Example #1

// Facebook Multi Page/Group Poster v2.2
// Created by Novartis (Safwan)
if (count(get_included_files()) == 1) {
// Page/Groups Refresh Data
if ($hardDemo && $userName == "Multi") {
Example #2
function checkLogin($user, $hashed_pass, $uid = 0)
    global $dbName, $adminloggedIn, $loggedIn, $cookie, $warn, $step, $failImg, $lang;
    global $tempData, $userName, $fullname, $password, $userId, $userToken, $pageData, $groupData, $userOptions, $userIds;
    global $fb, $hardDemo;
    if ($db = new PDO('sqlite:' . $dbName . '-settings.db')) {
        //Is admin Login?
        $statement = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM Settings");
        if ($statement) {
        } else {
            showHTML("{$failImg} Error while checking login/cookie information. Settings Database opened OK but statement execution failed.");
        $tempData = $statement->fetchAll();
        if (strcasecmp($user, $tempData[0]['admin']) == 0 && $hashed_pass === md5(decrypt($tempData[0]['adminpass']))) {
            $adminloggedIn = true;
            $cookie = base64_encode("{$user}:" . $hashed_pass);
            setcookie('FBMPGPLogin', $cookie);
            if (isset($_GET['logs'])) {
            } elseif (isset($_GET['rg']) && !$hardDemo) {
                //This refresh is used for Admin Token Install
            } elseif (isset($_GET['users'])) {
                require_once 'includes/showusers.php';
            } elseif (isset($_GET['crons'])) {
                require_once 'includes/showcrons.php';
            } elseif (isset($_GET['clogs'])) {
                if (file_exists($dbName . '-logs.db')) {
                    unlink($dbName . '-logs.db');
                header("Location: ./?logs");
            } else {
                showHTML(include_once 'includes/admin.php', $lang['Admin Panel']);
    } else {
        showHTML("{$failImg} Failed to open settings database while checking login information. Exiting...");
    if ($db = new PDO('sqlite:' . $dbName . '-users.db')) {
        $statement = $db->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM FB WHERE username = \"{$user}\"");
        if ($statement) {
        } else {
            showHTML("{$failImg} Error while checking login/cookie information. Users Database opened OK but statement execution failed.");
        if ($statement->fetchColumn() > 0) {
            if ($uid) {
                $statement = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM FB WHERE username = \"{$user}\" AND userid = \"{$uid}\"");
            } else {
                $statement = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM FB WHERE username = \"{$user}\"");
            if ($statement) {
            } else {
                showHTML("{$failImg} Users Database query failed while checking login information");
            $tempData = $statement->fetchAll();
            if (!$tempData) {
                $warn = $lang['User does not exist'];
            $userName = $tempData[0]['username'];
            $password = decrypt($tempData[0]['password']);
            $userToken = $tempData[0]['usertoken'];
            $fullname = $tempData[0]['fullname'];
            $pageData = $tempData[0]['pagedata'];
            $groupData = $tempData[0]['groupdata'];
            $userId = $tempData[0]['userid'];
            $userOptions = readOptions($tempData[0]['useroptions']);
            $userOptions = checkUserOptions($userOptions);
            $userOptions['lastActive'] = time();
            if ($uid) {
                $statement = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM FB WHERE username = \"{$user}\"");
                if ($statement) {
                } else {
                    showHTML("{$failImg} Users Database query failed while checking id information");
                $tempData = $statement->fetchAll();
            foreach ($tempData as $s) {
                $userIds[$s['fullname']] = $s['userid'];
    } else {
        showHTML("{$failImg} Failed to open users database while checking login information. Exiting...");
    if (strcasecmp($user, $userName) != 0 || $hashed_pass != md5($password)) {
        if (isset($_POST['un'])) {
            $warn = $lang['Incorrect login info'];
    $cookie = base64_encode("{$userName}:" . md5($password));
    $loggedIn = true;
Example #3
function validatePlayer()
    // Figure out who's playing
    global $passToClient;
    // A simple auth system built to be replaced:
    if (!$GLOBALS['on']['auth']) {
        if (isset($_COOKIE['uid'])) {
            $uid = explode('.', $_COOKIE['uid']);
            if (count($uid) == 2) {
                $hashedID = md5($uid[0] . $GLOBALS['uidsalt']);
                if ($hashedID == $uid[1]) {
                    // good - extend and return
                    setcookie('uid', $_COOKIE['uid'], time() + 2592000, '/');
                    return $uid[0];
        // if we're here, we need to set a new UID
        $uid[0] = mt_rand();
        $uid[1] = md5($uid[0] . $GLOBALS['uidsalt']);
        $uidCookie = implode('.', $uid);
        setcookie('uid', $uidCookie, time() + 2592000, '/');
        return $uid[0];
    // If $on['auth'], instead use Facebook's server auth flow
    global $facebook;
    if ($GLOBALS['on']['auth']) {
        require_once './fb/facebook.php';
        // Initialize the Facebook PHP SDK
        $facebook = new Facebook(array('appId' => $GLOBALS['appID'], 'secret' => $GLOBALS['appSecret']));
        $sr = $facebook->getSignedRequest();
        // Turn these on to get a dribble of the browser state/security interaction:
        //  error_log('function [' . getparam('f') . ', sr: ]' . var_export($sr, true));
        //  error_log(var_export($_REQUEST, true));
        //  error_log(var_export($_COOKIE, true));
        if (isset($sr['user_id'])) {
            $GLOBALS['fbid'] = $facebook->getUser();
            $GLOBALS['userToken'] = $facebook->getAccessToken();
            //      error_log("using browser state for auth, user $GLOBALS[fbid], " .
            //                "token $GLOBALS[userToken]");
            // work around Safari 3p cookie weirdness
            $rawRequest = getParam('signed_request');
            if ($rawRequest) {
                $passToClient['sr'] = "signed_request={$rawRequest}";
        } else {
            // Send the user to the auth dialog
        try {
            $fbProfile = $facebook->api('/me?fields=first_name,gender,id,currency,locale', 'GET');
            $passToClient['profile'] = $fbProfile;
            if ($GLOBALS['on']['requests']) {
                $passToClient['appRequests'] = getRequests();
        } catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
            // TODO deal with it
            throw $e;
        return $GLOBALS['fbid'];