public function find_missing_pages()
     $plugin_pages = awpcp_get_plugin_pages_info();
     $registered_pages = array_keys(awpcp_pages());
     $referenced_pages = array_keys($plugin_pages);
     // pages that are registered in the code but no referenced in the DB
     $pages_not_referenced = array_diff($registered_pages, $referenced_pages);
     $registered_pages_ids = awpcp_get_page_ids_by_ref($registered_pages);
     $query = 'SELECT posts.ID post, posts.post_status status ';
     $query .= 'FROM ' . $this->db->posts . ' AS posts ';
     $query .= "WHERE posts.ID IN (" . join(",", $registered_pages_ids) . ") ";
     $existing_pages = $this->db->get_results($query, OBJECT_K);
     $missing_pages = array('not-found' => array(), 'not-published' => array(), 'not-referenced' => array());
     foreach ($plugin_pages as $page_ref => $page_info) {
         $page = isset($existing_pages[$page_info['page_id']]) ? $existing_pages[$page_info['page_id']] : null;
         if (is_object($page) && isset($page->status) && $page->status != 'publish') {
             $page->page = $page_ref;
             $page->id = $page_info['page_id'];
             $missing_pages['not-published'][] = $page;
         } else {
             if (is_null($page)) {
                 $page = new stdClass();
                 $page->page = $page_ref;
                 $page->id = $page_info['page_id'];
                 $page->post = null;
                 $page->status = null;
                 $missing_pages['not-found'][] = $page;
     // if a page is registered in the code but there is no reference of it
     // in the database, include a dummy object to represent it.
     foreach ($pages_not_referenced as $page) {
         $item = new stdClass();
         $item->page = $page;
         $item->id = null;
         $item->post = null;
         $item->status = null;
         $missing_pages['not-referenced'][] = $item;
     return $missing_pages;
Example #2
 * Overwrittes WP canonicalisation to ensure our rewrite rules
 * work, even when the main AWPCP page is also the front page or
 * when the requested page slug is 'awpcp'.
 * Required for the View Categories and Classifieds RSS rules to work
 * when AWPCP main page is also the front page.
function awpcp_redirect_canonical($redirect_url, $requested_url)
    global $wp_query;
    $awpcp_rewrite = false;
    $ids = awpcp_get_page_ids_by_ref(awpcp_pages_with_rewrite_rules());
    // do not redirect requests to AWPCP pages with rewrite rules
    if (is_page() && in_array(awpcp_request_param('page_id', 0), $ids)) {
        $awpcp_rewrite = true;
        // do not redirect requests to the front page, if any of the AWPCP pages
        // with rewrite rules is the front page
    } else {
        if (is_page() && !is_feed() && isset($wp_query->queried_object) && 'page' == get_option('show_on_front') && in_array($wp_query->queried_object->ID, $ids) && $wp_query->queried_object->ID == get_option('page_on_front')) {
            $awpcp_rewrite = true;
    if ($awpcp_rewrite) {
        // Fix for #943.
        $requested_host = parse_url($requested_url, PHP_URL_HOST);
        $redirect_host = parse_url($redirect_url, PHP_URL_HOST);
        if ($requested_host != $redirect_host) {
            if (strtolower($redirect_host) == 'www.' . $requested_host) {
                return str_replace($requested_host, 'www.' . $requested_host, $requested_url);
            } elseif (strtolower($requested_host) == 'www.' . $redirect_host) {
                return str_replace('www.', '', $requested_url);
        return $requested_url;
    // $id = awpcp_get_page_id_by_ref('main-page-name');
    // // do not redirect direct requests to AWPCP main page
    // if (is_page() && !empty($_GET['page_id']) && $id == $_GET['page_id']) {
    // 	$redirect_url = $requested_url;
    // // do not redirect request to the front page, if AWPCP main page is
    // // the front page
    // } else if (is_page() && !is_feed() && isset($wp_query->queried_object) &&
    // 		  'page' == get_option('show_on_front') && $id == $wp_query->queried_object->ID &&
    // 		   $wp_query->queried_object->ID == get_option('page_on_front'))
    // {
    // 	$redirect_url = $requested_url;
    // }
    return $redirect_url;
Example #3
 function awpcp_cryptx_compatibility()
     awpcp_cryptx_exclude_posts(awpcp_get_page_ids_by_ref(array('place-ad-page-name', 'edit-ad-page-name', 'reply-to-ad-page-name')));