' . $num . '</a>';
        $text = '<a class="waiting" href="' . esc_url($link) . '" title="' . esc_attr($r['hidden_topic_title']) . '">' . $text . '</a>';

					<td class="b b-hidden-topics"><?php 
        echo $num;
					<td class="last t hidden-replies"><?php 
        echo $text;



    if (isset($r['reply_count_hidden'])) {


        $num = $r['reply_count_hidden'];
        $text = _n('Hidden Reply', 'Hidden Replies', $r['reply_count_hidden'], 'bbpress');
        $link = add_query_arg(array('post_type' => bbp_get_reply_post_type()), get_admin_url(null, 'edit.php'));
        if ('0' !== $num) {
            $link = add_query_arg(array('post_status' => bbp_get_spam_status_id()), $link);
        $num = '<a href="' . esc_url($link) . '" title="' . esc_attr($r['hidden_reply_title']) . '">' . $num . '</a>';
        $text = '<a class="waiting" href="' . esc_url($link) . '" title="' . esc_attr($r['hidden_reply_title']) . '">' . $text . '</a>';

					<td class="b b-hidden-replies"><?php 
        echo $num;
					<td class="last t hidden-replies"><?php 
        echo $text;



    if (bbp_allow_topic_tags() && isset($r['empty_topic_tag_count'])) {


        $num = $r['empty_topic_tag_count'];
        $text = _n('Empty Topic Tag', 'Empty Topic Tags', $r['empty_topic_tag_count'], 'bbpress');
        $link = add_query_arg(array('taxonomy' => bbp_get_topic_tag_tax_id(), 'post_type' => bbp_get_topic_post_type()), get_admin_url(null, 'edit-tags.php'));
        $num = '<a href="' . esc_url($link) . '">' . $num . '</a>';
        $text = '<a class="waiting" href="' . esc_url($link) . '">' . $text . '</a>';

					<td class="b b-hidden-topic-tags"><?php 
        echo $num;
					<td class="last t hidden-topic-tags"><?php 
        echo $text;







	<div class="versions">

		<span id="wp-version-message">
    printf(__('You are using <span class="b">bbPress %s</span>.', 'bbpress'), bbp_get_version());


	<br class="clear" />

Example #16
         * Add some general styling to the admin area
         * @since bbPress (r2464)
         * @uses bbp_get_forum_post_type() To get the forum post type
         * @uses bbp_get_topic_post_type() To get the topic post type
         * @uses bbp_get_reply_post_type() To get the reply post type
         * @uses sanitize_html_class() To sanitize the classes
        public function admin_head()
            // Remove the individual recount and converter menus.
            // They are grouped together by h2 tabs
            remove_submenu_page('tools.php', 'bbp-repair');
            remove_submenu_page('tools.php', 'bbp-converter');
            remove_submenu_page('tools.php', 'bbp-reset');
            // Icons for top level admin menus
            $version = bbp_get_version();
            $menu_icon_url = $this->images_url . 'menu.png?ver=' . $version;
            $icon32_url = $this->images_url . 'icons32.png?ver=' . $version;
            $menu_icon_url_2x = $this->images_url . 'menu-2x.png?ver=' . $version;
            $icon32_url_2x = $this->images_url . 'icons32-2x.png?ver=' . $version;
            // Top level menu classes
            $forum_class = sanitize_html_class(bbp_get_forum_post_type());
            $topic_class = sanitize_html_class(bbp_get_topic_post_type());
            $reply_class = sanitize_html_class(bbp_get_reply_post_type());

		<style type="text/css" media="screen">

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now p.sub,
			#bbp-dashboard-right-now .table,
			#bbp-dashboard-right-now .versions {
				margin: -12px;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now .inside {
				font-size: 12px;
				padding-top: 20px;
				margin-bottom: 0;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now p.sub {
				padding: 5px 0 15px;
				color: #8f8f8f;
				font-size: 14px;
				position: absolute;
				top: -17px;
				left: 15px;
				body.rtl #bbp-dashboard-right-now p.sub {
					right: 15px;
					left: 0;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now .table {
				margin: 0;
				padding: 0;
				position: relative;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now .table_content {
				float: left;
				border-top: #ececec 1px solid;
				width: 45%;
				body.rtl #bbp-dashboard-right-now .table_content {
					float: right;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now .table_discussion {
				float: right;
				border-top: #ececec 1px solid;
				width: 45%;
				body.rtl #bbp-dashboard-right-now .table_discussion {
					float: left;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now table td {
				padding: 3px 0;
				white-space: nowrap;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now table tr.first td {
				border-top: none;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now td.b {
				padding-right: 6px;
				text-align: right;
				font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", "Bitstream Charter", Times, serif;
				font-size: 14px;
				width: 1%;
				body.rtl #bbp-dashboard-right-now td.b {
					padding-left: 6px;
					padding-right: 0;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now td.b a {
				font-size: 18px;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now td.b a:hover {
				color: #d54e21;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now .t {
				font-size: 12px;
				padding-right: 12px;
				padding-top: 6px;
				color: #777;
				body.rtl #bbp-dashboard-right-now .t {
					padding-left: 12px;
					padding-right: 0;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now .t a {
				white-space: nowrap;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now .spam {
				color: red;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now .waiting {
				color: #e66f00;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now .approved {
				color: green;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now .versions {
				padding: 6px 10px 12px;
				clear: both;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now .versions .b {
				font-weight: bold;

			#bbp-dashboard-right-now a.button {
				float: right;
				clear: right;
				position: relative;
				top: -5px;
				body.rtl #bbp-dashboard-right-now a.button {
					float: left;
					clear: left;

			/* Icon 32 */
            echo $forum_class;
            echo $topic_class;
            echo $reply_class;
				background: url('<?php 
            echo $icon32_url;
				background-repeat: no-repeat;

			/* Icon Positions */
            echo $forum_class;
				background-position: -4px 0px;

            echo $topic_class;
				background-position: -4px -90px;

            echo $reply_class;
				background-position: -4px -180px;

			/* Icon 32 2x */
			@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5) {
            echo $forum_class;
            echo $topic_class;
            echo $reply_class;
					background-image: url('<?php 
            echo $icon32_url_2x;
					background-size: 45px 255px;

			/* Menu */
            echo $forum_class;
            echo $topic_class;
            echo $reply_class;

            echo $forum_class;
:hover .wp-menu-image,
            echo $topic_class;
:hover .wp-menu-image,
            echo $reply_class;
:hover .wp-menu-image,

            echo $forum_class;
.wp-has-current-submenu .wp-menu-image,				
            echo $topic_class;
.wp-has-current-submenu .wp-menu-image,
            echo $reply_class;
.wp-has-current-submenu .wp-menu-image {
				background: url('<?php 
            echo $menu_icon_url;
				background-repeat: no-repeat;

			/* Menu Positions */
            echo $forum_class;
 .wp-menu-image {
				background-position: 0px -32px;
            echo $forum_class;
:hover .wp-menu-image,
            echo $forum_class;
.wp-has-current-submenu .wp-menu-image {
				background-position: 0px 0px;
            echo $topic_class;
 .wp-menu-image {
				background-position: -70px -32px;
            echo $topic_class;
:hover .wp-menu-image,
            echo $topic_class;
.wp-has-current-submenu .wp-menu-image {
				background-position: -70px 0px;
            echo $reply_class;
 .wp-menu-image {
				background-position: -35px -32px;
            echo $reply_class;
:hover .wp-menu-image,
            echo $reply_class;
.wp-has-current-submenu .wp-menu-image {
				background-position:  -35px 0px;

			/* Menu 2x */
			@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5) {
            echo $forum_class;
            echo $topic_class;
            echo $reply_class;

            echo $forum_class;
:hover .wp-menu-image,
            echo $topic_class;
:hover .wp-menu-image,
            echo $reply_class;
:hover .wp-menu-image,

            echo $forum_class;
.wp-has-current-submenu .wp-menu-image,				
            echo $topic_class;
.wp-has-current-submenu .wp-menu-image,
            echo $reply_class;
.wp-has-current-submenu .wp-menu-image {
					background-image: url('<?php 
            echo $menu_icon_url_2x;
					background-size: 100px 64px;


Example #17
  * Submit data to Akismet service with unique bbPress User Agent
  * This code is directly taken from the akismet_http_post() function and
  * documented to bbPress 2.0 standard.
  * @since bbPress (r3466)
  * @param string $request The request we are sending
  * @param string $host The host to send our request to
  * @param string $path The path from the host
  * @param string $port The port to use
  * @param string $ip Optional Override $host with an IP address
  * @uses bbp_get_version() To get the current bbPress version
  * @return mixed WP_Error on error, array on success, empty on failure
 private function http_post($request, $host, $path, $port = 80, $ip = '')
     // Preload required variables
     $bbp_version = bbp_get_version();
     $content_length = strlen($request);
     $http_host = $host;
     $blog_charset = get_option('blog_charset');
     $response = '';
     $errno = null;
     $errstr = null;
     // Untque User Agent
     $akismet_ua = "bbPress/{$bbp_version} | ";
     $akismet_ua .= 'Akismet/' . constant('AKISMET_VERSION');
     // Use specific IP (if provided)
     if (!empty($ip) && long2ip(ip2long($ip))) {
         $http_host = $ip;
     // WP HTTP class is available
     if (function_exists('wp_remote_post')) {
         // Setup the arguments
         $http_args = array('body' => $request, 'headers' => array('Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=' . $blog_charset, 'Host' => $host, 'User-Agent' => $akismet_ua), 'httpversion' => '1.0', 'timeout' => 15);
         // Where we are sending our request
         $akismet_url = 'http://' . $http_host . $path;
         // Send the request
         $response = wp_remote_post($akismet_url, $http_args);
         // Bail if the response is an error
         if (is_wp_error($response)) {
             return '';
         // No errors so return response
         return array($response['headers'], $response['body']);
         // WP HTTP class is not available (Why not?)
     } else {
         // Header info to use with our socket
         $http_request = "POST {$path} HTTP/1.0\r\n";
         $http_request .= "Host: {$host}\r\n";
         $http_request .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset={$blog_charset}\r\n";
         $http_request .= "Content-Length: {$content_length}\r\n";
         $http_request .= "User-Agent: {$akismet_ua}\r\n";
         $http_request .= "\r\n";
         $http_request .= $request;
         // Open a socket connection
         if (false != ($fs = @fsockopen($http_host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 10))) {
             // Write our request to the pointer
             fwrite($fs, $http_request);
             // Loop through pointer and compile a response
             while (!feof($fs)) {
                 // One TCP-IP packet at a time
                 $response .= fgets($fs, 1160);
             // Close our socket
             // Explode the response into usable data
             $response = explode("\r\n\r\n", $response, 2);
         // Return the response ('' if error/empty)
         return $response;
  * The main bbPress (Default) Loader
  * @since bbPress (r3732)
  * @uses BBP_Default::setup_globals()
  * @uses BBP_Default::setup_actions()
 public function __construct($properties = array())
     parent::__construct(bbp_parse_args($properties, array('id' => 'default', 'name' => __('bbPress Default', 'bbpress'), 'version' => bbp_get_version(), 'dir' => trailingslashit(bbpress()->themes_dir . 'default'), 'url' => trailingslashit(bbpress()->themes_url . 'default')), 'default_theme'));
Example #19
function pp_refresh_options()
    global $wpdb, $pp_site_options;
    $pp_site_options = array();
    foreach ($wpdb->get_results("SELECT option_name, option_value FROM {$wpdb->options} WHERE option_name LIKE 'pp_%'") as $row) {
        $pp_site_options[$row->option_name] = $row->option_value;
    // this would normally be handled in PPP, but leave here so bbp roles are never listed as WP role groups
    if (function_exists('bbp_get_version') && version_compare(bbp_get_version(), '2.2', '>=')) {
        $pp_only_roles = isset($pp_site_options['pp_supplemental_role_defs']) ? maybe_unserialize($pp_site_options['pp_supplemental_role_defs']) : array();
        $pp_site_options['pp_supplemental_role_defs'] = serialize(array_merge($pp_only_roles, array('bbp_participant', 'bbp_moderator', 'bbp_keymaster', 'bbp_blocked', 'bbp_spectator')));
    $pp_site_options = apply_filters('pp_options', $pp_site_options);
Example #20
 function processAdminGeneral($post)
     global $wp_roles;
     // Create a new role.
     if (!empty($post['CreateRole'])) {
         if ($newrole = $this->createRole($post['create-name'])) {
             ak_admin_notify(__('New role created.', $this->cm->ID));
             $this->cm->current = $newrole;
         } else {
             if (empty($post['create-name']) && (!defined('WPLANG') || !WPLANG)) {
                 ak_admin_error('Error: No role name specified.', $this->cm->ID);
             } else {
                 ak_admin_error(__('Error: Failed creating the new role.', $this->cm->ID));
         // Copy current role to a new one.
     } elseif (!empty($post['CopyRole'])) {
         $current = get_role($post['current']);
         if ($newrole = $this->createRole($post['copy-name'], $current->capabilities)) {
             ak_admin_notify(__('New role created.', $this->cm->ID));
             $this->cm->current = $newrole;
         } else {
             if (empty($post['copy-name']) && (!defined('WPLANG') || !WPLANG)) {
                 ak_admin_error('Error: No role name specified.', $this->cm->ID);
             } else {
                 ak_admin_error(__('Error: Failed creating the new role.', $this->cm->ID));
         // Save role changes. Already saved at start with self::saveRoleCapabilities().
     } elseif (!empty($post['SaveRole'])) {
         if (MULTISITE) {
             global $wp_roles;
             if (method_exists($wp_roles, 'reinit')) {
         $this->saveRoleCapabilities($post['current'], $post['caps'], $post['level']);
         if (defined('PP_ACTIVE')) {
             // log customized role caps for subsequent restoration
             // for bbPress < 2.2, need to log customization of roles following bbPress activation
             $plugins = function_exists('bbp_get_version') && version_compare(bbp_get_version(), '2.2', '<') ? array('bbpress.php') : array();
             // back compat
             if (!($customized_roles = get_option('pp_customized_roles'))) {
                 $customized_roles = array();
             $customized_roles[$post['role']] = (object) array('caps' => array_map('boolval', $post['caps']), 'plugins' => $plugins);
             update_option('pp_customized_roles', $customized_roles);
             global $wpdb;
             $wpdb->query("UPDATE {$wpdb->options} SET autoload = 'no' WHERE option_name = 'pp_customized_roles'");
         // Create New Capability and adds it to current role.
     } elseif (!empty($post['AddCap'])) {
         if (MULTISITE) {
             global $wp_roles;
             if (method_exists($wp_roles, 'reinit')) {
         $role = get_role($post['current']);
         $role->name = $post['current'];
         // bbPress workaround
         if ($newname = $this->createNewName($post['capability-name'])) {
             $this->cm->message = __('New capability added to role.');
             // for bbPress < 2.2, need to log customization of roles following bbPress activation
             $plugins = function_exists('bbp_get_version') && version_compare(bbp_get_version(), '2.2', '<') ? array('bbpress.php') : array();
             // back compat
             if (!($customized_roles = get_option('pp_customized_roles'))) {
                 $customized_roles = array();
             $customized_roles[$post['role']] = (object) array('caps' => array_merge($role->capabilities, array($newname['name'] => 1)), 'plugins' => $plugins);
             update_option('pp_customized_roles', $customized_roles);
             global $wpdb;
             $wpdb->query("UPDATE {$wpdb->options} SET autoload = 'no' WHERE option_name = 'pp_customized_roles'");
         } else {
             $this->cm->message = __('Incorrect capability name.');
     } elseif (!empty($post['update_filtered_types'])) {
         if (cme_update_pp_usage()) {
             ak_admin_notify(__('Capability settings saved.', $this->cm->ID));
         } else {
             ak_admin_error(__('Error saving capability settings.', $this->cm->ID));
     } else {
         // TODO: Implement exceptions. This must be a fatal error.
         ak_admin_error(__('Bad form received.', $this->cm->ID));
     if (!empty($newrole) && defined('PP_ACTIVE')) {
         if (!empty($post['CreateRole']) && !empty($_REQUEST['new_role_pp_only']) || !empty($post['CopyRole']) && !empty($_REQUEST['copy_role_pp_only'])) {
             $pp_only = (array) pp_get_option('supplemental_role_defs');
             $pp_only[] = $newrole;
             pp_update_option('supplemental_role_defs', $pp_only);
Example #21
 * Enqueue a script from the highest priority location in the template stack.
 * Registers the style if file provided (does NOT overwrite) and enqueues.
 * @since bbPress (r5180)
 * @param string      $handle    Name of the script.
 * @param string|bool $file      Relative path to the script. Example: '/js/myscript.js'.
 * @param array       $deps      An array of registered handles this script depends on. Default empty array.
 * @param string|bool $ver       Optional. String specifying the script version number, if it has one. This parameter
 *                               is used to ensure that the correct version is sent to the client regardless of caching,
 *                               and so should be included if a version number is available and makes sense for the script.
 * @param bool        $in_footer Optional. Whether to enqueue the script before </head> or before </body>.
 *                               Default 'false'. Accepts 'false' or 'true'.
 * @return string The script filename if one is located.
function bbp_enqueue_script($handle = '', $file = '', $dependencies = array(), $version = false, $in_footer = 'all')
    // No file found yet
    $located = false;
    // Trim off any slashes from the template name
    $file = ltrim($file, '/');
    // Make sure there is always a version
    if (empty($version)) {
        $version = bbp_get_version();
    // Loop through template stack
    foreach ((array) bbp_get_template_stack() as $template_location) {
        // Continue if $template_location is empty
        if (empty($template_location)) {
        // Check child theme first
        if (file_exists(trailingslashit($template_location) . $file)) {
            $located = trailingslashit($template_location) . $file;
    // Enqueue if located
    if (!empty($located)) {
        $content_dir = constant('WP_CONTENT_DIR');
        // IIS (Windows) here
        // Replace back slashes with forward slash
        if (strpos($located, '\\') !== false) {
            $located = str_replace('\\', '/', $located);
            $content_dir = str_replace('\\', '/', $content_dir);
        // Make path to file relative to site URL
        $located = str_replace($content_dir, WP_CONTENT_URL, $located);
        // Enqueue the style
        wp_enqueue_script($handle, $located, $dependencies, $version, $in_footer);
    return $located;
Example #22
         * Output the credits screen
         * Hardcoding this in here is pretty janky. It's fine for 2.2, but we'll
         * want to leverage api.wordpress.org eventually.
         * @since bbPress (r4159)
        public function credits_screen()
            list($display_version) = explode('-', bbp_get_version());

		<div class="wrap about-wrap">
            printf(esc_html__('Welcome to bbPress %s', 'bbpress'), $display_version);
			<div class="about-text"><?php 
            printf(esc_html__('Thank you for updating! bbPress %s is waxed, polished, and ready for you to take it for a lap or two around the block!', 'bbpress'), $display_version);
			<div class="bbp-badge"><?php 
            printf(esc_html__('Version %s', 'bbpress'), $display_version);

			<h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper">
				<a href="<?php 
            echo esc_url(admin_url(add_query_arg(array('page' => 'bbp-about'), 'index.php')));
" class="nav-tab">
            esc_html_e('What&#8217;s New', 'bbpress');
				</a><a href="<?php 
            echo esc_url(admin_url(add_query_arg(array('page' => 'bbp-credits'), 'index.php')));
" class="nav-tab nav-tab-active">
            esc_html_e('Credits', 'bbpress');

			<p class="about-description"><?php 
            esc_html_e('bbPress is created by a worldwide swarm of busy, busy bees.', 'bbpress');

			<h4 class="wp-people-group"><?php 
            esc_html_e('Project Leaders', 'bbpress');
			<ul class="wp-people-group " id="wp-people-group-project-leaders">
				<li class="wp-person" id="wp-person-matt">
					<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/matt"><img src="http://0.gravatar.com/avatar/767fc9c115a1b989744c755db47feb60?s=60" class="gravatar" alt="Matt Mullenweg" /></a>
					<a class="web" href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/matt">Matt Mullenweg</a>
					<span class="title"><?php 
            esc_html_e('Founding Developer', 'bbpress');
				<li class="wp-person" id="wp-person-johnjamesjacoby">
					<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/johnjamesjacoby"><img src="http://0.gravatar.com/avatar/81ec16063d89b162d55efe72165c105f?s=60" class="gravatar" alt="John James Jacoby" /></a>
					<a class="web" href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/johnjamesjacoby">John James Jacoby</a>
					<span class="title"><?php 
            esc_html_e('Lead Developer', 'bbpress');
				<li class="wp-person" id="wp-person-jmdodd">
					<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/jmdodd"><img src="http://0.gravatar.com/avatar/6a7c997edea340616bcc6d0fe03f65dd?s=60" class="gravatar" alt="Jennifer M. Dodd" /></a>
					<a class="web" href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/jmdodd">Jennifer M. Dodd</a>
					<span class="title"><?php 
            esc_html_e('Feature Developer', 'bbpress');
				<li class="wp-person" id="wp-person-netweb">
					<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/netweb"><img src="http://0.gravatar.com/avatar/97e1620b501da675315ba7cfb740e80f?s=60" class="gravatar" alt="Stephen Edgar" /></a>
					<a class="web" href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/netweb">Stephen Edgar</a>
					<span class="title"><?php 
            esc_html_e('Converter Specialist', 'bbpress');

			<h4 class="wp-people-group"><?php 
            esc_html_e('Contributing Developers', 'bbpress');
			<ul class="wp-people-group " id="wp-people-group-contributing-developers">
				<li class="wp-person" id="wp-person-jaredatch">
					<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/jaredatch"><img src="http://0.gravatar.com/avatar/e341eca9e1a85dcae7127044301b4363?s=60" class="gravatar" alt="Jared Atchison" /></a>
					<a class="web" href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/jaredatch">Jared Atchison</a>
					<span class="title"><?php 
            esc_html_e('Bug Testing', 'bbpress');
				<li class="wp-person" id="wp-person-gautamgupta">
					<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/gautamgupta"><img src="http://0.gravatar.com/avatar/b0810422cbe6e4eead4def5ae7a90b34?s=60" class="gravatar" alt="Gautam Gupta" /></a>
					<a class="web" href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/gautamgupta">Gautam Gupta</a>
					<span class="title"><?php 
            esc_html_e('Feature Developer', 'bbpress');

			<h4 class="wp-people-group"><?php 
            esc_html_e('Core Contributors to bbPress 2.5', 'bbpress');
			<p class="wp-credits-list">
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/alex-ye">alex-ye</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/alexvorn2">alexvorn2</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/aliso">aliso</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/boonebgorges">boonebgorges</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/daveshine">daveshine</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/DJPaul">DJPaul</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/ethitter">ethitter</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/fanquake">fanquake</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/GargajCNS">GargajCNS</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/GautamGupta">GautamGupta</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/imath">imath</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/jkudish">jkudish</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/kobenland">kobenland</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/lakrisgubben">lakrisgubben</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/loki_racer">loki_racer</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/mamaduka">mamaduka</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/Maty">Maty</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/mercime">mercime</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/mordauk">mordauk</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/mrcl">mrcl</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/MZAWeb">MZAWeb</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/r-a-y">r-a-y</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/strangerstudios">strangerstudios</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/thebrandonallen">thebrandonallen</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/tlovett1">tlovett1</a>,
				<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.org/wpdennis">wpdennis</a>,

			<div class="return-to-dashboard">
				<a href="<?php 
            echo esc_url(admin_url(add_query_arg(array('page' => 'bbpress'), 'options-general.php')));
            esc_html_e('Go to Forum Settings', 'bbpress');


Example #23
  * Register bundled theme packages
  * Note that since we currently have complete control over bbp-themes and
  * the bbp-theme-compat folders, it's fine to hardcode these here. If at a
  * later date we need to automate this, and API will need to be built.
  * @since bbPress (r3829)
 public function register_theme_packages()
     // Register the default theme compatibility package
     bbp_register_theme_package(array('id' => 'default', 'name' => __('bbPress Default', 'bbpress'), 'version' => bbp_get_version(), 'dir' => trailingslashit($this->themes_dir . 'default'), 'url' => trailingslashit($this->themes_url . 'default')));
     // Register the basic theme stack. This is really dope.
     bbp_register_template_stack('get_stylesheet_directory', 10);
     bbp_register_template_stack('get_template_directory', 12);
     bbp_register_template_stack('bbp_get_theme_compat_dir', 14);