Example #1
        $params['group_owner_name'] = $group_owner->login_name;
        $params['group_joinee'] = $user->login_name;
        $params['group_url'] = PA::$url . '/' . FILE_GROUP . '?gid=' . $gid;
        $params['group_owner_email'] = $group_owner->email;
        $params['config_site_name'] = $config_site_name;
        if (!Group::member_exists((int) $_REQUEST['gid'], (int) $login_uid) && $group->reg_type == REG_MODERATED) {
            // if it is a manual join not an invited join
            $params['group_moderation_url'] = PA::$url . '/' . FILE_GROUP_MODERATION . '?view=users&gid=' . $gid;
            $params['mail_type'] = 'group_join_request';
            $group_top_mesg = "Your joining request has been submitted to the owner of \"" . stripslashes($group->title) . "\" group.";
        } else {
            $params['group_moderation_url'] = PA::$url . '/' . FILE_GROUP_MODERATION . '?gid=' . $gid;
            $params['mail_type'] = 'group_join';
            $group_top_mesg = "You have joined the \"" . stripslashes($group->title) . "\" group successfully.";
        auto_email_notification_members('someone_join_their_group', $params);
} else {
    if (@$_GET['action'] == 'leave' && $login_uid) {
        if (Group::is_admin((int) $_REQUEST['gid'], (int) $login_uid)) {
            $group_top_mesg = "You cant leave your own group";
        } else {
            if (Group::member_exists((int) $_REQUEST['gid'], (int) $login_uid)) {
                try {
                    $x = $group->leave((int) $login_uid);
                } catch (PAException $e) {
                    $group_top_mesg = "Operation failed (" . $e->message . "). Please try again";
            } else {
                $group_top_mesg = "You are not member of " . stripslashes($group->title) . " group.";
Example #2
 function handle_join()
     global $network_info;
     $invitation_id = isset($_REQUEST['InvID']) ? $_REQUEST['InvID'] : null;
     $group_invitation_id = isset($_REQUEST['GInvID']) ? $_REQUEST['GInvID'] : null;
     $mother_network_info = Network::get_mothership_info();
     $extra = unserialize($mother_network_info->extra);
     if (!$this->reg_user->register($_POST, $network_info)) {
         // registration failed
     if ($extra['email_validation'] == NET_NO) {
         // Success!
         register_session($this->reg_user->newuser->login_name, $this->reg_user->newuser->user_id, $this->reg_user->newuser->role, $this->reg_user->newuser->first_name, $this->reg_user->newuser->last_name, $this->reg_user->newuser->email, $this->reg_user->newuser->picture);
         if ($invitation_id) {
             // if an invitation to join a network
             $this->inv_error = "";
             $is_valid = Invitation::validate_invitation_id($invitation_id);
             if (!$is_valid) {
                 $msg = 7017;
                 // invalid network invitation
             if (empty($msg)) {
                 try {
                     // try to except invitation
                     $new_invite = new Invitation();
                     $new_invite->inv_id = $invitation_id;
                     $new_invite->inv_user_id = $this->reg_user->newuser->user_id;
                     $inv_obj = Invitation::load($invitation_id);
                     $user_obj = new User();
                     $user_obj->load((int) $inv_obj->user_id);
                     //if invitation is for private network
                     if ($network_info->type == PRIVATE_NETWORK_TYPE) {
                         $user_type = NULL;
                         if ($network_info->owner_id == $inv_obj->user_id) {
                             $user_type = NETWORK_MEMBER;
                         Network::join($network_info->network_id, $this->reg_user->newuser->user_id, $user_type);
                     $msg = 7016;
                     $relation_type_id = Relation::get_relation((int) $inv_obj->user_id, (int) $this->reg_user->newuser->user_id);
                     $relation_type = Relation::lookup_relation_type($relation_type_id);
                     $invited_user_url = url_for('user_blog', array('login' => $this->reg_user->newuser->login_name));
                     // data for passing in common mail method
                     $array_of_data = array('first_name' => $this->reg_user->newuser->first_name, 'last_name' => $this->reg_user->newuser->last_name, 'user_name' => $this->reg_user->newuser->login_name, 'user_id' => $this->reg_user->newuser->user_id, 'invited_user_id' => $inv_obj->user_id, 'invited_user_name' => $user_obj->login_name, 'mail_type' => 'invite_accept_pa', 'to' => $user_obj->email, 'network_name' => $network_info->name, 'relation_type' => $relation_type, 'config_site_name' => PA::$site_name, 'invited_user_url' => $invited_user_url);
                     auto_email_notification_members('invitation_accept', $array_of_data);
                 } catch (PAException $e) {
                     $this->inv_error = $e->message;
                     $this->reg_user->msg = "{$e->message}";
                     $error_inv = TRUE;
                 if ($error_inv == TRUE) {
                     // if invitation fails, then do login again
                     header("Location: " . PA::$url . "/login.php?msg=" . $this->reg_user->msg . "&return={$return_url}");
             $redirect_url = 'homepage.php?msg=' . $msg;
         } else {
             if ($group_invitation_id) {
                 // if an invitation to join a group
                 // User registration is in response to a group invitation, so
                 // now that the user is registered, handle the group invitation.
                 try {
                     $is_valid_ginv = Invitation::validate_group_invitation_id($group_invitation_id);
                     if (!$is_valid_ginv) {
                         $msg = 3001;
                 } catch (PAException $e) {
                     $this->inv_error = "{$e->message}";
                 if (empty($msg)) {
                     //if group invitation is valid, and no error yet
                     try {
                         $new_invite = new Invitation();
                         $new_invite->inv_id = $group_invitation_id;
                         $new_invite->inv_user_id = $this->reg_user->newuser->user_id;
                         //get collection_id
                         $Ginv = Invitation::load($group_invitation_id);
                         $gid = $Ginv->inv_collection_id;
                     } catch (PAException $e) {
                         $this->reg_user->msg = "{$e->message}";
                         $this->reg_user->error = TRUE;
                         print $this->reg_user->msg;
                     $redirect_url = "group.php?gid={$gid}&action=join&GInvID={$group_invitation_id}";
                 } else {
                     //else redirect registered user to its page.
                     $redirect_url = "user.php?msg_id={$msg}";
                 // end of if group invitation is valid
         if (empty($redirect_url)) {
             // if no url is set yet
             // not a group invitation, so redirect to private user page when done
             $redirect_url = "user.php";
         header("Location: " . PA::$url . "/{$redirect_url}");
     } else {
         $expires = LONG_EXPIRES;
         // for 15 days
         $user = new User();
         $user->login_name = $this->reg_user->newuser->login_name;
         $user->password = $this->reg_user->newuser->password;
         $token = $user->get_auth_token($expires);
         if (!empty($invitation_id)) {
             $invitation = '&InvID=' . $invitation_id;
         } else {
             if (!empty($group_invitation_id)) {
                 $invitation = '&GInvID=' . $group_invitation_id;
             } else {
                 $invitation = NULL;
         $name = $user->login_name;
         $activation_url = PA::$url . '/mail_action.php?action=activate&token=' . $token . $invitation;
         $subject = 'Hi ' . $this->reg_user->newuser->login_name . '!  Please activate your ' . PA::$site_name . ' account.';
         $message = "Hi {$name} , \n Activate your people aggregator account by clicking the following link: \n {$activation_url}";
         $to = $this->reg_user->newuser->email;
         $mail_type = 'activate_account';
         $array_of_data = array('subject' => $subject, 'message' => $message);
         // send mail
         $check = pa_mail($to, $mail_type, $array_of_data);
         // redirect to home page.
         header("Location: " . PA::$url . "/homepage.php?msg=7013");
     //end if email validation is set
         // defining array to be sent, to fill message frame
         $params = array('first_name' => $_SESSION['user']['first_name'], 'last_name' => $_SESSION['user']['last_name'], 'user_id' => $_SESSION['user']['id'], 'approve_deny_url' => $approve_deny_url, 'invited_user_name' => $user->login_name, 'requestor_image' => $rel_creater_picture, 'to' => $user->email, 'requested_user_id' => $user->user_id, 'config_site_name' => $config_site_name);
         // send notification
         auto_email_notification_members('relationship_requested', $params);
     } else {
         $params['related_uid'] = $relation_uid;
         $params['related_user'] = $user->first_name;
         $params['user_name'] = $rel_creater->login_name;
         $params['user_id'] = $rel_creater->user_id;
         $params['user_image'] = $rel_creater_picture;
         $params['to'] = $user->email;
         $params['my_friends_url'] = PA::$url . '/' . FILE_VIEW_ALL_MEMBERS . '?view_type=in_relations&uid=' . $relation_uid;
         $params['user_url'] = PA::$url . '/' . FILE_USER_BLOG . '?uid=' . $rel_creater->user_id;
         $params['config_site_name'] = $config_site_name;
         auto_email_notification('relation_added', $params);
         auto_email_notification_members('relationship_created_with_other_member', $params);
         //for rivers of people
         $activity = 'user_friend_added';
         //for rivers of people
         $activities_extra['info'] = $login_name . ' added new friend with id =' . $relation_uid;
         $extra = serialize($activities_extra);
         $object = $relation_uid;
         Activities::save($login_uid, $activity, $object, $extra, $activities_array);
 //invalidate cache of logged in user's relation module
 $cache_id = 'relation_private_' . $uid;
 $cache_id = 'relation_public_' . $uid;
 // invalidate cache of user who is being added in relation module
Example #4
 $user_accepting_inv_obj->load((int) $u);
 try {
     // check token before accepting invitation
     $new_invite = new Invitation();
     $new_invite->inv_id = $invitation_id;
     $new_invite->inv_user_id = $u;
     $inv_obj = Invitation::load($invitation_id);
     $user_obj = new User();
     $user_obj->load((int) $inv_obj->user_id);
     $relation_type_id = Relation::get_relation((int) $inv_obj->user_id, (int) $user_accepting_inv_obj->user_id);
     $relation_type = Relation::lookup_relation_type($relation_type_id);
     $invited_user_url = url_for('user_blog', array('login' => $user_accepting_inv_obj->login_name));
     // data for passing in common mail method
     $array_of_data = array('first_name' => $user_accepting_inv_obj->first_name, 'last_name' => $user_accepting_inv_obj->last_name, 'user_name' => $user_accepting_inv_obj->login_name, 'user_id' => $user_accepting_inv_obj->user_id, 'invited_user_id' => $inv_obj->user_id, 'invited_user_name' => $user_obj->login_name, 'mail_type' => 'invite_accept_pa', 'to' => $user_obj->email, 'network_name' => $network_info->name, 'relation_type' => $relation_type, 'config_site_name' => $config_site_name, 'invited_user_url' => $invited_user_url);
     auto_email_notification_members('invitation_accept', $array_of_data);
     if (!empty($network_info) && $network_info->type != MOTHER_NETWORK_TYPE) {
         if (!Network::member_exists($network_info->network_id, $u)) {
             if ($network_info->type == PRIVATE_NETWORK_TYPE && $inv_obj->user_id == $network_info->owner_id) {
                 $user_type = NETWORK_MEMBER;
             Network::join($network_info->network_id, $u, $user_type);
             $params['uid'] = $u;
             auto_email_notification('some_joins_a_network', $params);
 } catch (PAException $e) {
     $msg = "{$e->message}";
     $error_inv = TRUE;
 if ($error_inv == TRUE) {
 function render_for_ajax()
     $op = $this->params["op"];
     if ($op != 'paging' && empty(PA::$login_user)) {
         return __("Login required");
     switch ($op) {
         case "add_friend":
             do {
                 $extra = array();
                 if (isset(PA::$network_info->extra)) {
                     $extra = unserialize(PA::$network_info->extra);
                 $status = APPROVED;
                 if (@$extra['reciprocated_relationship'] == NET_YES) {
                     $status = PENDING;
                 $added = FALSE;
                 try {
                     Relation::add_relation(PA::$login_user->user_id, $this->user->user_id, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, $status);
                     $added = TRUE;
                 } catch (PAException $e) {
                     $this->err = __("There was a problem with adding the relation: ") . $e->getMessage();
                     $added = FALSE;
                 if ($added) {
                     if ($status == PENDING) {
                         $this->note = __("You have requested to be friends.");
                     } else {
                         $this->note = __("Friend added successfully.");
                 // and now for Notifications etc
                 // relationship establisher image
                 $rel_creater_picture = uihelper_resize_mk_user_img(PA::$login_user->picture, 80, 80, 'alt="' . PA::$login_user->first_name . '" align="left" style="padding: 0px 12px 12px 0px;"');
                 if (@$extra['reciprocated_relationship'] == NET_YES) {
                     // defining array to be sent, to fill message fram
                     $params = array('first_name' => PA::$login_user->first_name, 'last_name' => PA::$login_user->last_name, 'user_id' => PA::$login_user->id, 'approve_deny_url' => PA::$url . '/' . FILE_VIEW_ALL_MEMBERS . '?view_type=in_relations&uid=' . $this->uid, 'invited_user_name' => $this->user->login_name, 'requestor_image' => $rel_creater_picture, 'to' => $this->user->email, 'requested_user_id' => $this->user->user_id, 'config_site_name' => PA::$site_name);
                     // send notification
                     auto_email_notification_members('relationship_requested', $params);
                 } else {
                     $params = array('related_uid' => $this->uid, 'related_user' => $this->user->first_name, 'user_name' => PA::$login_user->login_name, 'user_id' => PA::$login_user->user_id, 'user_image' => $rel_creater_picture, 'to' => $this->user->email, 'my_friends_url' => PA::$url . '/' . FILE_VIEW_ALL_MEMBERS . '?view_type=in_relations&uid=' . $this->uid, 'user_url' => PA::$url . '/' . FILE_USER_BLOG . '?uid=' . PA::$login_user->user_id, 'config_site_name' => PA::$site_name);
                     auto_email_notification('relation_added', $params);
                     auto_email_notification_members('relationship_created_with_other_member', $params);
                     // for rivers of people
                     $activity = 'user_friend_added';
                     $extra = serialize(array('info' => PA::$login_user->login_name . ' added new relation with id = ' . $this->uid));
                     Activities::save(PA::$login_uid, $activity, $this->uid, $extra, array($activity));
             } while (0);
         case "deny_friend":
             // deny and remove are essentially equivalent
         // deny and remove are essentially equivalent
         case "remove_friend":
             do {
                 $user_id = PA::$login_user->user_id;
                 $remove_id = (int) $this->params['remove_id'];
                 if ($op == "deny_friend") {
                     try {
                         $res = Relation::delete_relation($remove_id, $user_id);
                         // relation reversed
                         $this->note = __("You denied the friend request successfully.");
                     } catch (PAException $e) {
                         $this->err = __("There was a problem with denying the relation: ") . $e->getMessage();
                 } else {
                     // remove
                     try {
                         $res = Relation::delete_relation($user_id, $remove_id);
                         $this->note = __("You removed the friend successfully.");
                     } catch (PAException $e) {
                         $this->err = __("There was a problem removing the relation: ") . $e->getMessage();
                     // make sure we don't leave the relation existing in the other direction
                     try {
                         $res2 = Relation::delete_relation($remove_id, $user_id);
                         // relation reversed
                     } catch (PAException $e) {
                         $this->err = __("There was a problem removing the reversed relation: ") . $e->getMessage();
                 if ($res) {
                     $requested_user = User::map_ids_to_logins((int) $remove_id);
                     $requested_user_name = $requested_user[$remove_id];
                     // defining array of values to fill message fram
                     $params = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'first_name' => PA::$login_user->first_name, 'last_name' => PA::$login_user->last_name, 'to' => $this->params['related_email'], 'requested_user_id' => $remove_id, 'requested_user_name' => $requested_user_name, 'network_name' => PA::$network_info->name, 'config_site_name' => PA::$site_name);
                     // send notification
                     auto_email_notification_members('relationship_denied', $params);
             } while (0);
         case "approve_friend":
             do {
                 $user_id = PA::$login_user->user_id;
                 $relation_id = (int) $this->params['approve_id'];
                 $status = APPROVED;
                 try {
                     $result = Relation::update_relation_status($user_id, $relation_id, $status);
                     if ($result) {
                         // if relationship has been made then send mail to the requestor
                         $this->note = __("You approved the friend request successfully.");
                         Relation::add_relation($user_id, $relation_id);
                         // for rivers of people
                         // notif approval
                         $activity = 'user_friend_approved';
                         $extra = serialize(array('info' => PA::$login_user->login_name . ' approved  relation with id = ' . $relation_id));
                         Activities::save(PA::$login_uid, $activity, $relation_id, $extra, array($activity));
                         // notify the originator direction also
                         $activity = 'user_friend_added';
                         $ou = new User();
                         $ou->load((int) $relation_id);
                         $extra = serialize(array('info' => $ou->login_name . ' added new relation with id = ' . PA::$login_user->login_name));
                         Activities::save($relation_id, $activity, PA::$login_uid, $extra, array($activity));
                         $from = PA::$login_user->email;
                         $requested_user = User::map_ids_to_logins($relation_id);
                         if (PA::$network_info->type == MOTHER_NETWORK_TYPE) {
                             $network_owner_id = SUPER_USER_ID;
                         } else {
                             $network_owner_id = PA::$network_info->owner_id;
                         $net_user = new User();
                         $net_user->load((int) $network_owner_id);
                         $relation_type = $relation_type = Relation::lookup_relation_type(Relation::get_relation($relation_id, $user_id));
                         $params['cnt'] = TRUE;
                         $rel_count = Relation::get($params, 'status =\'' . APPROVED . '\'');
                         $friend_list_url = PA::$url . '/' . FILE_VIEW_ALL_MEMBERS . '?view_type=in_relations&uid=' . $relation_id;
                         $user_url = url_for(FILE_USER_BLOG, array('login' => $requested_user[$relation_id]));
                         $member_moderation_url = PA::$url . '/' . FILE_NETWORK_MANAGE_USER;
                         $params = array('first_name' => PA::$login_user->first_name, 'last_name' => PA::$login_user->last_name, 'user_name' => PA::$login_user->login_name, 'invited_user_id' => $relation_id, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'invited_user_name' => $requested_user[$relation_id], 'relation_type' => $relation_type, 'network_name' => PA::$network_info->name, 'member_count' => PA::$network_info->member_count, 'reci_relation_count' => $rel_count, 'network_owner_name' => $net_user->first_name, 'to' => $this->params['related_email'], 'mail_type' => 'friend_response', 'user_url' => $user_url, 'friend_list_url' => $friend_list_url, 'member_moderation_url' => $member_moderation_url, 'config_site_name' => PA::$site_name);
                         // send mail to proper notification
                         auto_email_notification_members('invitation_accept', $params);
                         // add check for network owner's notification
                         $extra = unserialize(PA::$network_info->extra);
                         if (@$extra['notify_owner']['relation_added']['value'] != NET_NONE) {
                             // send mail to network owner
                             $to = $net_user->email;
                             $mail_type = 'reciprocated_relation_estab';
                             $check = pa_mail($to, $mail_type, $params);
                 } catch (PAException $e) {
                     $this->err = __("There was a problem with adding the relation: ") . $e->getMessage();
             } while (0);
             // just ignore any others
             $this->note = "Unknown operation {$op}.";
     return $this->render();
    } catch (PAException $e) {
        throw $e;
} else {
    if (@$_POST['btn_deny']) {
        $user_id = (int) $_GET['uid'];
        $relation_id = (int) $_POST['related_id'];
        try {
            if (Relation::delete_relation($relation_id, $user_id)) {
                // if relation deleted successfully, send a notification to the requestor
                $requested_user = User::map_ids_to_logins((int) $relation_id);
                $requested_user_name = $requested_user[$relation_id];
                // defining array of values to fill message frame
                $params = array('user_id' => $_SESSION['user']['id'], 'first_name' => $_SESSION['user']['first_name'], 'last_name' => $_SESSION['user']['last_name'], 'to' => $_POST['related_email'], 'requested_user_id' => $relation_id, 'requested_user_name' => $requested_user_name, 'config_site_name' => $config_site_name);
                // send notification
                auto_email_notification_members('relationship_denied', $params);
        } catch (PAException $e) {
            throw $e;
function setup_module($column, $moduleName, $obj)
    global $network_info, $uid, $paging, $user, $view_type;
    switch ($column) {
        case 'left':
            $obj->mode = PUB;
            if ($moduleName == 'RecentCommentsModule') {
                $obj->cid = @$_REQUEST['cid'];
                $obj->block_type = HOMEPAGE;