Example #1
 * Handles the front end edit forum submission
 * @param string $action The requested action to compare this function to
 * @uses bbPress:errors::add() To log various error messages
 * @uses bbp_get_forum() To get the forum
 * @uses bbp_verify_nonce_request() To verify the nonce and check the request
 * @uses bbp_is_forum_anonymous() To check if forum is by an anonymous user
 * @uses current_user_can() To check if the current user can edit the forum
 * @uses bbp_filter_anonymous_post_data() To filter anonymous data
 * @uses is_wp_error() To check if the value retrieved is a {@link WP_Error}
 * @uses esc_attr() For sanitization
 * @uses bbp_is_forum_category() To check if the forum is a category
 * @uses bbp_is_forum_closed() To check if the forum is closed
 * @uses bbp_is_forum_private() To check if the forum is private
 * @uses remove_filter() To remove kses filters if needed
 * @uses apply_filters() Calls 'bbp_edit_forum_pre_title' with the title and
 *                        forum id
 * @uses apply_filters() Calls 'bbp_edit_forum_pre_content' with the content
 *                        and forum id
 * @uses bbPress::errors::get_error_codes() To get the {@link WP_Error} errors
 * @uses wp_save_post_revision() To save a forum revision
 * @uses bbp_update_forum_revision_log() To update the forum revision log
 * @uses wp_update_post() To update the forum
 * @uses do_action() Calls 'bbp_edit_forum' with the forum id, forum id,
 *                    anonymous data and reply author
 * @uses bbp_move_forum_handler() To handle movement of a forum from one forum
 *                                 to another
 * @uses bbp_get_forum_permalink() To get the forum permalink
 * @uses wp_safe_redirect() To redirect to the forum link
 * @uses bbPress::errors::get_error_messages() To get the {@link WP_Error} error
 *                                              messages
function bbp_edit_forum_handler($action = '')
    // Bail if action is not bbp-edit-forum
    if ('bbp-edit-forum' !== $action) {
    // Define local variable(s)
    $anonymous_data = array();
    $forum = $forum_id = $forum_parent_id = 0;
    $forum_title = $forum_content = $forum_edit_reason = '';
    /** Forum *****************************************************************/
    // Forum id was not passed
    if (empty($_POST['bbp_forum_id'])) {
        bbp_add_error('bbp_edit_forum_id', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Forum ID not found.', 'bbpress'));
        // Forum id was passed
    } elseif (is_numeric($_POST['bbp_forum_id'])) {
        $forum_id = (int) $_POST['bbp_forum_id'];
        $forum = bbp_get_forum($forum_id);
    // Nonce check
    if (!bbp_verify_nonce_request('bbp-edit-forum_' . $forum_id)) {
        bbp_add_error('bbp_edit_forum_nonce', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Are you sure you wanted to do that?', 'bbpress'));
        // Forum does not exist
    } elseif (empty($forum)) {
        bbp_add_error('bbp_edit_forum_not_found', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: The forum you want to edit was not found.', 'bbpress'));
        // User cannot edit this forum
    } elseif (!current_user_can('edit_forum', $forum_id)) {
        bbp_add_error('bbp_edit_forum_permissions', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: You do not have permission to edit that forum.', 'bbpress'));
    // Remove kses filters from title and content for capable users and if the nonce is verified
    if (current_user_can('unfiltered_html') && !empty($_POST['_bbp_unfiltered_html_forum']) && wp_create_nonce('bbp-unfiltered-html-forum_' . $forum_id) === $_POST['_bbp_unfiltered_html_forum']) {
        remove_filter('bbp_edit_forum_pre_title', 'wp_filter_kses');
        remove_filter('bbp_edit_forum_pre_content', 'bbp_encode_bad', 10);
        remove_filter('bbp_edit_forum_pre_content', 'bbp_filter_kses', 30);
    /** Forum Parent ***********************************************************/
    // Forum parent id was passed
    if (!empty($_POST['bbp_forum_parent_id'])) {
        $forum_parent_id = bbp_get_forum_id($_POST['bbp_forum_parent_id']);
    // Current forum this forum is in
    $current_parent_forum_id = bbp_get_forum_parent_id($forum_id);
    // Forum exists
    if (!empty($forum_parent_id) && $forum_parent_id !== $current_parent_forum_id) {
        // Forum is closed and user cannot access
        if (bbp_is_forum_closed($forum_parent_id) && !current_user_can('edit_forum', $forum_parent_id)) {
            bbp_add_error('bbp_edit_forum_forum_closed', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: This forum has been closed to new forums.', 'bbpress'));
        // Forum is private and user cannot access
        if (bbp_is_forum_private($forum_parent_id) && !current_user_can('read_private_forums')) {
            bbp_add_error('bbp_edit_forum_forum_private', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: This forum is private and you do not have the capability to read or create new forums in it.', 'bbpress'));
        // Forum is hidden and user cannot access
        if (bbp_is_forum_hidden($forum_parent_id) && !current_user_can('read_hidden_forums')) {
            bbp_add_error('bbp_edit_forum_forum_hidden', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: This forum is hidden and you do not have the capability to read or create new forums in it.', 'bbpress'));
    /** Forum Title ***********************************************************/
    if (!empty($_POST['bbp_forum_title'])) {
        $forum_title = esc_attr(strip_tags($_POST['bbp_forum_title']));
    // Filter and sanitize
    $forum_title = apply_filters('bbp_edit_forum_pre_title', $forum_title, $forum_id);
    // No forum title
    if (empty($forum_title)) {
        bbp_add_error('bbp_edit_forum_title', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Your forum needs a title.', 'bbpress'));
    /** Forum Content *********************************************************/
    if (!empty($_POST['bbp_forum_content'])) {
        $forum_content = $_POST['bbp_forum_content'];
    // Filter and sanitize
    $forum_content = apply_filters('bbp_edit_forum_pre_content', $forum_content, $forum_id);
    // No forum content
    if (empty($forum_content)) {
        bbp_add_error('bbp_edit_forum_content', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Your forum description cannot be empty.', 'bbpress'));
    /** Forum Blacklist *******************************************************/
    if (!bbp_check_for_blacklist($anonymous_data, bbp_get_forum_author_id($forum_id), $forum_title, $forum_content)) {
        bbp_add_error('bbp_forum_blacklist', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Your forum cannot be edited at this time.', 'bbpress'));
    /** Forum Moderation ******************************************************/
    $post_status = bbp_get_public_status_id();
    if (!bbp_check_for_moderation($anonymous_data, bbp_get_forum_author_id($forum_id), $forum_title, $forum_content)) {
        $post_status = bbp_get_pending_status_id();
    /** Additional Actions (Before Save) **************************************/
    do_action('bbp_edit_forum_pre_extras', $forum_id);
    // Bail if errors
    if (bbp_has_errors()) {
    /** No Errors *************************************************************/
    // Add the content of the form to $forum_data as an array
    // Just in time manipulation of forum data before being edited
    $forum_data = apply_filters('bbp_edit_forum_pre_insert', array('ID' => $forum_id, 'post_title' => $forum_title, 'post_content' => $forum_content, 'post_status' => $post_status, 'post_parent' => $forum_parent_id));
    // Insert forum
    $forum_id = wp_update_post($forum_data);
    /** Revisions *************************************************************/
    * @todo omitted for 2.1
    	// Revision Reason
    	if ( !empty( $_POST['bbp_forum_edit_reason'] ) )
    		$forum_edit_reason = esc_attr( strip_tags( $_POST['bbp_forum_edit_reason'] ) );
    	// Update revision log
    	if ( !empty( $_POST['bbp_log_forum_edit'] ) && ( "1" === $_POST['bbp_log_forum_edit'] ) && ( $revision_id = wp_save_post_revision( $forum_id ) ) ) {
    		bbp_update_forum_revision_log( array(
    			'forum_id'    => $forum_id,
    			'revision_id' => $revision_id,
    			'author_id'   => bbp_get_current_user_id(),
    			'reason'      => $forum_edit_reason
    		) );
    /** No Errors *************************************************************/
    if (!empty($forum_id) && !is_wp_error($forum_id)) {
        // Update counts, etc...
        do_action('bbp_edit_forum', array('forum_id' => $forum_id, 'post_parent' => $forum_parent_id, 'forum_author' => $forum->post_author, 'last_topic_id' => 0, 'last_reply_id' => 0, 'last_active_id' => 0, 'last_active_time' => 0, 'last_active_status' => bbp_get_public_status_id()));
        // If the new forum parent id is not equal to the old forum parent
        // id, run the bbp_move_forum action and pass the forum's parent id
        // as the first arg and new forum parent id as the second.
        // @todo implement
        //if ( $forum_id !== $forum->post_parent )
        //	bbp_move_forum_handler( $forum_parent_id, $forum->post_parent, $forum_id );
        /** Additional Actions (After Save) ***********************************/
        do_action('bbp_edit_forum_post_extras', $forum_id);
        /** Redirect **********************************************************/
        // Redirect to
        $redirect_to = bbp_get_redirect_to();
        // View all?
        $view_all = bbp_get_view_all();
        // Get the forum URL
        $forum_url = bbp_get_forum_permalink($forum_id, $redirect_to);
        // Add view all?
        if (!empty($view_all)) {
            $forum_url = bbp_add_view_all($forum_url);
        // Allow to be filtered
        $forum_url = apply_filters('bbp_edit_forum_redirect_to', $forum_url, $view_all, $redirect_to);
        /** Successful Edit ***************************************************/
        // Redirect back to new forum
        // For good measure
        /** Errors ****************************************************************/
    } else {
        $append_error = is_wp_error($forum_id) && $forum_id->get_error_message() ? $forum_id->get_error_message() . ' ' : '';
        bbp_add_error('bbp_forum_error', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: The following problem(s) have been found with your forum:' . $append_error . 'Please try again.', 'bbpress'));
Example #2
 * Handles the front end edit topic submission
 * @param string $action The requested action to compare this function to
 * @uses bbp_add_error() To add an error message
 * @uses bbp_get_topic() To get the topic
 * @uses bbp_verify_nonce_request() To verify the nonce and check the request
 * @uses bbp_is_topic_anonymous() To check if topic is by an anonymous user
 * @uses current_user_can() To check if the current user can edit the topic
 * @uses bbp_filter_anonymous_post_data() To filter anonymous data
 * @uses is_wp_error() To check if the value retrieved is a {@link WP_Error}
 * @uses esc_attr() For sanitization
 * @uses bbp_is_forum_category() To check if the forum is a category
 * @uses bbp_is_forum_closed() To check if the forum is closed
 * @uses bbp_is_forum_private() To check if the forum is private
 * @uses remove_filter() To remove kses filters if needed
 * @uses apply_filters() Calls 'bbp_edit_topic_pre_title' with the title and
 *                        topic id
 * @uses apply_filters() Calls 'bbp_edit_topic_pre_content' with the content
 *                        and topic id
 * @uses bbPress::errors::get_error_codes() To get the {@link WP_Error} errors
 * @uses wp_save_post_revision() To save a topic revision
 * @uses bbp_update_topic_revision_log() To update the topic revision log
 * @uses bbp_stick_topic() To stick or super stick the topic
 * @uses bbp_unstick_topic() To unstick the topic
 * @uses wp_update_post() To update the topic
 * @uses do_action() Calls 'bbp_edit_topic' with the topic id, forum id,
 *                    anonymous data and reply author
 * @uses bbp_move_topic_handler() To handle movement of a topic from one forum
 *                                 to another
 * @uses bbp_get_topic_permalink() To get the topic permalink
 * @uses wp_safe_redirect() To redirect to the topic link
 * @uses bbPress::errors::get_error_messages() To get the {@link WP_Error} error
 *                                              messages
function bbp_edit_topic_handler($action = '')
    // Bail if action is not bbp-edit-topic
    if ('bbp-edit-topic' !== $action) {
    // Define local variable(s)
    $revisions_removed = false;
    $topic = $topic_id = $topic_author = $forum_id = $anonymous_data = 0;
    $topic_title = $topic_content = $topic_edit_reason = '';
    /** Topic *****************************************************************/
    // Topic id was not passed
    if (empty($_POST['bbp_topic_id'])) {
        bbp_add_error('bbp_edit_topic_id', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Topic ID not found.', 'bbpress'));
        // Topic id was passed
    } elseif (is_numeric($_POST['bbp_topic_id'])) {
        $topic_id = (int) $_POST['bbp_topic_id'];
        $topic = bbp_get_topic($topic_id);
    // Topic does not exist
    if (empty($topic)) {
        bbp_add_error('bbp_edit_topic_not_found', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: The topic you want to edit was not found.', 'bbpress'));
        // Topic exists
    } else {
        // Check users ability to create new topic
        if (!bbp_is_topic_anonymous($topic_id)) {
            // User cannot edit this topic
            if (!current_user_can('edit_topic', $topic_id)) {
                bbp_add_error('bbp_edit_topic_permissions', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: You do not have permission to edit that topic.', 'bbpress'));
            // Set topic author
            $topic_author = bbp_get_topic_author_id($topic_id);
            // It is an anonymous post
        } else {
            // Filter anonymous data
            $anonymous_data = bbp_filter_anonymous_post_data(array(), true);
    // Nonce check
    if (!bbp_verify_nonce_request('bbp-edit-topic_' . $topic_id)) {
        bbp_add_error('bbp_edit_topic_nonce', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Are you sure you wanted to do that?', 'bbpress'));
    // Remove kses filters from title and content for capable users and if the nonce is verified
    if (current_user_can('unfiltered_html') && !empty($_POST['_bbp_unfiltered_html_topic']) && wp_create_nonce('bbp-unfiltered-html-topic_' . $topic_id) === $_POST['_bbp_unfiltered_html_topic']) {
        remove_filter('bbp_edit_topic_pre_title', 'wp_filter_kses');
        remove_filter('bbp_edit_topic_pre_content', 'bbp_encode_bad', 10);
        remove_filter('bbp_edit_topic_pre_content', 'bbp_filter_kses', 30);
    /** Topic Forum ***********************************************************/
    // Forum id was not passed
    if (empty($_POST['bbp_forum_id'])) {
        bbp_add_error('bbp_topic_forum_id', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Forum ID is missing.', 'bbpress'));
        // Forum id was passed
    } elseif (is_numeric($_POST['bbp_forum_id'])) {
        $forum_id = (int) $_POST['bbp_forum_id'];
    // Current forum this topic is in
    $current_forum_id = bbp_get_topic_forum_id($topic_id);
    // Forum exists
    if (!empty($forum_id) && $forum_id !== $current_forum_id) {
        // Forum is a category
        if (bbp_is_forum_category($forum_id)) {
            bbp_add_error('bbp_edit_topic_forum_category', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: This forum is a category. No topics can be created in it.', 'bbpress'));
            // Forum is not a category
        } else {
            // Forum is closed and user cannot access
            if (bbp_is_forum_closed($forum_id) && !current_user_can('edit_forum', $forum_id)) {
                bbp_add_error('bbp_edit_topic_forum_closed', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: This forum has been closed to new topics.', 'bbpress'));
            // Forum is private and user cannot access
            if (bbp_is_forum_private($forum_id)) {
                if (!current_user_can('read_private_forums')) {
                    bbp_add_error('bbp_edit_topic_forum_private', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: This forum is private and you do not have the capability to read or create new topics in it.', 'bbpress'));
                // Forum is hidden and user cannot access
            } elseif (bbp_is_forum_hidden($forum_id)) {
                if (!current_user_can('read_hidden_forums')) {
                    bbp_add_error('bbp_edit_topic_forum_hidden', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: This forum is hidden and you do not have the capability to read or create new topics in it.', 'bbpress'));
    /** Topic Title ***********************************************************/
    if (!empty($_POST['bbp_topic_title'])) {
        $topic_title = esc_attr(strip_tags($_POST['bbp_topic_title']));
    // Filter and sanitize
    $topic_title = apply_filters('bbp_edit_topic_pre_title', $topic_title, $topic_id);
    // No topic title
    if (empty($topic_title)) {
        bbp_add_error('bbp_edit_topic_title', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Your topic needs a title.', 'bbpress'));
    /** Topic Content *********************************************************/
    if (!empty($_POST['bbp_topic_content'])) {
        $topic_content = $_POST['bbp_topic_content'];
    // Filter and sanitize
    $topic_content = apply_filters('bbp_edit_topic_pre_content', $topic_content, $topic_id);
    // No topic content
    if (empty($topic_content)) {
        bbp_add_error('bbp_edit_topic_content', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Your topic cannot be empty.', 'bbpress'));
    /** Topic Blacklist *******************************************************/
    if (!bbp_check_for_blacklist($anonymous_data, $topic_author, $topic_title, $topic_content)) {
        bbp_add_error('bbp_topic_blacklist', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Your topic cannot be edited at this time.', 'bbpress'));
    /** Topic Status **********************************************************/
    // Maybe put into moderation
    if (!bbp_check_for_moderation($anonymous_data, $topic_author, $topic_title, $topic_content)) {
        // Set post status to pending if public or closed
        if (in_array($topic->post_status, array(bbp_get_public_status_id(), bbp_get_closed_status_id()))) {
            $topic_status = bbp_get_pending_status_id();
        // Check a whitelist of possible topic status ID's
    } elseif (!empty($_POST['bbp_topic_status']) && in_array($_POST['bbp_topic_status'], array_keys(bbp_get_topic_statuses()))) {
        $topic_status = $_POST['bbp_topic_status'];
        // Use existing post_status
    } else {
        $topic_status = $topic->post_status;
    /** Topic Tags ************************************************************/
    // Either replace terms
    if (bbp_allow_topic_tags() && current_user_can('assign_topic_tags') && !empty($_POST['bbp_topic_tags'])) {
        // Escape tag input
        $terms = esc_attr(strip_tags($_POST['bbp_topic_tags']));
        // Explode by comma
        if (strstr($terms, ',')) {
            $terms = explode(',', $terms);
        // Add topic tag ID as main key
        $terms = array(bbp_get_topic_tag_tax_id() => $terms);
        // ...or remove them.
    } elseif (isset($_POST['bbp_topic_tags'])) {
        $terms = array(bbp_get_topic_tag_tax_id() => array());
        // Existing terms
    } else {
        $terms = array(bbp_get_topic_tag_tax_id() => explode(',', bbp_get_topic_tag_names($topic_id, ',')));
    /** Additional Actions (Before Save) **************************************/
    do_action('bbp_edit_topic_pre_extras', $topic_id);
    // Bail if errors
    if (bbp_has_errors()) {
    /** No Errors *************************************************************/
    // Add the content of the form to $topic_data as an array
    // Just in time manipulation of topic data before being edited
    $topic_data = apply_filters('bbp_edit_topic_pre_insert', array('ID' => $topic_id, 'post_title' => $topic_title, 'post_content' => $topic_content, 'post_status' => $topic_status, 'post_parent' => $forum_id, 'post_author' => $topic_author, 'post_type' => bbp_get_topic_post_type(), 'tax_input' => $terms));
    // Toggle revisions to avoid duplicates
    if (post_type_supports(bbp_get_topic_post_type(), 'revisions')) {
        $revisions_removed = true;
        remove_post_type_support(bbp_get_topic_post_type(), 'revisions');
    // Insert topic
    $topic_id = wp_update_post($topic_data);
    // Toggle revisions back on
    if (true === $revisions_removed) {
        $revisions_removed = false;
        add_post_type_support(bbp_get_topic_post_type(), 'revisions');
    /** No Errors *************************************************************/
    if (!empty($topic_id) && !is_wp_error($topic_id)) {
        // Update counts, etc...
        do_action('bbp_edit_topic', $topic_id, $forum_id, $anonymous_data, $topic_author, true);
        /** Revisions *********************************************************/
        // Revision Reason
        if (!empty($_POST['bbp_topic_edit_reason'])) {
            $topic_edit_reason = esc_attr(strip_tags($_POST['bbp_topic_edit_reason']));
        // Update revision log
        if (!empty($_POST['bbp_log_topic_edit']) && "1" === $_POST['bbp_log_topic_edit']) {
            $revision_id = wp_save_post_revision($topic_id);
            if (!empty($revision_id)) {
                bbp_update_topic_revision_log(array('topic_id' => $topic_id, 'revision_id' => $revision_id, 'author_id' => bbp_get_current_user_id(), 'reason' => $topic_edit_reason));
        /** Move Topic ********************************************************/
        // If the new forum id is not equal to the old forum id, run the
        // bbp_move_topic action and pass the topic's forum id as the
        // first arg and topic id as the second to update counts.
        if ($forum_id !== $topic->post_parent) {
            bbp_move_topic_handler($topic_id, $topic->post_parent, $forum_id);
        /** Stickies **********************************************************/
        if (!empty($_POST['bbp_stick_topic']) && in_array($_POST['bbp_stick_topic'], array_keys(bbp_get_topic_types()))) {
            // What's the caps?
            if (current_user_can('moderate')) {
                // What's the haps?
                switch ($_POST['bbp_stick_topic']) {
                    // Sticky in forum
                    case 'stick':
                        // Sticky in all forums
                    // Sticky in all forums
                    case 'super':
                        bbp_stick_topic($topic_id, true);
                        // Normal
                    // Normal
                    case 'unstick':
        /** Additional Actions (After Save) ***********************************/
        do_action('bbp_edit_topic_post_extras', $topic_id);
        /** Redirect **********************************************************/
        // Redirect to
        $redirect_to = bbp_get_redirect_to();
        // View all?
        $view_all = bbp_get_view_all();
        // Get the topic URL
        $topic_url = bbp_get_topic_permalink($topic_id, $redirect_to);
        // Add view all?
        if (!empty($view_all)) {
            $topic_url = bbp_add_view_all($topic_url);
        // Allow to be filtered
        $topic_url = apply_filters('bbp_edit_topic_redirect_to', $topic_url, $view_all, $redirect_to);
        /** Successful Edit ***************************************************/
        // Redirect back to new topic
        // For good measure
        /** Errors ****************************************************************/
    } else {
        $append_error = is_wp_error($topic_id) && $topic_id->get_error_message() ? $topic_id->get_error_message() . ' ' : '';
        bbp_add_error('bbp_topic_error', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: The following problem(s) have been found with your topic:' . $append_error . 'Please try again.', 'bbpress'));
 * Handles the front end spamming/unspamming and trashing/untrashing/deleting of
 * replies
 * @since bbPress (r2740)
 * @param string $action The requested action to compare this function to
 * @uses bbp_get_reply() To get the reply
 * @uses current_user_can() To check if the user is capable of editing or
 *                           deleting the reply
 * @uses check_ajax_referer() To verify the nonce and check the referer
 * @uses bbp_get_reply_post_type() To get the reply post type
 * @uses bbp_is_reply_spam() To check if the reply is marked as spam
 * @uses bbp_spam_reply() To make the reply as spam
 * @uses bbp_unspam_reply() To unmark the reply as spam
 * @uses wp_trash_post() To trash the reply
 * @uses wp_untrash_post() To untrash the reply
 * @uses wp_delete_post() To delete the reply
 * @uses do_action() Calls 'bbp_toggle_reply_handler' with success, post data
 *                    and action
 * @uses bbp_get_reply_url() To get the reply url
 * @uses wp_safe_redirect() To redirect to the reply
 * @uses bbPress::errors:add() To log the error messages
function bbp_toggle_reply_handler($action = '')
    // Bail if required GET actions aren't passed
    if (empty($_GET['reply_id'])) {
    // Setup possible get actions
    $possible_actions = array('bbp_toggle_reply_spam', 'bbp_toggle_reply_trash');
    // Bail if actions aren't meant for this function
    if (!in_array($action, $possible_actions)) {
    $failure = '';
    // Empty failure string
    $view_all = false;
    // Assume not viewing all
    $reply_id = (int) $_GET['reply_id'];
    // What's the reply id?
    $success = false;
    // Flag
    $post_data = array('ID' => $reply_id);
    // Prelim array
    // Make sure reply exists
    $reply = bbp_get_reply($reply_id);
    if (empty($reply)) {
    // What is the user doing here?
    if (!current_user_can('edit_reply', $reply->ID) || 'bbp_toggle_reply_trash' === $action && !current_user_can('delete_reply', $reply->ID)) {
        bbp_add_error('bbp_toggle_reply_permission', __('<strong>ERROR:</strong> You do not have the permission to do that!', 'bbpress'));
    // What action are we trying to perform?
    switch ($action) {
        // Toggle spam
        case 'bbp_toggle_reply_spam':
            check_ajax_referer('spam-reply_' . $reply_id);
            $is_spam = bbp_is_reply_spam($reply_id);
            $success = $is_spam ? bbp_unspam_reply($reply_id) : bbp_spam_reply($reply_id);
            $failure = $is_spam ? __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: There was a problem unmarking the reply as spam!', 'bbpress') : __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: There was a problem marking the reply as spam!', 'bbpress');
            $view_all = !$is_spam;
            // Toggle trash
        // Toggle trash
        case 'bbp_toggle_reply_trash':
            $sub_action = in_array($_GET['sub_action'], array('trash', 'untrash', 'delete')) ? $_GET['sub_action'] : false;
            if (empty($sub_action)) {
            switch ($sub_action) {
                case 'trash':
                    check_ajax_referer('trash-' . bbp_get_reply_post_type() . '_' . $reply_id);
                    $view_all = true;
                    $success = wp_trash_post($reply_id);
                    $failure = __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: There was a problem trashing the reply!', 'bbpress');
                case 'untrash':
                    check_ajax_referer('untrash-' . bbp_get_reply_post_type() . '_' . $reply_id);
                    $success = wp_untrash_post($reply_id);
                    $failure = __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: There was a problem untrashing the reply!', 'bbpress');
                case 'delete':
                    check_ajax_referer('delete-' . bbp_get_reply_post_type() . '_' . $reply_id);
                    $success = wp_delete_post($reply_id);
                    $failure = __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: There was a problem deleting the reply!', 'bbpress');
    // Do additional reply toggle actions
    do_action('bbp_toggle_reply_handler', $success, $post_data, $action);
    // No errors
    if (false !== $success && !is_wp_error($success)) {
        /** Redirect **********************************************************/
        // Redirect to
        $redirect_to = bbp_get_redirect_to();
        // Get the reply URL
        $reply_url = bbp_get_reply_url($reply_id, $redirect_to);
        // Add view all if needed
        if (!empty($view_all)) {
            $reply_url = bbp_add_view_all($reply_url, true);
        // Redirect back to reply
        // For good measure
        // Handle errors
    } else {
        bbp_add_error('bbp_toggle_reply', $failure);
  * Handles the front end reporting/un-reporting of replies
  * @since 1.0.0
  * @param string $action The requested action to compare this function to
 public function toggle_reply_handler($action = '')
     // Bail if required GET actions aren't passed
     if (empty($_GET['reply_id'])) {
     // Setup possible get actions
     $possible_actions = array('bbp_rc_toggle_reply_report');
     // Bail if actions aren't meant for this function
     if (!in_array($action, $possible_actions)) {
     $failure = '';
     // Empty failure string
     $view_all = false;
     // Assume not viewing all
     $reply_id = (int) $_GET['reply_id'];
     // What's the reply id?
     $success = false;
     // Flag
     $post_data = array('ID' => $reply_id);
     // Prelim array
     $redirect = '';
     // Empty redirect URL
     // Make sure reply exists
     $reply = bbp_get_reply($reply_id);
     if (empty($reply)) {
     // Bail if non-logged-in user
     if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
     // What action are we trying to perform?
     switch ($action) {
         // Toggle reported
         case 'bbp_rc_toggle_reply_report':
             check_ajax_referer('report-reply_' . $reply_id);
             $is_reported = $this->is_reply_reported($reply_id);
             $success = true === $is_reported ? $this->unreport_reply($reply_id) : $this->report_reply($reply_id);
             $failure = true === $is_reported ? __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: There was a problem unmarking the reply as reported.', 'bbpress-report-content') : __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: There was a problem reporting the reply.', 'bbpress-report-content');
             // $view_all = !$is_reported; // Only need this if we want to hide it, like spam
     // No errors
     if (false !== $success && !is_wp_error($success)) {
         /** Redirect **********************************************************/
         // Redirect to
         $redirect_to = bbp_get_redirect_to();
         // Get the reply URL
         $reply_url = bbp_get_reply_url($reply_id, $redirect_to);
         // Add view all if needed
         if (!empty($view_all)) {
             $reply_url = bbp_add_view_all($reply_url, true);
         // Redirect back to reply
         // For good measure
         // Handle errors
     } else {
         bbp_add_error('bbp_rc_toggle_reply', $failure);
Example #5
function my_topic_edit_handler()
    //error_log("og reply id:".$_POST['bbp_reply_id']);
    //error_log("og redirect:".bbp_get_redirect_to());
    //error_log("page uri:".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
    // Edit replies do not have the url that we don't want to cache (unlike new posts).
    // In order to disable the cache for the editing user for this topic, we need to obtain
    // its url
    // Get the post id
    $mytopicid = (int) $_POST['bbp_topic_id'];
    // Get the full redirect url
    $myredirect = bbp_get_redirect_to();
    $myreplyurl = bbp_get_topic_permalink($mytopicid);
    $myforumid = bbp_get_topic_forum_id($mytopicid);
    error_log("topic url: " . $myreplyurl . " og topic id: " . $_POST['bbp_topic_id'] . " og forumid: " . $myforumid);
    // Get rid of the extras (such as the domain name and the #post123)
    $myreplyurlpart = trim(preg_replace("/([^\\/]+\$)/", "", preg_replace("/^https?:\\/\\/[^\\/]+(\\/*.+\\/).*/", " \$1 ", $myreplyurl)));
    $myforumurl = bbp_get_forum_permalink($myforumid);
    $myforumurlpart = trim(preg_replace("/([^\\/]+\$)/", "", preg_replace("/^https?:\\/\\/[^\\/]+(\\/*.+\\/).*/", " \$1 ", $myforumurl)));
    //error_log("og reply url:".home_url());
    // Don't cache the topic so that the user can see their updated content and title
    error_log("og topic uri:" . $myreplyurlpart);
    error_log("og topic uri:" . $myreplyurlpart);
    error_log("og forum uri:" . $myforumurlpart);
    // Don't cache the forum so that the user can see their updated title
Example #6
 * Do the actual topic toggling
 * This function is used by `bbp_toggle_topic_handler()` to do the actual heavy
 * lifting when it comes to toggling topic. It only really makes sense to call
 * within that context, so if you need to call this function directly, make sure
 * you're also doing what the handler does too.
 * @since 2.6.0  bbPress (r6133)
 * @access private
 * @param array $args
function bbp_toggle_topic($args = array())
    // Parse the arguments
    $r = bbp_parse_args($args, array('id' => 0, 'action' => '', 'sub_action' => '', 'data' => array()));
    // Build the nonce suffix
    $nonce_suffix = bbp_get_topic_post_type() . '_' . (int) $r['id'];
    // Default return values
    $retval = array('status' => 0, 'message' => '', 'redirect_to' => bbp_get_topic_permalink($r['id'], bbp_get_redirect_to()), 'view_all' => false);
    // What action are we trying to perform?
    switch ($r['action']) {
        // Toggle approve/unapprove
        case 'bbp_toggle_topic_approve':
            $is_pending = bbp_is_topic_pending($r['id']);
            $retval['view_all'] = !$is_pending;
            // Toggle
            $retval['status'] = true === $is_pending ? bbp_approve_topic($r['id']) : bbp_unapprove_topic($r['id']);
            // Feedback
            $retval['message'] = true === $is_pending ? __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: There was a problem approving the topic.', 'bbpress') : __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: There was a problem unapproving the topic.', 'bbpress');
            // Toggle open/close
        // Toggle open/close
        case 'bbp_toggle_topic_close':
            $is_open = bbp_is_topic_open($r['id']);
            // Toggle
            $retval['status'] = true === $is_open ? bbp_close_topic($r['id']) : bbp_open_topic($r['id']);
            // Feedback
            $retval['message'] = true === $is_open ? __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: There was a problem closing the topic.', 'bbpress') : __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: There was a problem opening the topic.', 'bbpress');
            // Toggle sticky/super-sticky/unstick
        // Toggle sticky/super-sticky/unstick
        case 'bbp_toggle_topic_stick':
            $is_sticky = bbp_is_topic_sticky($r['id']);
            $is_super = false === $is_sticky && !empty($_GET['super']) && "1" === $_GET['super'] ? true : false;
            // Toggle
            $retval['status'] = true === $is_sticky ? bbp_unstick_topic($r['id']) : bbp_stick_topic($r['id'], $is_super);
            // Feedback
            $retval['message'] = true === $is_sticky ? __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: There was a problem unsticking the topic.', 'bbpress') : __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: There was a problem sticking the topic.', 'bbpress');
            // Toggle spam
        // Toggle spam
        case 'bbp_toggle_topic_spam':
            $is_spam = bbp_is_topic_spam($r['id']);
            $retval['view_all'] = !$is_spam;
            // Toggle
            $retval['status'] = true === $is_spam ? bbp_unspam_topic($r['id']) : bbp_spam_topic($r['id']);
            // Feedback
            $retval['message'] = true === $is_spam ? __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: There was a problem unmarking the topic as spam.', 'bbpress') : __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: There was a problem marking the topic as spam.', 'bbpress');
            // Toggle trash
        // Toggle trash
        case 'bbp_toggle_topic_trash':
            switch ($r['sub_action']) {
                case 'trash':
                    $retval['view_all'] = true;
                    $retval['status'] = wp_trash_post($r['id']);
                    $retval['message'] = __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: There was a problem trashing the topic.', 'bbpress');
                case 'untrash':
                    $retval['status'] = wp_untrash_post($r['id']);
                    $retval['message'] = __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: There was a problem untrashing the topic.', 'bbpress');
                case 'delete':
                    $retval['status'] = wp_delete_post($r['id']);
                    $retval['message'] = __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: There was a problem deleting the topic.', 'bbpress');
    // Maybe redirect back to the topic's forum
    if (isset($r['sub_action']) && 'delete' === $r['sub_action']) {
        $retval['redirect_to'] = bbp_get_forum_permalink($retval['status']->post_parent);
    // Add view all if needed
    if (!empty($retval['view_all'])) {
        $retval['redirect_to'] = bbp_add_view_all($retval['redirect_to'], true);
    // Filter & return
    return apply_filters('bbp_toggle_topic', $retval, $r, $args);
Example #7
 * Do the actual reply toggling
 * This function is used by `bbp_toggle_reply_handler()` to do the actual heavy
 * lifting when it comes to toggling replies. It only really makes sense to call
 * within that context, so if you need to call this function directly, make sure
 * you're also doing what the handler does too.
 * @since 2.6.0 bbPress (r6133)
 * @access private
 * @param array $args
function bbp_toggle_reply($args = array())
    // Parse the arguments
    $r = bbp_parse_args($args, array('id' => 0, 'action' => '', 'sub_action' => '', 'data' => array()));
    // Build the nonce suffix
    $nonce_suffix = bbp_get_reply_post_type() . '_' . (int) $r['id'];
    // Default return values
    $retval = array('status' => 0, 'message' => '', 'redirect_to' => bbp_get_reply_url($r['id'], bbp_get_redirect_to()), 'view_all' => false);
    // What action are we trying to perform?
    switch ($r['action']) {
        // Toggle approve
        case 'bbp_toggle_reply_approve':
            $is_approve = bbp_is_reply_pending($r['id']);
            $retval['status'] = $is_approve ? bbp_approve_reply($r['id']) : bbp_unapprove_reply($r['id']);
            $retval['message'] = $is_approve ? __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: There was a problem approving the reply.', 'bbpress') : __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: There was a problem unapproving the reply.', 'bbpress');
            $retval['view_all'] = !$is_approve;
            // Toggle spam
        // Toggle spam
        case 'bbp_toggle_reply_spam':
            $is_spam = bbp_is_reply_spam($r['id']);
            $retval['status'] = $is_spam ? bbp_unspam_reply($r['id']) : bbp_spam_reply($r['id']);
            $retval['message'] = $is_spam ? __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: There was a problem unmarking the reply as spam.', 'bbpress') : __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: There was a problem marking the reply as spam.', 'bbpress');
            $retval['view_all'] = !$is_spam;
            // Toggle trash
        // Toggle trash
        case 'bbp_toggle_reply_trash':
            // Which subaction?
            switch ($r['sub_action']) {
                case 'trash':
                    $retval['view_all'] = true;
                    $retval['status'] = wp_trash_post($r['id']);
                    $retval['message'] = __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: There was a problem trashing the reply.', 'bbpress');
                case 'untrash':
                    $retval['status'] = wp_untrash_post($r['id']);
                    $retval['message'] = __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: There was a problem untrashing the reply.', 'bbpress');
                case 'delete':
                    $retval['status'] = wp_delete_post($r['id']);
                    $retval['message'] = __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: There was a problem deleting the reply.', 'bbpress');
    // Add view all if needed
    if (!empty($retval['view_all'])) {
        $retval['redirect_to'] = bbp_add_view_all($retval['redirect_to'], true);
    // Filter & return
    return apply_filters('bbp_toggle_reply', $retval, $r, $args);