public function create_onload() { /* we need the packages model to figure out which are active */ $this->model('o_packages_model'); /* let's load the active packages in order */ $records = ci()->o_packages_model->active(); $n = chr(10); /* our cache files starts with */ $combined = '<?php' . $n; $combined .= '/*' . $n; $combined .= 'DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE' . $n; $combined .= 'THIS FILE IS MANAGED COMPLETELY BY THE FRAMEWORK' . $n; $combined .= 'This file is all of the onloads in a single file to make attaching them a single action' . $n; $combined .= 'This file is automatically rebuild by the package manager as needed' . $n; $combined .= '*/' . $n; foreach ($records as $p) { $package_folder = ROOTPATH . '/' . $p->full_path; /* does our package have a onload.php? */ if (file_exists($package_folder . '/support/onload.php')) { /* add it to the combined onload.php */ $combined .= str_replace('<?php', '/* --> ' . $p->full_path . ' <-- */', trim(file_get_contents($package_folder . '/support/onload.php'))) . $n . $n; } } /* opcache flushed by atomic function if needed */ atomic_file_put_contents($this->onload_path, $combined); /* chainable */ return $this; }
public function create_autoload() { $autoload_packages = $this->o_packages_model->active(); $package_text = '$autoload[\'packages\'] = array(' . chr(10); $package_text .= chr(9) . '/* updated: ' . date('Y-m-d-H:i:s') . ' */' . chr(10); // ROOTPATH.'/packages/theme_zerotype', foreach ($autoload_packages as $ap) { /* let's make sure the packages is still there! */ if (is_dir(ROOTPATH . $ap->full_path)) { $package_text .= chr(9) . 'ROOTPATH.\'' . $ap->full_path . "'," . chr(10); } } $package_text .= ');'; $current_content = file_get_contents($this->autoload); $re = "/^\\s*\\\$autoload\\['packages']\\s*=\\s*array\\s*\\((.+?)\\);/ms"; preg_match_all($re, $current_content, $matches); if (!isset($matches[0][0])) { show_error('Regular Expression Error: packages_config->autoload.php'); } $content = str_replace($matches[0][0], $package_text, $current_content); /* opcache flushed if needed by atomic function */ return atomic_file_put_contents($this->autoload, $content); }
function array_cache($filename = null, $data = null) { if (is_array($data) && $filename) { $dir = dirname($filename); if (!is_dir($dir)) { mkdir($dir, 0777, true); } /* write */ atomic_file_put_contents($filename, '<?php return ' . var_export($data, true) . ';'); } else { /* read */ return file_exists($filename) ? include $filename : false; } }
} sleep(1); } return mkdir($tmp_dir); } $tmp_dir = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/tmp-uportal-conf"; //echo "working in $tmp_dir\n"; if (!wait_previous_call_terminate($tmp_dir)) { exit(ini_get('safe_mode') ? 'only way to make it work is to disable safe_mode!' : (is_dir($tmp_dir) ? "race detected, failing" : "failed to create {$tmp_dir}")); } $tmp_tar_file = "{$tmp_dir}/t.tar"; file_put_contents($tmp_tar_file, file_get_contents('php://input')); system("tar xC {$tmp_dir} -f {$tmp_tar_file}"); $PAGSGroupStoreConfig = "{$tmp_dir}/esup-package/custom/uPortal/uportal-impl/src/main/resources/properties/groups/PAGSGroupStoreConfig.xml"; $db_export_dir = "{$tmp_dir}/db-export"; if (!is_file($PAGSGroupStoreConfig)) { $err = "missing PAGSGroupStoreConfig {$PAGSGroupStoreConfig}"; } else { if (!is_dir($db_export_dir)) { $err = "missing db-export {$db_export_dir}"; } else { $config_menu_content = gen($PAGSGroupStoreConfig, $db_export_dir); } } rm_rf($tmp_dir); if (@$err) { exit($err); } $config_menu_file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/config-menu-from-uportal/'; atomic_file_put_contents($config_menu_file, $config_menu_content); echo "success\n";