function dispatchImageRequest() { genericAssertion('img', 'string'); global $pageno, $tabno; switch ($_REQUEST['img']) { case 'minirack': // rack security context $pageno = 'rack'; $tabno = 'default'; fixContext(); assertPermission(); dispatchMiniRackThumbRequest(getBypassValue()); break; case 'midirack': // rack security context $pageno = 'rack'; $tabno = 'default'; fixContext(); assertPermission(); genericAssertion('scale', 'uint'); # Scaling implies no caching, there is no special dispatching. header('Content-type: image/png'); printRackThumbImage(getBypassValue(), $_REQUEST['scale']); break; case 'preview': // file security context $pageno = 'file'; $tabno = 'download'; fixContext(); assertPermission(); renderImagePreview(getBypassValue()); break; case 'cactigraph': $pageno = 'object'; $tabno = 'cacti'; fixContext(); assertPermission(); genericAssertion('server_id', 'uint'); genericAssertion('graph_id', 'uint'); if (!array_key_exists($_REQUEST['graph_id'], getCactiGraphsForObject(getBypassValue()))) { throw new InvalidRequestArgException('graph_id', $_REQUEST['graph_id']); } proxyCactiRequest($_REQUEST['server_id'], $_REQUEST['graph_id']); break; case 'muningraph': $pageno = 'object'; $tabno = 'munin'; fixContext(); assertPermission(); genericAssertion('server_id', 'uint'); genericAssertion('graph', 'string'); if (!array_key_exists($_REQUEST['graph'], getMuninGraphsForObject(getBypassValue()))) { throw new InvalidRequestArgException('graph', $_REQUEST['graph']); } proxyMuninRequest($_REQUEST['server_id'], $_REQUEST['graph']); break; default: renderErrorImage(); } }
function dispatchImageRequest() { genericAssertion('img', 'string'); global $pageno, $tabno; switch ($_REQUEST['img']) { case 'minirack': // rack security context $pageno = 'rack'; $tabno = 'default'; fixContext(); assertPermission(); renderRackThumb(getBypassValue()); break; case 'preview': // file security context $pageno = 'file'; $tabno = 'download'; fixContext(); assertPermission(); renderImagePreview(getBypassValue()); break; case 'cactigraph': $pageno = 'object'; $tabno = 'cacti'; fixContext(); assertPermission(); genericAssertion('graph_id', 'uint'); if (!array_key_exists($_REQUEST['graph_id'], getCactiGraphsForObject(getBypassValue()))) { throw new InvalidRequestArgException('graph_id', $_REQUEST['graph_id']); } proxyCactiRequest($_REQUEST['graph_id']); break; default: renderErrorImage(); } }
function updateCableIdAJAX() { global $sic; assertUIntArg('id'); assertStringArg('text', TRUE); $port_info = getPortInfo($sic['id']); fixContext(spotEntity('object', $port_info['object_id'])); assertPermission('object', 'ports', 'editPort'); if (!$port_info['linked']) { throw new RackTablesError('Cant update cable ID: port is not linked'); } if ($port_info['reservation_comment'] !== $sic['text']) { commitUpdatePortLink($sic['id'], $sic['text']); } echo 'OK'; }
function process8021QRecalcRequest() { assertPermission(NULL, NULL, NULL, array(array('tag' => '$op_recalc8021Q'))); $counters = recalc8021QPorts(getBypassValue()); if ($counters['ports']) { showFuncMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'CHANGED', array($counters['ports'], $counters['switches'])); } else { showNotice('No changes were made'); } }
function renderPopupIPv4Selector() { assertPermission('ipv4space', 'default'); echo '<h2>Choose a port:</h2><br><br>'; echo '<form action="javascript:;">'; echo '<input type=hidden id=ip>'; echo '<select size=' . getConfigVar('MAXSELSIZE') . ' id=addresses>'; $addresses = getAllIPv4Allocations(); usort($addresses, 'sortObjectAddressesAndNames'); foreach ($addresses as $address) { echo "<option value='{$address['ip']}' onclick='getElementById(\"ip\").value=\"{$address['ip']}\";'>" . "{$address['object_name']} {$address['name']} {$address['ip']}</option>\n"; } echo '</select><br><br>'; echo "<input type=submit value='Proceed' onclick='" . "if (getElementById(\"ip\")!=\"\") {" . " opener.document.getElementById(\"remoteip\").value=getElementById(\"ip\").value;" . " window.close();}'>"; echo '</form>'; }
function renderPopupHTML() { global $pageno, $tabno; header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en" style="height: 100%;"> <?php assertStringArg('helper'); $text = ''; switch ($_REQUEST['helper']) { case 'objlist': $pageno = 'object'; $tabno = 'default'; fixContext(); assertPermission(); $text .= getOutputOf('renderPopupObjectSelector'); break; case 'portlist': $pageno = 'depot'; $tabno = 'default'; fixContext(); assertPermission(); $text .= '<div style="background-color: #f0f0f0; border: 1px solid #3c78b5; padding: 10px; height: 100%; text-align: center; margin: 5px;">'; if (isset($_REQUEST['do_link'])) { $text .= getOutputOf('callHook', 'handlePopupPortLink'); } else { $text .= getOutputOf('callHook', 'renderPopupPortSelector'); } $text .= '</div>'; break; case 'inet4list': $pageno = 'ipv4space'; $tabno = 'default'; fixContext(); assertPermission(); $text .= getOutputOf('renderPopupIPv4Selector'); break; default: throw new InvalidRequestArgException('helper', $_REQUEST['helper']); } echo '<head><title>RackTables pop-up</title>'; printPageHeaders(); echo '</head>'; echo '<body style="height: 100%;">' . $text . '</body>'; ?> </html> <?php }
try { genericAssertion('op', 'string'); $op = $_REQUEST['op']; prepareNavigation(); $location = buildRedirectURL(); // FIXME: find a better way to handle this error if ($op == 'addFile' && !isset($_FILES['file']['error'])) { throw new RackTablesError('File upload error, check upload_max_filesize in php.ini', RackTablesError::MISCONFIGURED); } fixContext(); if (!isset($ophandler[$pageno][$tabno][$op]) or !is_callable($ophandler[$pageno][$tabno][$op])) { throw new RackTablesError("Invalid navigation data for '{$pageno}-{$tabno}-{$op}'", RackTablesError::INTERNAL); } // We have a chance to handle an error before starting HTTP header. if (!isset($delayauth["{$pageno}-{$tabno}-{$op}"])) { assertPermission(); } # Call below does the job of bypass argument assertion, if such is required, # so the ophandler function doesn't have to re-assert this portion of its # arguments. And it would be even better to pass returned value to ophandler, # so it is not necessary to remember the name of bypass in it. getBypassValue(); if (strlen($redirect_to = call_user_func($ophandler[$pageno][$tabno][$op]))) { $location = $redirect_to; } } catch (InvalidRequestArgException $e) { ob_clean(); showError($e->getMessage()); } catch (RTDatabaseError $e) { ob_clean(); showError('Database error: ' . $e->getMessage());