Example #1
 function patientRecVerifyBDateValid($strBDate)
     if (!bValidVerifyDate($strBDate)) {
         $this->form_validation->set_message('patientRecVerifyBDateValid', 'The <b>date of birth</b> is not valid.');
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;
 function verifyRecurring($strStart)
     if (!bValidVerifyDate($strStart)) {
         $this->form_validation->set_message('verifyRecurring', 'Please enter a valid event start date.');
         return false;
     $lNumRecur = (int) $_POST['ddlRecur'];
     if ($lNumRecur == 1) {
         return true;
     $strRecur = trim($_POST['rdoRecur']);
     $bFailed = false;
     $strErr = '';
     switch ($strRecur) {
         case 'daily':
         case 'weekly':
             if (!(@$_POST['chkWkSun'] == 'TRUE' || @$_POST['chkWkMon'] == 'TRUE' || @$_POST['chkWkTue'] == 'TRUE' || @$_POST['chkWkWed'] == 'TRUE' || @$_POST['chkWkThu'] == 'TRUE' || @$_POST['chkWkFri'] == 'TRUE' || @$_POST['chkWkSat'] == 'TRUE')) {
                 $bFailed = true;
                 $strErr = 'For weekly recurrence, please select the recurring day(s) of the week.';
         case 'monthly':
             $strFL = trim(@$_POST['rdoFixedLoose']);
             switch ($strFL) {
                 case 'FL':
                     $bFound = false;
                     $idx = 1;
                     while (!$bFound && $idx <= 31) {
                         $bFound = @$_POST['chkFixed' . $idx] == 'on';
                     if (!$bFound) {
                         $bFailed = true;
                         $strErr = 'For fixed monthly recurrence, please select one or more dates.';
                 case 'RM':
                     $bFound1 = @$_POST['chkRel_1st'] == 'TRUE' || @$_POST['chkRel_2nd'] == 'TRUE' || @$_POST['chkRel_3rd'] == 'TRUE' || @$_POST['chkRel_4th'] == 'TRUE' || @$_POST['chkRel_5th'] == 'TRUE' || @$_POST['chkRel_last'] == 'TRUE';
                     $bFound2 = @$_POST['chkRelSun'] == 'on' || @$_POST['chkRelMon'] == 'on' || @$_POST['chkRelTue'] == 'on' || @$_POST['chkRelWed'] == 'on' || @$_POST['chkRelThu'] == 'on' || @$_POST['chkRelFri'] == 'on' || @$_POST['chkRelSat'] == 'on';
                     if (!($bFound1 && $bFound2)) {
                         $bFailed = true;
                         $strErr = 'For relative monthly recurrence, please select one or more entries from each row.';
                     $bFailed = true;
                     $strErr = 'For monthly recurrence, please select either "Fixed monthly dates" or "Relative monthly dates".';
     if ($bFailed) {
         $this->form_validation->set_message('verifyRecurring', $strErr);
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;
 function measRecVerifyDateValid($strDate)
     if ($strDate == '') {
         $this->form_validation->set_message('measRecVerifyDateValid', 'A measurement date is required.');
         return false;
     if (!bValidVerifyDate($strDate)) {
         $this->form_validation->set_message('measRecVerifyDateValid', 'This date is not valid.');
         return false;
     } elseif (!bValidVerifyUnixRange($strDate)) {
         $this->form_validation->set_message('measRecVerifyDateValid', 'This date is out of range.');
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;
 function clientImageUploadVerifyBDateValid($strDate)
     return bValidVerifyDate($strDate);
 function clientRecVerifyEffDateValid($strEDate)
     return bValidVerifyDate($strEDate);
 function peopleRecVerifyBDateValid($strBDate)
     if ($strBDate == '') {
         return true;
     return bValidVerifyDate($strBDate);
 function verifyVisitDate($strVisitDate)
     if (!bValidVerifyDate($strVisitDate)) {
         $this->form_validation->set_message('verifyVisitDate', 'The <b>Visit Date</b> is not valid.');
         return false;
     if (!bValidVerifyNotFuture($strVisitDate)) {
         $this->form_validation->set_message('verifyVisitDate', 'The <b>Visit Date</b> is in the future!.');
         return false;
     return true;
 function sponPaymentAddEditDateValid($strDate)
     return bValidVerifyDate($strDate);
 function verifyBatchInput($dummy)
     $bFormOkay = true;
     if (!isset($_REQUEST['txtAmount'])) {
         return true;
     foreach ($_REQUEST['txtAmount'] as $lSponID => $txtAmount) {
         $this->validation->paymentType[$lSponID] = $this->validation->paymentDate[$lSponID] = $this->validation->amount[$lSponID] = '';
         $txtAmount = $this->stripCommas(trim($txtAmount));
         if ($txtAmount == '') {
             $this->validation->requiresVerification[$lSponID] = false;
         } elseif (is_numeric($txtAmount) && abs((double) $txtAmount) < 0.01) {
             $this->validation->requiresVerification[$lSponID] = false;
         } else {
             $this->validation->requiresVerification[$lSponID] = true;
     foreach ($_REQUEST['txtAmount'] as $lSponID => $txtAmount) {
         if ($this->validation->requiresVerification[$lSponID]) {
             $txtAmount = $this->stripCommas(trim($txtAmount));
             $txtPayDate = trim($_POST['txtPayDate' . $lSponID]);
             $lPayTypeID = (int) $_REQUEST['ddlPayType'][$lSponID];
             if (!is_numeric($txtAmount)) {
                 $this->validation->amount[$lSponID] = '<br><div class="formError" style="width: 170px;">The <b>Payment Amount</b> field must contain only numbers.</div>';
                 $bFormOkay = false;
             $sngAmount = (double) $txtAmount;
             if ($sngAmount < 0.0) {
                 $this->validation->amount[$lSponID] = '<br><div class="formError" style="width: 170px;">The <b>Payment Amount</b> can not be a negative number.</div>';
                 $bFormOkay = false;
             if ($lPayTypeID <= 0) {
                 $this->validation->paymentType[$lSponID] = '<br><div class="formError" style="width: 170px;">Please select a <b>Payment Type</b>.</div>';
                 $bFormOkay = false;
             if ($txtPayDate == '') {
                 $this->validation->paymentDate[$lSponID] = '<br><div class="formError" style="width: 170px;">Please enter a <b>Payment Date</b>.</div>';
                 $bFormOkay = false;
             } elseif (!bValidVerifyDate($txtPayDate)) {
                 $this->validation->paymentDate[$lSponID] = '<br><div class="formError" style="width: 170px;">The <b>Payment Date</b> is not valid.</div>';
                 $bFormOkay = false;
     return $bFormOkay;
 function giftVerifyDDateValid($strDate)
     return bValidVerifyDate($strDate);
 function itemVerifyDateAcquiredValid($strAcquiredDate)
     if (bValidVerifyDate($strAcquiredDate)) {
         return true;
     } else {
         $this->form_validation->set_message('itemVerifyDateAcquiredValid', 'Please enter a valid acquisistion date.');
         return false;
Example #12
 function obtainedDateValid($strDate)
     return bValidVerifyDate($strDate);
 function ufFieldVerifyDateValid($strDate)
     if ($strDate == '') {
         return true;
     } else {
         return bValidVerifyDate($strDate);
 function edateVerifyDateValid($strEDate)
     return bValidVerifyDate($strEDate);
 function clientStatVerifyDateValid($strDate)
     return bValidVerifyDate($strDate);
 function verifySearchDate($strDate)
     if (!bValidVerifyDate($strDate)) {
         $this->form_validation->set_message('verifySearchDate', 'The <b>Comparison Date</b> is not valid.');
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;
Example #17
 function verifyDateValid($strDate)
     if (!bValidVerifyDate($strDate)) {
         $this->form_validation->set_message('verifyDateValid', 'The <b>training date</b> is not valid.');
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;
 function verifyMultiDate($strFieldValue, $strOpts)
     global $gErrMessages, $gdteNow;
     $strFieldValue = trim($strFieldValue);
     $opts = explode(',', $strOpts);
     $strFN = trim($opts[0]);
     $strLabel = '<b>"' . trim($opts[1]) . '"</b>';
     $bAllowFuture = $opts[2] == 'true';
     $bRequired = $opts[3] == 'true';
     if (!isset($gErrMessages[$strFN])) {
         $gErrMessages[$strFN] = '';
     if ($bRequired) {
         if ($strFieldValue == '') {
             $gErrMessages[$strFN] .= '<div class="formError">' . 'The ' . $strLabel . ' field is required.</div>';
             return false;
     } elseif ($strFieldValue == '') {
         return true;
     if (!bValidVerifyDate($strFieldValue)) {
         $gErrMessages[$strFN] .= '<div class="formError">' . 'The ' . $strLabel . ' field is not valid.</div>';
         return false;
     if (!$bAllowFuture) {
         if (!bValidVerifyNotFuture($strFieldValue)) {
             $gErrMessages[$strFN] .= '<div class="formError">' . 'The ' . $strLabel . ' is in the future.</div>';
             return false;
     return true;
 function pledgeVerifyDateValid($strDate)
     if (!bValidVerifyDate($strDate)) {
         $this->form_validation->set_message('pledgeVerifyDateValid', 'The date you entered is not valid.');
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;
 function bidVerifyFDateValid($strDate)
     return bValidVerifyDate($strDate);
 function rptEnd($strEDate, $strRadioFN)
     if ($_REQUEST[$strRadioFN] != 'User') {
         return true;
     if (bValidVerifyDate($strEDate)) {
         return true;
     } else {
         $this->form_validation->set_message('rptEnd', 'The report end date is not valid');
         return false;
 function itemVerifyDateCICOValid($strCICODate, $strParms)
     global $genumDateFormat;
     $parms = explode(',', $strParms);
     $bVerifyAfterCO = $parms[0] == 'true';
     $dteCO = (int) $parms[1];
     if (!bValidVerifyDate($strCICODate)) {
         $this->form_validation->set_message('itemVerifyDateCICOValid', 'Please enter a valid date.');
         return false;
     } else {
         if ($bVerifyAfterCO) {
             // CBH: cart before horse
             if (!bVerifyCartBeforeHorse(date($genumDateFormat, $dteCO), $strCICODate)) {
                 $this->form_validation->set_message('itemVerifyDateCICOValid', 'Your check-in date is <b>before</b> the check-out date!.');
                 return false;
     return true;
 function verifyUnDateValid($strDate)
     return bValidVerifyDate($strDate);
 function verifyDateValid($strDate)
     if (bValidVerifyDate($strDate)) {
         return true;
     } else {
         $this->form_validation->set_message('verifyDateValid', 'Bad date.... been there');
         return false;
function verifyCustomFormDate($strFieldValue, $strOpts)
    //       $this->load->helper('dl_util/time_date');
    $strFieldValue = trim($strFieldValue);
    $opts = explode(',', $strOpts);
    $strFN = trim($opts[0]);
    $strLabel = trim($opts[1]);
    $bAllowFuture = $opts[2] == 'true';
    $bRequired = $opts[3] == 'true';
    if ($bRequired) {
        if ($strFieldValue == '') {
            //            $ErrMessages[$strFN] = '<div class="formError">'.'The '.$strLabel.' field is required.</div>';
            setCFormErrorMessage($strFN, 'The ' . $strLabel . ' field is required.');
            return false;
    } elseif ($strFieldValue == '') {
        return true;
    if (!bValidVerifyDate($strFieldValue)) {
        //         $ErrMessages[$strFN] = '<div class="formError">'.'The '.$strLabel.' field is not valid.</div>';
        setCFormErrorMessage($strFN, 'The ' . $strLabel . ' field is not valid.');
        return false;
    if (!$bAllowFuture) {
        if (!bValidVerifyNotFuture($strFieldValue)) {
            //            $ErrMessages[$strFN] = '<div class="formError">'.'The '.$strLabel.' is in the future.</div>';
            setCFormErrorMessage($strFN, 'The ' . $strLabel . ' field is in the future.');
            return false;
    return true;
 function depositVerifyEDateValid($strEDate)
     return bValidVerifyDate($strEDate);
 function sponDeactivateDateValid($strDate)
     return bValidVerifyDate($strDate);
Example #28
 function sponChargeAddEditDateValid($strDate)
     return bValidVerifyDate($strDate);