Example #1
  * Daily cron. It executes at settlement time (default is 00:05).
  * @access private
 function cron_daily()
     global $CFG, $SITE;
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/enrol/authorize/authorizenetlib.php';
     $oneday = 86400;
     $timenow = time();
     $onepass = $timenow - $oneday;
     $settlementtime = authorize_getsettletime($timenow);
     $timediff30 = $settlementtime - 30 * $oneday;
     // Delete orders that no transaction was made.
     $select = "(status='" . AN_STATUS_NONE . "') AND (timecreated<'{$timediff30}')";
     delete_records_select('enrol_authorize', $select);
     // Pending orders are expired with in 30 days.
     $select = "(status='" . AN_STATUS_AUTH . "') AND (timecreated<'{$timediff30}')";
     execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize SET status='" . AN_STATUS_EXPIRE . "' WHERE {$select}", false);
     // Delete expired orders 60 days later.
     $timediff60 = $settlementtime - 60 * $oneday;
     $select = "(status='" . AN_STATUS_EXPIRE . "') AND (timecreated<'{$timediff60}')";
     delete_records_select('enrol_authorize', $select);
     // XXX TODO SEND EMAIL to 'enrol/authorize:uploadcsv'
     // get_users_by_capability() does not handling user level resolving
     // After user resolving, get_admin() to get_users_by_capability()
     $adminuser = get_admin();
     $select = "status IN(" . AN_STATUS_UNDERREVIEW . "," . AN_STATUS_APPROVEDREVIEW . ") AND (timecreated<'{$onepass}') AND (timecreated>'{$timediff60}')";
     $count = count_records_select('enrol_authorize', $select);
     if ($count) {
         $a = new stdClass();
         $a->count = $count;
         $a->course = $SITE->shortname;
         $subject = get_string('pendingechecksubject', 'enrol_authorize', $a);
         $a = new stdClass();
         $a->count = $count;
         $a->url = $CFG->wwwroot . '/enrol/authorize/uploadcsv.php';
         $message = get_string('pendingecheckemail', 'enrol_authorize', $a);
         @email_to_user($adminuser, $adminuser, $subject, $message);
     // Daily warning email for pending orders expiring.
     if (empty($CFG->an_emailexpired)) {
         // not enabled
     // Pending orders count will be expired.
     $timediffem = $settlementtime - (30 - intval($CFG->an_emailexpired)) * $oneday;
     $select = "(status='" . AN_STATUS_AUTH . "') AND (timecreated<'{$timediffem}') AND (timecreated>'{$timediff30}')";
     $count = count_records_select('enrol_authorize', $select);
     if (!$count) {
     // Email to admin
     $a = new stdClass();
     $a->pending = $count;
     $a->days = $CFG->an_emailexpired;
     $a->course = $SITE->shortname;
     $subject = get_string('pendingorderssubject', 'enrol_authorize', $a);
     $a = new stdClass();
     $a->pending = $count;
     $a->days = $CFG->an_emailexpired;
     $a->course = $SITE->fullname;
     $a->enrolurl = "{$CFG->wwwroot}/{$CFG->admin}/enrol_config.php?enrol=authorize";
     $a->url = $CFG->wwwroot . '/enrol/authorize/index.php?status=' . AN_STATUS_AUTH;
     $message = get_string('pendingordersemail', 'enrol_authorize', $a);
     email_to_user($adminuser, $adminuser, $subject, $message);
     // Email to teachers
     if (empty($CFG->an_emailexpiredteacher)) {
         // email feature disabled for teachers.
     $sorttype = empty($CFG->an_sorttype) ? 'ttl' : $CFG->an_sorttype;
     $sql = "SELECT e.courseid, e.currency, c.fullname, c.shortname,\n                  COUNT(e.courseid) AS cnt, SUM(e.amount) as ttl\n                FROM {$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize e\n                  INNER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}course c ON c.id = e.courseid\n                WHERE (e.status = " . AN_STATUS_AUTH . ")\n                  AND (e.timecreated < {$timediffem})\n                  AND (e.timecreated > {$timediff30})\n                GROUP BY e.courseid\n                ORDER BY {$sorttype} DESC";
     for ($rs = get_recordset_sql($sql); $courseinfo = rs_fetch_next_record($rs);) {
         $lastcourse = $courseinfo->courseid;
         $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $lastcourse);
         if ($paymentmanagers = get_users_by_capability($context, 'enrol/authorize:managepayments')) {
             $a = new stdClass();
             $a->course = $courseinfo->shortname;
             $a->pending = $courseinfo->cnt;
             $a->days = $CFG->an_emailexpired;
             $subject = get_string('pendingorderssubject', 'enrol_authorize', $a);
             $a = new stdClass();
             $a->course = $courseinfo->fullname;
             $a->pending = $courseinfo->cnt;
             $a->currency = $courseinfo->currency;
             $a->sumcost = $courseinfo->ttl;
             $a->days = $CFG->an_emailexpired;
             $a->url = $CFG->wwwroot . '/enrol/authorize/index.php?course=' . $lastcourse . '&amp;status=' . AN_STATUS_AUTH;
             $message = get_string('pendingordersemailteacher', 'enrol_authorize', $a);
             foreach ($paymentmanagers as $paymentmanager) {
                 email_to_user($paymentmanager, $adminuser, $subject, $message);
 * Performs an action on authorize.net and updates/inserts records. If record update fails,
 * sends email to admin.
 * @param object &$order Which transaction data will be sent. See enrol_authorize table.
 * @param string &$message Information about error message.
 * @param object &$extra Extra data that used for refunding and credit card information.
 * @param int $action Which action will be performed. See AN_ACTION_*
 * @param string $cctype Used internally to configure credit types automatically.
 * @return int AN_APPROVED Transaction was successful, AN_RETURNZERO otherwise. Use $message for reason.
 * @author Ethem Evlice <ethem a.t evlice d.o.t com>
 * @uses $CFG
function authorize_action(&$order, &$message, &$extra, $action = AN_ACTION_NONE, $cctype = NULL)
    global $CFG;
    static $conststring;
    if (!isset($conststring)) {
        $mconfig = get_config('enrol/authorize');
        $constdata = array('x_version' => '3.1', 'x_delim_data' => 'True', 'x_delim_char' => AN_DELIM, 'x_encap_char' => AN_ENCAP, 'x_relay_response' => 'FALSE', 'x_login' => rc4decrypt($mconfig->an_login));
        $str = '';
        foreach ($constdata as $ky => $vl) {
            $str .= $ky . '=' . urlencode($vl) . '&';
        $str .= !empty($mconfig->an_tran_key) ? 'x_tran_key=' . urlencode(rc4decrypt($mconfig->an_tran_key)) : 'x_password='******'';
    if (empty($order) or empty($order->id)) {
        $message = "Check order->id!";
        return AN_RETURNZERO;
    $method = $order->paymentmethod;
    if (empty($method)) {
        $method = AN_METHOD_CC;
    } elseif ($method != AN_METHOD_CC && $method != AN_METHOD_ECHECK) {
        $message = "Invalid method: {$method}";
        return AN_RETURNZERO;
    $action = intval($action);
    if ($method == AN_METHOD_ECHECK) {
        if ($action != AN_ACTION_AUTH_CAPTURE && $action != AN_ACTION_CREDIT) {
            $message = "Please perform AUTH_CAPTURE or CREDIT for echecks";
            return AN_RETURNZERO;
    $poststring = $conststring;
    $poststring .= '&x_method=' . $method;
    $test = !empty($CFG->an_test);
    $poststring .= '&x_test_request=' . ($test ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE');
    switch ($action) {
        case AN_ACTION_AUTH_ONLY:
            if ($order->status != AN_STATUS_NONE) {
                $message = "Order status must be AN_STATUS_NONE(0)!";
                return AN_RETURNZERO;
            } elseif (empty($extra)) {
                $message = "Need extra fields!";
                return AN_RETURNZERO;
            } elseif ($action == AN_ACTION_CAPTURE_ONLY and empty($extra->x_auth_code)) {
                $message = "x_auth_code is required for capture only transactions!";
                return AN_RETURNZERO;
            $ext = (array) $extra;
            $poststring .= '&x_type=' . ($action == AN_ACTION_AUTH_ONLY ? 'AUTH_ONLY' : ($action == AN_ACTION_CAPTURE_ONLY ? 'CAPTURE_ONLY' : 'AUTH_CAPTURE'));
            foreach ($ext as $k => $v) {
                $poststring .= '&' . $k . '=' . urlencode($v);
            if ($order->status != AN_STATUS_AUTH) {
                $message = "Order status must be authorized!";
                return AN_RETURNZERO;
            if (authorize_expired($order)) {
                $message = "Transaction must be captured within 30 days. EXPIRED!";
                return AN_RETURNZERO;
            $poststring .= '&x_type=PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE&x_trans_id=' . urlencode($order->transid);
        case AN_ACTION_CREDIT:
            if ($order->status != AN_STATUS_AUTHCAPTURE) {
                $message = "Order status must be authorized/captured!";
                return AN_RETURNZERO;
            if (!authorize_settled($order)) {
                $message = "Order must be settled. Try VOID, check Cut-Off time if it fails!";
                return AN_RETURNZERO;
            if (empty($extra->amount)) {
                $message = "No valid amount!";
                return AN_RETURNZERO;
            $timenowsettle = authorize_getsettletime(time());
            $timediff = $timenowsettle - 120 * 3600 * 24;
            if ($order->settletime < $timediff) {
                $message = "Order must be credited within 120 days!";
                return AN_RETURNZERO;
            $poststring .= '&x_type=CREDIT&x_trans_id=' . urlencode($order->transid);
            $poststring .= '&x_currency_code=' . urlencode($order->currency);
            $poststring .= '&x_invoice_num=' . urlencode($extra->orderid);
            $poststring .= '&x_amount=' . urlencode($extra->amount);
            if ($method == AN_METHOD_CC) {
                $poststring .= '&x_card_num=' . sprintf("%04d", intval($order->refundinfo));
            } elseif ($method == AN_METHOD_ECHECK && empty($order->refundinfo)) {
                $message = "Business checkings can be refunded only.";
                return AN_RETURNZERO;
        case AN_ACTION_VOID:
            if (authorize_expired($order) || authorize_settled($order)) {
                $message = "The transaction cannot be voided due to the fact that it is expired or settled.";
                return AN_RETURNZERO;
            $poststring .= '&x_type=VOID&x_trans_id=' . urlencode($order->transid);
            $message = "Invalid action: {$action}";
            return AN_RETURNZERO;
    $referer = '';
    if (!(empty($CFG->an_referer) || $CFG->an_referer == "http://")) {
        $referer = "Referer: {$CFG->an_referer}\r\n";
    $errno = 0;
    $errstr = '';
    $host = $test ? 'certification.authorize.net' : 'secure.authorize.net';
    $fp = fsockopen("ssl://{$host}", 443, $errno, $errstr, 60);
    if (!$fp) {
        $message = "no connection: {$errstr} ({$errno})";
        return AN_RETURNZERO;
    // critical section
    if (intval(ini_get('max_execution_time')) > 0) {
    fwrite($fp, "POST /gateway/transact.dll HTTP/1.0\r\n" . "Host: {$host}\r\n" . $referer . "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n" . "Connection: close\r\n" . "Content-length: " . strlen($poststring) . "\r\n\r\n" . $poststring . "\r\n");
    $tmpstr = '';
    while (!feof($fp) && !stristr($tmpstr, 'content-length')) {
        $tmpstr = fgets($fp, 4096);
    if (!stristr($tmpstr, 'content-length')) {
        $message = "content-length error";
        return AN_RETURNZERO;
    $length = trim(substr($tmpstr, strpos($tmpstr, 'content-length') + 15));
    fgets($fp, 4096);
    $data = fgets($fp, $length);
    $response = explode(AN_ENCAP . AN_DELIM . AN_ENCAP, $data);
    if ($response === false) {
        $message = "response error";
        return AN_RETURNZERO;
    $rcount = count($response) - 1;
    if ($response[0][0] == AN_ENCAP) {
        $response[0] = substr($response[0], 1);
    if (substr($response[$rcount], -1) == AN_ENCAP) {
        $response[$rcount] = substr($response[$rcount], 0, -1);
    $responsecode = intval($response[0]);
    if ($responsecode == AN_APPROVED || $responsecode == AN_REVIEW) {
        $transid = floatval($response[6]);
        if ($test || $transid == 0) {
            return $responsecode;
            // don't update original transaction in test mode.
        switch ($action) {
            case AN_ACTION_AUTH_ONLY:
            case AN_ACTION_CAPTURE_ONLY:
            case AN_ACTION_AUTH_CAPTURE:
                $order->transid = $transid;
                if ($method == AN_METHOD_CC) {
                    if ($action == AN_ACTION_AUTH_ONLY || $responsecode == AN_REVIEW) {
                        $order->status = AN_STATUS_AUTH;
                    } else {
                        $order->status = AN_STATUS_AUTHCAPTURE;
                        $order->settletime = authorize_getsettletime(time());
                } elseif ($method == AN_METHOD_ECHECK) {
                    $order->status = AN_STATUS_UNDERREVIEW;
                if (!update_record('enrol_authorize', $order)) {
                    email_to_admin("Error while trying to update data " . "in table enrol_authorize. Please edit manually this record: ID={$order->id}.", $order);
            case AN_ACTION_CREDIT:
                // Credit generates new transaction id.
                // So, $extra must be updated, not $order.
                $extra->status = AN_STATUS_CREDIT;
                $extra->transid = $transid;
                $extra->settletime = authorize_getsettletime(time());
                if (!($extra->id = insert_record('enrol_authorize_refunds', $extra))) {
                    email_to_admin("Error while trying to insert data " . "into table enrol_authorize_refunds. Please add manually this record:", $extra);
            case AN_ACTION_VOID:
                $tableupdate = 'enrol_authorize';
                if ($order->status == AN_STATUS_CREDIT) {
                    $tableupdate = 'enrol_authorize_refunds';
                $order->status = AN_STATUS_VOID;
                if (!update_record($tableupdate, $order)) {
                    email_to_admin("Error while trying to update data " . "in table {$tableupdate}. Please edit manually this record: ID={$order->id}.", $order);
    } else {
        $reasonno = $response[2];
        $reasonstr = "reason" . $reasonno;
        $message = get_string($reasonstr, "enrol_authorize");
        if ($message == '[[' . $reasonstr . ']]') {
            $message = isset($response[3]) ? $response[3] : 'unknown error';
        if ($method == AN_METHOD_CC && !empty($CFG->an_avs) && $response[5] != "P") {
            $avs = "avs" . strtolower($response[5]);
            $stravs = get_string($avs, "enrol_authorize");
            $message .= "<br />" . get_string("avsresult", "enrol_authorize", $stravs);
        if (!$test) {
            // Autoconfigure :)
            switch ($reasonno) {
                // Credit card type isn't accepted
                case AN_REASON_NOCCTYPE:
                case AN_REASON_NOCCTYPE2:
                    if (!empty($cctype)) {
                        $ccaccepts = get_list_of_creditcards();
                        set_config('an_acceptccs', implode(',', array_keys($ccaccepts)));
                        email_to_admin("{$message} ({$cctype})" . "This is new config(an_acceptccs):", $ccaccepts);
                    // Echecks only
                // Echecks only
                case AN_REASON_ACHONLY:
                    set_config('an_acceptmethods', AN_METHOD_ECHECK);
                    email_to_admin("{$message} " . "This is new config(an_acceptmethods):", array(AN_METHOD_ECHECK));
                    // Echecks aren't accepted
                // Echecks aren't accepted
                case AN_REASON_NOACH:
                    set_config('an_acceptmethods', AN_METHOD_CC);
                    email_to_admin("{$message} " . "This is new config(an_acceptmethods):", array(AN_METHOD_CC));
                    // This echeck type isn't accepted
                // This echeck type isn't accepted
                case AN_REASON_NOACHTYPE:
                case AN_REASON_NOACHTYPE2:
                    if (!empty($extra->x_echeck_type)) {
                        switch ($extra->x_echeck_type) {
                            // CCD=BUSINESSCHECKING
                            case 'CCD':
                                set_config('an_acceptechecktypes', 'CHECKING,SAVINGS');
                                email_to_admin("{$message} " . "This is new config(an_acceptechecktypes):", array('CHECKING', 'SAVINGS'));
                                // WEB=CHECKING or SAVINGS
                            // WEB=CHECKING or SAVINGS
                            case 'WEB':
                                set_config('an_acceptechecktypes', 'BUSINESSCHECKING');
                                email_to_admin("{$message} " . "This is new config(an_acceptechecktypes):", array('BUSINESSCHECKING'));
    return $responsecode;
Example #3
function enrol_authorize_upgrade($oldversion = 0)
    global $CFG, $THEME, $db;
    require_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/enrol/authorize/const.php";
    $result = true;
    if ($oldversion < 2005071600) {
        // Be sure, only last 4 digit is inserted.
        table_column('enrol_authorize', 'cclastfour', 'cclastfour', 'integer', '4', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null');
        table_column('enrol_authorize', 'courseid', 'courseid', 'integer', '10', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null');
        table_column('enrol_authorize', 'userid', 'userid', 'integer', '10', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null');
        // Add some indexes for speed.
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize` ADD INDEX courseid(courseid)", false);
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize` ADD INDEX userid(userid)", false);
    if ($oldversion && $oldversion < 2005071602) {
        notify("If you are using the authorize.net enrolment plugin for credit card\n                handling, please ensure that you have turned loginhttps ON in Admin >> Variables >> Security.");
    if ($oldversion < 2005112100) {
        table_column('enrol_authorize', '', 'authcode', 'varchar', '6', '', '', '', 'avscode');
        // CAPTURE_ONLY
        table_column('enrol_authorize', '', 'status', 'integer', '10', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null', 'transid');
        table_column('enrol_authorize', '', 'timecreated', 'integer', '10', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null', 'status');
        table_column('enrol_authorize', '', 'timeupdated', 'integer', '10', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null', 'timecreated');
        // status index for speed.
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize` ADD INDEX status(status)");
        // defaults.
        execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize SET status='{$status}' WHERE transid<>'0'", false);
        $timenow = time();
        execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize SET timecreated='{$timenow}', timeupdated='{$timenow}'", false);
    if ($oldversion < 2005121200) {
        // new fields for refund and sales reports.
        $defaultcurrency = empty($CFG->enrol_currency) ? 'USD' : $CFG->enrol_currency;
        table_column('enrol_authorize', '', 'amount', 'varchar', '10', '', '0', 'not null', 'timeupdated');
        table_column('enrol_authorize', '', 'currency', 'varchar', '3', '', $defaultcurrency, 'not null', 'amount');
        modify_database("", "CREATE TABLE prefix_enrol_authorize_refunds (\n          `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,\n          `orderid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 0,\n          `refundtype` int(1) unsigned NOT NULL default 0,\n          `amount` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',\n          `transid` int(10) unsigned NULL default 0,\n          PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n          KEY `orderid` (`orderid`));");
        // defaults.
        if ($courses = get_records_select('course', '', '', 'id, cost, currency')) {
            foreach ($courses as $course) {
                execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize\n                             SET amount = '{$course->cost}', currency = '{$course->currency}'\n                             WHERE courseid = '{$course->id}'", false);
    if ($oldversion < 2005122200) {
        // settletime
        table_column('enrol_authorize_refunds', 'refundtype', 'status', 'integer', '1', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null');
        table_column('enrol_authorize_refunds', '', 'settletime', 'integer', '10', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null', 'transid');
        table_column('enrol_authorize', 'timeupdated', 'settletime', 'integer', '10', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null');
        if ($settlements = get_records_select('enrol_authorize', "status='{$status}'", '', 'id, settletime')) {
            include_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/enrol/authorize/authorizenetlib.php";
            foreach ($settlements as $settlement) {
                execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize SET settletime = '" . authorize_getsettletime($settlement->settletime) . "' WHERE id = '{$settlement->id}'", false);
    if ($oldversion < 2005122800) {
        // no need anymore some fields.
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize DROP ccexp", false);
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize DROP cvv", false);
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize DROP avscode", false);
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize DROP authcode", false);
    if ($oldversion < 2006010200) {
        // rename an_review_day
        if (isset($CFG->an_review_day)) {
            set_config('an_capture_day', $CFG->an_review_day);
            delete_records('config', 'name', 'an_review_day');
    if ($oldversion < 2006020100) {
        // rename an_cutoff_hour and an_cutoff_min to an_cutoff
        if (isset($CFG->an_cutoff_hour) && isset($CFG->an_cutoff_min)) {
            $an_cutoff_hour = intval($CFG->an_cutoff_hour);
            $an_cutoff_min = intval($CFG->an_cutoff_min);
            $an_cutoff = $an_cutoff_hour * 60 + $an_cutoff_min;
            if (set_config('an_cutoff', $an_cutoff)) {
                delete_records('config', 'name', 'an_cutoff_hour');
                delete_records('config', 'name', 'an_cutoff_min');
    if ($oldversion < 2006021500) {
        // transid is int
        table_column('enrol_authorize', 'transid', 'transid', 'integer', '10', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null');
    if ($oldversion < 2006021501) {
        // delete an_nextmail record from config_plugins table
        delete_records('config_plugins', 'name', 'an_nextmail');
    if ($oldversion < 2006050400) {
        // Create transid indexes for backup & restore speed.
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize` ADD INDEX transid(transid)", false);
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize_refunds` ADD INDEX transid(transid)", false);
    if ($oldversion < 2006060500) {
        // delete an_nextmail record from config_plugins table
        delete_records('config_plugins', 'name', 'an_nextmail');
        // run twice.
    if ($oldversion < 2006081401) {
        // no need an_teachermanagepay in 1.7
        if (isset($CFG->an_teachermanagepay)) {
            delete_records('config', 'name', 'an_teachermanagepay');
    if ($oldversion < 2006083100) {
        // enums are lower case
        if (isset($CFG->an_acceptmethods)) {
            set_config('an_acceptmethods', strtolower($CFG->an_acceptmethods));
        // new ENUM field: paymentmethod(cc,echeck)
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize` ADD paymentmethod enum('cc', 'echeck') NOT NULL default 'cc' AFTER `id`", true);
    //////  DO NOT ADD NEW THINGS HERE!!  USE upgrade.php and the lib/ddllib.php functions.
    return $result;
Example #4
function enrol_authorize_upgrade($oldversion = 0)
    global $CFG, $THEME, $db;
    require_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/enrol/authorize/const.php";
    $result = true;
    if (!($tables = $db->MetaColumns($CFG->prefix . 'enrol_authorize'))) {
        $installfirst = true;
    if ($oldversion == 0 || !empty($installfirst)) {
        // First time install
        $result = modify_database("{$CFG->dirroot}/enrol/authorize/db/postgres7.sql");
        return $result;
        // RETURN, sql file contains last upgrades.
    // Authorize module was installed before. Upgrades must be applied to SQL file.
    if ($oldversion && $oldversion < 2005071602) {
        notify("If you are using the authorize.net enrolment plugin for credit card\n                handling, please ensure that you have turned loginhttps ON in Admin >> Variables >> Security.");
    if ($oldversion < 2005080200) {
        // Be sure, only last 4 digit is inserted.
        table_column('enrol_authorize', 'cclastfour', 'cclastfour', 'integer', '4', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null');
        table_column('enrol_authorize', 'courseid', 'courseid', 'integer', '10', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null');
        table_column('enrol_authorize', 'userid', 'userid', 'integer', '10', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null');
        // Add some indexes for speed.
        execute_sql("CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize_courseid_idx ON {$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize (courseid);", false);
        execute_sql("CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize_userid_idx ON {$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize (userid);", false);
    if ($oldversion < 2005112100) {
        table_column('enrol_authorize', '', 'authcode', 'varchar', '6', '', '', '', 'avscode');
        // CAPTURE_ONLY
        table_column('enrol_authorize', '', 'status', 'integer', '10', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null', 'transid');
        table_column('enrol_authorize', '', 'timecreated', 'integer', '10', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null', 'status');
        table_column('enrol_authorize', '', 'timeupdated', 'integer', '10', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null', 'timecreated');
        // status index for speed.
        modify_database('', "CREATE INDEX prefix_enrol_authorize_status_idx ON prefix_enrol_authorize (status);");
        // defaults.
        execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize SET status='{$status}' WHERE transid<>'0'", false);
        $timenow = time();
        execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize SET timecreated='{$timenow}', timeupdated='{$timenow}'", false);
    if ($oldversion < 2005121200) {
        // new fields for refund and sales reports.
        $defaultcurrency = empty($CFG->enrol_currency) ? 'USD' : $CFG->enrol_currency;
        table_column('enrol_authorize', '', 'amount', 'varchar', '10', '', '0', 'not null', 'timeupdated');
        table_column('enrol_authorize', '', 'currency', 'varchar', '3', '', $defaultcurrency, 'not null', 'amount');
        modify_database("", "CREATE TABLE prefix_enrol_authorize_refunds (\n           id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n           orderid INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,\n           refundtype INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,\n           amount varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',\n           transid INTEGER NULL default 0\n         );");
        modify_database("", "CREATE INDEX prefix_enrol_authorize_refunds_orderid_idx ON prefix_enrol_authorize_refunds (orderid);");
        // defaults.
        if ($courses = get_records_select('course', '', '', 'id, cost, currency')) {
            foreach ($courses as $course) {
                execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize\n                             SET amount = '{$course->cost}', currency = '{$course->currency}'\n                             WHERE courseid = '{$course->id}'", false);
    if ($oldversion < 2005122200) {
        // settletime
        table_column('enrol_authorize_refunds', 'refundtype', 'status', 'integer', '1', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null');
        table_column('enrol_authorize_refunds', '', 'settletime', 'integer', '10', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null', 'transid');
        table_column('enrol_authorize', 'timeupdated', 'settletime', 'integer', '10', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null');
        if ($settlements = get_records_select('enrol_authorize', "status='{$status}'", '', 'id, settletime')) {
            include_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/enrol/authorize/authorizenetlib.php";
            foreach ($settlements as $settlement) {
                execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize SET settletime = '" . authorize_getsettletime($settlement->settletime) . "' WHERE id = '{$settlement->id}'", false);
    if ($oldversion < 2005122800) {
        // no need anymore some fields.
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize DROP ccexp", false);
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize DROP cvv", false);
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize DROP avscode", false);
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize DROP authcode", false);
    if ($oldversion < 2006010200) {
        // rename an_review_day
        if (isset($CFG->an_review_day)) {
            set_config('an_capture_day', $CFG->an_review_day);
            delete_records('config', 'name', 'an_review_day');
    if ($oldversion < 2006020100) {
        // rename an_cutoff_hour and an_cutoff_min to an_cutoff
        if (isset($CFG->an_cutoff_hour) && isset($CFG->an_cutoff_min)) {
            $an_cutoff_hour = intval($CFG->an_cutoff_hour);
            $an_cutoff_min = intval($CFG->an_cutoff_min);
            $an_cutoff = $an_cutoff_hour * 60 + $an_cutoff_min;
            if (set_config('an_cutoff', $an_cutoff)) {
                delete_records('config', 'name', 'an_cutoff_hour');
                delete_records('config', 'name', 'an_cutoff_min');
    if ($oldversion < 2006021500) {
        // transid is int
        table_column('enrol_authorize', 'transid', 'transid', 'integer', '10', 'unsigned', '0', 'not null');
    if ($oldversion < 2006021501) {
        // delete an_nextmail record from config_plugins table
        delete_records('config_plugins', 'name', 'an_nextmail');
    if ($oldversion < 2006050400) {
        // Create transid indexes for backup & restore speed.
        execute_sql("CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize_transid_idx ON {$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize(transid);", false);
        execute_sql("CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize_refunds_transid_idx ON {$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize_refunds(transid);", false);
    if ($oldversion < 2006060500) {
        // delete an_nextmail record from config_plugins table
        delete_records('config_plugins', 'name', 'an_nextmail');
        // run twice.
    if ($oldversion < 2006081401) {
        // no need an_teachermanagepay in 1.7
        if (isset($CFG->an_teachermanagepay)) {
            delete_records('config', 'name', 'an_teachermanagepay');
    if ($oldversion < 2006083100) {
        // enums are lower case
        if (isset($CFG->an_acceptmethods)) {
            set_config('an_acceptmethods', strtolower($CFG->an_acceptmethods));
        // new ENUM field: paymentmethod(cc,echeck)
        table_column('enrol_authorize', '', 'paymentmethod', 'varchar', '6', '', 'cc', 'not null');
        execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}enrol_authorize ADD CONSTRAINT enroauth_pay_ck CHECK (paymentmethod IN ('cc', 'echeck'))", true);
    //////  DO NOT ADD NEW THINGS HERE!!  USE upgrade.php and the lib/ddllib.php functions.
    return $result;