function for_buddypress_prepare_topic($_topic, $topic)
    // Cast to an array
    $_topic = (array) $topic;
    // Set the URI
    $_topic['topic_uri'] = get_topic_link($_topic['topic_id']);
    // Set readable times
    $_topic['topic_start_time_since'] = bb_since($_topic['topic_start_time']);
    $_topic['topic_time_since'] = bb_since($_topic['topic_time']);
    // Set the display names
    $_topic['topic_poster_display_name'] = get_user_display_name($_topic['topic_poster']);
    $_topic['topic_last_poster_display_name'] = get_user_display_name($_topic['topic_last_poster']);
    return $_topic;
function bb_user_row($user, $role = '', $email = false)
    $actions = "<a href='" . esc_attr(get_user_profile_link($user->ID)) . "'>" . __('View') . "</a>";
    $title = '';
    if (bb_current_user_can('edit_user', $user_id)) {
        $actions .= " | <a href='" . esc_attr(bb_get_user_admin_link($user->ID)) . "'>" . __('Edit') . "</a>";
        $title = " title='" . esc_attr(sprintf(__('User ID: %d'), $user->ID)) . "'";
    $r = "\t<tr id='user-{$user->ID}'" . get_alt_class("user-{$role}") . ">\n";
    $r .= "\t\t<td class=\"user\">" . bb_get_avatar($user->ID, 32) . "<span class=\"row-title\"><a href='" . get_user_profile_link($user->ID) . "'" . $title . ">" . get_user_name($user->ID) . "</a></span><div><span class=\"row-actions\">{$actions}</span>&nbsp;</div></td>\n";
    $r .= "\t\t<td><a href='" . get_user_profile_link($user->ID) . "'>" . get_user_display_name($user->ID) . "</a></td>\n";
    if ($email) {
        $email = bb_get_user_email($user->ID);
        $r .= "\t\t<td><a href='mailto:{$email}'>{$email}</a></td>\n";
    $registered_time = bb_gmtstrtotime($user->user_registered);
    if ($registered_time < time() - 86400) {
        $time = date('Y/m/d\\<\\b\\r \\/\\>H:i:s', bb_offset_time($registered_time));
    } else {
        $time = sprintf(__('%s ago'), bb_since($registered_time));
    $r .= "\t\t<td>" . $time . "</td>\n";
    if (!isset($user->capabilities) || !is_array($user->capabilities) || empty($user->capabilities)) {
        $role = array(__('Inactive (no role)'));
    } else {
        global $nxt_roles;
        $_roles = $nxt_roles->get_names();
        $role = array();
        foreach ($user->capabilities as $cap => $cap_set) {
            if (!$cap_set) {
            $role[] = $_roles[$cap];
        if (!count($role)) {
            $role[] = __('None');
    $r .= "\t\t<td>" . join(', ', $role) . "</td>\n\t</tr>";
    return $r;
Example #3
  * Prepares post data for return in an XML-RPC object
  * @since 1.0
  * @return array The prepared post data
  * @param array|object The unprepared post data
 function prepare_post($post)
     // Cast to an array
     $_post = (array) $post;
     // Set the URI
     $_post['post_uri'] = get_post_link($_post['post_id']);
     // Set readable times
     $_post['post_time_since'] = bb_since($_post['post_time']);
     // Set the display names
     $_post['poster_display_name'] = get_user_display_name($_post['poster_id']);
     // Remove some sensitive data
     unset($_post['poster_id'], $_post['poster_ip'], $_post['pingback_queued']);
     // Allow plugins to modify the data
     return apply_filters('bb_xmlrpc_prepare_post', $_post, (array) $post);
function _bb_time_function_return($time, $args)
    $time = bb_gmtstrtotime($time);
    switch ($format = $args['format']) {
        case 'since':
            return bb_since($time, $args['more']);
        case 'timestamp':
            $format = 'U';
        case 'mysql':
            $format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
    if ($args['localize']) {
        return bb_gmdate_i18n($format, $time);
    } else {
        return gmdate($format, $time);
Example #5
function bb_attachments_post_attachments($post_id = 0)
    global $bbdb, $bb_attachments, $bb_attachments_cache, $bb_current_user;
    $output = "";
    if ($post_id && ($bb_attachments['role']['see'] == "read" || bb_current_user_can($bb_attachments['role']['see']))) {
        $time = time() - 60;
        $can_delete = false;
        $self = false;
        $admin = false;
        $filter = true;
        // " AND status = 0 "; 	// speedup checks with flag
        if ($bb_current_user->ID == get_post_author_id($post_id)) {
            $self = true;
        if ((!is_topic() || isset($_GET['bb_attachments'])) && bb_current_user_can('moderate')) {
            $filter = "";
            $admin = bb_current_user_can('administrate');
        if (bb_current_user_can($bb_attachments['role']['delete']) && bb_current_user_can('edit_post', $post_id)) {
            $can_delete = true;
        $location = bb_attachments_location();
        $can_inline = true;
        if (!($bb_attachments['role']['inline'] == "read" || bb_current_user_can($bb_attachments['role']['inline']))) {
            $can_inline = false;
        if (!isset($bb_attachments_cache[$post_id])) {
            $bb_attachments_cache[$post_id] = $bbdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . $bb_attachments['db'] . " WHERE post_id = {$post_id} ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 999");
        if (count($bb_attachments_cache[$post_id])) {
            foreach ($bb_attachments_cache[$post_id] as $attachment) {
                $showerror = $self && $attachment->time > $time ? true : false;
                if ($attachment->status == 0 || empty($filter) || $showerror) {
                    $attachment->filename = stripslashes($attachment->filename);
                    $output .= "<li>";
                    $output .= "<span" . ($attachment->status > 0 ? " class='deleted' " : "") . "> ";
                    if ($attachment->status > 0) {
                        $icon = "missing.gif";
                    } else {
                        if (isset($bb_attachments['icons'][$attachment->ext])) {
                            $icon = $bb_attachments['icons'][$attachment->ext];
                        } else {
                            $icon = $bb_attachments['icons']['default'];
                    $output .= " <img align='absmiddle' title='" . $attachment->ext . "' src='" . $bb_attachments['icons']['url'] . $icon . "' /> ";
                    if ($attachment->status > 0 && (empty($filter) || $showerror)) {
                        $output .= " [" . __($bb_attachments['status'][$attachment->status]) . "] {$attachment->filename} ";
                    if ($attachment->status == 0) {
                        $output .= " " . "<a href='" . attribute_escape(add_query_arg('bbat', $attachment->id, add_query_arg('bb_attachments', $attachment->post_id, remove_query_arg(array('bb_attachments', 'bbat', 'bbat_delete'))))) . "'>" . $attachment->filename . "</a> " . " ";
                    $output .= " <span class='num'>(" . round($attachment->size / 1024, 1) . " KB";
                    if ($attachment->status < 2) {
                        $output .= ", " . bb_number_format_i18n($attachment->downloads) . " " . __('downloads');
                    $output .= ")</span> ";
                    if ($attachment->time < $time) {
                        $output .= " <small>" . bb_since($attachment->time) . " " . __('old') . "</small> ";
                    if ($admin) {
                        $output .= ' [<a href="' . attribute_escape(bb_get_option('uri') . 'bb-admin/view-ip.php?ip=' . long2ip($attachment->user_ip)) . '">' . long2ip($attachment->user_ip) . '</a>] ';
                    if ($attachment->status == 0 && $can_delete) {
                        $output .= ' [<a onClick="return confirm(' . "'" . __('Delete') . " {$attachment->filename} ?" . "'" . ')" href="' . add_query_arg('bbat_delete', $attachment->id) . '">x</a>] ';
                    if ($attachment->status == 0 && $location == "edit.php" && $can_inline) {
                        $fullpath = $bb_attachments['path'] . floor($attachment->id / 1000) . "/" . $attachment->id . "." . $attachment->filename;
                        if (list($width, $height, $type) = getimagesize($fullpath)) {
                            $output .= " [<strong><a href='#' onclick='bbat_inline_insert({$attachment->post_id},{$attachment->id}); return false;'>" . __("INSERT") . "</a></strong>] ";
                    $output .= " </span></li>";
        if ($output) {
            $output = "<h3>" . __("Attachments") . "</h3><ol>" . $output . "</ol>";
        if ($location == "edit.php") {
            $output .= '<scr' . 'ipt type="text/javascript" defer="defer">
	function bbat_inline_insert(post_id,id) {
	bbat_field = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea")[0];
	if (document.selection) {bbat_field.focus(); sel = document.selection.createRange();sel.text = bbat_value;}
	else if (bbat_field.selectionStart || bbat_field.selectionStart == "0") {var startPos = bbat_field.selectionStart; var endPos = bbat_field.selectionEnd;
		bbat_field.value = bbat_field.value.substring(0, startPos)+ bbat_value+ bbat_field.value.substring(endPos, bbat_field.value.length);
	} else {bbat_field.value += bbat_value;}
return false;} </script>';
    if (is_bb_feed()) {
        $output = wp_specialchars($output);
    return $output;
Example #6
function _bb_time_function_return($time, $args)
    $time = bb_gmtstrtotime($time);
    switch ($format = $args['format']) {
        case 'since':
            return bb_since($time, $args['more']);
        case 'timestamp':
            $format = 'U';
        case 'mysql':
            $format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
        case 'datetime':
            $format = bb_get_option('datetime_format');
    return $args['localize'] ? bb_gmdate_i18n($format, $time) : gmdate($format, $time);