function GetBunkAvailability($eventid, $bookingtype, $bunks) { global $link, $today, $db_prefix; $sql = "select ifnull(sum(bkBunkAllocated), 0) as BunksAllocated from {$db_prefix}bookings where bkEventID = {$eventid} "; if ($bookingtype != "All") { $sql .= " and bkBookAs = '{$bookingtype}' "; } $result = ba_db_query($link, $sql); $BookingTypeAvailable = ba_db_fetch_row($result); $BookingTypeCount = $BookingTypeAvailable[0]; if ($BookingTypeCount >= $bunks) { return false; } return true; }
if (ba_db_query($link, "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}osps (ospName, ospShortName) VALUES ('Natural Claws', 'Natural Claws')") === False) { echo "<span class = 'sans-warn'>Error adding OSP<br />\n"; } if (ba_db_query($link, "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}osps (ospName, ospShortName) VALUES ('Oathbreaker', 'Oathbreaker')") === False) { echo "<span class = 'sans-warn'>Error adding OSP<br />\n"; } if (ba_db_query($link, "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}osps (ospName, ospShortName, ospAllowAdditionalText) VALUES ('Regeneration (10m) [Damage type]', 'Regen 10m', 1)") === False) { echo "<span class = 'sans-warn'>Error adding OSP<br />\n"; } if (ba_db_query($link, "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}osps (ospName, ospShortName) VALUES ('Retractable Claws', 'Retract Claw')") === False) { echo "<span class = 'sans-warn'>Error adding OSP<br />\n"; } if (ba_db_query($link, "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}osps (ospName, ospShortName) VALUES ('Ritual Crafter', 'Ritual Crafr')") === False) { echo "<span class = 'sans-warn'>Error adding OSP<br />\n"; } if (ba_db_query($link, "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}osps (ospName, ospShortName) VALUES ('Self Repairing Armour', 'Slf Rep Armr')") === False) { echo "<span class = 'sans-warn'>Error adding OSP<br />\n"; } if (ba_db_query($link, "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}osps (ospName, ospShortName) VALUES ('Spell Tempering (Master)', 'Spl Temp Mstr')") === False) { echo "<span class = 'sans-warn'>Error adding OSP<br />\n"; } } elseif ($_POST['btnSubmit'] != '' && $_POST['txtKey'] != CRYPT_KEY) { echo "<span class = 'sans-warn'>Wrong value entered for CRYPT_KEY</span>"; } ?> </p> <p><a href = "./">Installation Tests & Tools</a></p> <?php include '../inc/inc_foot.php';
//Change SQL query so that plPassword and plLoginCounter are both updated $sql = "UPDATE {$db_prefix}players SET plPassword = '******', plLoginCounter = " . $iLoginCounter . " WHERE plEmail LIKE '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $sEmail) . "'"; $sMessage = "You have entered an incorrect password too many times. Your account has been disabled.<br>" . "An e-mail has been sent to your e-mail address with instructions on how to re-enable your account."; //E-mail user $sBody = "This is an automated message from " . SYSTEM_NAME . ". Your account has been disabled, because " . "an incorrect password was entered too many times. You can re-enable your account by resetting your " . "password (Follow the 'Get a new password' link from the front page). If you have any problems, " . "please contact " . TECH_CONTACT_NAME . " at " . TECH_CONTACT_MAIL . " to have your account re-enabled.\n\n" . fnSystemURL(); mail($sEmail, SYSTEM_NAME . ' - account disabled', $sBody, "From:" . SYSTEM_NAME . " <" . TECH_CONTACT_MAIL . ">"); //E-mail admin and log a warning $sBody = "Account with e-mail address {$sEmail} has been disabled, after too many failed login attempts.\n" . "Latest attempt was from IP address {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}\n" . "An e-mail has been sent to the user.\n\n" . fnSystemURL(); mail(TECH_CONTACT_MAIL, SYSTEM_NAME . ' - account disabled', $sBody, "From:" . SYSTEM_NAME . " <" . TECH_CONTACT_MAIL . ">"); LogWarning($sBody); } elseif ($row['plPassword'] == 'ACCOUNT DISABLED') { //Account has been previously disabled. Just display message - do not send e-mail $sMessage = "Your account has been disabled. To re-enable it, either <a href = 'retrieve.php'>request a new password</a>" . " or e-mail " . TECH_CONTACT_NAME . ", using the link below"; } //Run query to update plLoginCounter (and plPassword, if account is being disabled) ba_db_query($link, $sql) . $sql; } } else { //User is not logging in, so reset login cookies //Cookies are reset here, but values will not be available until next page load. Note that Lynx (and others?) //do not seem to reset cookies when they are set null value, so we set them to zero, then set them to null setcookie('BA_PlayerID', 0); setcookie('BA_PlayerID', ''); setcookie('BA_LoginTime', 0); setcookie('BA_LoginTime', ''); //Because cookie value will not be available until next page load, reset value of $iPlayerID & $iLoginTime $PLAYER_ID = 0; $fLoginTime = 0; } include 'inc/inc_head_html.php'; ?>
function ListNames($link, $sTable, $sColumn, $sDefault = '', $iDefaultNum = 0) { //Initialise $iOptionNum $iOptionNum = 1; //Query database to get group names $result = ba_db_query($link, "SELECT {$sColumn} FROM {$sTable} ORDER BY {$sColumn}"); while ($row = ba_db_fetch_row($result)) { //Note that " is used instead of ' in case there is a ' in any of the names echo '<option value = "' . htmlentities(stripslashes($row[0])) . '"'; if ($row[0] == $sDefault || $iOptionNum++ == $iDefaultNum) { echo ' selected'; } echo ">" . htmlentities(stripslashes($row[0])) . "</option>\n"; } }
</td></tr> <tr><td colspan = '4'><b>Special items/powers/creatures</b> (you must have valid lammies<br> in order to use them at the event). Please enter one per line.<br> <textarea rows = "4" cols = "60" name = "txtSpecial"><?php echo htmlentities(stripslashes($sOSP)); ?> </textarea> </td></tr> </table> <p> <b>OSPs</b><br> <?php //New and exciting way //Get character's OSPs. Fill an array with the details. The array can then be queried, avoiding repeated DB queries $result = ba_db_query($link, "SELECT * FROM {$db_prefix}ospstaken, {$db_prefix}osps WHERE otPlayerID = {$PLAYER_ID} AND ospID = otOspID"); //$asOSP will hold the OSP names, $aiOspID will hold the OSP ID numbers $asOSP = array(); $aiOspID = array(); echo "<ul id='osplist'>"; while ($row = ba_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $asOSP[] = $row['ospName']; $aiOspID[] = $row['otOspID']; echo "<li id=osp" . $row['ospID'] . ">" . $row['ospName']; echo "<input type='hidden' name='hospID" . $row['ospID'] . "' value='" . $row['ospID'] . "' />"; if ($row['ospAllowAdditionalText'] == 1) { echo " (<input type='text' value='" . $row['otAdditionalText'] . "' name='ospAdditionalText" . $row['ospID'] . "' />)"; } echo " <input type='button' onclick='removeosp(" . $row['ospID'] . "); return false;' value='x' /></li>\n"; } echo "</ul>";
function CheckReferrer($Referrer_Check, $Referrer_Check_2 = "") { global $PLAYER_ID; $bForceLogin = True; //Get referrer, minus the query string $sReferrer = parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], PHP_URL_SCHEME) . '://' . parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], PHP_URL_HOST) . parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], PHP_URL_PATH); if ($sReferrer == fnSystemURL() . $Referrer_Check) { $bForceLogin = False; } if ($sReferrer == fnSystemURL() . $Referrer_Check_2) { $bForceLogin = False; } //Special case - start page, with trailing slash but no 'index.php' if (fnSystemURL() == $sReferrer && $Referrer_Check == 'index.php') { $bForceLogin = False; } //Special case - start page, with no trailing slash if (substr(fnSystemURL(), 0, strlen(fnSystemURL()) - 1) == $Referrer && $Referrer_Check == 'index.php') { $bForceLogin = False; } if ($bForceLogin) { //Delete any existing session and force new login $sql = "DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "sessions WHERE ssPlayerID = {$PLAYER_ID}"; ba_db_query($link, $sql); LogWarning("Form submitted from {$sReferrer} (expected " . fnSystemURL() . "{$Referrer_Check})\nPlayer ID: {$PLAYER_ID}"); ForceLogin(); } else { return True; } }
} //Date payment received $dPaid = stripslashes($row['bkDatePaymentConfirmed']); $iYear = substr($dPaid, 0, 4); $iMonth = substr($dPaid, 5, 2); $iDate = substr($dPaid, 8, 2); $sPaid = "{$iDate}-{$iMonth}-{$iYear}"; echo '"' . $sPaid . '",'; //Amounts paid echo '"' . $row['bkAmountPaid'] . '",'; echo '"' . $row['bkAmountExpected'] . '",'; //OSPs - one per column if (USE_SHORT_OS_NAMES) { $osps = ba_db_query($link, "SELECT ospShortName as ospExportName, otOspID, otAdditionalText FROM {$db_prefix}ospstaken, {$db_prefix}osps " . "WHERE otPlayerID = {$row['plPlayerID']} AND ospID = otOspID ORDER BY ospShortName"); } else { $osps = ba_db_query($link, "SELECT ospName as ospExportName, otOspID, otAdditionalText FROM {$db_prefix}ospstaken, {$db_prefix}osps " . "WHERE otPlayerID = {$row['plPlayerID']} AND ospID = otOspID ORDER BY ospName"); } $sOSList = ""; while ($record = ba_db_fetch_assoc($osps)) { $sOSList .= '"' . stripslashes($record['ospExportName']); if ($record['otAdditionalText'] != "") { $sOSList .= " (" . stripslashes($record['otAdditionalText']) . ")"; } $sOSList .= '",'; //Extra spell card OSPs if ($record['otOspID'] == 6) { $iCards = $iCards + 4; } if ($record['otOspID'] == 7) { $iCards = $iCards + 8; }
} if (ba_db_query($link, "UPDATE {$sPrefix}players SET pleMedicalInfo = AES_ENCRYPT(AES_DECRYPT(pleMedicalInfo, '{$sOldKey}'), '{$sNewKey}')") === False) { LogError('Error updating field pleMedicalInfo whilst changing encryption key'); $sMsg = 'There was an error updating your encryption key'; } if (ba_db_query($link, "UPDATE {$sPrefix}players SET pleEmergencyNumber = AES_ENCRYPT(AES_DECRYPT(pleEmergencyNumber, '{$sOldKey}'), '{$sNewKey}')") === False) { LogError('Error updating field pleEmergencyNumber whilst changing encryption key'); $sMsg = 'There was an error updating your encryption key'; } if ($sMsg == '') { $sMsg = 'Encryption Key Changed'; } } if ($_POST['btnChangeSalt'] != '' && CheckReferrer('root_keychange.php')) { $sql = "UPDATE {$sPrefix}players SET plOldSalt = 1"; if (ba_db_query($link, $sql) === False) { LogError('Error updating field plOldSalt whilst changing password salt'); $sMsg = 'There was an error updating your password salt'; } else { $sMsg = 'Password salt changed'; } } ?> <h1><?php echo TITLE; ?> - Encryption Key</h1> <?php if ($sMsg != '') {
//Check password length if (strlen($_POST['txtPassword1']) < MIN_PASS_LEN) { $sWarn .= "Password must be at least " . MIN_PASS_LEN . " characters long<br>\n"; } if ($sWarn == '') { //Set up UPDATE query $sHashPass = sha1($_POST['txtPassword1'] . PW_SALT); $sql = "UPDATE {$db_prefix}players SET plPassword = '******', plLoginCounter = 0 " . "WHERE plPlayerID = {$admin_player_id}"; //Run UPDATE query if (ba_db_query($link, $sql)) { //Query should affect exactly one row. Log a warning if it affected more if (ba_db_affected_rows($link) > 1) { LogWarning("More than one row updated during password reset (admin_pw_reset.php). Player ID: {$admin_player_id}"); } //Get user's e-mail address $result = ba_db_query($link, "SELECT plEmail FROM {$db_prefix}players WHERE plPlayerID = {$admin_player_id}"); $row = ba_db_fetch_assoc($result); $sEmail = $row['plEmail']; if (SEND_PASSWORD) { //E-mail user with new password $sBody = "Your password for " . SYSTEM_NAME . " has been changed. " . "Your new details are below:\n\n" . "E-mail: {$sEmail}\nPassword: {$_POST[txtPassword1]}\n" . "Player ID: " . PID_PREFIX . sprintf('%03s', $admin_player_id) . "\n" . "OOC Name: " . $row['plFirstName'] . " " . $row['plSurname'] . "\n\n" . fnSystemURL(); mail($sEmail, SYSTEM_NAME . ' - password change', $sBody, "From:" . SYSTEM_NAME . " <" . EVENT_CONTACT_MAIL . ">"); } } else { $sWarn = "There was a problem resetting the password<br>\n"; LogError("Error updating OOC information (admin_pw_reset.php). Player ID: {$admin_player_id}"); } //Redirect to start page $sURL = fnSystemURL() . '../start.php?green=' . urlencode('Password has been reset, and account enabled, for player ID ' . PID_PREFIX . sprintf('%03s', $admin_player_id)); if (SEND_PASSWORD) { $sURL .= '. The new password has been e-mailed to the player';
} elseif (strtolower($_POST['btnSubmit']) == 'confirm' && CheckReferrer('ooc_view.php')) { $sDate = date('Y-m-d'); //Check if player already has an entry in bookings table $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$db_prefix}bookings WHERE bkPlayerID = {$PLAYER_ID}"; $result = ba_db_query($link, $sql); //If player has not booked insert a new row if (ba_db_num_rows($result) == 0) { $sql = "INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}bookings (bkPlayerID, bkDateOOCConfirmed) VALUES ({$PLAYER_ID}, '{$sDate}')"; if (!ba_db_query($link, $sql)) { $sWarn = "There was a problem confirming your OOC details"; LogError("Error inserting new OOC booking.\nPlayer ID: {$PLAYER_ID}"); } } else { //Update existing row $sql = "UPDATE {$db_prefix}bookings SET bkDateOOCConfirmed = '{$sDate}' WHERE bkPlayerID = {$PLAYER_ID}"; if (!ba_db_query($link, $sql)) { $sWarn = "There was a problem confirming your OOC details"; LogError("Error inserting new OOC booking.\nPlayer ID: {$PLAYER_ID}"); } } //Deals with whether this is a queued booking or not /* $pid = $PLAYER_ID; $queuebooking = 0; $dbprefix = DB_PREFIX; if (USE_QUEUE > 0) { $sql = "SELECT chFaction, plBookAs FROM {$dbprefix}characters, {$dbprefix}players WHERE plPlayerID = $pid AND chPlayerID = $pid"; $result = ba_db_query ($link, $sql); $row = ba_db_fetch_assoc ($result); if ($row['plBookAs'] == 'Player' && $row['chFaction'] != DEFAULT_FACTION) { $queuebooking = 1;}
<input type = 'submit' name = 'btnDelete' value = 'Delete'> </p> </form> <?php if ($_GET['btnQuery'] != '' && CheckReferrer('root_accesslog.php')) { echo "<p>Showing up to {$iRecNum} records. Click on a column header to sort by that column.</p>\n"; echo "<table border = '1' class='sortable'>\n<thead>\n"; echo "<tr><th>Date & Time</th>\n"; echo "<th>Player ID</th>\n"; echo "<th>IP Address</th>\n"; echo "<th>Page</th>\n"; echo "<th>GET query</th>\n"; echo "<th>POST request</th></tr>\n</thead>\n<tbody>\n"; if ($_GET['rdoExportView'] == 'view') { $result = ba_db_query($link, $sLogSQL); while ($row = ba_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo "<tr><td>{$row['alDateTime']}</td>\n"; echo "<td>{$row['alPlayerID']}</td>\n"; echo "<td>{$row['alIP']}"; if ($bDomain) { echo "<br>" . gethostbyaddr($row['alIP']); } echo "</td>\n"; echo "<td>{$row['alPage']}</td>\n"; echo "<td>{$row['alGet']}</td>\n"; echo "<td>{$row['dPost']}</td></tr>\n"; } } echo "</tbody>\n<tfoot><tr>\n"; echo "<td><a href = 'root_accesslog.php?txtStart=" . urlencode($sDateStart) . "&" . "txtEnd=" . urlencode($sDateEnd) . "&" . "txtIP=" . urlencode($_GET['txtIP']) . "&" . "txtRecStart=" . urlencode($iRecStart - $iRecNum) . "&" . "txtRecNum=" . urlencode($iRecNum) . "&" . "selOrder=" . urlencode($_GET['selOrder']) . "&" . "btnQuery=Submit" . "'>Previous {$iRecNum}</a></td>\n";
} else { echo $cellstart . formatdata($row['chAncestor'], $bHTML) . $cellend . $separator; } echo $cellstart . formatdata($row['chNotes'], $bHTML) . $cellend . $separator; //Get OSPs $db_prefix = DB_PREFIX; $ospSql = "SELECT otID, ospName, otAdditionalText FROM {$db_prefix}osps, {$db_prefix}ospstaken " . "WHERE otPlayerID = " . $row['plPlayerID'] . " AND otospID = ospID order by ospName"; $rOSPs = ba_db_query($link, $ospSql); echo $cellstart; while ($record = ba_db_fetch_assoc($rOSPs)) { $celldata = $record['ospName']; if ($record['otAdditionalText'] != "") { $celldata .= " (" . $record['otAdditionalText'] . ")"; } echo formatdata($celldata, $bHTML) . '; '; } echo $cellend . $separator; //Get skills $db_prefix = DB_PREFIX; $skSql = "SELECT stSkillID, skName FROM {$db_prefix}skills, {$db_prefix}skillstaken " . "WHERE stPlayerID = " . $row['plPlayerID'] . " AND stSkillID = skID order by skName"; $rSkills = ba_db_query($link, $skSql); echo $cellstart; while ($record = ba_db_fetch_assoc($rSkills)) { echo formatdata($record['skName'], $bHTML) . '; '; } echo $cellend . $rowend; } if ($_GET['action'] == 'view') { echo "</table>\n"; include '../inc/inc_foot.php'; }
</td></tr> <tr><td colspan = '4'><b>Special items/powers/creatures</b> (you must provide photcopies<br> or scans for them to be valid at the event). Please enter one per line.<br> <textarea name = "txtOSP"><?php echo htmlentities(stripslashes($sOSP)); ?> </textarea> </td></tr> </table> <p> <b>OSPs</b><br> <?php //New and exciting way //Get character's OSPs. Fill an array with the details. The array can then be queried, avoiding repeated DB queries $result = ba_db_query($link, "SELECT * FROM {$db_prefix}ospstaken, {$db_prefix}osps WHERE otPlayerID = {$admin_player_id} AND ospID = otOspID"); //$asOSP will hold the OSP names, $aiOspID will hold the OSP ID numbers $asOSP = array(); $aiOspID = array(); echo "<ul id='osplist'>"; while ($row = ba_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $asOSP[] = $row['ospName']; $aiOspID[] = $row['otOspID']; echo "<li id=osp" . $row['ospID'] . ">" . $row['ospName']; echo "<input type='hidden' name='hospID" . $row['ospID'] . "' value='" . $row['ospID'] . "' />"; if ($row['ospAllowAdditionalText'] == 1) { echo " (<input type='text' value='" . $row['otAdditionalText'] . "' name='ospAdditionalText" . $row['ospID'] . "' />)"; } echo " <input type='button' onclick='removeosp(" . $row['ospID'] . "); return false;' value='x' /></li>\n"; } echo "</ul>";
function deleteBooking($bookingid) { global $today, $db_prefix, $link; $sql = "DELETE FROM {$db_prefix}bookingitems WHERE biBookingID = " . $bookingid; ba_db_query($link, $sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM {$db_prefix}paymentrequests WHERE prBookingID = " . $bookingid; ba_db_query($link, $sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM {$db_prefix}bookings WHERE bkID = " . $bookingid; ba_db_query($link, $sql); }
$sCond .= $sOR . " plEmail LIKE '%{$sMail}%'"; $sOR = ' OR'; } if ($sCar != '') { $sCond .= $sOR . " plCarRegistration LIKE '%{$sCar}%'"; $sOR = ' OR'; } // Last one does not need $sOR to be set if ($sCharName != '') { $sCond .= $sOR . " chName LIKE '%{$sCharName}%'"; } $sCond .= ")"; if (strlen($sCond) > 1) { $sql .= "WHERE (" . $sCond; } $result = ba_db_query($link, $sql); } ?> <script src="../inc/sorttable.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <h1><?php echo TITLE; ?> - Search</h1> <p> Enter search terms below. If any match, the player will be included in the results. Wildcards are not required.<br> If all fields are left blank, all players will be returned. </p> <form action = "admin_search.php" method = "GET">
} $output .= $indentItem . "Group: " . $sGroup; $output .= $indentItem . "Faction: " . $record['chFaction']; $output .= $indentItem . "Ancestor: " . $sAncestor; $output .= $indentItem . "Character Skills: "; $skillsql = "SELECT skID, skName FROM {$db_prefix}skills, {$db_prefix}skillstaken WHERE stPlayerID = " . $record['plPlayerID'] . " AND skID = stSkillID ORDER BY skName"; $skillresult = ba_db_query($link, $skillsql); $skilllist = ""; while ($skillrow = ba_db_fetch_assoc($skillresult)) { $skilllist .= htmlentities(stripslashes($skillrow['skName'])) . ", "; } if (strlen($skilllist) > 0) { $skilllist = substr_replace($skilllist, "", -2); } $output .= $skilllist; $osresult = ba_db_query($link, "SELECT ospName FROM {$db_prefix}ospstaken, {$db_prefix}osps WHERE otPlayerID = " . $record['plPlayerID'] . " AND ospID = otOspID ORDER BY ospName"); $oslist = ""; while ($osrow = ba_db_fetch_assoc($osresult)) { $oslist .= htmlentities(stripslashes($osrow['ospName'])) . ", "; } if (strlen($oslist) > 0) { $oslist = substr_replace($oslist, "", -2); } $output .= $indentItem . "Occupational Skills: " . $oslist; $output .= $indentItem . "Notes: " . $record['chNotes']; $output .= $endIndent . $endIndent . $endPara; $output .= $endIndent . $endPara; $output .= $startPara; $output .= "If any of the above information is incorrect, please let "; if ($buttonpressed == 1) { $output .= EVENT_CONTACT_NAME . " (<a href = 'mailto:" . Obfuscate(EVENT_CONTACT_MAIL) . "'>" . EVENT_CONTACT_MAIL . "</a>) know as soon as possible.";
$updateQuery .= "cnBOOKING_LIST_IF_LOGGED_IN = 0, "; $updateQuery .= "cnLOCATIONS_LABEL = '', "; $updateQuery .= "cnLIST_GROUPS_LABEL = '', "; $updateQuery .= "cnANCESTOR_DROPDOWN = 0, "; $updateQuery .= "cnDEFAULT_FACTION = '', "; $updateQuery .= "cnNON_DEFAULT_FACTION_NOTES = 1, "; $updateQuery .= "cnIC_NOTES_TEXT = 'Reason for attending and any other IC notes (eg bloodline)', "; $updateQuery .= "cnLOGIN_TIMEOUT = 20, "; $updateQuery .= "cnLOGIN_TRIES = 3, "; $updateQuery .= "cnMIN_PASS_LEN = 8, "; $updateQuery .= "cnSEND_PASSWORD = 1, "; $updateQuery .= "cnUSE_PAY_PAL = 1, "; $updateQuery .= "cnPAYPAL_EMAIL = '', "; $updateQuery .= "cnNPC_LABEL = 'Are you an NPC?:', "; $updateQuery .= "cnPAYPAL_AUTO_MARK_PAID = 1, "; $updateQuery .= "cnAUTO_ASSIGN_BUNKS = 0, "; $updateQuery .= "cnALLOW_EVENT_PACK_BY_POST = 0, "; $updateQuery .= "cnSTAFF_LABEL = 'Staff', "; $updateQuery .= "cnQUEUE_OVER_LIMIT = 1 "; ba_db_query($link, $updateQuery); echo "Table populated: {$db_prefix}config<br>\n"; echo "<b>Database tables created</b><br>\n"; } elseif ($_POST['btnSubmit'] != '' && $_POST['txtKey'] != CRYPT_KEY) { echo "<span class = 'sans-warn'>Wrong value entered for CRYPT_KEY</span>"; } ?> </p> <p><a href = "./">Installation Tests & Tools</a></p> <?php include '../inc/inc_foot.php';