/** * Outputs the Fancybox popup code. * * @param array $params * @param object $smarty * @return string */ function smarty_fancybox($params, &$smarty) { global $PIVOTX; // If we've set the hidden config option for 'never_jquery', just return without doing anything. if ($PIVOTX['config']->get('never_jquery') == 1) { debug("JQuery is disabled by the 'never_jquery' config option. FancyBox won't work."); return; } $params = cleanParams($params); $filename = $params['file']; $thumbname = getDefault($params['description'], "(thumbnail)"); $org_thumbname = $thumbname; $alt = $params['alt']; $title = $params['title']; $align = getDefault($params['align'], "center"); // rel_id can be used to specify your own prefix; all fancybox images with the same prefix will become a gallery $rel_id = getDefault($params['rel_id'], "entry-"); // fb_type can be used to specify the type of the fancybox // image (default) - selfexplanatory // youtube - creates an embedded object with the youtube link (use url for that) $fb_type = getDefault($params['fb_type'], "image"); $width = getDefault($params['width'], "560"); $height = getDefault($params['height'], "340"); $objwidth = getDefault($params['objwidth'], "0"); $objheight = getDefault($params['objheight'], "0"); $maxthumb = getDefault($params['specthumbmax'], "0"); $txtcol = getDefault($params['txtcol'], "black"); $txtcolbg = getDefault($params['txtcolbg'], "white"); $txtcls = getDefault($params['txtcls'], "pivotx-popupimage"); // this one can be used together with fb_type="youtube" and "vimeo" // !! structure should be like explained on youtube e.g. http://www.youtube.com/v/MOVID // or for vimeo: http://www.vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=CLIPID // it's better to just use movid to specify youtube or clipid for vimeo // url can also be used for fb type="iframe" or "flash" $url = $params['url']; $url = strip_tags($url); $movid = $params['movid']; $text = getDefault($params['text'], "Specify your text in parm 'text'."); // $border = getDefault($params['border'], 0); $imgw = getDefault($PIVOTX['config']->get('upload_thumb_width'), 200); $imgh = getDefault($PIVOTX['config']->get('upload_thumb_height'), 200); $uplbasepath = $PIVOTX['paths']['upload_base_path']; // Config option 'fancybox_thumbnail' can be added and used as default for thumbnail behaviour // 1 = always make sure the dimensions of the img tag are the same irrelevant of current thumbnail size // (this means that when thumbnail gets created the upload width/height settings are used) // 2 = if thumbnail already exists always use its dimensions for the img tag (default) // 3 = if thumbnail exists and doesn't adhere to current width/height setting recreate it $fbthumb = getDefault($PIVOTX['config']->get('fancybox_thumbnail'), 2); $fbthumb = getDefault($params['thumbbehav'], $fbthumb); // debug("fb info: '$filename'-'$thumbname'-'$title'-'$alt'-'$align'-'$fb_type'"); if ($align == 'center' || $align == 'inline') { $fbclass = 'pivotx-popupimage'; $txclass = 'pivotx-popuptext'; } else { $fbclass = 'pivotx-popupimage align-' . $align; $txclass = 'pivotx-popuptext align-' . $align; } // Get the UID for the page or entry $vars = $smarty->get_template_vars(); $uid = intval($vars['uid']); if (empty($alt)) { $alt = $filename; } if ($objwidth == "0") { $objwidth = $width; } if ($objheight == "0") { $objheight = $height; } // Fix Thumbname, perhaps use a thumbname, instead of textual link // and try to fill both alt and title if still empty if ($thumbname == "(thumbnail)") { if (empty($filename)) { debug("No filename specified for thumbnail to process"); } else { $thumbname = makeThumbname($filename); // If thumbnail exists and option 3 is chosen then check the dimensions for possible recreation $recreate = 0; if (file_exists($PIVOTX['paths']['upload_base_path'] . $thumbname) && $fbthumb == 3) { list($thumbw, $thumbh) = getimagesize($uplbasepath . $thumbname); //debug("dimensions of thumbnail: " . $thumbw . "/" . $thumbh); //debug("imgw/h: " . $imgw . "/" . $imgh); //debug("maxthumb: " . $maxthumb); if ($maxthumb > 0) { // specthumbmax specified: calculate the right values (useful for vertical images) if ($thumbw > $thumbh) { $imgh = round($thumbh * ($maxthumb / $thumbw)); $imgw = $maxthumb; } else { $imgw = round($thumbw * ($maxthumb / $thumbh)); $imgh = $maxthumb; } } if ($thumbw != $imgw || $thumbh != $imgh) { $recreate = 1; //debug("thumb will be recreated"); } } // If the thumbnail does not exist and extension is jpg or png then try to create it // gif could be problematic so don't try it here...... // filename could contain a subdir! this part is removed by auto_thumbnail // so save it through specifying a folder var if (!file_exists($PIVOTX['paths']['upload_base_path'] . $thumbname) || $recreate == 1) { $ext = strtolower(getExtension($filename)); if ($ext == "jpeg" || $ext == "jpg" || $ext == "png") { require_once $PIVOTX['paths']['pivotx_path'] . 'modules/module_imagefunctions.php'; $folder = $PIVOTX['paths']['upload_base_path']; $dirpart = dirname($filename); $basename = basename($filename); $action = "Fancybox"; if ($dirpart != "" && $dirpart != ".") { $folder = $folder . $dirpart . "/"; } if (!auto_thumbnail($basename, $folder, $action, $maxthumb)) { debug("Failed to create thumbnail for " . $filename); } } else { debug("Unable to create thumbnail for this extension " . $filename); } } } } if (empty($alt)) { $alt = $thumbname; } if (empty($title)) { $title = $alt; } // special string "null" to get rid of any title/alt if ($title == "null" || $alt == "null") { $title = ""; $alt = ""; } // Clean title and alternative text before using in generated html $title = cleanAttributes($title); $alt = cleanAttributes($alt); // If the thumbnail exists, make the HTML for it, else just use the text for a link. // use the current settings for uploadwidth/height because thumb can have diff.size if (file_exists($PIVOTX['paths']['upload_base_path'] . $thumbname)) { $ext = strtolower(getExtension($thumbname)); if ($ext == "jpg" || $ext == "jpeg" || $ext == "gif" || $ext == "png") { // get image dimensions list($thumbw, $thumbh) = getimagesize($uplbasepath . $thumbname); if ($maxthumb > 0) { // specthumbmax specified: calculate the right values (useful for vertical images) if ($thumbw > $thumbh) { $imgh = round($thumbh * ($maxthumb / $thumbw)); $imgw = $maxthumb; } else { $imgw = round($thumbw * ($maxthumb / $thumbh)); $imgh = $maxthumb; } } // thumbnail behaviour 2: always use the dimensions of the found thumbnail if ($fbthumb == 2) { $imgw = $thumbw; $imgh = $thumbh; //debug("dimensions of found thumb used: " . $thumbw . "/" . $thumbh); } // if parms width or height have been specified they should be used! if (isset($params['width'])) { $imgw = $width; } if (isset($params['height'])) { $imgh = $height; } $thumbname = sprintf("<img src=\"%s%s\" alt=\"%s\" title=\"%s\" class=\"%s\" width=\"%s\" height=\"%s\" />", $PIVOTX['paths']['upload_base_url'], $thumbname, $alt, $title, $fbclass, $imgw, $imgh); } else { $thumbname = $org_thumbname; } } else { $thumbname = $org_thumbname; } // pack text in aligned paragraph (thumbname has been unchanged by the above) if ($thumbname == $org_thumbname) { if (strlen($org_thumbname) < 2) { $org_thumbname = "popup"; } $thumbname = sprintf("<span class=\"%s\">%s</span>", $txclass, $org_thumbname); } // Prepare the HMTL for the link to the popup.. // fb_type image if ($fb_type == 'image') { if (file_exists($PIVOTX['paths']['upload_base_path'] . $filename)) { $filename = $PIVOTX['paths']['upload_base_url'] . $filename; $code = sprintf("<a href=\"%s\" class=\"fancybox\" title=\"%s\" rel=\"%s%s\" >%s</a>", $filename, $title, $rel_id, $uid, $thumbname); if ('center' == $align) { $code = '<p class="pivotx-wrapper">' . $code . '</p>'; } } else { debug("Rendering error: could not popup '{$filename}'. File does not exist."); $code = "<!-- Rendering error: could not popup '{$filename}'. File does not exist. -->"; } } else { if ($fb_type == 'youtube' || $fb_type == "vimeo") { // filename is not mandatory so fix an empty one with dummy string so code gets returned if (empty($filename)) { $filename = '==fbdummy=='; } // use random number to be fairly sure that constructed href will be unique // if by chance the number is the same then movie shown (when clicked) will be the first one // this is because a gallery of movies is not possible yet // uploadwidth/height is not used here because default youtube images are smaller $randnum = rand(); if (empty($movid) && empty($url)) { debug("Popup type youtube/vimeo needs either a 'movid' or a fully qualified 'url' parm!"); } $movstart = 0; if (empty($movid)) { $movthumb = formatFilename($url); $movthumb = str_replace('watch?v=', '', $movthumb); $movtime = ''; // link contains time parm? &t= if (strpos($movthumb, "&t=")) { $timepos = strpos($movthumb, "&t="); $movtime = substr($movthumb, $timepos + 3); $movthumb = substr($movthumb, 0, $timepos); } // short link supplied with time parm? if (strpos($movthumb, "?t=")) { $timepos = strpos($movthumb, "?t="); $movtime = substr($movthumb, $timepos + 3); $movthumb = substr($movthumb, 0, $timepos); } // calculate the amount of seconds to supply to the player if ($movtime != '') { $movh = 0; $movm = 0; $movs = 0; $hpos = strpos($movtime, "h"); if ($hpos) { $movh = substr($movtime, 0, $hpos); $movtime = substr($movtime, $hpos + 1); } $mpos = strpos($movtime, "m"); if ($mpos) { $movm = substr($movtime, 0, $mpos); $movtime = substr($movtime, $mpos + 1); } $spos = strpos($movtime, "s"); if ($spos) { $movs = substr($movtime, 0, $spos); $movtime = substr($movtime, $spos + 1); } if (is_numeric($movh)) { $movstart = $movh * 3600; } if (is_numeric($movm)) { $movstart = $movstart + $movm * 60; } if (is_numeric($movs)) { $movstart = $movstart + $movs; } } // formatFilename replaces underscore by space -- undo this $movthumb = str_replace(' ', '_', $movthumb); if ($fb_type == "vimeo") { // possible formats: http://www.vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=6566857 // http://www.vimeo.com/5324878 $pos = strpos($url, "clip_id="); if ($pos !== false) { $pos = $pos + 8; $movthumb = substr($url, $pos); } else { $pos = strpos($url, "vimeo.com/"); if ($pos !== false) { $pos = $pos + 10; $movthumb = substr($url, $pos); // if this format is received rewrite it to embed format $url = "http://www.vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=" . $movthumb; } } } } else { $movthumb = $movid; } if ($fb_type == "youtube") { $urlthumb = "http://i2.ytimg.com/vi/" . $movthumb . "/default.jpg"; } else { if ($fb_type == "vimeo") { $urlvimphp = "http://vimeo.com/api/v2/video/" . $movthumb . ".php"; $vimeocontents = @file_get_contents($urlvimphp); $thumbcontents = @unserialize(trim($vimeocontents)); $urlthumb = $thumbcontents[0][thumbnail_small]; if (empty($urlthumb)) { $urlthumb = $thumbcontents[0][user_thumbnail_small]; } } } $code = sprintf("<a href=\"#%s%s\" class=\"fancytube\" title=\"%s\" rel=\"%s%s\" ><img src=\"%s\" class=\"%s\" alt=\"%s\" /></a>", $rel_id, $randnum, $title, $rel_id, $uid, $urlthumb, $fbclass, $alt); // some extra options for youtube (end with ampersand) // for explanation see http://code.google.com/intl/nl/apis/youtube/player_parameters.html // hl = language // autoplay: 1 = autoplay; 0 = click to play // rel = play related videos (0 = no) // fs = fullscreen allowed // options for vimeo just found by browsing through Google if (empty($movid)) { $urlmain = str_replace('watch?v=', 'v/', $url); $urlmain = str_replace('/embed/', '/v/', $urlmain); // convert a short link to a long one otherwise it won't work (if parms were in link they are now gone) // also if time parm was found the link needs to be reformatted to obligatory format if (strpos($urlmain, "//youtu.be/") || $movstart != 0) { $urlmain = "http://www.youtube.com/v/" . $movthumb; } $urlid = ""; } else { if ($fb_type == "youtube") { $urlmain = "http://www.youtube.com/v/"; $urlid = $movid; } else { if ($fb_type == "vimeo") { $urlmain = "http://www.vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id="; $urlid = $movid; } } } if ($fb_type == "youtube") { $urlextra = "&hl=en&autoplay=1&rel=0&fs=1&start=" . $movstart; } else { if ($fb_type == "vimeo") { $urlextra = "&server=vimeo.com&autoplay=1&fullscreen=1&show_title=1&show_byline=0&show_portrait=0"; } } $anchor_obj = sprintf("<span style=\"display: none\"><span id=\"%s%s\" ><object type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" data=\"%s%s%s\" width=\"%s\" height=\"%s\"><param name=\"movie\" value=\"%s%s%s\"></param><param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"true\"></param><param name=\"allowscriptaccess\" value=\"always\"></param></object></span></span>", $rel_id, $randnum, $urlmain, $urlid, $urlextra, $objwidth, $objheight, $urlmain, $urlid, $urlextra); $code = $code . $anchor_obj; if ('center' == $align) { $code = '<p class="pivotx-wrapper">' . $code . '</p>'; } } else { if ($fb_type == 'text') { // filename is not mandatory so fix an empty one with dummy string so code gets returned if (empty($filename)) { $filename = '==fbdummy=='; } // use random number to be fairly sure that constructed href will be unique // if by chance the number is the same then text shown (when clicked) will be the first one // also use this random number to construct a unique rel because grouping results // in array-reverse errors and crashing of the webpage when scrolling with the mouse! $randnum = rand(); $code = sprintf("<a href=\"#%s%s\" class=\"fancytext\" title=\"%s\" rel=\"%s%s%s\" >%s</a>", $rel_id, $randnum, $title, $rel_id, $uid, $randnum, $thumbname); $textbegin = substr($text, 0, 5); $textrest = substr($text, 5); if ($textbegin !== "file:") { $lines = $text; } else { $docfile = $PIVOTX['paths']['pivotx_path'] . "docs/" . $textrest; if (file_exists($docfile) && is_readable($docfile) && ($handle = fopen($docfile, 'r'))) { $lines = fread($handle, filesize($docfile)); fclose($handle); } else { debug("Specified file cannot be found or read:'{$docfile}'"); } } // check whether the lines contain html. // If there are the popup will still function but with visible elements // better use iframe for text with html if (strlen($lines) != strlen(strip_tags($lines))) { debug("Popup: '{$rel_id}{$randnum}' contains HTML elements."); debug("A text popup should only contain plain text."); debug("Try using fb_type iframe with an url pointing to a saved file instead."); } // couldn't get it to work correctly with an object (kept on forcing its own default size) // just specifying a span had the same result; can't use div and so on because pop-up // can be within an open paragraph // so switched to textarea (which is more customisable anyway); cols and rows are there for valid html $anchor_obj = sprintf("<span style=\"display: none\"><span id=\"%s%s\"><textarea class=\"%s\" style=\"width: %s; height: %s; overflow: auto; color: %s; background-color: %s\" readonly=\"readonly\" cols=\"\" rows=\"\">%s</textarea></span></span>", $rel_id, $randnum, $txtcls, $objwidth, $objheight, $txtcol, $txtcolbg, $lines); $code = $code . $anchor_obj; if ('center' == $align) { $code = '<p class="pivotx-wrapper">' . $code . '</p>'; } } else { if ($fb_type == 'iframe') { // filename is not mandatory so fix an empty one with dummy string so code gets returned if (empty($filename)) { $filename = '==fbdummy=='; } // use random number to be fairly sure that constructed rel will be unique // if by chance the number is the same then iframe will open but clicking // in the frame itself will be impossible $randnum = rand(); $code = sprintf("<a href=\"%s\" class=\"fancyframe\" title=\"%s\" rel=\"%s%s%s\" >%s</a>", $url, $title, $rel_id, $uid, $randnum, $thumbname); if ('center' == $align) { $code = '<p class="pivotx-wrapper">' . $code . '</p>'; } } else { if ($fb_type == 'flash') { // filename is not mandatory so fix an empty one with dummy string so code gets returned if (empty($filename)) { $filename = '==fbdummy=='; } // use random number to be fairly sure that constructed rel will be unique // if by chance the number is the same then flash will open but clicking // in the window itself will be impossible $randnum = rand(); $code = sprintf("<a href=\"%s\" class=\"fancyflash\" title=\"%s\" rel=\"%s%s%s\" >%s</a>", $url, $title, $rel_id, $uid, $randnum, $thumbname); if ('center' == $align) { $code = '<p class="pivotx-wrapper">' . $code . '</p>'; } } } } } } $PIVOTX['extensions']->addHook('after_parse', 'callback', 'fancyboxIncludeCallback'); // not every type uses parm file so var filename gets a dummy value in those types if (!empty($filename)) { return $code; } else { return ""; } }
/** * Upload a file * */ function uploadfile() { global $Cfg, $Paths, $Users, $Pivot_Vars, $qual, $local; MinLevel(2); include_once 'includes/fileupload-class.php'; $lang = str_replace("_utf8", "", $Users[$Pivot_Vars['user']]['language']); $my_uploader = new uploader($lang); // OPTIONAL: set the max filesize of uploadable files in bytes $my_uploader->max_filesize($Cfg['max_filesize']); // UPLOAD the file if ($my_uploader->upload('userfile', $Cfg['upload_accept'], $Cfg['upload_extension'])) { debug($my_uploader->file['name']); $success = $my_uploader->save_file($Paths['upload_path'], $Cfg['upload_save_mode'], 1); } if ($success) { error_reporting(E_ALL); include_once "modules/module_imagefunctions.php"; PageHeader(lang('userbar', 'main'), 1); PageAnkeiler(lang('userbar', 'files') . ' » ' . lang('userbar', 'uploaded_success')); printf('<script type="text/javascript">function pop(a){ window.open("modules/module_image.php?image="+a,"", "toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,width=940,height=570"); self.location="index.php?menu=files";} </script>'); echo '<tr><td align="center" colspan="2">'; $fullentry = $Paths['upload_url'] . $my_uploader->file['name']; echo '<img src="' . $fullentry . '" border="0" alt="new image">'; echo '</td></tr><tr><td align="right" width="48%"><br /><br />'; if (auto_thumbnail($my_uploader->file['name'])) { echo "<p><b>Thumbnail:</b><br>"; $thumbfilename = $Paths['upload_url'] . make_thumbname(basename($my_uploader->file['name'])); printf('<p><img src="%s" />', $thumbfilename); printf('<p><a href="javascript:pop(\'%s\')">' . lang('upload', 'edit_thumbnail') . '</a></td>', $my_uploader->file['name']); } else { printf('<p><a href="javascript:pop(\'%s\');">' . lang('upload', 'create_thumb') . '</a></td>', $my_uploader->file['name']); } GenSetting('', lang('upload', 'thisfile'), '', 8, '', 6); StartForm('file_upload', 0, 'enctype="multipart/form-data"'); printf('<input name="%s" type="file" class="input"><br />', $Cfg['upload_file_name']); printf('<input type="submit" value="%s" class="button" /></form>', lang('upload', 'button')); PageFooter(); } else { if ($my_uploader->errors) { files_main($my_uploader->errors); } } }